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Formation et expérience

École de médecine

Faculté de médecine de l'université d'Eskişehir Osmangazi, 2004

Formation post-universitaire

Faculté de médecine de l'université de Mersin, département de neurologie, 2009

Expérience professionnelle :

Hôpital d'État d'Ağrı Patnos (obligation de service public, spécialiste en neurologie), 2009-2011

Hôpital d'État de Hatay Dörtyol, 2011-2012

Hôpital de formation et de recherche Şişli Etfal (spécialiste en neurologie), 2012-2013

Hôpital de formation et de recherche d'Istanbul (résident principal, instructeur, superviseur administratif clinique), 2014-2023

Hôpital arménien de Surp Pırgiç, 2023

Domaines d'intérêt médical :

Maux de tête

Syndromes de céphalées et maladies neurologiques rares



La maladie d'Alzheimer

Maladie de Parkinson

Troubles du mouvement

Troubles du sommeil


Accident vasculaire cérébral


Expérience particulière :

Electrophysiologie (EEG, EMG)

Injections de toxine botulique

Applications du bloc nerveux dans le traitement des céphalées

Tests neuropsychologiques

Books Written:

"Migraine and Other Primary Headaches." Istanbul Medical Bookstores, 2022

Scientific Publications

A. Articles Published in International Refereed Journals

A1. Memmedova F, Emre U, Yalin O, OC Dogan. Evaluation of temporomandibular joint disorders in headache patients. Neurological Sciences. 2021:1-7

Uluduz D, Mdı I, Duman T, Aytac E, Yalın O. Epileptic seizures in cerebral venous sinus thrombosis: Subgroup analysis of the VENOUS study. Seizure 2020:78, 113-117.

A3. Gunes T, Emre U, Erdal Y, Yalin O. Restless leg syndrome in multiple sclerosis. Archives of Neuropsychiatry. 2021: 58 (2), 94.

A4. Yalin O, Edgunlu T, Celik SK, Emre U et al. Novel SNARE complex polymorphisms associated with multiple sclerosis: synaptophathy findings in multiple sclerosis. Balkan Medical Journal. 2019: 36(3), 174.

A5. Bayramoglu B, Emre U, Erdal Y, Demirhan H, Yasak I, Yalin O. Cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in patients with essential tremor. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. 2021: 91, 365-368.

Uzuner GT, Yalin O, Uluduz D, Özge A. Migraine and cardiovascular risk factors: A clinic-based study. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. 2021; 200, 106375.

A1. Yalın O, Uludüz D, Özge A. Peripheral nerve blocks in the treatment of short-term unilateral neuralgiform headache with conjunctival injection and tearing (SUNCT) in pregnancy. Pain. 2017; DOI: 10.5505/agri.2016.25991. baskıda.

Uludüz D, Ayta S, Özge A, Yalın OÖ, Turkish Headache Database Study Group, Tasdelen B. Cranial Autonomic Findings in Migraine and Migrainous Features in Cluster Headache. Arch Neuropsychiatry. 2017; DOI: 10.5152/npa.2016.19183. baskıda

A3. Yalın OÖ, Uluduz D, Özge A, Sungur MA, Selekler M, Siva A. Phenotypic characteristics of chronic migraine. J Headache Pain. 2016; 17(1): 1.

A4. Yalın OÖ, Uludüz D, Sungur MA, Sart H, Özge A. Identification of Allodynic Migraine Patients with Allodynia Symptom Checklist Turkish Version (ASC/T): A Reliability and Consistency Study. Arch Neuropsychiatr. DOI: 10.5152/npa.2016.15953. baskıda.

A5. Yalın OÖ, Özge A, Türkegün M, Taşdelen B, Uludüz D. The Course of Migraine with Auras: A Follow-up Study. J Neurol S

ci Turk. 2016; 33(2):254-263.

Özge A, Yalın OÖ. Chronic Migraine in Children and Adolescents. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2016; 20:14

A7. Günay EC, Yalın OÖ, Özge A, Erdoğan A, et al. Are Neuropsychological Disorders Associated with Brain SPECT Data in Patients with Alzheimer's Disease and Vascular Dementia? J Neurol Sci Turk 2014; 31(1): 047-059.

