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Njësitë Mjekësore
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Blog Shëndetësor

Edukimi dhe Përvoja

Shkollimi mjekësor

Fakulteti i Mjekësisë i Univerzitetit Bursa Uludağ, 1996

Trajnim pasuniversitar

Univerziteti Dicle Fakulteti i Mjekësisë, Departamenti i Sëmundjeve të Krahërorit, 2002

Përvoja profesionale:

SBÜ Süreyyapaşa Spitali i Trajnimit dhe Hulumtimit të Sëmundjeve të Gjoksit dhe Kirurgjisë Torakale, 2017-2023

Spitali i Trajnimit dhe Hulumtimit për Specializim Bursa, 2015-2017

Spitali Medical Park në Bursa, 2011-2015

Univerziteti Dicle Fakulteti i Mjekësisë, Departamenti i Sëmundjeve të gjoksit (Asistent Profesor), 2004-2011

Spitali Shtetëror në Batman, 2002-2004

Spitali i Krahërorit GATA në Çamlıca (Shërbimi Ushtarak), 2002-2003

Univerziteti Dicle Fakulteti i Mjekësisë, Departamenti i Sëmundjeve të Gjoksit (Asistent Hulumtues), 1997-2002

Qendra Shëndetësore Qendrore Van Nr.1 (Mjek i Përgjithshëm), 1997

Interesat mjekësore:

Kanceri i mushkërive


COPD (Sëmundja Pulmonare Obstruktive Kronike)



Sëmundjet difuze intersticiale të Mushkërive

Çrregullime të frymëmarrjes të lidhura me gjumin

Sëmundjet Mediastinale

Përvojë e veçantë:

Bronkoskopia me fibër optike (FOB)

Ekografia endobronkiale (EBUS)

Vlerësimi i Polisomnografisë

Scientific publications

There are 51 articles in total within the scope of SCI, SCIE.

1- Gunes, A., Sigirli, D., Ercan, I. et al. Evaluation of the corpus callosum shape in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep Breath 26, 1201–1207 (2022). doi.: 10.1007/s11325-021-02502-0

2- Are Lymphocytes and Eosinophils Associated with the COVID-19 Severity: A Large, Retrospective Study. Dildar Duman, Zuhal Karakurt, Nagihan Durmuş Koçak, Nalan Adıgüzel, Tekin Yıldız, Gökay Güngör, Huriye Berk Takır, Fatma Merve Tepetam, Hakan Günen, On Behalf of the COVID-19 Interest Group. Thorac Res Pract. 2023; 24(1): 6-13 DOI: 10.5152/ThoracResPract.2023.21233.

3- Azkan Ture D, Bhattacharya S, Demirci H and Yildiz T (2022) Health Literacy and Health Outcomes in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients: An Explorative Study. Front. Public Health 10:846768. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.846768

4- Durmus Kocak N, Oruc O, Boga S, Acar C, Kavas M, Aydogan Eroglu S, Gundogus B, Sogukpinar O, Bekir S, Oztin Guven AA, Akbay MO, Arinc S, Duman D, Takir HB, Yaman F, Ozbaki F, Sonkaya E, Bulbul EU, Anil Tokyay D, Dagyildizi L, Akturk UA, Oztas S, Ernam D, Gungor G, Adiguzel N, Yildiz T, Mocin OY, Gunen H, Yildiz R, Sevim T and Torun T (2022) Use of Radiology, D-Dimer, and Mean Platelet Volume Combination as a Prognostic Marker in Hospitalized Coronavirus Disease-19 Patients. Front. Med. 8:788551. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.788551

5- Aydogan Eroglu S, Yildiz T, Sonkaya E, Kavas M, Ozbaki F, Sertçelik L, Sen A, Sevim T. Diagnosis distribution in cases with granulomatous inflammation in lung, pleura, and lymph node biopsies: an experience from a tertiary level single center chest diseases and thoracic surgery hospital. Sarcoidosis Vasc Diffuse Lung Dis. 2022;38(4):e2021048. doi: 10.36141/svdld.v38i4.11914. Epub 2022 Jan 13. PMID: 35115754; PMCID: PMC8787379.

6- Gundogus B, Yildiz T, Agca M, Erdagi A, Yilmaz H. Sjögren's syndrome and pulmonary alveolar proteinosis co-existence. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology. 2021 Nov-Dec;39 Suppl 133(6):230. DOI: 10.55563/clinexprheumatol/857d4n. PMID: 34919046.

