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Njësitë Mjekësore
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Blog Shëndetësor

Edukimi dhe Përvoja

Shkollë mjekësore

Fakulteti i Mjekësisë i Universitetit Ege, 1988

Trajnim pasuniversitar

Fakulteti i Mjekësisë i Universitetit Ege, Departamenti i Urologjisë, 1996

Përvoja profesionale

Doktor specialist, Departamenti i Urologjisë, Fakulteti i Mjekësisë i Universitetit Egje, Turqi (1996-1997)

Trajnim për Mikrokirurgji, Qendra Mjekësore Akademike (AMC), Universiteti i Amsterdamit, Holandë (1995)

Shërbimi Ushtarak, Spitali Ushtarak Tatvan, Turqi (1997-1998)

Mjek Specialist, Spitali Kadikoy Sifa i Stambollit, Turqi (1998-2001)

Bursë arsimore, Instituti Karolinska, Stokholm, Suedi (1998))

Observer, Qendra Mjekësore e Detroitit (DMC), Universiteti Shtetëror Wayne, SHBA (2001)

Mjek Specialist, Stamboll VKV Spitali Amerikan, Turqi (2002-2007)

Observer, Spitali Charite, Universiteti Humboldt, Berlin, Gjermani (2006)

Bashkëthemelues, Stamboll Adam's Health Center, Turqi (2007-2009)

Mjek Specialist, Spitali Oksigen, Baku, Azerbajxhan (2009-2010)

Mjek Specialist, Spitali Medline Antalya, Turqi (2010-2013)

Mjek Specialist, Departamenti i Urologjisë, Spitali Trajnues dhe Kërkimor Okmeydan, Stamboll, Turqi (2013-2016)

Profesor i Asociuar, Departamenti i Urologjisë, Spitali Trajnues dhe Kërkimor Tepecik, Izmir, Turqi (2016-2021)

Observer, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Nju Jork, SHBA (2017)

Interesat në fushat mjekësore
Kirurgjia Retrograde Intrarenale (RIRS)
Enukleacioni i prostatës me lazer Holmium (HoLEP)
Sëmundja e gurëve në veshka

Scientific Publications
A- Articles published in international peer-reviewed journals:

Ulker V, Gulerce Z, Celik O, Cakmak O, Yucel C, Can E, Turna B. Visual clarity of irrigants used during flexible ureterorenoscopy: an in vitro comparison. Cent European J Urol. 2020 Dec;73(4):514-519.
Micoogullari U, Yucel C, Ulker V, Keskin MZ, Celik O. Vaginocutaneous fistula: A rare long-term complication of transobturator tape procedure for stress incontinence. Urologia. 2020 Aug;3:391560320947260
Erdogru T, Celik O, Hladun T, Kazimoglu H, Micoogullari U, Akincioglu E, Ulker V, Cakmak O, Can E. Comparison of suture material of vesico-urethral anastomosis in robotic radical prostatectomy. Cent European J Urol. 2020 Jul;73:134-139.
Kızılay F, Ulker V, Çelik O, Özdemir T, Çakmak Ö, Can E, Nazlı O. The evaluation of the effectiveness of Gilaburu (Viburnum opulus L.) extract in the medical expulsive treatment of distal ureteral stones. Turk J Urol. 2019 Dec;45(Supp. 1):S63-S69.
Yucel C, Arslan FD, Ekmekci S, Ulker V, Kisa E, Erdogan Yucel E, Ucar M, Ilbey YO, Celik O, Basok BI, Kozacioglu Z. Protective Effect of All-Trans Retinoic Acid in Cisplatin-Induced Testicular Damage in Rats. World J Mens Health. 2019 May;37(2):249-256.
Ulker V, Atalay HA, Cakmak O, Yucel C, Celik O, Kozacioglu Z. Smartphone-based stent tracking application for prevention of forgotten ureteral double-J stents: a prospective study. Int Braz J Urol. 2019 Mar-Apr;45(2):376-383.
Ulker V, Cakmak O, Yucel C, Can E, Celik O, Ilbey YO. The efficacy and safety of bilateral same-session ureteroscopy with holmium laser lithotripsy in the treatment of bilateral ureteral stones. Minerva Urol Nefrol. 2019 Feb 14;71(2):174-180
Yucel C, Erdogan Yucel E, Arslan FD, Ekmekci S, Kisa E, Ulker V, Ucar M, Ilbey YO, Celik O, Isbilen Basok B, Kozacioglu Z. All-trans retinoic acid prevents cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 2019 Feb;392(2):159-164.
Ulker V, Celik O. Endoscopic, Single-Session Management of Encrusted, Forgotten Ureteral Stents. Medicina (Kaunas). 2019 Feb 26;55(3). pii: E58.
Atalay HA, Ulker V, Canat L, Özer M, Can O, Penniston KL. Validation of the Turkish version of the Wisconsin stone-quality of life questionnaire. Turk J Urol. 2018 Mar 16;45(2):118-123.
Yucel C, Ulker V, Kisa E, Koc G, Ilbey YO. Laparoscopic Transperitoneal Nephrectomy in Non-functioning Severe Hydronephrotic Kidneys With or Without Renal Stone. Cureus. 2018 Dec 13;10(12):e3729.
Ulker V, Atalay HA, Cakır C, Sargan A: Giant malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the testis. Turk J Urol 2018;44(1):79-81.
Atalay HA, Akarsu M, Canat L, Ulker V, Alkan I, Ozkuvanci U. Impact of poor glysemic control of type 2 diabetes mellitus on serum prostate-spesific antigen concentrations in men. Prostate Int. 2017 Sep;5(3):104-109.
Cakmak O, Cimen S, Tarhan H, Ekin RG, Akarken I, Ulker V, Celik O, Yucel C, Kisa E, Ergani B, Cetin T, Kozacioglu Z: Listening to music during shock wave lithotripsy decreases anxiety, pain and dissatisfaction: a randomized controlled study. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2017 Oct;129(19-20):687-691.
Atalay HA, Canat HL, Ulker V, Alkan I, Ozkuvanci U, Altunrende F: Impact of personalized three-dimentional (3D) printed pelvicalyceal system models on patient information in percutaneous nephrolithotripsy surgery: a pilot study. Int Braz J Urol. 2017 May-Jun;43(3):470-475.
Atalay HA, Ulker V, Alkan I, Canat L, Ozkuvancı U, Altunrende F: Impact of three-dimentional-printed pelvicaliceal system models on residents understanding of pelvicalyceal system anatomy before percutaneous nephrolithotripsy surgery: a pilot study. J Endourol. 2016 Oct;30(10):1132-1137.
Ulker V, Esen T: Hemangioma of the glans penis treated with Nd:YAG laser. Int Urol Nephrol. 2005;37(1):95-6.
Ulker V, Günhan M, Vural G, Dal H: Lipoma of the urinary bladder. BJU Int. 2001;88(6):644.
Ulker V, Garibyan H, Kurth KH: Comparison of inguinal and laparoscopic approaches in the treatment of varicocele. Int Urol Nephrol. 1997;29(1):71-7.
Ulker V, Semerci B, Onal A, Kosay S, Apaydın E, Gursan A: Systemic absorbtion of gentamicin in penile prosthesis operations. Urol Int. 1996;57(4):218-20.
Ulker V, Ozyurt C, Gursan A: Renal cell carcinoma in a giant renal cyst: a case report and review of the literature. Int Urol Nephrol. 1996;28(2):141-4
Ulker V, Apaydin E, Gursan A, Ozyurt C: Eosinophilic Cystitis induced by Mitomycin-C. Int Urol Nephrol. 1996;28(6):755-9.

