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Blog Shëndetësor

Edukimi dhe Përvoja

Shkollimi mjekësor

Fakulteti i Mjekësisë i Univerzitetit Çukurova, 1999

Trajnim pasuniversitar

Spitali i Trajnimit dhe Hulumtimit të Ankarasë Numune, 2005

Përvoja profesionale

Spitali i Trajnimit dhe Hulumtimit Numune në Ankara, 2005-2019

Shkolla e Mjekësisë e Universitetit Jikei, Tokio/Japoni, 2009

Universiteti i Shkencave Shëndetësore, Spitali i Qytetit të Ankarasë, 2019-2022

Spitali Memorial Bahçelievler, 2022-2023

Fakulteti i Mjekësisë i Univerzitetit Üsküdar, Drejtues i Departamentit të Urologjisë, 2022-Tani

Spitali Medicana Ataköy, Stamboll, Turqi, 2023-vazhdon

Detyrat javore për Shëndetin të caktuar në kuadër të Ministrisë së Shëndetësisë (Specialist i Urologjisë):

13-21 dhjetor 2012, Sanaa, Jemen

07-15 mars 2013, Mogadishu, Somali

28 Mars - 05 Prill 2013, Xhibuti, Xhibuti

24 tetor - 02 nëntor 2013, Mazar-i-Sharif, Sheberghan, Afganistan

23-29 janar 2014, Xhibuti, Xhibuti

12-20 dhjetor 2015, Osh, Kirgistan

20-28 shkurt 2016, Prishtinë, Kosovë

17-21 dhjetor 2016, Khorezm, Uzbekistan

18-27 mars 2017, Multan, Pakistan

20-26 shkurt 2017, Prishtinë, Kosovë

09-16 korrik 2017, Khorezm, Uzbekistan

09-18 Mars 2018, Xhibuti, Xhibuti

26 prill - 06 maj 2018, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

29 shtator - 07 tetor 2018, Kiambu, Kenia

05-15 Prill 2019, Turkistan, Kazakistan

J15-23 korrik 2019, Prishtinë, Kosovë

30 nëntor - 08 dhjetor 2020, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

24 qershor - 21 gusht 2021, Fier, Shqipëri

Interesat në fushë mjekësore

Kanceret urologjike (Kanceri i prostatës, fshikëzës, veshkave, testikujve, gjëndrës mbiveshkore)

Kirurgjia Robotike

Kirurgjia Laparoskopike e Avancuar

Enukleacioni i Prostatës me lazer

Trajtimi endoskopik i sëmundjes së gurëve të sistemit urinar (URS, RIRS, PCNL)

Inkontinenca urinare tek femrat dhe meshkujt

Mosfunksionimi seksual tek meshkujt


Shtrëngimi i uretrës

Urologjia Rikonstruktive

Përvojë e specializuar

Kirurgji Robotike

Kirurgjia Laparoskopike e Avancuar

Enukleacioni me lazer i prostatës

Shtrëngimi i uretrës

Urologjia rikonstruktive

Scientific publications

Citation : 1099, h-index : 19, i10-index : 35

76 scientific publications in international journals

43 scientific publications in national journals

146 papers presented at international and national congresses

One international and 13 national book chapters

He has served as an invited speaker, session chairman, panelist, instructor, congress and course secretary in many national and international meetings.

1. Articles Published in International Refereed Journals (SCI & SSCI & Arts and Humanities)

1. Keske M, Canda AE, Karadag MA, Ciftci H, Erturhan S, Kactan C, Soytas M, Ozkaya F, Ozbey I, Ordek E, Atmaca AF, Yildirim A, Sahin S, Colakoglu Y, Boylu U, Erol B, Caskurlu T, Kiremit MC, Cakici OU, Sonmez G, Kılıçarslan H, Akbulut Z, Kaygısız O, Bedir S, Vuruskan H, Bozkurt YE, Aydin HR, Oguz U, Basok EK, Gumus BH, Tuncel A, Aslan Y, Hamidi N, Muslimoglu AY, Dinçer M, Balbay D, Albayrak S, Laguna MP. A Retrospective Analysis of 83 Patients with Testicular Mass Who Underwent Testis-Sparing Surgery: The Eurasian Uro-oncology Association Multicenter Study. Urol Int. 2023 Aug 17:1-9. doi: 10.1159/000531645. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37591208.

2. Günerhan G, Aykanat C, Uçkun OM, Aslan Y, Divanlıoğlu D, Işıtan E, Tunç B, Tuncel A, Belen AD, Dalgıç A. Evaluation of Sexual Function in Patients with Lower Lumbar Disc Herniation: A Comparison of Pre- and Postoperative Status. J Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurg. 2023 Jun 1. doi: 10.1055/s-0042-1759824. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37263291.

3. Göksal G, Aykanat C, Uçkun OM, Aslan Y, Divanlıoğlu D, Işıtan E, Tunç B, Tuncel A, Belen AD, Dalgıç A. Evaluation of Sexual Function in Patients with Lower Lumbar Disc Herniation: A Comparison of Pre- and Postoperative Status. J Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurg, 2023 Jun 1. doi: 10.1055/s-0042-1759824.

4. Aykanat IC, Balci M, Kilinckaya MF, Akdemir S, Senel C, Guzel O, Aslan Y, Turhan T, Arslan M, Guneri C, Tuncel A. Effect of the Ureteral Access Sheath Size on Acute Kidney Injury Biomarkers in Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery: A Prospective, Randomized Study. Urol Int. 2023 Mar 21:1-6. doi: 10.1159/000529688. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36944319.

5. Senel C, Asfuroglu A, Aykanat IC, Balci M, Aslan Y, Tuncel A. Impact of Urinary pH on the Efficacy of a Postoperative Single Instillation of Mitomycin-C. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2022 Jun;32(6):768-772. doi: 10.29271/jcpsp.2022.06.768. PMID: 35686410.

6. Tuncel A, Aykanat C, Akdemir S, Oksay T, Arslan M, Basboga S, Aslan Y, Balci M, Guzel O. Comparison of holmium laser enucleation with bipolar transurethral enucleation of the prostate in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia: Results of a multicentre study. Andrologia. 2022 Jul;54(6):e14420. doi: 10.1111/and.14420. Epub 2022 Mar 14. PMID: 35285532.

7. Aykanat C, Balci M, Senel C, Ozercan AY, Coser S, Aslan Y, Guzel O, Asfuroglu A, Karabulut E, Tuncel A. The Impact of Ureteral Access Sheath Size on Perioperative Parameters and Postoperative Ureteral Stricture in Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery. J Endourol. 2022 Aug;36(8):1013-1017. doi: 10.1089/end.2021.0751. Epub 2022 Mar 24. PMID: 35229631.

8. Senel S, Ozden C, Aslan Y, Kizilkan Y, Gokkaya CS, Aktas BK. Can the stone scoring systems be used to predict infective complications after retrograde intrarenal surgery? Med Princ Pract. 2022 Jan 19. doi: 10.1159/000522064.

9. Senel C, Aykanat IC, Asfuroglu A, Keten T, Balci M, Aslan Y, Tuncel A. What is the role of inflammatory markers in predicting spontaneous ureteral stone passage? Aktuelle Urol. 2022 Jan 10. English. doi: 10.1055/a-1703-3099. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35008109.

10. Eroglu U, Balci M, Coser S, Basboga S, Ozercan AY, Kizilkan Y, Guzel O, Aslan Y, Tuncel A. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Psychosexual Functions of Healthcare Workers. J Sex Med. 2021 Dec 4:S1743-6095(21)00789-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jsxm.2021.11.013. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34963570; PMCID: PMC8642148.

11. Coskun N, Cagdas B, Eroglu U, Aslan Y, Turkolmez S. The impact of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose PET/computed tomography on clinical staging in bladder cancer. Nucl Med Commun. 2022 Feb 1;43(2):172-176. doi: 10.1097/MNM.0000000000001509. PMID: 34783718.

12. Güzel Ö., Kösem A., Aslan Y., Asfuroglu A., Balci M., Senel C., Tuncel A. The Role of Pentraxin-3, Fetuin-A and Sirtuin-7 in the Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer. Urol J. 2021 Oct 16. doi: 10.22037/uj.v18i.6626. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34655076.

13. Yıldızhan M, Balcı M, Asil E, Kızılkan Y, Aslan Y, Özden C, Tuncel A. Comparison of percutaneous nephrolithotomy and retrograde intrarenal surgery outcomes for kidney stones larger than 2 cm from Guy's stone scoring system perspective. Int J Clin Pract. 2021 Oct 6:e14956. doi: 10.1111/ijcp.14956. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34614286.

14. Kizilkan Y, Eroglu U, Senel S, Yildizhan M, Balci M, Aykanat IC, Aktas BK, Bulut S, Guzel O, Gokkaya CS, Aslan Y, Ozden C, Tuncel A. Evaluation of factors associated with the detection of incidental prostate cancer after open prostatectomy for benign prostatic hyperplasia. Andrologia. 2021 Sep 29:e14261. doi: 10.1111/and.14261. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34590345.

15. Aykanat IC., Er S., Senel C., Comcali B., Aslan Y., Balci M., Yuksel BC., Tuncel A. Comparison of the impact of open and laparoscopic inguinal hernia operations on male sexual function and pain during sexual activity. Andrologia. 2021 Sep 24:e14254. doi: 10.1111/and.14254. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34558739.

16. Asfuroglu A, Balci M, Aslan Y, Senel C, Guzel O, Kilinckaya MF, Turhan T, Tuncel A. What Is the Interaction between Urine C-Reactive Protein, Prostatic Inflammation, and Doxazosin Treatment in Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia? A Pilot Study. Urol Int. 2021 Sep 7:1-5. doi: 10.1159/000518474. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34515255.

17. Yavuz IA, Aykanat C, Senel C, Inci F, Ceyhan E, Aslan Y, Tuncel A, Yildirim AO. The impact of surgical approaches for isolated acetabulum fracture on sexual functions: A prospective study. J Orthop Trauma. 2021 Aug 25. doi: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000002246. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34456311.

18. Yuksel BC, Aslan Y, Er S. Endoscopic pilonidal sinus resection (EPSI-R): a new method. Tech Coloproctol. 2020 Oct;24(10):1091-1092. doi: 10.1007/s10151-020-02243-4. Epub 2020 May 26. PMID: 32458124.

19. Guzel Ö, Aykanat IC, Aslan Y, AsfuroĞlu A, Balci M, Tuncel A. Does previous open or percutaneous renal stone surgery affect retrograde intrarenal surgery outcomes? Turk J Med Sci. 2021 Jan 25. doi: 10.3906/sag-2007-76. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33486915.

20. Keten T, Aslan Y, Balci M, Erkan A, Senel C, Oguz U, Kayali M, Guzel O, Karabulut E, Tuncel A. Comparison of the efficacy of desmopressin fast-melting formulation and enuretic alarm in the treatment of monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis. J Pediatr Urol. 2020 Oct;16(5):645.e1-645.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.jpurol.2020.07.018. Epub 2020 Jul 26. PMID: 32826183.

21. Senel C, Aslan Y, Imamoglu MA, Karakoyunlu AN, Altinova S, Ozcan MF, Erdogan S, Balci M, Tuncel A. Is Thiol/Disulphide homeostasis important in prostate cancer diagnosis? Arch Esp Urol. 2020 Nov;73(9):819-825. English, Spanish. PMID: 33144536.

22. Tuncel A, Langenhuijsen J, Erkan A, Mikhaylikov T, Arslan M, Aslan Y, Berker D, Ozgok Y, Gallyamov E, Gozen AS. Comparison of synchronous bilateral transperitoneal and posterior retroperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy: results of a multicenter study. Surg Endosc. 35: 1101-1107 (2021)

23. Shahait M, Jackman SV, Landman J, Lechavallier E, Billiet I, Fossion L, Aslan Y, Laguna P. Utilization and operative influence of Renal Mass Biopsy in the Small Renal Mass: Analysis from the CROES Small Renal Mass registry. J Endourol., 34: 99-106 (2020).

24. Tuncel A, Balci M, Aykanat C, Aslan Y, Berker D, Guzel O. Laparoscopic partial adrenalectomy using near-infrared imaging: the initial experience. Minim Invasive Ther

Allied Technol., 11: 1-7 (2019).

25. Balci M, Tuncel A, Aslan Y, Aykanat C, Berker D, Guzel O. Laparoscopic Partial Versus Total Adrenalectomy in Nonhereditary Unilateral Adrenal Masses. Urol Int. 26: 1-6 (2019).

26. Senel C, Tuncel A, Balci M, Asfuroglu A, Aykanat C, Guzel O, Aslan Y. Fluoroscopy Free technique is feasible and safe in retrograde intrarenal surgery. Minerva Urol Nephrol. 70:606-611, (2018).

27. Koseoglu E, Tuncel A, Balci M, Kaya O, Aslan Y, Guzel O, Yilmaz FM, Atan A. "Netrin 1 and Alpha-Methyl Acylcoenzyme-A Racemase in diagnosis of prostate cancer." Colomb Med (Cali)., 30; 164-168, (2018)

28. Balci M., Tuncel A., Keten T., Guzel O., Lokman U.,Koseoglu E., Aslan Y., Atan A. "Comparison of Monopolar and Bipolar Transurethral Resection of Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer," Urol Int., 100: 100-104 (2018).

29. Aslan Y., Tuncel A., Koseoglu E., Senel C. "Bladder Preservation with Primary Closure In an Adolescent Girl With Bladder Exstrophy," Balkan Medical J., 34: 588-589 (2017).

