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Blog Shëndetësor

Edukimi dhe Përvoja


Shkollimi mjekësor

Fakulteti i Mjekësisë i Univerzitetit Hacettepe, 2005

Trajnim pasuniversitar

Spitali i Trajnimit dhe Hulumtimit Numune në Ankara, 2011

Përvoja profesionale:

Shkolla Mjekësore e Harvardit, Qendra Mjekësore Beth Israel Deaconess, Departamenti i Neuro-Oftalmologjisë, SHBA (Mjek Vëzhgues Klinik), 2010-2011

Shkolla Mjekësore e Harvardit, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Departamenti i Neuro-Oftalmologjisë, SHBA (Mjek Vëzhgues Klinik), 2010-2011

Spitali Shtetëror Bayburt (Mjek Specialist), 2011-2013

Akademia Mjekësore Ushtarake Gülhane, Departamenti i Oftalmologjisë, Njësia e Elektrofiziologjisë Klinike (Instruktor Vizitues), 2015-2016

USC Roski Eye Institute & Children's Hospital Los Angeles, Departamenti i Onkologjisë Okulare, SHBA (Mjek Vëzhgues Klinik), 2017

Fakulteti i Mjekësisë i Universitetit Kafkas, Departamenti i Oftalmologjisë (Ligjërues) 2013-2019

Interesat mjekësore:

Kirurgjia e kataraktit

Lente inteligjente

Kirurgjia Refraktive

Glaukoma dhe Kirurgjia

Sëmundjet e kornesë


Sëmundjet e syrit të fëmijëve

Trajtimi i Strabizmit

Ptosis (Rënia e qepallave)

Obstruksionet në kanalin e lotit

Estetika periokulare

Sëmundjet e retinës

Retinopatia diabetike

Tumoret e syve


Scientific Publications

Koban Y, Deniz R, Baykuş Y, Balyen L, Çelik H. Evaluation of changes in meibomian glands in polycystic ovary syndrome by noncontact infrared meibography. J Surg Med. 2019;3(9):711-714.

Koban Y, Ozlece H, Karayol S, Huseyinoglu N. Decreased retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in patients with cerebral venous thrombosis. BMC Ophthalmol. 2019;19(1):57.

Koban Y, Sahin S, Boy F, Kara F. Elevated Lipocalin-2 Level in Aqueous Humor of Patients with Central Retinal Vein Occlusion. International Ophthalmology 2018. doi: 10.1007/s10792-018-0894-2.

Koban Y, Berry J, Kim J(7th person in total). Iris hypoplasia as the presenting sign of retinoblastoma in a child with a 13q deletion, JPOS-2017-289.

Ayar O, Alpay A, Koban Y, Akdemir MO, Yazgan S, Canturk Ugurbas S, Ugurbas SH. The Effect of Dexamethasone Intravitreal Implant on Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer in Patients Diagnosed with Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion. Curr Eye Res. 2017:1-6.

Koc M, Bostanci B, Demirel OO, Genc F, Tekin K, Koban Y, Sepici Dincel A, Sen M, Yilmazbas P. The Effect of Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) on Transepithelial Corneal Cross-Linking in Rabbits. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther. 2017 Sep;33(7):525-529.

Yazgan S, Ayar O, Akdemir O, Koban Y. An excellent anatomical and visual recovery after surgical repair of an open eye injury with poor baseline prognostic factors. Turkish journal of trauma & emergency surgery 2017;23(2):167-169.

Koc M, Ilhan C, Koban Y, Ozulken K, Durukan I, Yilmazbas P. Effect of corneal biomechanical properties on surgically-induced astigmatism and higher-order aberrations after cataract surgery. Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia 2016:79(6).

Koban Y, Ozlece H, Bilgin G, Koc M, Cagatay HH, Durgunlu E, Burcu A. Intraocular Pressure and Ocular Biometric Parameters Changes in Migraine. BMC Opht. 2016;16:70.

Koc M, Uzel MM, Koban Y, Tekin K, Taslipinar AG, Yilmazbas P. Accelerated Collagen Crosslinking With Hypo-osmolar Riboflavin in Keratoconic Thin Cornea: Short-term Results.Cornea 2016;35(3):350-4.

Koc M, Uzel MM, Koban Y, Durukan I, Tekin K, Yilmazbas P. Comparison of the Results of Corneal Crosslinking with Hypo-osmolar Riboflavin Solution Performed on Corneas Thicker and Thinner than 400 Microns. Cornea 2016;35(2):151-6.