B- Articles published in national peer-reviewed journals
Ülker V, Cüreklibatır İ. Primer monosemptomatik Enürezis noktürna tedavisinde  desmopressin. Medical Journal of Izmir Hospital. 2019;23(4):275-281.
Ülker V, Yılmaz N, Ağuş N, Can E, Çakmak Ö, Yücel C, Çelik O, İlbey YÖ. Bacterial Colonization of Ureteral Double-J Stents in Patients with Negative Urine Culture. Journal of Urological Surgery, 6(2), 125-129.
Ülker V, Atalay HA, Alkan İ, Altunrende F. Digital Flexible Ureterorenoscopes. Endourology Bulletin 2018;10-11:22-26.
Ülker V. Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Unilateral Hematuria with Flexible Ureterorenoscopy. Yeni Uroloji Dergisi 2018;13(3):24-27.
Atalay HA, Merder E, Ülker V, Alkan İ, Canat L, Özkuvancı Ü, Altunrende F. Validity and Reliability Analysis of the Turkish Version of the Danish Prostate Symptom Score in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Patients. Journal of Reconstructive Urology 2017;7(1):1-7.
Atalay HA, Canat L, Ülker V, Alkan İ, Altunrende F. Incidence and Clinical Impact of Positive Margins after Laparoscopic and Robot-assisted Nephron-sparing Surgery for Renal Cell Carcinoma. Endourology Bulletin 2015;8:50-55.
Ötünçtemur A, Köklü İ, Dursun M, Şahin S, Beşiroğlu H, Erkoç M, Danış E, Bozkurt M, Ülker V, Özbek E. Our Experience with Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery in the Treatment of Kidney Stones. The Cystoscope 2014;1:82-87.
Ülker V, Erol B, Bazmanoğlu E, Esen T. Flexible ureterorenoscopy and holmium laser lithotripsy in the treatment of kidney stones up to 2 cm. Turkish Journal of Urology 2006;32(3):355-358.
Günhan M, Ülker V, Topsakal M. A rare ESWL complication: Acute pancreatitis. Turkish Journal of Urology 2002;28(3):343-344.
Ülker V, Garibyan H, Kurth KH. Laparoscopic varicocelectomy: An attractive option? Urology Bulletin 1996;7(2):105-107.
Semerci B, Altay B, Apaydın E, Ülker V, Çıkılı N, Cüreklibatır İ. Is transrectal ultrasonography valuable in the evaluation of subfertile men? Alsancak State Hospital Medical Journal 1996;4(1):7-9.
Özyurt C, Ülker V, Gürsan A: Vaginal metastasis from Renal Cell Carcinoma. Medical Journal of Ege University1995;5(3-4):109-110.
Semerci BM, Koçak İ, Ülker V, Mülazımoğlu N. A case report of multifocal renal adenocarcinoma with solitary renal vein invasion. İzmir State Hospital Medical Journal 1995;33(2):308-311.

C- Book section
Semerci B, Ulker V. Tips for Intravesical Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy. In Rane, A, Turna B, Autorino R, Rassweiler JJ, editors. Practical Tips in Urology 1st edition. Berlin: Springer (Germany). 2017, pp.209-215.

D- Other writings
Ulker V, van der Poel H: 8th European Urological Winter Forum. European Urology Today 1999, 9(1): 5-6.


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