30. Keske M., Canda E.A., Yalcin S, Kilicarslan A., Kibar Y., Tuygun C., Onder E., Atmaca A.F., Yildirim A., Ozkanli S.S., Kandemir O., Kargi T., Sar M., Tugcu V., Resorlu B., Aslan Y., Sarikaya S., Boylu U., Cicek A.F., Basar H., Tuncel A., Balbay M.D. "Testis Sparing surgery Of Radical Orchiectomy Might Be Safe And Feasible In Patients With Unilateral Small Testicular Mass With Bilateral Testis: Results of Multicenter Study," Can Urol Assoc J., 11: E100-E104 (2017).

31. Tuncel A., Erkan A., Sofikerim M., Arslan M., Kordan Y., Akin Y., Aslan Y. "Laparoscopic Heminephrectomy For Benign And Malignant Diseases Of The Horseshoe Kidney," Arch Ital Urol Androl., 88: 255-257 (2016).

32. Guzel O, Tuncel A, Balci M, Karakoyunlu N, Aslan Y, Erkan A, Senel C. "Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery is equally efficient and safe in patients with different American Society of Anesthesia physical status." Ren Fail., 38, 4, 503-507 (2016).

33. Guzel Ö, Aslan Y, Tuncel A. Reply by the Authors. Urology. 88, 228-229 (2016).

34. Kirilmaz U., Guzel O., Aslan Y., Balci M., Tuncel A., Atan A. "The Effect of Lifestyle Modification and Glycemic Control on the Efficiency of Sildenafil Citrate in Patients With Erectile Dysfunction Due to Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus," Aging Male, 6:1-5 (2015).

35. Güzel, O., Aslan Y., Balcı M., Tuncel A., Keten T., Erkan A., Atan A. "Can Bladder Wall Thickness Measurement Use for Detecting Bladder Outlet Obstruction?", Urology, 86, 439-44 (2015).

36. Tuncel, A., Balci M., Postaci A., Aslan Y., Atan A. "Comparison of Different Postoperative Pain Managements in Patients Underwent Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Renal and Adrenal Surgery," Int Braz. J. Urol., 41, 669-675 (2015).

37. Keten, T., Aslan Y., Balci M., Tuncel A., Bilgin O., Dilmen C., Ozdemir U., Yahsi S., Guzel O., Atan A. "Determination of the Efficiency of 8 mg Doxazosin XL Treatment in Patients With an Inadequate Response to 4 mg Doxazosin XL Treatment for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia," Urology., 85, 189-194 (2015).

38. Guzel, O., Aslan Y., Balci M., Tuncel A., Unal B., Atan A. "Significant Worsening Sperm Parameters are Associated to Testicular Hypotrophy in Patients with High Grade Varicocele," Actas Urologicas Espanolas., 39, 392-395 (2015).

39. Balci, M., Tuncel A., Guzel O., Aslan Y., Koseoglu E., Erkan A. "Use of Nuclear Matrix Protein 22 Bladder Chek Test™ In the Diagnosis of Residual Urothelial Cancer Before a Second Transurethral Resection of Bladder Cancer," Int Urol Nephrol., 47, 473-477 (2015).

40. Atan, A., Tuncel A., Balci M., Aslan Y., Köseoğlu E., Erkan A. "Penile Fasciocutaneous Flap Urethroplasty in Long Segment Urethral Stricture," Ulus. Trauma Emergency Surg., 20, 427-431 (2014)

41. Kayali, M., Balci M., Aslan Y., Bilgin O., Guzel O., Tuncel A., Atan A. "The Relationship Between Prostate Cancer and Presence of Metabolic Syndrome and Late Onset Hypogonadism," Urology., 84, 1448-1452 (2014).

42. Balci, M., Tuncel A., Aslan Y., Bilgin O., Atan A. "Adjustable Perineal Male Sling Using Tissue Expander as an Effective Treatment of Post-prostatectomy Incontinence," Int. Braz. J. Urol., 41, 312-318 (2014).

43. Balci, M., Tuncel A., Aydin O., Aslan Y., Guzel O., Toprak U., Polat F., Atan A. "Tamsulosin Versus Nifedipine in Medical Expulsive Therapy for Distal Ureteral Stone and the Predictive Value of Hounsfield Unit in Stone Expulsion," Renal Failure.,36, 1541-1544 (2014).

44. Aslan, Y., Guzel O., Balci M., Tuncel A., Yildiz M., Atan A. "The Impact of Metabolic Syndrome on Serum Total Tetosterone Level in Patients with Erectile Dysfunction," Aging Male., 17, 76-80 (2014).

45. Tuncel A., Keten T., Aslan Y., Kayali M., Erkan A., Koseoglu E., Atan A. "Comparison of Different Scoring Systems for Outcome Prediction in Patients with Fournier's Gangrene: Experience with 50 patients," Scand. J. Urol., 48, 393-399 (2014).

46. Aktas B.K., Bulut S., Gokkaya C.S., Ozden C., Salar R., Aslan Y., Baykam M.M., Memis A. "Association of Prostate Volume With Voiding Impairment and Deterioration in Quality of Life After Prostate Biopsy", Urology, 83, 617-621 (2014).

47. Oguz U., Balci M., Atis G., Bozkurt O.F., Tuncel A., Halis F., Aslan Y., Yildirim I.O., Senocak C., Yordam M., Atan A., Caskurlu T., Unsal A. "Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery in Patients with Isolated Anomaly of Kidney Rotation," Urolithiasis, 42, 141-147 (2013).

48. Unsal A., Oguz U., Tuncel A., Bozkurt O.F., Aslan Y., Eraslan A., Senocak C., Atan A. "How to Manage Total Avulsion of the Ureter from Both Ends:Our Experience And Literature Review, "Int. Urol. Nephrol., 45, 1553-1560 (2013).

49. Damar E., Toklu Y., Tuncel A., Balci M., Aslan Y., Simsek S., Atan A. "Does Therapeutic Dose of Sildenafil Citrate Treatment Lead to Central Serous Chorioretinopathy in Patients with Erectile Dysfunction?," Am. J. Men's Health., 7, 439-443 (2013).

50. Polat F., Tuncel A., Balci M., Aslan Y., Sacan O., Kisa C., Kayali M., Atan A. "Comparison of Local Anaesthetic effects of lidocaine Versus Tramadol and the Effect of Child Anxiety on Pain Level in Circumcision Procedure," J. Ped. Urol., 9, 670-674 (2013).

51. Tuncel A., Aydin O., Balci M., Aslan Y., Atan A. "Laparoscopic Decortication of Symptomatic Simple Renal Cyst Using Conventional Monopolar Device," Kaohsiung J. Med. Sci., 27, 64-67 (2011).

52. Aslan Y., Tuncel A., Aydin O., Balci M., Karabulut E., Atan A. "The Association Between Erection Hardness Grading Scale and International Index of Erectile Function in Men with Erectile Dysfunction Treated with Sildenafil Citrate," Urol Int., 86, 434-438 (2011).

53. Aslan Y., Atan A., Aydin A.O., Nalcacioglu V., Tuncel A., Kadioglu A. "Penile Length And Somatometric Parameters: A Study On Healthy Young Turkish Males" Asian J Androl, 13, 339-341 (2011).

54. Tuncel A., Aslan Y., Han O., Seckin S., Atan A. "Laparoscopic resection of periadrenal paraganglioma mimicking isolated adrenal cyst hydatid: A case report" JSLS, 14, 579-582 (2010).

55. Aslan Y., Aydın A.O., Tekdoğan U.Y., Atan A. "Retroperitoneal Schwannoma: A Case Report and Review of The Literature" J Neurol Sci [Turk], 27, 353-358 (2010).

56. Tuncel A., Nalcacioglu V., Ener K., Aslan Y., Aydin O., Atan A. "Sildenafil citrate and tamsulosin combination is not superior to monotherapy in treating lower urinary tract symptoms and erectile dysfunction" World J Urol, 28, 17-22 (2010).

57. Aslan Y., Sezgin T., Tuncel A., Tekdogan U.Y., Guler S., Atan A. "Is type 2 diabetes mellitus a cause of severe erectile dysfunction in patients with metabolic syndrome?" Urology, 74, 561-564 (2009).

58. Tuncel A., Aslan Y., Sezgin T., Aydin O., Tekdogan U., Atan A. "Does disposable needle guide minimize infectious complications after transrectal prostate needle biopsy?" Urology, 71, 1024-1027 (2008).

59. Tuncel A., Kirilmaz U., Nalcacioglu V., Aslan Y., Polat F., Atan A. "The impact of transrectal prostate needle biopsy on sexuality in men and their female partners" Urology, 71, 1128-1131 (2008).

60. Tekdogan U., Tuncel A., Nalcacioglu V., Kisa C., Aslan Y, Atan A. "Is the pain level of patients affected by anxiety during transrectal prostate needle biopsy?" Scand J Urol Nephrol, 42, 24-28 (2008).

61. Tuncel A., Aslan Y., Başar M.M., Atan A. "Efficacy of clomipramine, sertraline and terazosin treatments in premature ejaculation" Turk J Med Sci, 38, 59-64 (2008).

62. Aslan Y., Tekdogan U., Tuncel A., Uzun M.B., Karabulut E., Atan A. "Serum Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Usage for Early Detection of Prostate Cancer in Men with Serum Prostate Specific Antigen Level between 2.5 and 4.0 ng/ml: A Pilot Study" Turk J Med Sci, 38, 399-404 (2008).

63. Atan A., Tuncel A., Aslan Y. "Treatment of refractory urethrovaginal fistula using rectus abdominis muscle flap in a six-year-old girl" Urology,69, 384.e11-3 (2007).

64. Atan A., Basar M.M., Tuncel A., Mert C., Aslan Y. "Is there a relationship among age, international index of erectile function, international prostate symptom score, and aging males' symptoms score?" Int Urol Nephrol, 39, 215-222 (2007).

65. Aslan Y., Tuncel A., Tekdogan U.Y., Ozergin O., Atan A. "Is Serum Prostate Specific Antigen Level Affected by In-and-Out Catheterization?" Turk J Med Sci, 37, 195-198 (2007).

66. Agras K., Tuncel A., Aslan Y., Kulacoglu S., Atan A. "Adolescent renomedullary interstitial cell tumor: a case report" Tumori, 91, 555-557 (2005).

67. Tekdogan U.Y., Canakli F., Aslan Y., Han O., Gungor S., Atan A. "Bilateral ureteral fibroepithelial polyps and review of the literature" Int J Urol, 12, 98-100 (2005).

68. Ortapamuk H., Naldoken S., Tekdogan U.Y., Aslan Y., Atan A. "Differential renal function in the prediction of recovery in adult obstructed kidneys after pyeloplasty" Ann Nucl Med, 17, 663-668 (2003).

69. Atan A., Gungor S., Ozergin O., Aslan Y., Vural M. "Idiopathic penile mondors' disease: a case report" Int Urol Nephrol, 34, 97-99 (2002).

70. Canakli F., Tekdogan U.Y., Ergül G., Aslan Y., Atan A. "Cystic nephroma: a rare clinical entity" Int Urol Nephrol, 34, 19-21 (2002).

2. Articles Published in Other International Refereed Journals

1. Şenel Ç, Tuncel A, Aslan Y, Berker D, Çatak M, Güler S, Balcı M. Impact of Thyroid Hormones on Serum Prostate Specific Antigen Level in Patients with Benign Thyroid Disorders. J Urol Surg 2020;7(4):290-294.

2. Balci M., Atan A., Senel C., Guzel O., Aslan Y., Lokman U., Kayali M., Bilgin O. Comparison of the treatment efficacies of paroxetine, fluoxetine and dapoxetine in low socioeconomic status patients with lifelong premature ejaculation. Cent European J Urol. 2019; 72: 185-190 (2019).

3. Anil E., Tuncel A., Yigitturk G., Aslan Y., Senel C., Guzel O., Balci M. The role of androgen receptors in erectile dysfunction due to to Diabetes Mellitus: An experimental study. The Thai Journal of Urology, 40;19-28, (2019).

4. Guzel O, Aslan Y, Tuncel A, Senel C, Asfuroglu A, Oguz E, Yilmaz F, Balci M. "Diagnostic role of urine C-reactive protein levels on ureteral stone disease." The Thai Journal of Urology, 39;35-41, (2018).

5. Asfuroglu A, Balci M, Aslan Y, Guzel O, Albayrak A, Tuncel A. "Retroperitoneal unicentric Castleman's disease: A multidisciplinary approach in a rare case." The Thai Journal of Urology, 39;50-55, (2018).

6. Arslan M., A. Tuncel, Aslan Y., Kozacioglu Z., Gunlusoy B., Atan A. "Comparison of the Urethrovesical Anastomosis with Polyglecaprone (Monocryl®) and Bidirectional Barbed (V-Loc 180®) Running Sutures in Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy," Archivio Italiano di Urologica e Andrologia., 86, 90-94 (2014).

3. Papers Presented at International Scientific Meetings and Published in Proceedings

1. Aslan Y., Keten T., Eroğlu Ü., Kızılkan Y., Köseoğlu B., Gültekin H., Özercan A.Y., Balcı M., Güzel Ö., Özden C. Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy Results in the First 200 Cases, 12th Euroasian Uro-oncology Congress, S-051, 1-4 September 2022, Erzurum, Turkey.