Koc M, Durukan I, Koban Y, Ceran BB, Ayar O, Yilmazbas P. Effect Of Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty On Macular Thickness. Clin Ophthalmol.2015;15;9:2335-8.

Cagatay HH, Gökçe G, Mete A, Koban Y, Ekinci M. Non-Recurrence Complications of Fibrin Glue Use in Pterygium Surgery: Prevention and Management. Open Ophthalmol J. 2015; 9:159-63.

Koban Y, Genc S, Bilgin G, Cagatay HH, Ekinci M, Gecer M, Yazar Z. Toxic Anterior Segment Syndrome following Phacoemulsification Secondary to Overdose of Intracameral Gentamicin. Case Rep Med. 2014;2014:143564. doi: 10.1155/2014/143564.

Koban Y, Bilgin G, Cagatay H, Bitargil M, Ozlece H, Ekinci M, Kalayci D. The association of normal tension glaucoma with Buerger's disease: a case report. BMC Ophthalmol. 2014;14:130. doi: 10.1186/1471-2415-14-130.

Ekinci M, Cagatay HH, Ceylan E, Keles S, Koban Y, Gokce G, Huseyinoglu U, Ozcan E, Oba ME. Reduction of Conjunctival Fibrosis After Trabeculectomy Using Topical α-Lipoic Acid in Rabbit Eyes. J Glaucoma. 2014;23(6):372-9.

Koban Y, Ekinci M, Cagatay HH, Yazar Z. Oculogyric crisis in a patient taking metoclopramide. Clin Ophthalmol. 2014;19;8:567-9.

Cagatay HH, Gokce G, Ekinci M, Koban Y, Daraman O, Ceylan E. Long-term comparison of fibrin tissue glue and vicryl suture in conjunctival autografting for pterygium surgery. Postgrad Med. 2014;126(1):97-103.

M Ekinci, E Ceylan, HH Çagatay ¸ S Keleş, H Altinkaynak, B Kartal, Y Koban, N Huseyinoglu. Occupational Exposure to Lead Decreases Macular, Choroidal, and Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness in Industrial Battery Workers. Curr Eye Res. 2014;39(8):853-8.

Bilgin G, Koban Y, Arnold AC. Nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy and obstructive sleep apnea. J Neuroophthalmol. 2013;33(3):232-4.

Papers presented at international scientific meetings and published in Proceedings:

Yaran Koban, Mustafa Koç. Accelerated Corneal Crosslinking with Hypoosmolar Riboflavin Solution in Progressive Keratoconus: Short-Term Results. ASCRS 2016. Accepted as a poster.

Yaran Koban, Hatice Özlece, Mustafa Koç, Ataman Serim. The relationship between dry eye and headache characteristics in migraine. ESCRS Winter Meeting, 2016. Accepted as a poster.

Yaran Koban, Görkem Bilgin, Mustafa Koç, Halil Çağatay. Late in-the-bag intraocular lens dislocation in eyes with high myopia. ESCRS Winter Meeting, 2016. Accepted as a poster.

Yaran Koban, Defne Kalaycı, Dilek Güven. Efficacy of Intravitreal Bevacizumab in Patients with Diabetic Macular Edema Previously treated with Focal Laser Photocoagulation. ESASO 2014. Accepted as a poster.

Zeliha Yazar, Yaran Koban, The Early Period Results of Dexamethasone Intravitreal Implant versus Intravitreal Bevacizumab for Macular Edema in Retinal Vein Occlusion. ASRS 2014. Accepted as a poster.

Zeliha Yazar, Halil Hüseyin Çağatay, Gökçen Gökçe, Yaran Koban, Metin Ekinci, Efficacy of Intravitreal Dexamethasone Implant for the Treatment of Macular Edema Secondary to Retinal Vein Occlusion. Euretina 2014. Accepted as a poster.

Selim Genc, Gorkem Bilgin, Yaran Koban, Metin Ekici, Halil Huseyin Cagatay.

Koban Y, Koç M, Ayar O, Burcu A, Yazar Z. Congenital Aberrant Tearing Associated With Micturition. Türkiye Klinikleri J Ophthalmol.,2018;27(1):58-60

Koc M, Uzel M, Koban Y, Yilmazbas P. Accelerated Corneal Crosslinking Results With Respect to Age Groups. Türkiye Klinikleri J Ophthalmol.2018;27(1):13-21.