Bolay H, Özge A, Sağınç P, Örekici G, Uludüz D, Yalın ÖÖ, Siva A, Bıçakçı S, Karakurum B, Öztürk M. Gender affects headache characteristics with increasing age in migraine patients. Cephalalgia 2015; 35(9): 792-800.

A9. Sebnem BICAK, Gulsah, SEYDAOGLU, Aynur OZGE, Turkey Headache Database Working Group. Turkish Headache Database Study Group Migraine Comorbidities Results Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish) 2014;31(1): 080-089.

A10. Edgünlü TG, Ozge A, Yalın OÖ, Kul S, Erdal ME. A Study on the Effect of Death Receptor 4 (DR4) Gene Polymorphisms in Alzheimer's Disease. Balkan Med J. 2013; 30(3): 268-272.

A11. Edgünlü TG, Özge A, Yalın O.Ö., Kul S. Genetic Variants of Synaptic Vesicle and Presynaptic Plasma Membrane Proteins in Alzheimer's Disease. Archives of Neuropsychiatry. 2012: 49(4): 294-299.

A12. Yilmaz IA, Ozge A, Erdal ME, Edgünlü TG, Cakmak SE, Yalin OO. Cytokine polymorphism in migraine and inflammation patients. Agri Med. 2010; 11(4): 492-497.

A13. Karlı N, Ertaş M, Baykan B, Uzunkaya O, Saip S, Zarifoğlu M, Siva A; MIRA study group. "Validation of the ID Migraine screener in neurology outpatient clinics in Turkey". J Headache Pain. 2007; 8(4): 217-223.

A14. Baykan B, Ertaş M, Karlı N, Akat-Aktaş S, Uzunkaya O, Zarifoğlu M, Siva A, Saip S; MIRA-Neurology Working Group. "Headache burden in neurology outpatient clinics in Turkey". Pain Pract. 2007; 7(4): 313-323.

A15. Öztürk C, Özge A, Yalın OÖ, Yılmaz İA, Delialioglu N, Yıldız Ç, Kudiaki C. (2007). Diagnostic role of serum inflammatory and soluble proteins in dementia subtypes: correlation with cognitive and functional decline. Behavioral Neurology. 2007; 18(4): 207-215.

A16. Özge A, Özge C, Kaleağası H, Yalın OO, Ünal O, Özgür ES. Headache in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: effects of chronic hypoxemia. J Headache Pain. 2006; 7(1): 37-43.

B. Papers Presented at International Scientific Meetings and Published in Proceedings

B1. Özge A, Yalın OÖ, Uludüz D, Selekler M, Sungur MA, Siva A. Chronic Migraine: Does chronicity affect headache phenotype? IHC15-0452. 17th Congress of the International Headache Society (IHC 2015). Valencia, Spain, May 14-17, 2015. Cephalalgia. 2015;35: 202-202.

B2. Özge A, Yalın OÖ, Türkegün M, Taşdelen B, Uludüz D. Natural history of migraine with aura: Preliminary results of an eight-month follow-up.-IHC15-0489. 17th Congress of the International Headache Society (IHC 2015). Valencia, Spain, May 14-17, 2015. Cephalalgia. 2015;35: 173-173.

B3. Emre U, Güneş T, Liman E, Avcı K, Soylemez C, Tekesin A, Yalın O. "Evaluation of swallowing function after ischemic stroke: A preliminary study" 9th World Stroke Congress October 22-26, 2014 , Istanbul

B4. Yalın OÖ, Günay EC, Özge A, Kıral K, Erdoğan A, Tellioğlu BY, Sungur MA, Kanık EA. Quantitative SPECT features of frontotemporal dementia: Preliminary Reports. ICAD, Paris, France. Alzheimer's Association International Conference, July 16-21, 2011, Paris, France. P1-515

B5. Yalın OÖ, Günay EC, Özge A, Kıral K, Erdoğan A, Tellioğlu BY, Sungur MA, Kanık EA. Quantitative SPECT Characteristics of Alzheimer's Disease, Comparison with Neurophysiological Test Battery of Mild Cognitive Impairment. ICAD, Paris, France. Alzheimer's Association International Conference, July 16-21, 2011, Paris, France. P2-112.

B6. Kıral K, Özge A, Tellioğlu BY, Yalın OÖ, Sungur MA, Kanık EA. Is there a neuropsychological clue in the differential diagnosis of Alzheimer's and Vascular Dementia? Alzheimer's Association International Conference, July 16-21, 2011, Paris, France.