2. Başar H., Aslan Y., Öztürk E., Duvarcı M., Ceylan O. "Laparoscopic RPNLD experience", 11th Euroasian Uro-oncology Congress, V-010, S27. 3-5 September 2021, Sanliurfa, Turkey. (First best Video Presentation)

3. Aslan Y., Yüksel B.C., Gjergji K. "Laparoscopic Resection of Local Recurrence of Renal Cell Carcinoma" V-001, S24. 11th Euroasian Uro-oncology Congress, 3-5 September 2021, Sanliurfa, Turkey. (Second best Video Presentation)

4. Aslan Y., Güzel Ö, Tuncel A., Başboğa S. "Laparoscopic resection of local mass of Renal Cell Carcinoma recurrence". V-017, S30. 11th Euroasian Uro-oncology Congress, 3-5 September 2021, Sanliurfa, Turkey.

5. Turgut D.N., Palta A., Tektas M., Balci M., Guzel O., Aslan Y., Tuncel A. "A comparison of job satisfaction, depression severity and quality of life between perioperative nurses who take part robot-assisted laparoscopic and pure laparoscopic surgery "European Association of Urology Nurses, 3-4 September 2021, Virual Meeting (Best Practice-development oriented Abstract)

6. Çoşkun N., Çağdaş B., Eroğlu Ü., Aslan Y., Türkölmez Ş. "The Effect of F-18 FDG PET/CT Imaging on Staging in Bladder Cancer" 33rd National Nuclear Medicine Congress, May 28-29, 2021, Virtual Congress (TNTD Gneç Researcher Incentive Award)

7. Eroğlu Ü., Kızılkan Y., Ozercan A.Y., Balcı M., Güzel Ö., Aslan Y., Özden C., Tuncel A. "Robotic Assisted Radical Prostatectomy Results -First 100 Cases" S-044, S73. 11th Euroasian Uro-oncology Congress, 3-5 September 2021, Sanliurfa, Turkey

8. Ozercan AY, Balci M, Yildirim OY, Sayan H, Guzel O, Aslan Y, Tuncel A. "A patient with solitary femoral head metastasis from prostate cancer treated with multidisciplinary approach" 18th International Prostate Forum (IPF) Virtual Meeting 12-13 December 2020 S-01 (Oral Presentation)

9. Aykanat IC, Tuncel A, Gazel E, Akdemir S, Oksay Y, Aslan Y, Balci M, Guzel O, Arslan M, Tunc L. "Clinical Comparison of Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate and Bipolar Transurethral Enucleation of the Prostate: A short term follow-up" 18th International Prostate Forum (IPF) Virtual Meeting 12-13 December 2020 S-24 (Oral Presentation)

10. Asfuroglu A, Senel C, Aykanat IC, Ozercan AY, Balci M, Aslan Y, Tuncel A. "Does surgical procedure influence neutrophil/lympocyte ratio in patients with renal cell carcinoma?" 10th Online Eurasian Uro-oncology Congress SS-029 Jun 27-28 2020 (Oral Presentation)

11. Senel C, Asfuroglu A, Aykanat IC, Ozercan AY, Balci M, Aslan Y, Tuncel A. "Significance of hemogram parameters in renal cell carcinoma" 10th Online Eurasian Uro-oncology Congress SS-030 Jun 27-28 2020 (Oral Presentation)

12. Tuncel A., Langenhuijsen J., Erkan A., Mikhaylikov T., Arslan M., Aslan Y., Berker D., Ozgok Y., Gallyamov E., Gozen AS. "Comparison of synchronous bilateral transperitoneal and posterior retroperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy in high volume adrenal centers" 37th World Congress of Endourology, MP15-07, 29 October -2 November 2019, Abu Dhabi, UAE (Moderate Poster Presentation)

13. Tuncel A., Aykanat C., Gazel E., Akdemir S., Oksay T., Aslan Y., Balci M., Guzel O., Arslan M., Tunc L. "Clinical Comparison of Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate and Bipolar Transurethral Enucleation of the Prostate: A short term follow-up" 37th World Congress of Endourology, MP08-20 , 29 October -2 November 2019, Abu Dhabi, UAE (Moderate Poster Presentation)

14. Tuncel A, Balci M, Aykanat C, Aslan Y, Berker D, Guzel O. Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Partial Adrenalectomy Using Indocynanine Green Dye With Near-Infrared Imaging: The Initial Experience. American Urological Association Annual Meeting, May 3-6, 2019 Chicago, IL, USA, # MP69-19 (Moderated Poster)

15. Balci M, Tuncel A, Asfuroglu A, Aykanat C, Guzel O, Aslan Y. Does Ureteral Access Sheat Cause Ureteral Stricture In Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery? American Urological Association Annual Meeting, May 3-6, 2019 Chicago, IL, USA, # MP17-01 (Moderated Poster)

16. Asfuroğlu A., Şenel Ç., Balcı M., Güzel Ö., Aslan Y., Coşer Ş., Akdemir A.Ö., Tuncel A. "Does the albumin-to-globulin ratio and AST/ALT ratio significant factors to predict bladder cancer recurrence?" 8th Eurasian Uro-oncology Congress, O-028, 28 June-1 July 2018, Tbilis, Georgia (Oral Presentation)

17. Şenel Ç., Asfuroğlu A., Balcı M., Güzel Ö., Aslan Y., Özercan A.Y, Aykanat İ.C., Tuncel A. Neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio is insignificant factor to predict the recurrence in low risk bladder cancer patients." 8th Eurasian Uro-oncology Congress, O-029, June 28-July 1, 2018, Tbilis, Georgia (Oral Presentation)

18. Aslan Y., Kayali M., Asfuroğlu A., Aykanat İ.C., Şenel Ç., Güzel Ö., Balcı M., Tuncel A. "Does testosterone/PSA ratio important marker to predict aggressive Prostate Cancer, in patients with Metabolic Syndrome?" 8th Eurasian Uro-oncology Congress, O-101, 28 June-1 July 2018, Tbilis, Georgia (Oral Presentation)

19. Asfuroğlu A., Balcı M., Aslan Y., Güzel Ö., Şenel Ç., Tuncel A. "Retroperitoneal Unicentric Castleman's Disease: A Rare Case In A Multidisciplinary Approach" 8th Eurasian Uro-oncology Congress, C-16, 28 June-1 July 2018, Tbilis, Georgia (Modere Poster Presentation)

20. Shahait M, Jackman S, Landman J, Lechevallier E, Billiet I, Fossion L, Aslan Y, Laguna MP. Incidence, Diagnostic Yield, Accuracy and Impact on Perioperative Complications of Renal Mass Biopsy (RMB) on cT1aNoMo in a Contemporary Cohort (CROES renal mass registry) 36th World Congress of Endourology, MP23-7 , 19, 20-23 September 2018, Paris, France (Moderate Poster Presentation)

21. Tuncel A., Balci M., Aslan Y., Aykanat C., Guzel O., Aslan Y., Akdemir O. "Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Partial Adrenalectomy in Non-Hereditary Functional Adrenal Adenomas: Experience With 8 Patients." 36th World Congress of Endourology, MP17-7, 19, 20-23 September 2018, Paris, France (Moderate Poster Presentation)

22. Tuncel A., Aykanat C., Balci M., Muhammed K., Coser S., Ozercan AY., Akdemir S., Guzel O., Arslan M., Turhan T., Aslan Y. "What is Impact of Ureteral Access Sheath Size on Acure Kidney Injury Biomarkers in Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery: A prospective, Randomized Study." 36th World Congress of Endourology, MP24-4, 28, 20-23 September 2018, Paris, France (Moderate Poster Presentation)

23. Tuncel A., Guzel O., Asfuroglu A., Aykanat C., Balci M., Aslan Y., Coser S., Ozercan AY. "Does Previous Open or Percutaneous Renal Stone Surgery Affect on Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery Outcomes?", 36th World Congress of Endourology, MP29-20, 34, 20-23 September 2018, Paris, France (Moderate Poster Presentation)

24. Gunerhan G., Uckun O., Aykanat I.C., Tuncel A., Denizhan D., Aslan Y., Belen A., Dalgılıc A. "The impact of lumbar disc herniation surgery on sexual dysfunction." EP2048, EANS2018, 20-25 October, Brussels, Belgium (Poster)

25. Erkan A., Tuncel A., Yiğitturk G., Aslan Y., Balcı M., Guzel O. "The role of androgen receptors in erectile dysfunction due to to diabetes mellitus: an experimental study" 37th Congress of Société Internationale d'Urologie, 19-22 October, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal. (Poster)

26. Senel C., Aslan Y., Imamoglu M.A., Karakoyunlu N.A., Altinova S., Ozcan M.F., Erdogan S., Erel O., Tuncel A. "Is thiol/disulphide homeostasis important in prostate cancer diagnosis?" 37th Congress of Société Internationale d'Urologie, 19-22 October, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal. (Poster)

27. Senel C., Tuncel A., Aslan Y., Berker D., Catak M., Guler S., Balci M. "Impact of thyroid hormones on serum prostate specific antigen level in patients with benign thyroid disorders." 37th Congress of Société Internationale d'Urologie, 19-22 October, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal. (Poster)

28. Tuncel A., Erkan A., Langenhuijsen, Mikhaylikov T., Arslan M., Aslan Y., Berker D., Ozgok Y., Gözen A.S. "Bilateral Simultaneous Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy: A multicenter Experience" 35th World Congress of Endourology, MP19-7, 12-16 September 2017, Vancouver, Canada. (Modere Poster Presentation)

29. Aslan Y., Guzel O, Aykanat I., Balci M., Tuncel A. "Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Left Adrenalectomy in Patient with Ectopic Kidney: A Live Surgery Experience." 35th World Congress of Endourology, MP19-7, September 12-16, 2017, Vancouver, Canada. (Modere Poster Presentation)

30. Keske M., Canda E.A., Yalcin S, Kilicarslan A., Kibar Y., Tuygun C., Onder E., Atmaca A.F., Yildirim A., Ozkanli S.S., Kandemir O., Kargi T., Sar M., Tugcu V., Resorlu B., Aslan Y., Sarikaya S., Boylu U., Cicek A.F., Basar H., Tuncel A., Balbay M.D. "Testis Sparing surgery Of Radical Orchiectomy Might Be Safe And Feasible In Patients With Unilateral Small Testicular Mass With Bilateral Testis: Results of Multicenter Study," EAU 11th South Eastern European Meeting, Antalya, 43, 2015 (Modere Poster Presentation)

31. Güzel Ö., Aslan Y., Oğuz E.F., Balcı M., Asfuroğlu A., Yılmaz F.M., Tuncel A. "The Diagnostic Importance of Serum And Urine C-Reactive Protein Levels in Patients With Ureteral Stone: A Pilot Study" 67th Annual Meeting of The Korean Urological Association, Seoul, 2015. (Oral Presentation)

32. Tuncel, A., Erkan A., Sofikerim M., Arslan M., Kordan Y., Akin Y., Aslan Y. "Laparoscopic Heminephrectomy For Benign And Malignant Diseases Of The Horseshoe Kidney," 33rd World Congress of Endourology&SWL, London, MP5-6, 2015 (Modere Poster Presentation)

33. Tuncel, A., Aslan Y., Balci M., Guzel O., Erkan A., Unal T. "Laparoscopic Transperitoneal Adrenalectomy In A Primary Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Of Left Adrenal Gland," 26th World Videourology Congress, Izmir, VS-006, 2015. (Video Presentation)

34. Cagatay E. A., Yilmaz E., Aslan Y., Au J., Stanasel I., Roth D., Koh C.J. "Complete Blood Count Parameters as a Predictor of Testicular Survival Following Acute Testicular Torsion in Children" AUA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, MP 40-10, 2015 (Poster Presentation)

35. Onal, ED., Imga N., Tuncel A., Aslan Y., Unal DT. Ozdemir N. Berker D., Guler S. "A Rare Case Of Adrenal Incidentaloma: Primary Adrenal Lymphoma," Endo-Bridge 2015, Antalya, Antalya, O-22, 2015. (Oral Presentation)

36. Balci, M., Atan A., Guzel O., Aslan Y., Tuncel A., Lokman U., Senel C., "Comparison of the Treatment Efficacies of Paroxetine, Fluoxetine and Dapoxetine in Patients With Lifelong Premature Ejaculation," European Assocition of Urology Annual Meeting, Madrid, 245, 2015. (Modere Poster Presentation)

37. Guzel, O., Aslan Y., Balci M., Tuncel A., Keten T., Erkan A., Atan A. "Can Bladder Wall Thickness Measurement Use for Detecting Bladder Outlet Obstruction?" European Assocition of Urology Annual Meeting, Madrid, 545, 2015. (Modere Poster Presentation)

38. Kayali, M., Balci M., Aslan Y., Bilgin O., Guzel O., Tuncel A., Atan A. "The Relationship Between Prostate Cancer, Presence of Metabolic Syndrome and Late Onset Hypogonadism," 34th Congress of the Societe Internationale D'Urologie (SIU), Glasgow, Urology Suppl, Vol, 84, MP-12.16, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2014. (Modere Poster Presentation)

39. Balci, M., Tuncel A., Aslan Y., Guzel O., Aydin O., Atan A. "Tamsulosin Versus Nifedipine in Medical Expulsive Therapy for Distal Ureteral Stone and Predictive Value of Hounsfield Unit in Stone Expulsion," 34th Congress of the Societe Internationale D'Urologie (SIU), Glasgow, Urology Suppl, Vol, 84, MP-21.12, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2014. (Modere Poster Presentation)

