Internal diseases (Internal Medicine)

Internal diseases (Internal Medicine), the department that diagnoses and treats the problems in the internal organs of patients over the age of 15, provides preventive information on how to prevent diseases as well as early diagnosis of diseases. It has functions such as raising awareness of the patient against possible complaints, the stages to be experienced in the treatment process of existing diseases and, if necessary, directing them to different units.


Medical Second Opinion (MSO) Form
✓ Valid

I have read the information from the General Data Protection Regulation. I accept that my data is processed within the specified scope and that I can be contacted by Medicana Health Group and Medicana Group Companies for health services and personal communication.

Medicana Hospital Business Inc. and Medicana Samsun Private Healthcare Services Inc.'s controlling and affiliated companies ("Medicana Health Group") can provide all kinds of information, questionnaires, publicity, opening, invitations. and activity etc. I agree to send Commercial Electronic Messages (call, sms, e-mail, etc.) to me within the scope of reminders and other communication activities.


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