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Zdravstveni Blog

Obrazovanje i iskustvo

Medicinski fakultet

Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Istanbulu Cerrahpaşa, 1983-1989

Postdiplomska obuka

Interna medicina, odjel za internu medicinu bolnice SSK Samatya, Istanbul, 1991-1995

Endokrinologija I bolesti metabolizma, Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Marmari Odsjek za endokrinologiju I bolesti metabolizma, Istanbul, 1998-2000

Profesionalno iskustvo

Bolnica za obuku SSK Göztepe, 1995-1998

Bolnica za obuku SSK Göztepe, 2000-2005

Bolnica Acıbadem Kozyatağı, 2005-2009

Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta Acıbadem, 2009-2012

Fakultet zdravstvenih nauka Univerziteta Acıbadem, 2012-2014

Eye Hospital Etiler Dünya, 2014-2015

Fakultet zdravstvenih nauka Univerziteta Acıbadem, 2015-2019

Privatna bolnica Acıbadem Kadıköy, 2015-2022

Medicinska područja od interesa

Dijabetes Melitus (Dijabetes)

Hipoglikemija (sirovi šećer u krvi)

Otpornost na inzulin, metabolički sindrom


Hiperlipidemija (visoki holesterol i trigliceridi)

Hiperurikemija (visokourična kiselina i giht)

Goiter (Thyroid Nodules, Thyroid Enverement)

Thyroid Cancers

Hashimotoov tiroiditis

Hipotireoza (neaktivna štitnjača)

Hipertireoza (Preaktivna štitnjača štitnjače)

Bolesti paratiroidne žlijezde (hiperparatireoidizam, paratiroidne nodule, hipoparatireoza)

Poremećaji metabolizma kalcijuma

Osteoporoza (gubitak kostiju)

Tumori hipofize (adenomi hipofize)

Nedostatak hormona hipofize (hipopituitarizam)

Hiperprolaktinemija (višak prolaktin hormona)

Akromegalija (hormon rasta viška)

Cushingov sindrom (višak Cortisol Hormone)

Tumori nadbubrežne žlijezde (Adrenal Adenoma)

Nedovoljnost nadbubrežne žlijezde (Addisonova bolest)

Prekomjerna aktivnost nadbubrežne žlijezde (hiperaldosteronizam, feohromocitom)

Nedostatak estrogena (ovarska nedovoljnost)

Sindrom policističnih jajnika

Hirzutizam (pretjerani rast kose)

Nedostatak testosterona (hipogonadizam)

Gynecomastia (Napunjene muške grudi)

Erektilna disfunkcija (nedostatak pitanja seksualne želje i erekcije)

Scientific Publications

A. Articles published in international journals

A1. Yavuz D, Deyneli O, Akpinar I, Yildiz E, Gozu H, Sezgin Ö, Haklar G. Akalin S: "Endothelial function, insulin sensitivity and inflammatory markers in hyperprolactinemic pre-menopausal women"

Eutropean Journal of Endocrinology,149, 187-193 (2003)

A2:Gözü H, Avşar M, Bircan R, Claus M, Sahin S, Sezgin Ö, Deyneli O, Paschke R, Cirakoğlu B, Akalın S. "Two novel mutations in the sixth transmembrane segment of the thyrotropin receptor gene causing hyperfunctioning thyroid nodules"

Thyroid, 15,389-97 (2005)

A3: Özpınar A, Kelestimur F, Songur Y, Can Ö, Valentin L, Caldwell K, Arikan E, Ünsal İ, Serteser M, İnal T, Erdemgil Y, Coşkun A, Bakırcı N, Sezgin Ö, Blount B. 'Iodine status in Turkish populations and exposure to iodide uptake inhibitors'

Plos ONE, 2014;9:e88206

B. Papers presented at international meetings and published in journals

B1.Yaylı G, Dündar V, Sezgin Ö, Şahan N O, Yenen O Ş. "Seroconversion to hepatitis C virus antibodies in patients due to blood transfusion during cardiac operation with a second generation test"

FEMS Symposium, Istanbul, 1993 (Written Paper)

B2. Deyneli O, Yavuz D, Sezgin Y Ö, Aksungur FB, Unay O. Akalın S. "Evaluation of a new blood glucose system"

23rd Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases of Turkey, Joint Meeting with European Federation of Endocrine Societies,Ankara 2000 (Written Paper)

B3. Deyneli O, Yavuz D, Sezgin Y Ö, Şeker A, Peker S, Şengöz M, Kılıç T, Pamir N, Akalın S. "Stereotactic gammaknife radiosurgery in the treatment of pituitary tumours"