40. Tuncel, A., Balci M., Oguz U., Aslan Y., Bilgin O., Atan A. "Comparison of Efficacy of Desmopressin Fast-Melting Formulation and Enuretic Alarm-Only in the Treatment of Nocturnal Enuresis," 34th Congress of the Societe Internationale D'Urologie (SIU), Glasgow, Urology Suppl, Vol, 84, UP-343, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2014. (Poster)

41. Balci, M., Guzel O., Tuncel A., Lokman U., Koseoglu E., Aslan Y., Atan A. "Comparison of Monopolar Versus Bipolar Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumors," EAU 10th South Eastern European Meeting (SEEM), Belgrade, Eur Urol Suppl, Vol, XIII, S087, e1469, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2014. (Oral Presentation)

42. Keten, T., Aslan Y., Balci M., Tuncel A., Bilgin O., Dilmen C., Ozdemir U.,. Yahsi S, Guzel O., Atan A., "Comparison of Doxazosin 4 and 8 mg Treatments and Determination of Doxazosin 8 mg Efficiency in Patients With and Inadequate Response to Doxazosin 4 mg Treament for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia" International Prostate Forum at American Urological Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, 2014. (Oral Presentation)

43. Keten, T., Balci M., Aslan Y., Guzel O., Koseoglu E., Tuncel A., Atan A. "Is the Presence of Metabolic Sydrome Important for Predicting the Efficiency of Treatments of Doxazosin 4 and 8 mg?" 16th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine, Istanbul, The Journal of Sexual Medicine, Vol. XI, suppl 1, P-01-057, Wiley-Blackwell, Amsterdam, 2014. (Poster)

44. Bilgin, O., Balci M., Aslan Y., Guzel O., Koseoglu E., Tuncel A., Atan A. "Does the Presence of Metabolic Sydrome Effect Treatment Success of BPH Related Lower Urinary Symptoms?" 16th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine, Istanbul, The Journal of Sexual Medicine, Vol. XI, suppl 1, HP-06-006, Wiley-Blackwell, Amsterdam, 2014. (Highlight Poster Presentation)

45. Aslan, Y., Balci M., Guzel O., Keten T., Koseoglu E., Bilgin O., Tuncel A., Atan A. "Effects of Different Treatment Modalities on International Prostate Symptom Score and Erectile Functions in Patients with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms," 16th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine, Istanbul, The Journal of Sexual Medicine, Vol. XI, suppl 1, HP-06-005, Wiley-Blackwell, Amsterdam, 2014. (Highlight Poster Presentation)

46. Guzel, O., Aslan Y., Balci M., Koseoglu E., Tuncel A., Yildiz M., Atan A. "The Relationship Between Treatment Modalitiers Duration of Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction in Diabetic Patient," 16th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine, Istanbul, The Journal of Sexual Medicine, Vol. XI, suppl 1, PS-08-006, Wiley-Blackwell, Amsterdam, 2014. (Oral presentation)

47. Aslan, Y., Tuncel A., Guzel O., Balci M., Koseoglu E., Erkan A., Senel C., Atan A. "Laparoscopic Transperitoneal Heminephrectomy In Horseshoe Kidney," 32nd World Congress of Endourology and SWL (WCE 2014), Taipei, Final Program Book, VP03-08, Taiwan, 2014. (Video Presentation)

48. Guzel O., Koseoglu E., Tuncel A., Senel C., Aslan Y., Balci M., Atan A. "Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery in ≥15 mm and 15 mm Renal Stone: Our Preliminary Results With 58 Patients," EAU 9th South Eastern European Meeting (SEEM), Thessaloniki, Eur Urol Suppl, Vol, XII, S160, e1268, Elsevier, Amsterdam, (2013).

49. Guzel O., Koseoglu E., Aslan Y., Senel C., Tuncel A., Yildiz M., Atan A. "Surgical Equipment Damage and Cost Analysis in Retrograde Intrarena Surgery:Our Preliminary Results," EAU 9th South Eastern European Meeting (SEEM), Thessaloniki, Eur Urol Suppl, Vol, XII, S159, e1267, Elsevier, Amsterdam, (2013).

50. Oguz U., Balci M., Atis G., Bozkurt O.F., Tuncel A., Halis F., Aslan Y., Yildirim I.O., Senocak C., Yordam M., Atan A., Caskurlu T., Unsal A. "Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery in Patients with Isolated Anomaly of Kidney Rotation," EAU 9th South Eastern European Meeting (SEEM), Thessaloniki, Eur Urol Suppl, Vol, XII, e1263, Elsevier, Amsterdam, (2013).

51. Tuncel A., Keten T., Aslan Y., Kayali M., Erkan A., Yildiz M., Atan A. "Comparison of Different Scoring System for Outcome Prediction in Patients with Fournier's Gangrene: Our Experience with 50 Patients," 28th Annual European Association of Urology Congress, Milan, Thematic Session 13: Prevention and Treatment of Urological Infections, (2013). (Invited Oral Presentation)

52. Tuncel A., Keten T., Aslan Y., Kayali M., Erkan A., Yildiz M., Atan A. "Comparison of Different Scoring System for Outcome Prediction in Patients with Fournier's Gangrene: Our Experience with 50 Patients," 28th Annual European Association of Urology Congress, Milan, Eur Urol Suppl, Vol, XII, e-615, Elsevier, Amsterdam, (2013).

53. Tuncel A., Balci M., Postaci A., Aslan Y., Koseoglu E., Sacan O., Atan A, "Comparison of Intraoperative Local Levobupivacaine Infiltraton Anaesthesia, Intravenous Paracetamol and Lornoxicam Treatments for Postoperative Pain Management in Patients Underwent Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Renal and Adrenal Surgery," 30th World Congress of Endourology, Istanbul, Journal of Endourology, Vol. XXVI, suppl 1, P-45, Mary Ann Liebert Inc., Amsterdam, (2012).

54. Arslan, M., Tuncel A., Degirmenci T., Kozacioglu Z., Koseoglu E., Aslan Y., Atan A. "Clipless and Clipped Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy:Three Years of Experience With 87 Patients," 30th World Congress of Endourology, Istanbul, Journal of Endourology, Vol. XXVI, suppl 1, MP07-14, A-63, Mary Ann Liebert Inc., Amsterdam, (2012).

55. Tuncel A., Polat F., Balci M., Aslan Y., Sacan O., Kisa C., Atan A. "Comparison of Local Anaesthetic Effects of Lidocaine Versus Tramadol and the Effect of Child Anxiety on Pain Level in Circumcision Procedure." 27th Congress of the European Association of Urology Annual Meeting, Paris, European Urology, Vol. XI, e511a, Elsevier, Amsterdam, (2012).

56. Aslan Y., Tuncel A., Aydin O., Sezgin T., Balci M., Atan A. "Can Erection Hardness Grading Scale Use Instead of International Index of Erectile Function in Men with Erectile Dysfunction Treated with Sildenafil Citrate?" Eur Urol Suppl, 9, MP-310, 25th Annual EAU Congress, Barcelona, April (2010).

57. Tuncel A., Aslan Y., O. Han, S. Seckin and A. Atan, "Laparoscopic Resection of Periadrenal Paraganglioma" 27th World Congress of Endourology, Munich, Journal of Endourology, Vol. XXIII, suppl 1, VS-19-03, A-398, Mary Ann Liebert Inc., Amsterdam, 2009.

58. Tuncel, A., O. Aydin, Y. Aslan, V. Nalcacioglu, M. Balci, and A. Atan, "Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Decortication of Simple Renal Cyst Using with Conventional Monopolar Device:Two years of Our Experience with 15 Patients," 27th World Congress of Endourology, Munich, Journal of Endourology, Vol. XXIII, suppl 1, MP-12-16, A-95, Mary Ann Liebert Inc., Amsterdam, 2009.

59. Aslan Y., Aydin A.O., Balcı M., Kayalı M, Tuncel A, Atan A. "Association of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Metabolic Syndrome in Patients with Erectile Dysfunction" Journal of Men's Health, MP-149, 6th World Congress on Men's Health, Vienna, September (2009).

60. Aslan Y., Kırılmaz U., Tuncel A., Nalcacıoğlu V., Balcı M., Atan A. "Results Of Rigid Renoscopy And Pneumatic Lithotripsy in Patients with Ureteral Stones" Arch It Urol Androl, MP-60, 6th eULIS Society Symposium and 14th European Symposium on Urolithiasis, Como, October (2009).

61. Aslan Y., Altiparmak E., Uzunlar B., Duman S., Atan A. "The Impact of Metabolic Syndrome on Retinal Finding In Patients with Erectile Dysfunction: A Pilot Study" Obesity Reviews, No: 6, 6th Metabolic Syndrome Symposium, April, Antalya (2009).

62. Aslan Y., Sezgin T., Tekdogan U.Y., Nalcacioglu V, Kayali M, Atan A. "To Compare Only Diabetes Control with Efficacy of Sildenafil Treatment Plus Diabetes Control in Diabetic Patients with Erectile Dysfunction" The Journal of Sexual Medicine Book of Abstract, UP-075, 11th Congress of the ESSM, Brussels, December (2008).

63. Aslan Y., Sezgin T., Topaloglu O., Delibasi T., Guler S., Atan A. "The Frequency of Metabolic Syndrome And Hypogonadism In Patients With Erectile Dysfunction" The Journal of Sexual Medicine Book of Abstract, UP-143, 11th Congress of the ESSM, Brussels, December (2008).

64. Aslan Y., Sezgin T., Tekdogan U.Y., Balci M., Tuncel A., Atan A. "Does Presence of Metabolic Syndrome Effect Severity of Erectile Dysfunction in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes?" The Journal of Sexual Medicine Book of Abstract, UP-144, 11th Congress of the ESSM, Brussels, December (2008).

65. Aslan Y., Sezgin T., Tuncel A., Tekdogan U.Y., Guler S., Atan A. "Is Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus a Cause of Severe Erectile Dysfunction in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome?" The Journal of Sexual Medicine Book of Abstract, UP-184, 11th Congress of the ESSM, Brussels, December (2008).

66. Tuncel, A., V. Nalcacioglu, K. Ener, Y. Aslan, U. Tekdogan, and A. Atan, "Comparison of Efficacy of Sildenafil-only, Sildenafil plus Tamsulosin, and Tamsulosin only in Treating Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Erectile Dysfunction," 23rd Congress of the European Association of Urology Annual Meeting, Milano, European Urology, Vol. VII, MP-404, 171, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2008.

67. Altıparmak UE, Aslan Y, Artan M. "Damage to the lasik flap by hot water insult: case presentation" ESCRS Book of Abstract, MP-179, XXVIth Congress of the ESCRS, Berlin, September (2008)

68. Tekdogan U.Y., Tuncel A, Nalcacioglu V., Kisa C., Aslan Y, Atan A. "The Effect of Patient's Anxiety and Periprostatic Local Anesthesia on Pain Control during Transrectal Prostate Needle Biopsy," 21st Congress of the European Association of Urology Annual Meeting, Paris, European Urology, Vol. V, MP-706, 199, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2006. (Modere Poster Presentation)

69. Atan A., Basar M. M., Tuncel A., Aslan Y. "Does Postejaculatory Early Voiding Cause Nonbacterial Prostatitis?" The Journal of Sexual Medicine Book of Abstract, MP-05-138, 9th Congress of the ESSM, Vienna, December (2006).

70. Tuncel. A., A. Atan, M.M. Başar, Ç. Mert, Y. Aslan and K. Ağras, "Is There a Relationship among Age, International Index of Erectile Function, International Prostate Symptom Score and Heinemann Score?," 7th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine, London, The Journal of Sexual Medicine, Vol. II, Suppl 1, P-058, 54, Blackwell, Medford, 2004.

4. Authored International Books or Chapters in Books

1. Aslan Y, Tuncel A. Fournier's Gangrene, General Surgery / The Handbook of Colon & Rectum. Editor: Prof. Dr. Bülent Cavit YÜKSEL, Ankara Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri Ltd. Şti Syf: 35-38

5. Articles Published in National Refereed Journals

1. Aykanat C, Aslan B, Aslan Y. "Urogenital Problems and Treatments in Spinal Cord Injured Patients" Türk Nöroşir Derg 30(3):492-500, 2020

2. Güzel Ö., Atan A., Aslan Y. "Hyperprolactinemia and erectile dysfunction." Androl Bul, 20, 90-94 (2018)

3. Birgi Ö., Özbey E.G., Güzel Ö., Aslan Y., Tuncel A., Yıldız M. "The Relationship Between Urogenital Fistula and Female Genital Mutilation," Journal of Turgut Özal Medical Center., 23, 293-296 (2016).

4. Balcı M., Tuncel A., Güzel Ö., Aslan Y., Keten T., Köseoğlu E., Erkan A., Atan A. "Evaluation of the complications in transperitoneal laparoscopic renal and adrenal surgery with Clavien-Dindo classification." Turk J Urol, 42, 70-73 (2016).

5. Guzel O., Aslan Y., Ener K., Keten T., Ozcan M.F., Tuncel A., Akbulut Z., Atan A. "Comparison of Pneumatic and Laser Lithotripsy in the Endoscopic Treatment of Upper Ureteral Stones." J Clin Anal Med, 6, 826-829 (2015).

6. Balci M., Tuncel A., Aslan Y., Guzel Ö., Erkan A., Köseoğlu E., Atan A. "Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy for Adrenal Tumours:Experience With 54 Patients," European Medical Journal, 3, 41-44 (2015).

