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Zdravstveni Blog

Obrazovanje i iskustvo

Medicinski fakultet

Univerzitet Uludağ, 2007

Postdiplomska obuka

Univerzitet Uludağ, interna medicina, 2012

Univerzitet Uludağ, Gastroenterologija, 2018

Profesionalno iskustvo

Državna bolnica Osmaniye, Obaveza državne službe interne medicine (Javna služba), 2012-2014

İstanbul Ümraniye Training and Research Hospital, Gastroenterology, State Service Obligation (Javna služba), 2018-2021

Univerzitet Bahçeşehir, bolnica Göztepe u medicinskom parku, gastroenterologija, 2021-2023

Medicinski interesi

Endoskopski tretmani gojaznosti (gastrični botoks, gastrični balon, endoskopsko smanjenje želuca)

Anti-Reflux tretmani

Gallstone Treatment

Celiac Disease

Upalne bolesti crijeva (ulcerozni kolitis, Crohnova bolest)

Bolesti jetre (virusni, autoimuni hepatitis, bolest masne jetre, ciroza)

Posebne procedure



ERCP (Endoskopska retrogradna holangiopankreatografija)

EMR (Endoskopska resekcija sluzokože)

ESD (Endoskopska submukozna disekcija)

PEG (perkutana endoskopska gastrostomija)

Gastrični botoks

Gastric Balloon

ARMA (Ablacija sluzokože protiv Refluksa)

Endoskopska gastrična plikacija (Endoskopsko smanjenje želuca)

Scientific Publications

Articles published in international refereed journals:

1.Taş Ayça, Atabey Mustafa, Gökçen Pınar, Özel Mehmet İlker, Karaca Karagöz Zülal, Uğur Kader, Aydın Süleyman, Siliğ Yavuz (2022). Leptin/Melanocortin pathway hormones in obese patients after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, 26(5), 1484-1491., Doi: 10.26355/eurrev_202203_28212

2.Gökçen Pınar, Güzelbulut Fatih, Adalı Gupse, Değirmenci Saltürk Ayça Gökçe, Öztürk Oğuzhan, Bahadır Özgür, Kanatsız Emine, Kıyak Mevlüt, Özdil Kamil, Doğanay Hamdi Levent (2022). Validation of the PAGE-B score to predict hepatocellular carcinoma risk in caucasian chronic hepatitis B patients on treatment. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 28(6), 665-674., Doi: 10.3748/wjg.v28.i6.665

3.Yılmaz Ali, Gökçen Pınar, Yılmaz Hatice, Hüzmeli Can, Yılmaz Abdulkerim (2021). Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Dialysis Patients and Symptom Check List Revised (SCL 90-R) Screening. The Eurasian Journal of Medicine, 53(3), 220-226., Doi: 10.5152/eurasianjmed.2021.20412

4.Ergenç İlkay, Gökçen Pınar, Adalı Gupse, Kani Haluk Tarık, Demirtaş Coşkun Özer, Gündüz Feyza, Ataizi Çelikel Çiğdem, Yılmaz Yusuf (2021). High incidence of hepatitis B core antibody positivity in metabolic-associated fatty liver disease-related cirrhosis. Hepatology Forum, 2(1), 20-25., Doi: 10.14744/hf.2020.2020.0025

5. Adalı Gupse, Gökçen Pınar, Güzelbulut Fatih, Değirmenci Saltürk Ayça Gökçe, Ağaoğlu Nihat Buğra, Ünal Büşra, Doğanay Hamdi Levent, Özdil Kamil (2021). Are nucleos(t)ide analogs effective against severe outcomes in COVID-19 and hepatitis B virus coinfection?. Hepatology Forum, 2(1), 91-96.

6. Sayar Süleyman, Gökçen Pınar, Aykut Hüseyin, Adalı Gupse, Doğanay Hamdi Levent, Özdil Kamil (2021). Can simple non-invasive fibrosis models determine prognostic indicators (fibrosis and treatment response) of primary biliary cholangitis?. SiSli Etfal Hastanesi Tip Bulteni / The Medical Bulletin of Sisli Hospital, 55(3), 412-418., Doi: 10.14744/SEMB.2021.95825

7. Gökçen Pınar, Çakmak Erol, Adalı Gupse, Doğan Halef Okan, Yıldız Şeyma Nur, Öztürk Oğuzhan, Doğanay Hamdi Levent, Özdil Kamil (2021). Liver Fatty Acid Binding Protein: Is it an early diagnostic and prognostic marker in liver damage?. Medical Science and Discovery, 8(4), 213-218., Doi: 10.36472/msd.v8i4.516