23rd Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases of Turkey, Joint Meeting with European Federation of Endocrine Societies,Ankara 2000 (Written Paper)

B3. Sezgin Ö, Deyneli O, Türk A, Tüney D, Akalın S. "Body fat distribution, leptin levels and insulin resistance in hyperprolactinemic patients"

23rd Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases of Turkey, Joint Meeting with European Federation of Endocrine Societies,Ankara 2000 (Written Paper)

B4. Sezgin Ö, Yavuz D, Deyneli O, Akalın S. "Effects of metformin on insulin resistance, serum leptin and TNF-alpha in obese women"

European Congress Obesity, Antwerp, Belgium 2000 (Written Paper)

B5. Yavuz D, Deyneli O, Akpinar Y, Yildiz E, Gozu H, Sezgin Ö, Akalin S. "Effects of hyperprolactinemia on endothelial function and insulin sensitivity in premenopausal women"

5th European Congress of Endocrinology Turin Italy, 2001 (Written Proceedings)

B6. Deyneli O, Yavuz D, Akpınar İ, Sezgin Ö, Gözü H, Yıldız E, Akalın S. "Effect of levothyroxine replacement on insulin sensitivity and endothelial function in hypothyroidism"

24th Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases of Turkey, Joint Meeting with the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists Istanbul, Turkey 2001 (Oral Presentation

B7. Yavuz DG, Deyneli O. Akpınar I, Sezgin Ö, Gözü H, Akalın S. "Effects of bromocriptine treatment on endothelial function and insulin sensitivity in hyperprolactinemic women"

24th Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases of Turkey, Joint Meeting with the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists Istanbul, Turkey 2001 (Oral Presentation)

B8. Deyneli O, Yavuz D, Akpinar I. Sezgin Ö, Gozü H, Yildiz E. Akalin N S." Improvement of atherosclerotic risk factors with levothyroxine replacement in hypothyroid women "5-O6

11th Balkan Congress of Endocrinology Istanbul, Turkey 2001 (Oral Presentation)

B9.Yavuz D, Deyneli O, Akpinar I, Yildiz E, Gozu H, Sezgin Ö, Akalin N S. "Endothelial function, insulin sensitivity and atherosclerotic risk factors in hyperprolactinemic premenapausal women: Effects of bromocriptine therapy" p2-588

The Endocrine Society's 84th annual meeting, San Francisco California, 2002 (Written Proceedings)

B10. D Yavuz, Deyneli O. Aydın H, Gözü H, Haklar G, Sezgin Ö, Akalin S. "Endothelial dysfunction and insulin sensitivity is associated with growth hormone levels in acromegalic patients" P2-346

The Endocrine Society's 85th annual meeting, Philadelphia USA, 2003 (Written Paper)

B11.Deynedil O. Topçuoğlu V, Biçer D Ş, Yavuz D, Aydın H, Sezgin Ö, Akalın S. "Depression, severity of psychopathology, and quality of life in Turkish acromegalic patients"

The 3rd Regional Congress of ISPNE for Central and Eastern Europe, Kayseri, Turkey 2004 (Written Paper)

B12. Sezgin Ö, Mega E. Yalman H, Özçam H, Baysal H, Çiftçi H, Kaur A. " Case report: cushing syndrome in a pregnant women caused by a surrenal carcinoma with a co-existing microprolactinoma"

11th International Congress of Endocrinology, P 891, Lisbon, 2004 (Written Paper)

B13. Sezgin Ö, Coşkun K, Çiftçi H, Çerçi A, Silav G, Işık N. "Effect of octreotide-LAR treatment as primary therapy for acromegaly"

11th Meeting of the European Neuroendocrine Association P-5-99, Naples, Italy 2004

B14. Doğu G G, Sezgin Ö, Çiftçi H. " The effects of levothyroxine sodium on body composition and cardiac parameters"

30th Annual Meeting of the European Th

B16. Özpınar A, Keleştimur F, Valentin L, Arıkan E, Ünsal İ, Serteser M, İnal T, Coşkun A, Bakırcı N, Sezgin Ö, Blaunt B. "Environmental NIS inhibitors in urine from different locations in Turkey."

81st Annual Meeting of American Thyroid Association P: 209, Colorado, USA 2011.

B17. Hente A. Serteser M, Can Ö, Coşkun A, İnal T, Ünsal I, Schweigert FJ, Özpınar A, Sezgin Ö. Posttranslational modifications of transthyretin depend on thyroid function. Tassa Annual Conference, University of Maryland, USA 2012.

B18. Sezgin Ö, Salman S. "Development of symptoms suggestive of mineralocorticoid deficiency in patients on steroid replacement therapy for primary pituitary deficiency: report of two cases."

