Responsibilities of Patients and Their Relatives

Responsibilities of Patients and Their Relatives

1. Providing Information

Our patients are expected to provide accurate and complete Information about their health status to the physicians and nurses responsible for providing medical services.

2. Compliance with Recommendations

Our patients are obliged to comply with the treatment plan recommended by the physicians responsible for their treatment and to accept the implementation of the care plan by the relevant healthcare personnel based on the physicians' instructions.

3. Refusal of Planned Treatment

If a patient wishes to refuse treatment, he or she must write to the physician explaining the reason. The patient's representative cannot exercise this right as long as the patient is conscious.

4. Compliance with Healthcare Facility Rules

Our patients are responsible for complying with the rules and practices of our healthcare facility.

5. Respecting Others

Our patients are responsible for complying with the rules and practices of our healthcare institution. They are also expected to act according to the measures and regulations that the hospital takes to prevent any disruptive situations, such as noise, visitors, and smoke, which may endanger other patients or their relatives.

6. Infection Control

Our patients and their families are responsible for being sensitive to all the measures recommended to prevent the spreading of infectious diseases.

7. Payment Responsibility

Our patients are responsible for paying for their medical tests and treatments. Patients and their families are also accountable for intentionally damaging hospital equipment or materials and liable for associated costs.

8. Visitor Responsibilities

Our patients are responsible for limiting the number of visitors and ensuring they adhere to hospital visiting hours. Visitors should refrain from bringing food or drink and should not use items belonging to other patients.

Medical Second Opinion
✓ Valid

I have read the information from the General Data Protection Regulation. I accept that my data is processed within the specified scope and that I can be contacted by Medicana Health Group and Medicana Group Companies for health services and personal communication.

Medicana Hospital Business Inc. and Medicana Samsun Private Healthcare Services Inc.'s controlling and affiliated companies ("Medicana Health Group") can provide all kinds of information, questionnaires, publicity, opening, invitations. and activity etc. I agree to send Commercial Electronic Messages (call, sms, e-mail, etc.) to me within the scope of reminders and other communication activities.


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