Ayar O, Ozmen MC, Yazgan S, Koban Y. Comparison between clinical outcomes of two different designs of toric multifocal intraocular lenses. 10.5455/medscience.2017.06.8693

Koban Y, Ayar O. Scleral Fixated Posterior Chamber Intraocular Lens for Children with Traumatic Cataract. Turkiye Klinikleri J Ophthalmol 2017;26(4):232-7.

Koban Y, Özlece H, Ayar O, Koç M, Çelik H, Yazar Z, Burcu A. Mantle Cell Lymphoma Presenting with Acute Bilateral Ophthalmoplegia. Turk J Ophthalmol. 2017;47(4):235-237.

Koban Y, Kalaycı D, Bilgin G, Ayar O, Koç M, Güven D, Sarıkatipoğlu HY. Intravitreal bevacizumab for diabetic macular edema previously treated with focal laser photocoagulation. Journal of Retina Vitreous 2017.

Türk M, Sezen H, Koban Y, Altun G, Aksoy N. Total Oxidant Status, Total Antioxidant Capacity and Oxidative Stress Index Levels in Patients With Mature and Immature Senile Cataract. Journal of Glaucoma-Cataract 2017;12(1):

Koban Y, Koç M. The common cause of visual impairment and blindness among an elderly population in the province of Kars. Kafkas J Med Sci 2017.doi:10.5505/kjms.2017.39259

Koc M, Inanc M, Koban Y, Kaya M, Goker YS, Yilmazbas P. Treatment-resistant corneal ulcer following biological immuosuppressant treatment in patient with rheumatoid arthritis. Türkiye Klinikleri J Ophthalmol, 2017;:26(2):123-127.

Koc M, Goker YS, Koban Y, Uzel M, Kaya M, Yilmazbas P. Is Posterior Polymorphous Corneal Dystrophy an Ectatic Disorder?: Case Report. Türkiye Klinikleri J Ophthalmol, 2016;25(3):202-207.

HH Çağatay, M Ekinci, Koban Y, Daraman Ö, Oba E, Kurt S, Külekçi M, Kara D. Surgical Management of Subperiosteal Orbital Abscess: Case Report. Turkiye Klinikleri J Ophthalmol 2015;24(3):202-6

HH Çağatay, M Ekinci, G Gökçe, Y Koban, Eİ Durgunlu, Z Yazar. Comparison of the ICare Rebound Tonometer with Goldman Applanation Tonometer in Healthy Adults. Glaucoma-Cataract Journal , 2015; 10(1):6-10.

HH Cagatay, M Ekinci, Y Koban, C Pamukcu, Y Sendul, ME Oba, SC Yucetas, S Seker, SM Ulusay. Paranasal Sinus Mucoceles with Intraorbital Extension. Türkiye Klinikleri Oftalmoloji Dergisi, 2014; 44: 297-300.

HH Cagatay, M Ekinci, Y Koban, ME Oba, Z Yazar. Graded Full Thickness Anterior Blepharotomy For Correction Of Upper Eyelid Retractıon - Case Report. Türkiye Klinikleri Oftalmoloji Dergisi, 2014; 23(2):136-40.

HH Çağatay, M Ekinci, Eİ Durgunlu, Y Koban, Z Yazar. Evaluation on the Reliability of Tomey FT-1000 Non-contact Tonometer and Canon XT-20 Non-contact Tonometer in Healthy Eyes. Glaucoma-Cataract Journal, 2014; 9(2):122-126.

HH Cagatay, M Ekinci, Y Koban, Z Yazar, O Daraman, SC Yucetas, A Bulgan, S Oguz. Temporary cranial nerve paralysis due to to carotid cavernous fistula. Kafkas Journal of Medical Sciences, 2014; 4(3):124-128.

HH Cagatay, M Ekinci, Y Koban, EI Durgunlu, Z Yazar. Evaluation of Macular Thickness and Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer with Optical Coherence Tomography in Adult Patients with Anisometropic Amblyopia. MN Journal of Ophthalmology, 2014; 21(3):201-206.

HH Cagatay, M Ekinci, Y Koban, H Celik, ME Oba. Evaluation of Descemet's Membrane Detachment Using Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography. Türkiye Klinikleri Oftalmoloji Dergisi, 2014; 44: 407-409.

Orhan Ayar, Kemal Özülken, Mustafa Koç, Yaran Koban, Ahmet Karakurt, Hikmet Hasıripi. The outcomes of The Bleb Re

Koban Y, Orhan Ayar. Evaluation of posttraumatic stress disorder in cases of penetrating eye injury. 3rd National Antalya Family Medicine Congress, 2018. Presented as oral presentation.