12th ESE Postclinical Course in Clinical Endocrinology P: 67, Antalya, Turkey, November 2012.

D. Articles published in National Journals:

D1. Keskin N A, Aktuğlu G, Sezgin Ö, Gündüz H, Barut Y. "Multiple myeloma in a 25-year-old man with pericardial involvement and secondary extramedullary plasmacytomas"

Istanbul Medical Journal, 1993;43-45.

D2. Sezgin Ö, Soysal F, Hüten O, Keskin N. " The frequency of helicobacter pylori and its relation with gastritis, duodenitis and peptic ulcus in patients undergoing gastroduodenoscopy"

Göztepe Medical Journal, 1998, 13;202-205.

D3. Sezgin Ö. "The effect of growth hormone deficiency on cardiovascular risk factors and development of atherosclerosis in adults"

Folia, 2003,3;19-21

D4. Salman S, Sezgin ÖM, Başaran G. A case of adrenocortical carcinoma with clinical symptoms of hypokalemic paralysis.

Acibadem University Journal of Health Sciences, 2013, 4; 34-36.

E: Presentations at National Congresses:

E1.Soysal F, Sezgin Ö, Hüten O. Dündar V, Keskin N, Bilgin A. "Comparison of culture, urease and pathologic examination in demonstrating the presence of H. Pylori in gastric biopsy specimens"

XXXVI. Turkish Microbiology Congress, Antalya 1994 (Written Paper)

E2.Sezgin Ö, Keskin N, Soysal F, Hüten O. "The frequency of Helicobacter pylori in patients undergoing gastroduodenoscopy and its relationship with gastritis, duodenitis and peptic ulcus"

XII. National Gastroenterology Congress and II. Turkish-Japanese Gastroenterology Days, P-286, Izmir, 1995.

E3. Sezgin Ö, Deyneli O, Yavus D G, Bekiroğlu N, Akalın S. "Comparison of bioelectrical impedance analysis results with Bodystat and Omran BF 103 in determination of body fat percentage and comparison of impedance measurements with body mass index"

22nd Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases of Turkey and Postgraduate Training Courses P-130, Antalya, 1999

E4.Türk A, Sungurlu F, Ekinci G, Sezgin Ö, Deyneli O. "The effectiveness of MRI in detecting changes in body fat distribution after bromocriptine treatment in patients with hyperprolactinemia"

17th Turkish Radiology Congress P-103, Istanbul, 2000.

E5. Deyneli O, Yavuz D, Aydın H, Özduman K, Sezgin Ö, Belirgen M, Peker S, Kılıç T, Pamir N, Akalın N. "The place of gamma knife radiosurgery in the treatment of pituitary adenomas" 26th National Congress of Endocrinoloy and Metabolic Diseases. P-067, Adana, 2003.

E6.Yavuz D, Deyneli O, Toprak A. Aydın H, Sezgin Ö, Haklar G, Akalın S. "Endothelial dysfunction and insulin resistance are associated with growth hormone levels in acromegalic patients"

26th National Congress of Endocrinoloy and Metabolic Diseases P-062, Adana, 2003

E7. Demirtürk M, Sezgin Ö, Demiryont M, Yarman S, Tanakol R, Alagöl F. "Oncogenic Osteomalacia case report"

27th National Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolism P-123, Istanbul, 2004.

E8.Deyneli O, Topçuoğlu V, Bez Y, Aydın H, Yavuz D, Tarçın Ö, Sezgin Ö, Gözü H, Biçer D, Akalın S. "Effects of acromegaly on quality of life and mental health"

28th Turkish Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases P-008, Antalya, 2005.

E9. Sezgin Ö, Yıldırım Y, Tezcanlı E, Beylergil V, Ertem M, Vardareli E. Case report: Incidental thyroid papillary carcinoma detected by FDG-PET/CT in a patient with invasive ductal breast carcinoma.

VII. National Medical Oncology Congress P-05, Antalya, 2010.

E 10. Sezgin Ö, Salman S, Gökçel A, Topsever P. The role of HbA1c as a screening and diagnostic test in the identification of glucose metabolism disorders.

34th Turkish Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases S-19, Antalya, 2012.

E 11. Salman S, Sezgin Ö M. Case: Carcinoma of the surrenal cortex presenting with hypokalemic paralysis.

34th Turkish Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases P-016, Antalya, 2012

F. Book Chapter:

Sezgin Ö, Akalın S. "Hypothyroidism"

Thyroid Diseases and Surgery Ed. Isgör A. Thyroid Diseases and Surgery 2000, 253-275


Tursko društvo za endokrinologiju i metaboličke bolesti

Udruženje metaboličkih sindroma

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