B7. Özge A, Kıral K, Yüksekyalçın SB, Yalın OO, Bayram S, Kaleağası H. Relationship between Activities of Daily Living and Cognition in Dementia Subtypes. ICAD 2009 Congress, June 11-16, Vienna, Austria, 2009

B8. Özge A, Toros F, Kaleağasi H, Kütük Ö, Metin Ö, Yalın O.Ö. "High Correlation Between Primary Headache Subtype and Psychiatric Comorbidity". VII International Congress on Headache in Children and Adolescents. May 17-21, Istanbul - Turkey, P 34, pp:453, 2008

B9. Özge A, Toros F, Kaleağasi H, Metin Ö, Kütük Ö, Yalın OÖ, Mengi T. "Childhood and Adolescent Headaches in Mersin, Turkey: An Outpatient Clinic Experience". VII International Congress on Headache in Children and Adolescents. May 17-21, Istanbul - Turkey. P 75, pp:467, 2008

B10. Toros F, Özge A, Kütük O, Metin O, Yalın OÖ. "High association between limbic circuit disorders and primary headache disorders". XIII International Headache Society Congress, June 28-July 1, Stockholm, Sweden, C 10; p:631, 2007.

B11. Özge A, Özge C, Kaleağası H, Yalın OÖ, Ünal Ö, Özgür ES. "The Effects of Chronic Hypoxemia on Headache in Patients with COPD". XII Congress of the International Headache Society, October, Kyoto, Japan. In: Cephalalgia, H075, 25: 969, 2005

C. Authored National / International Books or Chapters in Books

C1. Headache in Children and Adolescents: A Case-based Approach. Sringerlink Editors: Ishak Abu-Arafeh and Aynur Ozge -In press. ISBN 978-3-319-28628-0

C2. Alzheimer's Disease Current And Future Perspectives. OMICs Group eBooks. Edited by Yıldız Dinçer. February 2016, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/978-1-63278-067-6-68.

D. Articles Published in National Refereed Journals

D1. Atalar AC, Yalın OO. Risk factors effective on conversion to chronic migraine. Pain, 2019; 31(4), 172-177.

D2. Atalar AC, Yalin O, Aslan H, Baykan B. The effect of family history of migraine on migraine characteristics. Agri, 2019; 31(3), 113-121.

D1. Yalin OO, Edgünlü TG, Özge A. Different Phenotypes at Possibly Shared Genotype of Migraine Family. Austin J Clin Neurol 2015; 2(9): 1078.

D2. Yalın OÖ, Yılmaz İA, Sungur MA, Doğu O. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome, Periodic Leg Movements and Associated Factors. Turkish Journal of Neurology. 2015; 21(3): 90-94.

D3. Liman E, Emre U, Yalın OÖ, Güneş T, Sacak Ş, Tekeşin AK. A Case of Peduncular Hallucination Due to Tuberothalamic Artery Occlusion and Review of the Literature. Türk Beyin Damar Hast Derg. 2015; 21(1): 49-52.

D4. Aynur Özge, Osman Özgür Yalın, Hakan Kaleağası, Seda Bayram, Çiğdem Kudiaki. The Effect of Cognitive Impairment and Neuropsychiatric Affect on Daily Living Functions in Patients with Dementia. Archives of Neuropsychiatry 2008;45

D5. Yalın OÖ, Özge A, Kaleağası H. Fahr's Disease and Definition Confusion. Mersin University Faculty of Medicine Journal. 2006; 7: 95-97.

E. Papers Presented at National Scientific Meetings and Published in Proceedings

E1. Gökbulut GS, Yalın OÖ, Uludüz D, Özge A. A case of SUNCT during pregnancy treated with supra and infraorbital nerve block. 12th Headache Winter School, Oral Presentation. February 19-21, 2016 Istanbul.

E2. Yalın OÖ, Özge A, Uludüz D, Sungur MA, Kocaman M, Siva A. Chronic Migraine Headache Phenotype. 51st National Neurology Congress. November 27-December 3, 2015. Antalya. TP-100, 94.

E3. Yalın OÖ, Özge A, Türkegün M, Taşdelen B, Uludüz D. Migraine with aura: 1 Year Follow-up Results. 51st National Neurology Congress. November 27-December 3, 2015, Antalya. TP-107, 96.