8. Güzelbulut Fatih, Gökçen Pınar, Can Güray, Adalı Gupse, Değirmenci Saltürk Ayça Gökçe, Aslan Ekrem, Özdil Kamil, Doğanay Hamdi Levent (2021). Comparison Of The Efficacy Of Entecavir And Tenofovir In Reducing Hepatocellular Carcinoma Risk In Chronic Hepatitis B Patients: A Real-Life Study In Turkey. The Turkish Journal Of Gastroenterology, 32(4), 412-421., Doi: 10.5152/Tjg.2021.20423

9. Sayar Süleyman, Aykut Hüseyin, Kaya Özkan, Kürbüz Kemal, Ak Çağatay, Gökçen Pınar, Mutlu Birgiç Nermin, Adalı Gupse, Kahraman Resul, Doğanay Hamdi Levent, Özdil Kamil (2021). Bone Mineral Density Screening And The Frequency Of Osteopenia/Osteoporosis In Turkish Adult Patients With Celiac Disease. The Turkish Journal Of Gastroenterology, 32(7), 600-607., Doi: 10.5152/Tjg.2021.20313

10. Güzelbulut Fatih, Gökçen Pınar, Can Güray, Adalı Gupse, Değirmenci Saltürk Ayça Gökçe, Bahadır Özgür, Özdil Kamil, Doğanay Hamdi Levent (2021). Validation Of The Hcc-Rescue Score To Predict Hepatocellular Carcinoma Risk In Caucasian Chronic Hepatitis B Patients Under Entecavir Or Tenofovir Therapy. Journal Of Viral Hepatitis, 28(5), 826-836., Doi: 10.1111/Jvh.13485

11. Gökçen Pınar, Altınkaya Engin (2021). Hepatitis B Reactivation Risk In Patients With Rheumatologic Diseases Under Biologic Treatment. Acta Medica Mediterranea, 37, 1529-1533., Doi: 10.19193/0393-6384_2021_3_244

12. Gökçen Pınar, Öztürk Oğuzhan, Adalı Gupse, Tosun İlkay, Doğan Halef Okan, Kara Haki, Yalman Yücel, Doğanay Hamdi Levent, Özdil Kamil (2021). A Novel Therapeutic Approach To Nash: Both Polyethylene Glycol 3350 And Lactulose Reduce Hepatic Inflammation in C57BL/6J Mice. Advances In Clinical And Experimental Medicine, 30(11), 1167-1174., Doi: 10.17219/Acem/140506

13. Gökçen Pınar, Kurt Ender (2020). Factors That Affect Survival In Low Grade Gliomas And The Prognostic Significance Of The Ki -67 Proliferation Index. Cumhuriyet Medical Journal, 42(3), 301- 310., Doi: 10.7197/Cmj.Vi.742816 M-760-1155

14. Gökçen Pınar, Gökçen Kaan, Çakmak Erol, Gökçe Gökhan (2019). Paraneoplastic Hyperbilirubinemia In Metastatic Prostate Cancer And Review Of The Current Literature. Turkish Journal of Urology/Turkish Journal Of Urology, 45(1), 70-72., Doi: 10.5152/Tud.2018.52059

15. Gökçen Kaan, Atabey Mustafa, Gökçen Pınar, Gökçe Gökhan (2017). Laparoscopyassisted Micropercutaneous Choledocholithotripsy With Holmium Laser In A Cholecystectomized Patient: An Initial Report. Videosurgery And Other Miniinvasive Techniques, 12(4), 443-447., Doi: 10.5114/Wiitm.2017.72328

Chapters in national/international books:

1.Recent Researches in Health Sciences, Chapter title:(Chronic Pancreatitis

Articles published in national refereed journals:

1. Gökçen Pınar, Çakmak Erol, Adalı Gupse, Doğan Halef Okan, Özer Hatice, Öztürk Oğuzhan, Doğanay Hamdi Levent, Özdil Kamil (2022). Predictive Value Of The Intestinal Free Fatty Acid Binding Protein In Celiac Disease. Acibadem Universitesi Saglik Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(1), 30-35., Doi: 10.31067/Acusaglik.979140

2. Gökçen Kaan, Gökçen Pınar (2019). Effects Of Vitamin B12 Deficiency On Ejaculation Time In Patients With Chronic Gastritis. Journal Of Urological Surgery, 6(3), 244-251., Doi: 10.4274/Jus.Galenos.2019.2591

3. Gökçen Kaan, Kıraç Emre, Gökçen Pınar, Çiçek Resul, Gökçe Gökhan (2018). Preoperative Ast/Alt (De Ritis) Ratio As A Prognostic Factor In A Cohort Of Patients Who Underwent Radical Cystectomy. Cumhuriyet Medical Journal, 40(3), 299-307., Doi: 10.7197/223.Vi.459106

4. Yönem Özlem, Gökçen Pınar (2017). Chronic Pancreatitis. Türkiye Klinikleri Gastroenterohepatoloji - Special Topics Publication Archive, 10(3), 158-163.