7- Dülger S, Çapkur Ç, Gençay S, Özmen S, Solmaz F, Dikiş ÖŞ, Yıldız T. The Relationship Between Nasal Mucociliary Clearance Time and the Degree of Smoking Dependence in Smokers with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome. Advances in Respiratory Medicine. 2021; 89(4):353-358. doi.org/10.5603/ARM.a2021.0069

8- Gülgün Çetintaş Afşar, Tekin Yıldız, Ozlem Sogukpınar, Sema Saraç, Ayşem Oztin Güven & Cüneyt Saltürk (2020) Mortality analysis of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome cohort receiving positive airway pressure treatment: a 6-year follow-up, The Aging Male, 23:5, 1046-1051, DOI: 10.1080/13685538.2019.1660959

9- Özlem Şengören Dikiş, Tekin Yildiz, Seyhan Us Dulger, Cevriye Yuksel Kacan, Miktat Arif Haberal & Tolga Cetin (2020) Does occupational air pollution threaten the lung health of indoor workers more than those of bus drivers?: a cross-sectional study, The Aging Male, 23:5, 934-940, DOI: 10.1080/13685538.2019.1635579

10- Dülger, Seyhan MD∗; Aykurt Karlibel, İlknur MD†; Kasapoğlu Aksoy, Meliha MD†; Altan, Lale MD†; Şengören Dikiş, Özlem MD∗; Yildiz, Tekin MD∗. How Does Smoking Cessation Affect Disease Activity, Function Loss, and Quality of Life in Smokers With Ankylosing Spondylitis?. JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology 25(7):p 288-296, October 2019. | DOI: 10.1097/RHU.0000000000000851

11- Akar E, Yildiz T, Atahan S. Pulmonary siderosis cases diagnosed with minimally invasive surgical technique: A retrospective analysis of 7 cases. Ann Thorac Med. 2018 Jul-Sep;13(3):163-167. doi: 10.4103/atm.ATM_152_17. PMID: 30123335; PMCID: PMC6073783.

12- Dulger S, Dogan C, Dikis OS, Yildirim E, Tapan U, Ozmen I, et al. Analysis of the Role of Physicians in the Cessation of Cigarette Smoking Based on Medical Specialization. Clinics. 2018;73:e347

13- Dülger, S, Akdeniz, Ö, Solmaz, F, Şengören Dikiş, Ö, Yildiz, T. Evaluation of nasal mucociliary clearance using saccharin test in smokers: A prospective study. Clin Respir J. 2018; 12: 1706–1710. doi.org/10.1111/crj.12733

14- Serdar Onat, Gungor Ates, Alper Avcı, Tekin Yıldız, Ali Birak, Cihan Akgul Ozmen & Refik Ulku (2017) The role of mediastinoscopy in the diagnosis of non-lung cancer diseases, Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management, 13:, 939-943, DOI: 10.2147/TCRM.S144393

15- Ozmen, C.A., Nazaroglu, H., Yildiz, T. et al. MDCT Findings of Denim-Sandblasting-Induced Silicosis: a cross-sectional study. Environ Health 9, 17 (2010). doi.org/10.1186/1476-069X-9-17

16- Gungor Ates, Tekin Yildiz, Ramazan Danis, Levent Akyildiz, Baykal Erturk, Huseyin Beyazit & Fusun Topcu (2010) Incidence of Tuberculosis Disease and Latent Tuberculosis Infection in Patients with End Stage Renal Disease in an Endemic Region, Renal Failure, 32:1, 91-95, DOI: 10.3109/08860220903367528

17- T. YILDIZ Et Al. , "Quality of life, depression and anxiety in young male patients with silicosis due to denim sandblasting," TUBERKULOZ VE TORAK-TUBERCULOSIS AND THORAX, vol.59, no.2, pp.120-125, 2011

18- Gungor Ates MD, Tekin Yildiz MD, Levent Akyildiz MD, Fusun Topcu MD & Baykal Erturk MD (2010) Environmental Asbestos-Related Pleural Plaque in Southeast of Turkey, Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health, 65:1, 34-37, DOI: 10.1080/19338240903390321

19- S. Tekes, B. Isik, T. Yildiz, S. Simsek, M.R. Isik & T. Budak (2010) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Paraoxonase-1 192 and 55 Gene Polymorphisms, Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 24:1, 1644-1647, DOI: 10.2478/V10133-010-0019-1

20- G. Ates, T. Ozekinci, T. Yildiz & R. Danis (2009) Comparison of Interferon-Gamma Release Assay Versus Tuberculin Skin Test for Latent Tuberculosis Screening in Hemodialysis Patients, Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 23:2, 1242-1246, DOI: 10.1080/13102818.2009.10817646

21- H. Isi, D. Oral, T. Yildiz, G. Ates, C. Sinir, O.I. Ay, G. Turkoz & M.E. Erdal (2010) The Tumor Necrosis Factor-A -308 G/A Polymorphism and the Tumor Necrosis Factor-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand Polymorphisms, in Asthmatic Patients and Healthy Subjects, Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 24:1, 1638-1643, DOI: 10.2478/V10133-010-0018-2

22- Tekin Yildiz, M.Serhan Tasdemir, Selcuk Tunik, Gungor Ates, Selahaddin Tekes, Iskender Kaplanoglu, Fusun Topcu, Murat Akkus. Effects of atorvastatin on smoking-induced alveolar injury in rat lungs. Current Therapeutic Research. Volume 70, Issue 5, October 2009, Pages 366-376. doi.org/10.1016/j.curtheres.2009.10.003

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