7. Guzel, Ö., Tuncel A., Keten T., Aslan Y., Yıldız M., Atan A. "Early Surgical Treatment of Penile Fracture: Our Experience With Nineteen Patients," J Clin Anal Med, 6, 726-728 (2015).

8. Tuncel A., Senel Ç., Aslan Y. "Cryoablation or Radiofrequency Ablation for Minimally Invasive Treatment of Small Renal Masses? Radiofrequency Ablation?" Endourology Bulletin, 7, 119-123 (2014). (Review)

9. Güzel Ö, Özgür B.C., Aslan Y., Sarıcı H., Bilgin Ö., Hızlı F., Başar H., Eroğlu M., Atan A. "How much do radiologic and peroperative findings before radical nephrectomy guide us to perform same-sided adrenalectomy?" New Journal of Urology, 9, 38-42 (2014).

10. Aslan Y., Güzel Ö., Tuncel A., Atan A. "Is There a Role for Phosphodiesterase Type 5 Enzyme Inhibitors in the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Erectile Dysfunction?" Yeni Uroloji Dergisi., 9, 79-84 (2014).

11. Aslan Y., Balci M., Tuncel A, Atan A. "Energy Sources Used for Hemostasis in Laparoscopic Surgery," Endourology Bulletin, 7, 30-35 (2014). (Review)

12. Arslan M., Tuncel A., Değirmenci T., Kozacıoğlu Z., Köseoğlu E., Aslan Y., Gürbüz C., Atan A. "Comparison of Adrenal Vein Control Methods in Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy," Eur J Endosc Laparosc Surg, 1, 66-70 (2014).

13. Güzel, Ö., Tuncel A., Aslan Y., Atan A. "Current Opinions on Varicocele," Andrology Bulletin, 54, 180-184 (2013).

14. Aslan Y., Tuncel A., Atan A. "Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Treatment with Alpha Adrenergic Receptor Blocker and 5-Alpha Reductase Enzyme Inhibitor: Indications and Results," Endourology Bulletin, 6, 1-6 (2013). (Review)

15. Atan A., Aslan Y., Keten K. The relationship between metabolic syndrome and erectile dysfunction. Endocrine Dialogue Journal, 10, 86-92 (2013) (Review)

16. Tuncel A., M. Balcı, E. Köseoğlu, Aslan Y., Güzel Ö., Keten T., Berker D., Güler S., Atan A. "Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy: Our Annual Experience with Thirty-five Patients", Turkish Journal of Urology, 39, 214-219 (2013).

17. Balcı M., Aslan Y., Bozarslan B., Tuncel A., Kayalı M., Atan A. "The Effect of Metabolic Syndrome on Retinal Findings in Patients with Erectile Dysfunction" Turkish Journal of Urology, 39, 22-28 (2013).

18. Atan A., Aslan Y., Tuncel A. "Use of Alpha Blockers in the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia" Turkish Journal of Geriatrics, 15, 237-240 (2012).

19. Balcı M., Aslan Y., Tuncel A., Kayalı M., Köseoğlu E., Atan A. "Is There a Difference Between the Rates of Detection of Severe Erectile Dysfunction When Different Metabolic Syndrome Diagnostic Criteria Are Used?," Turkish Journal of Urology, 38, 211-215 (2012).

20. Balcı M., Aslan Y., Aydın A.Ö., Kayalı M., Tuncel A., Atan A. "Sexual Function Screening in Turkish Men: A Survey Study," Middle East Medical Journal, 4, 108-113 (2012).

21. Atan A., Aslan Y., Tuncel A., Yıldız M., Balcı M., Bilgin Ö. "Our Results of Tubularized Incised Plate Urethroplasty in Cases of Primary and Recurrent Hypospadias," Turkish Journal of Urology, 37, 136-141 (2011).

22. Aslan Y., Balcı M., Atan A. "Idiopatic Penile Epidermoid Cyst In A Young Patient: Three Years Follow Up" Eur J Surg Sci, 2, 16-18 (2011).

23. Aslan Y., Atan A. "Laparoscopic Access and Suture Techniques" Turkish Urology Seminars, 1, 134-141, (2010).

24. Atan A., Aslan Y. "Lower Urinary System Complaints/How Do Treatments for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Affect Sexual Functions?" Middle East Medical Journal, 3, 33-37 (2010). (Review)

25. Atan A., Aslan Y. "Premature Ejaculation: New Definition and Place of Dapoxetine in Current Treatment" Turkish Journal of Urology, 36, 149-154 (2010).(Review)

26. Atan A., Tuncel A., Aslan Y., Başar M. "Is Voiding Within One Hour After Ejaculation an Etiologic Factor in Prostatic Inflammation?" Eur J Surg Sci, 1, 1-4 (2010).

27. Aslan Y., Sezgin T., Aydın A.Ö., Atan A. "Retrocaval Ureter: A Case Report and Review of the Literature" Middle East Medical Journal, 2, 43-45 (2010).

28. Aslan Y., Kırılmaz U., Tuncel A., Nalçacıoğlu V., Balcı M, Atan A. "Our Results of Rigid Ureteroscopy and Pneumatic Lithotripsy in Patients with Ureteral Stone" Turkish Journal of Urology, 36, 263-269 (2010).

29. Aslan Y., Atan A., Aydın Ö., Nalçacıoğlu V., Tuncel A., Kadıoğlu A. "Penile Length According to Geographic Regions in Healthy Young Men in Turkey: Measurement Findings of 1,132 Cases" Turkish Journal of Urology, 36, 43-48 (2010).

30. Atan A., Nalçacıoğlu V., Aslan Y. "Approach to Undescended Testis in Children and Adults" Andrology Bulletin, 37, 127-130 (2009).

31. Yılmaz A., Aslan Y., Uzun B., Tekdoğan Ü., Tuncel A., Atan A. "The Relationship Between Bladder Wall Thickness and Symptom Duration, Uroflovmetry Parameters and International Prostate Symptom Score in Patients with Lower Urinary System Symptoms" Turkish Journal of Urology, 35, 361-365 (2009).

32. Tuncel A., Aslan Y., Yıldırım Ü., Zengin N., Atan A. "Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor of Abdominal Origin Mimicking Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Case Report and Review of Publications" Turkish Journal of Urology, 34, 128-132 (2008).

33. Atan A., Aslan Y. "Hypogonadism in metabolic syndrome" Andrology Bulletin, 30, 185-187 (2007).

34. Tuncel A., Aslan Y., Nalçacıoğlu V., Berker D., Güler S., Atan A. "Evaluation of Above Renal Gland Masses" Turkish Journal of Urology, 33, 18-23 (2007).

35. Aslan Y., Tuncel A., Nalçacıoğlu V., Karabulut E., Atan A. "Retrospective Analysis of Our Urothelial Cell Bladder Cancer Cases" Urology Bulletin, 17, 12-16 (2006).

36. Atan A., Tuncel A., Aslan Y., Çaşkurlu T., Eroğlu M., Albayrak S., Karaman İ., Ergenekon E. "Is Computed Tomography Reliable in Determining Tumor Number and Adrenal Gland Involvement in Renal Cell Carcinoma Patients? A Multicenter Study" Turkish Journal of Urology, 31, 329-334 (2005).

37. Tuncel A., Ağras K., Aslan Y., Tekdoğan Ü.Y., Akbulut Z., Atan A. "Analysis of Data of Patients with and without Prostate Cancer After Transrectal Prostate Needle Biopsy: A Retrospective Study" Turkish Journal of Urology, 30, 148-154 (2004).

38. Aslan Y., Tuncel A., Aksüt H., Uzun B., Ağras K., Atan A. "Are Sexual Functions Affected by Prostatectomy in Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia?" Turkish Journal of Geriatrics, 7, 62-65, (2004).

39. Tuncel A., Atan A., Ağras K., Aslan Y. "Urethral Erosion after Double Urolume Urethral Stent Insertion: A Case Report" Gazi Medical Journal, 15, 67-69 (2004).

40. Tuncel A., Aslan Y., Aksüt H., Özergin O., Tekdoğan Ü.Y., Atan A. "The Effect of Lidocaine Gel Applied into the Rectum in Transrectal Prostate Needle Biopsy on Pain Control" Turkish Journal of Urology, 29, 403-406 (2003).

41. Tekdoğan Ü.Y., Güngör S., Aslan Y., Çanaklı F., Aksüt H., Atan A. "Screening for Sexual Dysfunction in Men in Turkish Society" Urology Bulletin, 14, 188-192 (2003).

42. Özergin O., Akbulut Z., Güngör S., Aslan Y., Atan A. "Diverticular Enlargement and Stone Formation in the Urethra after Ambigeus Genitale Repair" Journal of Incision, 5, 97-99 (2002).

43. Akbulut Z., Aslan Y., Çanaklı F., Yıldız M., Atan A. "What is your diagnosis?" New Medical Journal, 18, 221-222 (2002).

6. Papers Presented at National Scientific Meetings and Published in Proceedings

1. Şenel S., Özden C., Aslan Y., Kızılkan Y., Gökkaya C.S., Aktaş B.K. "Can stone scoring systems be used to predict infective complications of retrograde intrarenal surgery?" 29th National Urology Congress, Congress Abstract Book, SS-130, Online Congress, 2020. (Oral Presentation)

2. Coşer Ş., Başboğa S., Güzel Ö., Aslan Y., Balcı M., Özercan A.Y., Tuncel A. "The effect of Covid-19 pandemic on male sexual functions: A survey study." 29th National Urology Congress, Congress Abstract Book, SS-217, Online Congress, 2020. (Oral Presentation)

3. Güzel Ö., Coşer Ş., Aslan Y., Özercan A.Y., Köseoğlu B., Aykanat İ.C., Balcı M., Tuncel A. "Are biochemical diagnostic markers important in predicting prognosis in Fournier gangrene?" 29th National Urology Congress, Congress Abstract Book, PP-23, Online Congress, 2020.

4.Sayan H., Aslan Y., Sarıcanbaz İ. "Our Radiotherapy Experience in Oligometastatic Prostate Cancer Patients: Single Center Case Series." 14th National Urooncology Congress, Congress Abstract Book, SS085, 158, 2019 (Oral Presentation)

5. Guzel Ö., Aykanat C., Aslan Y., Asfuroğlu A., Coşer Ş., Balcı M., Tuncel A. Our Rigid and Bendable Ureterorenoscopy Results in Isolated Renal Pelvis Stones. 13th National Endourology Congress, Congress Abstract Book, SS-022, 49, Antalya, 2019. (Video Presentation)

6. Senel C., Tuncel A., Balcı M., Asfuroğlu A., Aykanat A., Güzel Ö., Aslan Y. "Non-fluoroscopic Technique is Effective and Reliable in Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery." 5th Istanbul Urolithiasis Days, Congress Abstract Book, S-34, Istanbul, 2018. (Oral Presentation)

7. Aslan Y. Tuncel A., Erkan A., Akdemir A.Ö., Şenel Ç., Asfuroğlu A., Aykanat İ.C., Güzel Ö. "Retrograde intrarenal surgical treatment of renal lipomatosis due to a stone in the renal pelvis," 25th National Urology Congress, Congress Abstract Book, VS-063, Kyrenia, 2016. (Video Presentation)

8. Şenel Ç., Tuncel A., Aslan Y., Balci M., Asfuroğlu A., Aykanat C., Güzel Ö. "Our experience of retrograde intrarenal surgery in kidney stones in five hundred patients," 25th National Urology Congress, Congress Abstract Book, TP-100, Kyrenia, 2016. (Modere Poster Presentation)

9. Köseoğlu E., Tuncel A., Balcı M., Kaya O., Aslan Y., Güzel Ö., Yılmaz F.M., Atan A. "Alpha Methyl Acylcoenzyme-A Racemase and Netrin 1 in the diagnosis of prostate cancer.", 25th National Urology Congress, Congress Abstract Book, TP-76, Kyrenia, 2016. (Modere Poster Presentation)

10. Aslan Y., Afşarlar Ç.E., Tuncel A., Köseoğlu E., Şenel Ç. Adult bladder exstrophy: Case Report" 25th National Urology Congress, Congress Abstract Book, P-78, Kyrenia, 2016. (Poster)

11. Balcı, M., A. Tuncel, Y. Aslan, Ö. Güzel, A. Erkan, E. Köseoğlu, A. Atan, "Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy: Our Experience with Fifty-Four Patients," 11th National Endourology Congress, Congress Abstract Book, S-007, 30, Antalya, 2015. (Oral Presentation)

12. Tuncel, A., Y. Aslan, M. Arslan, A. Erkan, S. Akdemir, Atan A. "Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Bilateral Adrenalectomy Experience," 11th National Endourology Congress, Congress Abstract Book, S-008, 31, Antalya, 2015. (Oral Presentation)

13. Güzel, Ö., M. Balcı, A. Tuncel, Y. Aslan, Ç. Şenel, Atan A. "Single Session Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery: Our Results with 265 Patients in ≤ 15 mm and ≥15 mm Kidney Stones," 11th National Endourology Congress, Congress Abstract Book, S-093, 87, Antalya, 2015. (Oral Presentation)

14. Tuncel, A., M. Balci, Y. Aslan, Erkan A. "Laparoscopic Transperitoneal Bilateral Adrenalectomy," 11th National Endourology Congress, Congress Abstract Book, V-089, 144, Antalya, 2015. (Video Presentation)