5. Bayrak Muharrem, Ölmez Ömer Fatih, Kurt Ender, Çubukçu Erdem, Avcı Nilüfer, Çubukçu Sinem, Gökçen Pınar, Manavoğlu Osman (2011). The Relationship Between Pretreatment AFP, CEA and CA 19-9 Serum Levels and Clinicopathologic Factors in Patients with Locally Advanced and Metastatic Gastric Cancer. Journal of Uludag University Faculty of Medicine, 37(3), 139-143. 

Papers presented at national scientific meetings and published in proceedings books:

1. Intestinal Microbiota and Probiotics, Gökçen Pınar (2021). 6th International Healthy Life Congress, 219-219., (Abstract Paper)

2. Potential Benefits and Harms of Proton Pump Inhibitors, Gökçen Pınar (2021). 2nd International Congress of Medical Sciences and Multidisciplinary Approaches, 515-515., (Abstract Paper)

3. The Effect of Early Subnormalization on the Risk of HBV-Related HCC Development, Gökçen Pınar, Adalı Gupse, Güzelbulut Fatih, Doğanay Hamdi Levent, Öztürk Oğuzhan, Özdil Kamil (2021).13th National Hepatology Congress- International Participation, (Abstract Paper)

4. Results of the Real Life Efficacy and Tolerability of Tenofovir Alafenamide Fumarate in Hepatitis B Special Patient Groups Hbv-Related Cirrhosis and Post-Transplant Patients. Yapalı Suna, Gökcan Hale, Harputoğlu Murat, Melekoğlu Ellik Zeynep, Gökçen Pınar, Adanır Haydar, Mansur Arif, Durak Serdar, Arı Derya, Mehdıyev Shahın, Koç Elif Sitre, Güzelbulut Fatih, Alkım Hüseyin, Ekmen Nergis, Yıldırım Emre, Ünsal Yasemin, Teker Tufan, Özer Etik Didem, Vatansever Sezgin, Balaban Yasemin, Özdil Kamil, Arslan Mehmet, Akdoğan Kayhan Meral, Gündüz Feyza, Kıyıcı Murat (2021). 13th National Hepatology Congress - International Participation, (Abstract Paper)

5. Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Gökçen Pınar (2021). 5th International Nutrition Obesity and Community Health Congress, 636-636., (Abstract Paper)

6. NAFLD: The Most Common Non Viral Cause of HCC, Gökçen Pınar, Adalı Gupse, Özdil Kamil (2020).37th National Gastroenterology Week, 23-24th, (Abstract Paper)

7. Prevalence of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Metabolic Dysfunction Associated Fatty Liver Cirrhosis, Gökçen Pınar, Adalı Gupse, Doğanay Hamdi Levent, Özdil Kamil (2020). 4th International Nutrition Obesity and Community Health Congress, 351-355., (Full Text Paper)

8. Hepatitis B Virus Reactivation in Rheumatology Patients Receiving Rituximab, Gökçen Pınar (2020). Health Sciences University 3rd Congress of Internal Medicine, 23-23., (Full Text Paper)

9. Case Report: Covid-19 and Bacterial Pneumonia Coexistence in an Elderly Patient with Liver Cirrhosis, Gökçen Pınar, Adalı Gupse, Sayar Süleyman, Öztürk Oğuzhan, Doğanay Hamdi Levent, Özdil Kamil (2020). University of Health Sciences 4th Gastroentorology Days, 145-145., (Abstract Paper)

10. Prevalence of Portal Vein Thrombosis and Portal Vein Thrombosis Risk Index in Liver Transplantation Preparation, Acar Aylin, Gökçen Pınar, Ağaçkıran Abdülbaki, Canbak Tolga, Adalı Gupse, Doğanay Hamdi Levent, Özdil Kamil (2020). University of Health Sciences 4th Gastroentorology Days, 87-87., (Abstract Paper)

11. Tenofovir Alafenamide Fumarate Experience in Our Clinic, Gökçen Pınar, Adalı Gupse, Öztürk Oğuzhan, Doğanay Hamdi Levent, Özdil Kamil (2020). University of Health Sciences 4th Gastroentorology Days, 87-87., (Abstract Paper)


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