Koban Y. Evaluation of ocular surface and meibomian gland dysfunction with meibography in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. 15th TOD March Symposium 2018. Presented as oral presentation.

Arpacı H, Koban Y. Ocular perfusion pressure and intraocular pressure changes in severe preeclamtic women. 7th Palandöken Obstetrics and Gynecology Winter Congress, 2018.

Yavuz D, Coban S, Koban Y. Postoperative Analysis of Pediatric Esotropia Associated with High Hyperopia. Turkish National Congress of Ophthalmology, 2017. Presented as oral presentation.

Ayar O, Akdemir MO, Yazgan S, Koban Y, Uğurbaş SC, Alpay A, Uğurbaş SH. The Effect of Nd:Yag Laser Capsulotomy on Choroidal Thickness Due to Posterior Capsule Opacification. 9th Zonguldak Ophthalmology Course, 2017. Presented orally.

Yaran Koban, Mehmet Cüneyt Özmen, Serpil Yazgan, Orhan Ayar. Comparison of Clinical Outcomes of Two Different Designs of Toric Multifocal Intraocular Lens. . Turkish Ophthalmology Association National Congress 2016. Presented orally.

Yaran Koban, Orhan Ayar. Lipocalin 2 Levels in Humor Aqueous in Diabetic Patients. Turkish Ophthalmology Association National Congress 2016. Accepted as a poster.

Koban Y. Intraocular Pressure and Ocular Biometric Parameters Changes in Migraine. Turkish Ophthalmology Association National Congress 2015. Presented as oral.

Yaran Koban, Halil Hüseyin Çağatay, Metin Ekinci, Ayşe Burcu. The relationship between optic retinal nerve fiber thickness and cerebral venous thrombus side. Turkish Ophthalmology Association National Congress 2015. Accepted as a poster.

Yaran Koban, Metin Ekinci, Halil Hüseyin Çağatay, Zeliha Yazar. Long-term visual outcome and prognostic factors of intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor treatment in choroidal neovascularization secondary to degenerative myopia (CNVM). Turkish Ophthalmology Association National Congress 2015. Accepted as a poster.

Emre İstiklal Durgunlu, Yaran Koban, Halil Hüseyin Çağatay, Metin Ekinci, Ayşe Burcu. Evaluation of the efficacy of amniotic membrane transplantation in the treatment of dellen ulcer secondary to pyogenic granuloma. Turkish Ophthalmology Association National Congress 2015. Accepted as a poster.

Şedoğan Ulusal, Yaran Koban, Halil Hüseyin Çağatay, Metin Ekinci, Zeliha Yazar. Comparison of Anterior Chamber Depth and Axial Length Measurements with NIDEK-AL Scan and A-Scan Ultrasound. Turkish Ophthalmology Association National Congress 2015. Accepted as a poster.

Mehmet Sait Çoban, Yaran Koban, Metin Ekinci, Ayşe Burcu. Congenital isolated oculomotor nerve palsy confused with atypical Duane retraction syndrome. Turkish Ophthalmology Association National Congress 2015. Accepted as a poster.

Özlem Daraman, Halil Hüseyin Çağatay, Yaran Koban, Metin Ekinci, Ayşe Burcu. Determination of the efficacy of 0.03% Tacrolimus in patients with cyclosporine-resistant vernal conjunctivitis by OSDI scoring. Turkish Ophthalmology Association National Congress 2015. Accepted as a poster.

Metin Ekinci, Emre İstiklal Durgunlu, Yaran Koban, Halil Hüseyin Çağatay, Zeliha Yazar. Our 23g PPV results in epiretinal membrane cases. Turkish Ophthalmology Association National Congress 2015. Accepted as a poster.

Emre İstiklal Durgunlu, Halil Hüseyin Çağatay, Yaran Koban, Metin Ekinci, Ayşe Burcu, Ayşe Nur Yeksan. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Systemic Alprazolam for Pain Control in Corneal Cross-linking Treatment. Turkish Ophthalmology Association National Congress 2015. Accepted as a poster.

Metin Ekinci, Emre İstiklal Durgunlu, Halil Hüseyin Çağatay, Yaran Koban, Zeliha Yazar. Staphylococcus hominis endophthalmitis in a patient undergoing PPV for nucleus drop. Turkish Ophthalmology Association National Congress 2015. Accepted as a poster.

Mürşide Türk, Hatice Sezen, Yaran Koban, Gönül Altun, Nurten Aksoy. Evaluation of serum and aqueous humor oxidative-antioxidative status of mature and immature cataract patients. Turkish Ophthalmology Association National Congress 2015. Accepted as a poster.