E4. Erdal Y, Tezcan ZS, Emre U, Yağız O, Yalın OÖ, Kılıçkesmez NÖ. Retrospective Evaluation of Myelopathy Cases: A Preliminary Study. 51st National Neurology Congress. November 27-December 3, 2015. Antalya. TP-116, 101.

E5. Yalın OÖ, Uludüz D, Özge A. A Case of SUNCT During Pregnancy Treated with Supra-Infraorbital Nerve Block. 51st National Neurology Congress. November 27-December 3, 2015. Antalya. EP-241, 256.

E6. Yalın OÖ, Özge A, Günay EC, Kıral K, Erdoğan A, Tellioğlu B, Sungur MA, Kanık EA. Relationship of Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia Spect Findings with Neuropsychological Test Profile. Poster No: 01. 5th National Alzheimer Congress April 2-5, 2015. Mugla.

E7. Özge A, Yalın OÖ, Uludüz D, Selekler M, Sungur MA, Siva A. Chronic Migraine: Does Chronicization Affect Pain Phenotype? 10th National Uludag Neurology Days 12-15 March 2015 Bursa.

E8. Liman E, Pınar İ, Emre U, Kuşoğlu S, Yalın OÖ, Tekeşin A, Yağız O. Retrospective Evaluation of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Cases. 50th National Neurology Congress. 21-27.11.2014 Antalya.

E9. Baş İ, Liman E, Memmedova E, Emre U, Yalın OÖ, Hakyemez A, Yağız O. Possible Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease: A Case Report. 50th National Neurology Congress. 21-27 .11. 2014 Antalya.

E10. Liman E, Emre U, Yalın Ö.O, Güneş T, Saçak Ş, Tekeşin AK. "A Case of Peduncular Hallucination Due to Tuberothalamic Artery Occlusion" 49th National Neurology Congress 15-21 November 2013,Antalya

E11. Üstün İ, Emre U, Hakyemez A, Tunç A, Yalın Ö. Opalsky Syndrome-2 case report. 49th National Neurology Congress November 15-21, 2013, Antalya

E12. Yılmaz İA, Özge A, Erdal E, Gökdoğan T, Çakmak SE, Yalın OÖ. "Cytokine Gene Polymorphism in Migraine Patients Without Aura". 43rd National Neurology Congress, November 10-15, Antalya. Turkish Journal of Neurology Special Issue, S-54, 2007

E13. Özge A, Özge C, Kaleağası H, Yalın OÖ, Ünal Ö, Özgür ES. "Headache in patients with COPD: Effects of chronic hypoxemia". 41st National Neurology Congress, December 5-10, Istanbul, Turkish Journal of Neurology 11;6(Supplement 2):90, 2005

E14. Kaleağası H, Özge A, Özveren N, Yalın OÖ. "Valproate encephalopathy with hyperammonemia: A case report". 41st National Neurology Congress, December 5-10, Istanbul, Turkish Journal of Neurology 11;6(Supplement 2):122, 2005

E15. Özge A, Yalın OÖ, Yılmaz İA, Bayram S, Kudiaki Ç. "The Effect of Cognitive Impairment and Neuropsychiatric Affect on Daily Living Functions in Patients with Dementia". 6th National Biological Psychiatry Congress. September 4-8, Mersin, pf: 110, 2007

E16. Öztürk C, Özge A, Yalın OÖ, Yılmaz İA, Yıldız Ç, Delialioğlu N, Taşdelen B, Kudiaki Ç. "Diagnostic Value of Serum Inflammatory and Soluble Proteins in Dementia Types". 6th National Biological Psychiatry Congress. September 4-8, 2007, Mersin, p: 124, 2007

E17. Toros F, Özge A, Kütük Ö, Metin Ö, Yalın OÖ. "The Close Relationship Between Primary Headaches and Limbic System Disorders". 6th National Biological Psychiatry Congress. September 4-8, 2007, Mersin, pf: 112, 2007

E18. Günay EC, Yalın OÖ, Özge A, Erdoğan A, Kıral K, Tellioğlu BY. Diagnostic Contributions of Quantitative SPECT Application Accompanying Neuropsychological Battery in the Differentiation of Alzheimer's Disease- Vascular Dementia. 46th National Neurology Congress. December 4-9, 2010, Antalya. P:300, pg: 200.


Association turque de neurologie

Société internationale des céphalées

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