15. Aslan, Y., A. Tuncel, Ö. Güzel, Erkan A. "Laparoscopic Transperitoneal Left Heminephrectomy in Horseshoe Kidney," 11th National Endourology Congress, Congress Abstract Book, V-090, 144, Antalya, 2015. (Video Presentation)

16. Balcı, M., A. Tuncel, Y. Aslan, Ö. Güzel, T. Keten, E. Köseoğlu, Atan A. "Evaluation of Complications in Laparoscopic Renal and Adrenal Surgery with Clavien-Dindo Classification," 23rd National Urology Congress, Congress Abstract Book, SS-0242, 112, Antalya, 2014. (Oral Presentation)

17. Balcı, M., A. Tuncel, Ö. Bilgin, Y. Aslan, Atan A. "An Effective Treatment for Incontinence After Prostate Surgery: Adjustable Perineal Male Sling with Tissue Expander," 23rd National Urology Congress, Congress Abstract Book, SS-0233, 105, Antalya, 2014. (Oral Presentation)

18. Balcı, M., A. Tuncel, Ö. Güzel, Y. Aslan, T. Sezgin, Ö. Bilgin, Ç. Şenel, Atan A. "Efficacy of Nuclear Matrix Protein 22 Bladder Chek Test in Detection of Residual Tumor Before Re-Transurethral Resection: A Prospective Study," 23rd National Urology Congress, Congress Abstract Book, SS-0181, 74, Antalya, 2014. (Oral Presentation)

19. Güzel, Ö., Y. Aslan, E. Köseoğlu, A. Tuncel, M. Yıldız, A. Erkan, Ç. Şenel, A. Asfuroğlu, İ.C. Aykanat, Atan A. "Do Medical Specialty Students Find Their Education Adequate? An Internet Survey Study," 23rd National Urology Congress, Congress Abstract Book, SS-0176, 65, Antalya, 2014. (Oral Presentation)

20. Bilgin, Ö., Aslan Y., Balcı M., Güzel Ö., Keten T., Tuncel A., Erkan A., Atan A. "Comparison of Treatment Efficacy in Patients with Lower Urinary System Symptoms Due to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia," 23rd National Urology Congress, Congress Abstract Book, SS-049, 37, Antalya, 2014. (Oral Presentation)

21. Keten, T., Aslan Y., Balcı M., Tuncel A., Bilgin Ö., Dilmen C., Özdemir Ü., Yahşi S., Güzel Ö., Atan A. "Comparison of the Efficacy of 4 mg and 8 mg Doxazosin XL Therapy in the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Evaluation of the Efficacy of 8 mg Doxazosin XL Therapy in Patients Who Did Not Benefit Sufficiently from 4 mg Doxazosin XL," 23rd National Urology Congress, Congress Abstract Book, SS-048, 37, Antalya, 2014. (Oral Presentation)

22. Güzel Ö., Aslan Y., Balcı M., Köseoğlu E., Tuncel A., Yıldız M., Atan A. "The Relationship Between Treatment Types and Duration of Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction in Diabetic Patients," Büyük Uroloji Buluşması-I, Congress Abstract Book, SS-076, 55, Antalya, 2013. (Oral Presentation)

23. Aslan Y., Balcı M., Güzel Ö., Keten T., Köseoğlu E., Bilgin Ö., Tuncel A., Atan A. "The Effectiveness of Different Treatment Methods for Lower Urinary System Symptoms on International Prostate Symptom Score and Erectile Functions," Büyük Uroloji Buluşması-I, Congress Abstract Book, SS-058, 44, Antalya, 2013. (Oral Presentation)

24. Balcı M., Aslan Y., Güzel Ö., Kayalı M., Tuncel A., Yıldız M., Atan A. “The Relationship Between Late-Onset Hypoponadism and Lower Urinary System Symptoms in Patients with Erectile Dysfunction”, 10th National Andrology Congress, Congress Summary Book, P-42, 171, Bodrum, 2013. (Poster)

25. Güzel Ö., Tuncel A., Balcı M., Keten T., Aslan Y., Yıldız M., Atan A. “Surgical Treatment of Penile Fracture: Our Experience with Nineteen Patients”, 10th National Andrology Congress, Congress Abstract Book , P-02, 129, Bodrum, 2013. (Poster)

26. Tuncel A., Güzel Ö., Balcı M., Aslan Y., Yıldız M., Atan A. “Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy in a Patient with a History of Cholecystitis Attack”, 10th National Endourology Congress, Congress Abstract Book, V- 057, 279, Antalya, 2013. (Video Presentation)

27. Tuncel A., Erkan A., Aslan Y., Köseoğlu E., Yıldız M., Atan A. “Laparoscopic Right Adrenalectomy in a Patient with a History of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy”, 10th National Endourology Congress, Congress Abstract Book, V-056, 278, Antalya, 2013. (Video Presentation)

28. Aslan, Y., Bilgin Ö., Erkan A., Şenel Ç., Tuncel A., Atan A. “Laparoscopic Left Partial Adrenalectomy”, 10th National Endourology Congress, Congress Abstract Book, V-055, 277, Antalya , 2013. (Video Presentation)

29. Aslan Y., Tuncel A., Erkan A., Keten T., Bilgin Ö., Atan A. ”Simultaneous Laparoscopic Left Orchiectomy and Left Inguinal Hernia Repair”, 10th National Endourology Congress, Congress Abstract Book, P- 118, 217, Antalya, 2013. (Poster)

30. Ünsal A., Oğuz U., Tuncel A., Bozkurt Ö.F., Aslan Y., Eraslan A., Şenocak Ç., Atan A.” “Approach to Total Avulsion of the Ureter from Two Ends”, 10th National Endourology Congress, Congress Summary Book, P-003, 131, Antalya, 2013. (Poster)

31. Tuncel A., Balcı M., Aslan Y., Köseoğlu E., Güzel Ö., Keten T., Atan A. “Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy: Our Experience with Thirty-Five Patients”, 10th National Endourology Congress, Congress Abstract Book, S-107, 110, Antalya, 2013. (Oral Presentation)

32. Kayalı, M., Aslan Y., Balcı M., Bilgin Ö., Keten T., Tuncel A., Atan A. “Is There a Relationship Between Metabolic Syndrome and Prostate Cancer?”, 5th Urooncology Winter Congress, New Urology Journal Paper Special Issue, P-065, 101, Skopje, 2013. (Poster)

33. Sezgin T., Aslan Y., Bilgin Ö., Keten T., Tuncel A., Yıldız M., Atan A. “What is the Effect of the Nuclear Matrix Protein 22 Bladercheck Test in Detecting Primary and Residual Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancers? 5th Urooncology Winter Congress, New Urology Journal Paper Special Issue, P-036, 79, Skopje, 2013. (Poster)

34. Keten T., Bilgin Ö., Köseoğlu E., Erkan A., Şenel Ç., Balcı M., Aslan Y., Tuncel A., Yıldız M., Atan A. “Prostate Cancer Detected After Transrectal Prostate Needle Biopsy and Analysis of Data of Undetected Patients: A Retrospective Study”, 5th Urooncology Winter Congress, New Urology Journal Paper Special Issue, S-024, 39, Skopje, 2013. (Oral presentation)

35. Sarıcı H., Aslan Y., Ekici M., Nalbant İ., Bilgin B., Özer E. “Comparison of Prostate Biopsy Pathologies with Radical Prostatectomy Pathologies.” 5th Urooncology Winter Congress, New Urology Journal Paper Special Issue, S-021, 37, Skopje, 2013. (Oral presentation)

36. Tuncel A., Keten T., Bilgin Ö., Köseoğlu E., Kayalı M., Aslan Y., Atan A. “Fournier's Gangrene: Our 10-Year Experience with Forty-One Patients”, 22nd Turkish Urology Congress, Turkish Journal of Urology Congress Abstract Book, P-116, 183, Kyrenia, 2012. (Poster Presentation to Moderator)

37. Atan A., Tuncel A., Aslan Y., Balcı M., Kayalı M., Bilgin Ö. “Use of Penile Fasciocutaneous Flap in the Repair of Long Urethral Strictures: Our Short-Term Follow-up Results”, 22nd Turkish Urology Congress, Turkish Journal of Urology Congress Abstract Book, P-096, 171, Kyrenia, 2012. (Moderated Poster Presentation)

38. Atan A., Balcı M., Tuncel A., Aslan Y., Kayalı M., Bilgin Ö., Keten T., Köseoğlu E. “Our Adjustable Perineal Sling Operation Results in Male Patients with Post-prostatectomy Incontinence”, 22. Turkish Urology Congress, Turkish Journal of Urology Congress Summary Book, P-092, 169, Kyrenia, 2012. (Modere Poster Presentation)

39. Bilgin Ö., Aslan Y., Kayalı M., T. Keten, E. Köseoğlu, A. Tuncel and A. Atan, “Comparison of the Effectiveness of Solifenacin, Tolterodine and Darifenacin Treatments in Patients with Overactive Bladder Symptoms”, 22nd Turkish Urology Congress, Turkish Journal of Urology Congress Abstract Book, P-090, 168, Kyrenia, 2012. (Modere Poster Presentation)

40. Tuncel A., Köseoğlu E., Aslan Y., Kayali M., Şenel Ç., Yıldız M., Atan A. “Evaluation of Our Complications with the Clavien Scoring System in Laparoscopic Kidney and Adrenal Surgery”, 22nd Turkish Urology Congress, Turkish Urology Journal Congress Abstract Book, S-033, 38, Kyrenia, 2012. (Oral Presentation)

41. Atan A., Balcı M., Aslan Y., Kayalı M., Bilgin Ö., Keten T., Erkan A. “Investigation of the Efficacy of Paroxetine and Fluoxetine in Patients with Lifelong Premature Ejaculation”, 22nd Turkish Urology Congress, Turkish Urology Journal Congress Abstract Book, S-018, 26, Kyrenia, 2012. (Oral Presentation)

42. Kayali M., Aslan Y., Bilgin Ö., Köseoğlu E., Keten T., Tuncel A., Atan A. “The Relationship Between Metabolic Syndrome, Late-Onset Hypogonadism, Erectile Dysfunction and Lower Urinary System Symptoms”, 22. Turkish Urology Congress, Turkish Journal of Urology Congress Summary Book, S-014, 24, Kyrenia, 2012. (Oral Presentation)

43. Atan A., Aslan Y., Balcı M., Kayalı M., Kırılmaz U., Yıldız M., Tuncel A. “Effectiveness of Paroxetine Treatment in Patients with Lifelong Premature Ejaculation” 9th National Andrology Congress, Congress Abstract Book, p-23, 125, Mersin, 2011. (Poster)

44. Balcı M., Aslan Y., Bozarslan B., Tuncel A., Alp N., Atan A. “The Effect of Metabolic Syndrome on Retinal Findings in Patients with Erectile Dysfunction”, 9th National Andrology Congress, Congress Abstract Book, P- 18, 120, Mersin, 2011. (Poster)

45. Atan A., Tuncel A., Aslan Y., Balcı M. “Treatment of Post-Prostatectomy Incontinence Using Adjustable Balloon Male Sling: A Video Presentation”, 4th Urooncology Winter Symposium, Abstract Book, V-5, 17, Antakya, 2011. (Video Presentation)

46. Kırılmaz U., Aslan Y., Tuncel A., Balcı M., Sezgin T., Atan A. “Does Glycemic Control Increase the Efficacy of Sildenafil Citrate in Patients with Erectile Dysfunction Due to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus?” 21st National Urology Congress Abstracts Book, S-016, 22-23, 21st National Urology Congress, Istanbul, November, (2010).

47. Atan A., Aslan Y., Balcı M., Tuncel A., Kayalı M., Bilgin Ö. “Efficacy of Solifenacin Use in Patients with Overactive Bladder Complaints: Preliminary Results” 21st National Urology Congress Proceedings Book, P-012, 104, 21st National Urology Congress, Istanbul, November, (2010).

48. Aslan Y., Tuncel A., Balcı M., Mustafa Kayalı, Ersin Köseoğlu, Atan A. “The Relationship Between Different Metabolic Syndrome Diagnostic Criteria and Erectile Dysfunction Severity” 21st National Urology Congress Abstracts Book, P-028, 113 , 21st National Urology Congress, Istanbul, November, (2010).

49. Aslan Y., Tuncel A., Kayalı M., Bilgin Ö., Keten T., Atan A. “Can Bladder Wall Thickness Measurement Be Used to Determine Bladder Outlet Obstruction?” 21st National Urology Congress Abstracts Book, P-076, 138, 21st National Urology Congress, Istanbul, November, (2010).

50. Tuncel A., Aslan Y., Balcı M., Aydın Ö., Kayalı M., Atan A. “Laparoscopic Transperitoneal Adrenalectomy: Our 2-Year Experience with 16 Patients” 21st National Urology Congress Abstracts Book, P-162, 186, 21st National Urology Congress, Istanbul, November, (2010).

51. Tuncel A., Aslan Y., Balcı M., Aydın Ö., Kırılmaz U., Atan A. “Our Results of Laparoscopic Simple Kidney Cyst Decortication with Conventional Monopolar Cautery Device” 21st National Urology Congress Abstracts Book, P- 173, 192, 21st National Urology Congress, Istanbul, November, (2010).

52. Atan A., Aslan Y., Tuncel A., Yıldız M., Balcı M., Bilgin Ö. “Our Results of Tubularized Incised Plate Urethroplasty Technique in Primary and Recurrent Hypospadias Cases21. National Urology Congress Abstracts Book, E-250, 235, 21st National Urology Congress, Istanbul, November, (2010).