Özlem Daraman, Halil Hüseyin Çağatay, Metin Ekinci, Yaran Koban, Hüseyin Çelik, Ayşe Burcu. Evaluation of patients admitted to the emergency department of Kafkas University Research Hospital with blunt or penetrating eye injuries. Turkish Ophthalmology Society National Congress 2015. Accepted as a poster.

Hatice Özlece, Elif S. Darol, Faik İlik, Yaran Koban, Nergiz Hüseyinoğlu, Ataman Serim. Persistent migraine aura without headache. Turkish Neurology Association National Congress 2015. Accepted as a poster.

Emsal Aydın, Yaran Koban, Şendoğan Ulusal, Sergülen Aydın, Güney İmre, Esragül Akıncı, Hürrem Bodur. Toxoplasma chorioretinitis in an immunocompetent adult. EKMUD Izmir, 2015. Accepted as a poster.

Yaran Koban, Hatice Özlece, Halil Hüseyin Çağatay, Metin Ekinci, Zeliha Yazar, Mehmet Ersin Oba. Intraocular pressure and ocular biometric parameters during and between attacks in migraine patients. Turkish Ophthalmology Association National Congress 2014. Accepted as a poster.

Yaran Koban, Özlem Daraman, Halil Hüseyin Çağatay, Metin Ekinci, Zeliha Yazar. Bilateral optic disc drusen as a differential diagnosis of pseudotumor cerebri in children. Turkish Ophthalmology Association National Congress 2014. Accepted as a poster.

Zeliha Yazar, Yaran Koban, Fadime Ulviye Yiğit, Mehmet Barış Üçer. The relationship between retinal vein occlusion and high altitude. Turkish Ophthalmology Association National Congress 2014. Presented orally.

Yaran Koban, Halil Hüseyin Çağatay, Zeliha Yazar, Metin Ekinci, Özlem Daraman, Emre İstiklal Durgunlu. Oculogyric Crisis Due to Metoclopramide Use: A Case Report. Turkish Ophthalmology Association National Congress 2013. Accepted as a poster.

Yaran Koban, Metin Ekinci, Halil Hüseyin Çağatay, Erdinç Ceylan, Hüseyin Çelik, Özlem Daraman. Our results of intravitreal bevacizumab treatment for macular edema due to retinal vein occlusion. Turkish Ophthalmology Association National Congress 2013. Accepted as a poster.

Yaran KOBAN, Defne KALAYCI, Hikmet HASIRIPI. A Case of Bilateral Iris-Optic Disc-Choroid Coloboma Assosiated with Respiratory Arrest and Cardiac Arrest After Retrobulbar Anesthesia. Turkish Ophthalmology Association National Congress 2010. Accepted as a poster.

Yaran KOBAN, Defne KALAYCI, Ahmet KARAKURT, Hikmet HASIRIPI. A Case of Buerger's Disease Associated with Normal Tension Glaucoma and Retinal Artery Branch Occlusion. Turkish Ophthalmology Association National Congress 2009. Accepted as a poster.

Yaran KOBAN, Ahmet KARAKURT, Hikmet HASIRIPI. A Case of Gyrate Atrophy with Hyperornithinaemia. Turkish Ophthalmology Association National Congress 2009. Accepted as a poster.

Dilek GUVEN, Yaran KOBAN. Evaluation of Patients with Eales Disease: Prognosis After Medical and/or Surgical Treatment. American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)- SOE Joint Meeting- Atlanta, 2008.

Yaran KOBAN, Dilek GUVEN, Hikmet HASIRIPI. A Case of Acute Idiopatic Frosted Branch Angiitis. Turkish Ophthalmology Association National Congress 2008. Accepted as a poster.

Yaran KOBAN, Dilek GUVEN, Hikmet HASIRIPI. The Stickler Syndrome. A Genetic Disease with Clinical Implications for The Ophtalmology.  Turkish Ophthalmology Association National Congress 2008. Accepted as a poster.


Shoqata Amerikane e Kirurgjisë së Kataraktit dhe Refraktive (ASCRS)

Akademia Amerikane e Oftalmologjisë (AAO)

Shoqata Turke e Oftalmologjisë (TOD)

Shoqata TurkeMjekësore


Provimi dhe Certifikata e Bordit Evropian të Oftalmologjisë, 2012

Këshilli Ndërkombëtar i Provimeve dhe Certifikata e Oftalmologjisë, 2014

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