53. Atan A., Aslan Y., Tuncel A., Balcı M., Kayalı M. “Use of Penile Fasciocutaneous Flap in the Repair of Long Urethral Strictures: Our Short-Term Follow-up Results” 21st National Urology Congress Abstracts Book, P-435, 336 , 21st National Urology Congress, Istanbul, November, (2010).

54. Aslan Y., Tuncel A., Balcı M., Atan A. “Bilateral Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Simple Nephrectomy Performed Due to Chronic Renal Failure Before Kidney Transplantation: A Video Presentation” 21st National Urology Congress Abstracts Book, V-048 , 363, 21st National Urology Congress, Istanbul, November, (2010).

55. Atan A., Aslan Y., Tuncel A., Balcı M. “Use of Penile Circular Fasciocutaneous Flap in the Treatment of Long Anterior Urethral Stenosis: A Video Presentation” 21st National Urology Congress Book of Abstracts, V-055, 366, 21. National Urology Congress, Istanbul, November, (2010).

56. Atan A., Aslan Y., Tuncel A., Balcı M. “Use of Penile Circular Fasciocutaneous Flap in the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Long Posterior Urethral Stenosis: A Video Presentation” 21st National Urology Congress Abstracts Book, V-057, 367 , 21st National Urology Congress, Istanbul, November, (2010).

57. Aslan Y., Kırılmaz U., Tuncel A., Nalçacıoğlu V., Balcı M., Atan A. “Our Rigid Ureteroscopy and Pneumotic Lithotripsy Results in Patients with Ureteral Stones” Istanbul Urolithiasis Days Summary Booklet, O-9, 38, Istanbul Urolithiasis Days, Istanbul, December (2009).

58. Aslan Y., Tuncel A., Kırılmaz U., Balcı M., Kayalı M., Atan A. “The Effect of Stone Size on Rigid Ureteroscopy and Pneumatic Lithotripsy Results in Lower End Ureteric Stones” Istanbul Urolithiasis Days Summary Booklet, O-10, 38, Istanbul Urolithiasis Days, Istanbul, December (2009).

59. Aslan Y., Atan A., Aydın A.Ö., Nalçacıoğlu V., Tuncel A., Kadıoğlu A. “Penile length measurements of healthy Turkish men according to regions” 8th National Andrology Congress Abstract Book, SS-05, 26 , 8th National Andrology Congress, Izmir, May (2009).

60. Aslan Y., Aydın A.Ö., Balcı M., Nalçacıoğlu V., Tekdoğan Ü.Y., Atan A. “Screening for Sexual Dysfunction in Turkish Men: Survey Study” 8th National Andrology Congress Abstract Book, SS- 06, 27, 8th National Andrology Congress, Izmir, May (2009).

61. Aslan Y., Atan A., Aydın A.Ö., Nalçacıoğlu V., Tuncel A., Kadıoğlu A. “Penile Length and Testicular Volume Measurement in Healthy Turkish Men” 8th National Andrology Congress Abstract Book, SP-07, 62, 8th National Andrology Congress, Izmir, May (2009).

62. Aslan Y., Ünal B., Sezgin T., Tunca F., Artan M., Atan A. “Ipsilateral testicular hypotrophy is associated with impaired semen parameters in high-grade varicocele patients” 8th National Andrology Congress Abstract Book, SP- 22, 77, 8th National Andrology Congress, Izmir, May (2009).

63. Sezgin T., Aslan Y., Tuncel A., Nalçacıoğlu V., Tekdoğan Ü., Atan A. “Effectiveness of NMP22 Test in Detecting Residual Tumor of Urothelial Cell Bladder Cancer” Turkish Journal of Urology Congress Abstract Book, S-88, 75, 20th National Urology Congress, Antalya, November (2008).

64. Aslan Y., Ünal B., Sezgin T., Artan M., Atan A. “Ipsilateral testicular hypotrophy is associated with impaired semen parameters in high-grade varicocele patients” Turkish Journal of Urology Congress Abstract Book, P-110, 184-185 , 20th National Urology Congress, Antalya, November (2008).

65. Tuncel A., Kırılmaz U., Nalçacıoğlu V., Aslan Y., Polat F., Atan A. “The Effect of Transrectal Prostate Needle Biopsy on the Sexual Status of Men and Their Female Partners” Turkish Journal of Urology Congress Summary Book, TP-77, 453, 20th National Urology Congress, Antalya, November (2008).

66. Aslan Y., Tekdoğan Ü.Y., Tuncel A., Uzun B., Karabulut E., Atan A. “Serum Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate for the Early Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer in Men with Serum Prostate Specific Antigen Levels Between 2.5-4 ng/ml "Use" Turkish Journal of Urology Congress Summary Book, S-71, 47, 19th National Urology Congress, Antalya, June (2006).

67. Uzun M.B., Tekdoğan Ü.Y, Tuncel A., Nalçacıoğlu V., Aslan Y., Atan A. “The Relationship of International Prostate Symptom Score with Maximum Urine Flow Rate and Post-Voiding Residual Urine Amount and Maximum Urine Flow Rate of Total Prostate Volume and Its Effect on the Amount of Residual Urine at the End of Voiding” Turkish Journal of Urology Congress Summary Book, P-321, 298, 19th National Urology Congress, Antalya, June (2006).

68. Yılmaz A., Uzun B., Aslan Y., Tekdoğan Ü., Tuncel A., Atan A. “Is There a Relationship Between Bladder Wall Thickness and Maximum Urine Flow Rate, Post-Micturation Residual Urine Amount and International Prostate Symptom Score? ” Turkish Journal of Urology Congress Abstract Book, P-320, 297, 19th National Urology Congress, Antalya, June (2006).

69. Tuncel A., Çapar Y., Aslan Y., Tekdoğan Ü., Karabulut E., Atan A. “Evaluation of the Effect of Prostate Surgery on the Sexual Functions of Men and Their Partners” Turkish Journal of Urology Congress Abstract Book, P-384, 340, 19th National Urology Congress, Antalya, June (2006).

70. Aslan Y., Uzun M.B., Aksüt H., Tuncel A., Ağras K., Atan A. “Is There a Relationship Between Lower Urinary System Symptoms and Symptoms Due to Aging?” 1st National Elderly Health Congress Special Issue, P-72, 208, 1st National Elderly Health Congress, Antalya, April (2004).

71. Aslan Y., Aksüt H., Uzun M.B., Tuncel A., Ağras K., Atan A. “Do Lower Urinary System Symptoms Have an Effect on Erectile Function?” 1st National Elderly Health Congress Special Issue, P-73, 208, 1st National Elderly Health Congress, Antalya, April (2004).

72. Aslan Y., Tuncel A., Aksüt H., Uzun M.B., Ağras K., Atan A. “Are Sexual Functions Affected in Patients Who Had Prostatectomy Due to Benign Prostate Hyperplasia?” 1st National Elderly Health Congress Special Issue, P-74, 209, 1st National Elderly Health Congress, Antalya, April (2004).

73. Okudan B., Aslan Y., Güngör S., Atan A. “New Dynamic Parameters of Tc-99m DMSA in Healthy Persons” Turkish Journal of Urology Congress Abstract Book, P-50, 101, 17th National Urology Congress, Antalya , October (2002).

74. Güngör S., Tekdoğan Ü.Y., Aslan Y., Özergin O., Çanaklı F., Atan A. “Are There Differences in Prostate Volume Measurements Made with Transrectal Ultrasound by Different Physicians?” Turkish Journal of Urology Congress Abstract Book, P-107, 129, 17th National Urology Congress, Antalya, October (2002).

75. Tekdoğan Ü.Y., Güngör S., Aslan Y., Çanaklı F., Atan A. “DHEA-S Levels in Men with Erectile Dysfunction” Turkish Journal of Urology Congress Abstract Book, P-306, 229, 17th National Urology Congress , Antalya, October (2002).

76. Tekdoğan Ü.Y., Güngör S., Aslan Y., Çanaklı F., Atan A. “Screening for sexual dysfunction in men in Turkish society” Turkish Journal of Urology Congress Abstract Book, P-303, 227, 17th National Urology Congress , Antalya, October (2002)

Other Publications

A. Publications

1. Aslan Y, Ünsal A, Polat F. “Partial Nephrectomy, Laparoscopic Renal Hilar Control and Laparoscopic Clip Placement in Partial Nephrectomy”, Turkey Clinics Special Issue “Urological Laparoscopic Surgery”, Editor: Yaşar Özgök, Page: 55-57, 2022 ( Book Section)

2. Yıldızdan M., Aslan Y. “Urological problems and treatments of patients with neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction”, Turkish Neurosurgery Association SPSCG Group “Spine and Spinal Cord Injuries” Book, Editor: Ali Dalgıç, Turkish Neurosurgery Association Publications No: 25, Chapter 52 , Page: 453-475

3. Aykanat İ.C, Şenel Ç., Tuncel A., Aslan Y. “Ureterorenoscopy (URS) and Intrarenal Surgery”, Urology Practical Tips. Editor: Selçuk Sarıkaya, Nobel Medicine Bookstore, Chapter 7 Page: 149-153, September 2021 (Book Section, In Print)

4.Yıldızdan M. Aslan Y. “Histopathology of Bladder Cancer: What Urologists Want to See in Pathology Reports?”, Turkey Clinics Special Issue (Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Tumors), 2021 (Book Section, In Press)

5. Aslan Y., Balcı M. “Evaluation of Adrenal Lesions” Current Urology, 2nd Edition TÜD/Turkish Urology Academy Publication No: 18, Editors: M.Önder Yaman, Ateş Kadıoğlu, Ali İhsan Taşçı. Nobel Medical Bookstore, Page: 1145-1150, June 2018. (Book Section)

6. Akın I.B., Akın Y., Aslan Y. Urooncology Handbook. “Multiparametric MR-Guided Biopsy in Prostate Cancer, Its Place in Diagnosis, Staging and Follow-up”, TÜD/Turkish Urology Academy Publication No: 17, Editors: Sakıp Erturhan, Yiğit Akın. Nobel Medical Bookstore, Page: 231-242, January 2018. (Book Section)

7. Aslan Y., Atan A. Male and Female Sexual Health. “Hormonal Diseases and Male Sexual Dysfunctions, Hormonal Regulatory Mechanisms”, TÜD/Turkish Urology Academy Publication No: 8, Editors: Sefa Resim, Ateş Kadıoğlu. Nobel Medical Bookstore, Page: 295-316, October 2016 (Book Section)

8. Güzel Ö., Demirel H.C., Aslan Y. Male and Female Cincel Health. “Sexual Life in Certain Periods of Men's Life” TÜD/Turkish Urology Academy Publication No: 8, Editors: Sefa Resim, Ateş Kadıoğlu. Nobel Medical Bookstore, Page: 251-263, October 2016 (Book Section)

9. Atan A., Güzel Ö, Aslan Y. TÜAK/Turkey ESRU Assistant Handbook. “Male Hypogonadism”, TÜD/Turkish Urology Academy Publication No: 12, Editors: Selçuk Sarıkaya, Ateş Kadıoğlu, Nobel Medicine Kitabevi, Page: 159-169, April 2017 (Book Section)

9. Güzel Ö., Aslan Y. Bladder Cancer Update, “Staging of Bladder Cancers”, TÜD/Turkish Academy of Urology Publication No: 3, Editor: Altuğ Tuncel, Nobel Medicine Kitabevi, Page: 19-27, December 2015 (Book Section)

11. Aslan Y., Keten T., Atan A. Treatment of Urinary System Stone Disease, “Auxiliary Accessories Used in Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery”, TÜD/Turkish Academy of Urology Publication No: 1, Editor: Turhan Çaşkurlu, 237-247, August 2015. (Book Chapter)

12. Stone disease: Open Surgery Techniques. Aslan Y., Atan A. Mastery Of Surgery. Chapter 152A. Translation Editors Özmen M.M., Erbil Y.. Güneş Medicine Kitabevi Ankara (Mastery of Surgery 5th Edition Editors: Fisher JE, Bland KI. Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins Philadelphia 2007-USA) (Print Date: 2010, Book Section translation)

13. Ureteropelvic junction surgeries. Aslan Y., Atan A. Mastery Of Surgery. Chapter 153. Translation Editors Özmen M. M., Erbil Y.. Güneş Medicine Kitabevi Ankara (Mastery of Surgery 5th Edition Editors: Fisher JE, Bland KI. Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins Philadelphia 2007-USA) (Print Date: 2010, Book Chapter translation)

B. Scientific Meetings Attended:

1st Turkish Urology Associations Symposium, Eurasian Urooncology Association Session, Live Surgery, Operating Room 2, Endoscopy Combined Intrarenal Surgery (ECIRS), 16-19 March 2023 Antalya. (1st Surgeon – 18 March 2023)

2nd Turkish Urology Associations Symposium, Eurasian Urooncology Association Session, Approach to Small Renal Masses, 16-19 March 2023 Antalya. (Speaker – March 19, 2023)

3. Fellow of Prof. Balbay, Robotic Urology Symposium & Course, Course 1: Robotic upper urinary tract human fresh frozen cadaver course, 7-8 January 2023, Istanbul (Instructor)

4. Advanced Applied Robotics and Laparoscopic Urology Course in Pig Models, 25 December 2022, Istanbul (Course Secretary, Instructor)

5. Laparoscopy Course in Pig Model, “Laparoscopic Urological Surgeries, SBÜ Gülhane Health Sciences Institute, 9-10 December 2022, Ankara (Instructor, Speaker)

6. Memorial Urology Days, Prostate cancer treatment and age, 25-26 November 2022, Istanbul, Turkey (Symposium Chairman, Speaker)

7. 31st National Urology Congress, Semi-Live Surgery Session, 27-30 October 2022, Bafra, Cyprus, “Robotic Cystectomy” (Panelist- 12.10.2019)

8. 12th Euroasian Uro-oncology Congress, S-051, 1-4 September 2022, Erzurum, Turkey. PSA based machine learning algorithms (Speaker 03.09.2022-Online)

9. Observational & Online Robotic Urology Courses, Euroasian Urooncology Association-International Prostate Forum (IPF), (Instructor, 5-6 August 2022)

10. Endoscopic Prostate Enucleation Course, Masterclass with Live Surgeries, 24 June 2022, Antalya. Complications and Management in Endoscopic Enucleation (Speaker)

11th Kazakhstan Urology Congress, 13 May 2022, Kazakhstan. “Complication of Laparoscopic Surgery and its Management”, (Speaker-Online)

12. 15th National Endourology Congress, Kyrenia, 5-8 May 2022. “Intraoperative Imaging Techniques 3D modeling, Augmented Reality and ICG” (Speaker)

13. Turkish Academy of Urology, Surgery Notes Dictation, Spring Camp 2022, 30 March 2022, “Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy” (Speaker-Online)

14. 11th Euroasian Uro-oncology Congress, 3-5 September 2021, Sanliurfa, Turkey.

Serum MicroRNA as a new tumor marker for testicular germ cell tumors (Speaker 04.09.2021)

15. 11th Euroasian Uro-oncology Congress, 3-5 September 2021, Sanliurfa, Turkey. Satellite Syposia: 8 in 8 with Cardura XL (Speaker 04.09.2021)

16. 29th National Urology Congress, 17-21 November 2020, Online, Türkiye. Oral Presentation Session (Session Chair-21.11.2020)

17. Turkish Academy of Urology, Urology Assistant Camp, 4th Module, “Future treatments in BPH treatment”, Webcast, (Speaker 11.11.2020)

18. Turkish Academy of Urology, Urology Summer Camp, 18th Day Oncology, “Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy, Webcast, (Speaker 27.07.2020)

19. Turkish Academy of Urology, What's New in the 2020 Guidelines?, "Stone Diseases", Webcast, (Speaker 15.04.2020)

20. 50th International Applied Laparoscopic Urology Course, 27-27 September 2019, Istanbul, Turkey. Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy (Course Secretary, Trainer, Speaker - 27.09.2019)

21. 9th Euroasian Urooncology Congress, 16-20 October 2019, Athens, Greece. “(Is still?), Prostate Sparing Approach” (Speaker 16.10.2019)

22. 28th National Urology Congress, Urooncology Session, 10-13 October 2019, Antalya, Turkey.

“Bosniak 3 approach to kidney cysts” (Speaker - 12.10.2019)

23. Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery Course, Yuksek Ihtisas Univercity Medical Faculty, Hands on training for RIRS (EST-1) Koru Ankara Hospital 27 April 2019 (Instructor)

24. Turkish Academy of Urology, Laparoscopy Course in Pig Model, “Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy (Accompanied by Videos), SBÜ Gülhane Health Sciences Institute, 22 -23 March 2019, Ankara (Trainer, Speaker)

25. “Extreme Robotic Surgery” in Prostate Cancer, “Post-prostatectomy Incontinence” Liv Hospital - Ankara (Speaker – 08.12.2018)

26. Turkish Academy of Urology, Laparoscopy Course in Pig Model, “Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy (Accompanied by Videos), SBÜ Gülhane Health Sciences Institute, 30 November-1 December 2018, Ankara (Instructor, Speaker)

27. 27th National Urology Congress, Urooncology Session, 26-29 October 2018, Bafra, Cyprus. Aggressive Prostate Cancer and Genetic Markers (Speaker - 28.10.2018)

28. 8th Eurasian Uro-oncology Congress, 28 June-1 July 2018, Tbilis, Georgia, E-BLUS, “Complications of laparoscopic operation for beginners” (Speaker - 28 June 2018)

29. 21st Congress of Iranian Urological Association. 19-22 June, 2018, Tehran, Iran. “UAA Lecturer. “Complications of Laparoscopic Surgery” (Speaker – 21 July 2018)

30. 47th International Applied Laparoscopic Urology Course, 26-27 April 2018, Istanbul, Turkey. Urologic laparoscopic operations in pig model (Course Secretary, Speaker - 26.04.2018)

31. Turkish Academy of Urology, Laparoscopic Kidney Surgery Course, “Step by Step Laparoscopic Nephrectomy”, “Laparoscopic Simple Nephrectomy” 7 April 2018, Tokat (Speaker, Live Surgery, 1st Surgeon)

32. Turkish Urology Association Central Anatolia Branch 2017-2018 Academic Year December Meeting, 20 December 2017, Ankara. “5-alpha reductase inhibitors in the medical treatment of BPH” (Speaker - 20 December 2017)

33rd Annual Zekai History Burak Training Days, “Laparoscopic Surgery

Complications”, 16 December 2017 (Speaker - 16 December 2017)

34. 3rd Ankara Robotics, Laparoscopy & Endosurgery Event with Videosurgery Meeting. “Laparoscopic Transperitoneal Zero Schema Right Partial Nephrectomy”, (Speaker - 11-16 December 2017)

35. 37th Congress of Société Internationale d'Urologie, 19-22 October, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal. “Phenotyping for aggressive prostate cancer and its treatment options.” (Speaker - 19.10.2017)

36. 26th National Urology Congress, 12-15 October 2017, Kyrenia, Cyprus. Endourology Session “Promising methods”. (Speaker - 15.10.2017)

37. Subtleties of Academic Writing Symposium organized by the International Young Urologists Association and Gülhane Training and Research Hospital Urology Clinic, "Author in the article, choosing the title and writing the abstract." (Speaker-September 19, 2017)

38. 43th International Applied Laparoscopic Urology Course, 11-12 August 2017, Istanbul, Turkey. Urologic laparoscopic operations in pig model (Course Secretary, Speaker - 23.11.2016)

39th Turkish Urology Association Central Anatolia Branch Robotic Pediatric Urology Symposium, Ankara, 6 May 2017. Live Surgeon: Robotic Pyeloplasty in a Boy with UP Junction Stenosis. (Operating Room Moderator)

40th Turkish Urology Association Central Anatolia Branch Robotic Pediatric Urology Symposium, Ankara, 6 May 2017. “Non-Alpha Blocker Treatments in BPH” (Panelist)

41. 12th National Endourology Congress, Cappadocia, 12-15 April 2017. ”Challenging Cases in Laparoscopic Surgery Panel” (Session chair)

42. 12th National Endourology Congress, Cappadocia, 12-15 April 2017. “ESU/ESUT Laparoscopy Applied Training” (Instructor)

43. 12th National Endourology Congress, Cappadocia, 12-15 April 2017. “Endourological Techniques-1” (Moderator)

44. 11th BAUSCON2017 18-20 February 2017. Cox Bazar, Bangladesh. “Surgical Complications of Laparoscopy and Its Management” (Speaker - 19.02.2017)

45th Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy Course with Live Surgeries, January 19, 2017. Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Right Adrenalectomy (Live Surgery, 1st Surgeon)

46th Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy Course with Live Surgeries, April 6, 2017. Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Right Adrenalectomy (Live Surgery, 1st Surgeon)

47. 38th International Applied Laparoscopic Urology Course, 22-23 November 2016, Calabar, Nigeria. Surgical Complication of Laparoscopic Surgery (Trainer, Speaker - 23.11.2016)

48. 25th National Urology Congress, 14th International Prostate Forum, 6-9 October 2016, Kyrenia, Cyprus. Targeted Diagnosis in Conventional Biopsy (Speaker - 21.10.2015)

49th Urolithiasis Update Symposium, 28 May 2016, Ankara, Türkiye. Rational Drug Use (Speaker)

50. “Endourology Association 1 on 1 Onsite Live RIRS Course”, Ankara, 3 March 2016. (Course Trainer)

51st Turkish Academy of Urology Andrological Examinations Update Course, 20 February 2016, Ankara, Turkey. Infertility (Session Chair)

52. “Hands on training course: Laparoscopy.” Uro-oncology Symposium, 26-27 February 2016, Ankara, Türkiye. (Scientific secretariat)

53. “Endourology Association 1 on 1 On-Site Live RIRS Course”, Ankara,

November 19, 2015. (Course Trainer)

54. “Endourology Association 1 on 1 Onsite Live RIRS Course”, Ankara, 15 October 2015. (Course Trainer)

55. SEEM 2015, EAU 11th South eastern European Meeting, 6-8 November, Antalya, Turkey. ESU/ESUT/EULIS Hands On Training Ureterorenoscopy (Instructor-07.10.2015)

56. 24th National Urology Congress, 26th World Videourology Congress, 20-24 October 2015, Izmir, Turkey. Expert Video Sessions: Endoscopic Management of BPH (Mono, Bipolar, Stent, Urofit) (Speaker-21.10.2015)

57. “Endourology Association 1 on 1 Onsite Live Laparoscopy Course”, Ankara. 11-12 June 2015. (Course Trainer)

58. 11th National Andrology Congress, 30 April-03 May 2015, Fethiye, Turkey. Testosterone in All Aspects: Update, Testosterone and Metabolic Syndrome (Speaker- 03.05.2015)

59. 30th International Applied Laparoscopic Urology Course, 6-10 March 2015, Khartoum, Sudan. Laparoscopic Renal Cystectomy (Trainer, Speaker - 06.03.2015)

60. Turkish Urology Association Central Anatolia Branch “1.,2.,3. Year Assistant Training Program”, 21 February 2015, Ankara, Türkiye. Physiological and Surgical Complications in Urological Laparoscopy (Speaker)

61. Turkish Academy of Urology, 29th International Applied Laparoscopic Urology

Course, February 13-14 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Surgical Complications of Laparoscopic

Surgery (Course secretary, Instructor, Speaker-14.02.2015)

62. Turkish Urology Association Central Anatolia Branch, 28 November October 2014, Ankara, Turkey. Metabolic Syndrome and Urological Diseases (Speaker)

63. Ankara Hospital Urological Laparoscopy Days-1, 13 December 2014, Ankara, Turkey.

Complications and Management in Laparoscopy (Speaker)

64. 23rd National Urology Congress, 16-19 October 2014, Antalya, Türkiye. Hypogonadism and Men's Health in All Aspects: The Relationship Between Hypogonadism and BPH, Prostate Cancer (Speaker-17.09.2014)

65. “Endourology Association 1 on 1 On-Site Live RIRS Course”, Ankara,

06 March 2014. (Course Trainer)

66. “Endourology Association 1 on 1 Onsite Live Laparoscopy Course”, Ankara,

February 20, 2014. (Course Trainer)

67. Turkish Urology Association Central Anatolia Branch Regional Training Meetings, 25 April 2013, Ankara, Turkey. Does PDE5 have a role in the treatment of BPH and ED? (Speaker-25.04.2013)

68. 10th National Endourology Congress, 11-14 April 2013, Antalya, Turkey. Hemostasis Techniques Used in Laparoscopic Surgery (Speaker-11.04.2013)

69. 20th International Applied Laparoscopic Urology Course, 2-3 September 2012, Ankara, Turkey. (Course Secretary and Laparoscopy Instructor)

70. 9th National Andrology Congress, 1-4 June 2011, Mersin, Türkiye. Turkish Andrology Association Assistant Association Meeting: Featured Articles in the Field of Andrology in 2011: Women's Sexual Health (Speaker-03.06.2011)

71. TÜRKÜROLAP Trainers' Training and Brain Storming, 18-20 November 2011, Cyprus. How Should Trainee Training Be? (Speaker-19.10.2011)

72. 17th International Applied Laparoscopic Urology Course, 30 May-1 June 2011, Hamburg, Germany. Video of training on pigs (Trainer, Speaker-30.05.2011), Laparoscopic cyst excision (transperitoneal and retroperitoneal) (Trainer, Speaker-01.06.2011).

73. 14th International Applied Laparoscopic Urology Course, April 7-8, Ankara, Turkey.

Laparoscopic access techniques and preparation of OR (Course secretary, Instructor, Speaker-08.04.2011)

74. 4th Urooncology Winter Symposium, 2-6 February, Antakya, Turkey, 2011. Guide Time: What Do EAU and AUA Guidelines Say? Bladder Tumor (Speaker-05.03.2011).

75. Turkish Urology Association Central Anatolia Branch and General Practitioner Association Ankara Branch Joint Meeting, 17 October 2011, Ankara, Turkey. Severe Hematuria (Speaker–17. 09. 2011)

76. 10th International Applied Laparoscopic Urology Course and Symposium, September 16-18 2010, Athens, Greece, 2010. Theory lectures and video presentations: Laparoscopic renal cyst excision transperitoneal (Instructor, Speaker-17.09.2010)

77th Current Andrology Symposium, 21-23 June 2010, Istanbul, Türkiye. Panel: Cancer and Male Infertility: Prevention and treatment methods: Testicular Microlithiasis (Speaker-22.06.2010)

78. Ankara Urologists Association, Assistant Training Program, 13 March, Ankara, Turkey, 2010.

Testicular Tumors: Classification, Diagnosis - Staging (Speaker-13.03.2010)


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