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Formation et expérience

École de médecine

Université d'Istanbul Faculté de médecine d'Istanbul, 2007

Formation post-universitaire

T.C. Ministry of Health Yedikule Chest Diseases and Chest Surgery Training and Research Hospital, 2018

Expérience professionnelle

Hôpital Medicana Çamlıca, spécialiste en chirurgie thoracique, 2021-présent

Hôpital Medicana Ataşehir, spécialiste en chirurgie thoracique, 2021-présent

Université d'Istanbul Aydın VM Medical Park Florya Application Hospital, assistant de recherche, 2020-2021

Ministère de la santé Hôpital d'État de Mardin, médecin spécialiste, 2018-2020

Hôpital de formation et de recherche sur les maladies thoraciques et la chirurgie thoracique du ministère de la santé Yedikule, étudiants en médecine spécialisée, 2013-2018

Faculté de médecine de l'Université de Marmara Département de santé publique, étudiant en spécialisation médicale, 2009-2011

Hôpital d'État de Zonguldak, médecin, 2007-2009

Scientific Publications

Articles Published in International Refereed Journals

Sezen, C. B., Kalafat, C. E., Doğru, M. V., Aker, C., Erdogu, V., Saydam, O., & Metin, M. (2021). The Effect of Lymph Node Ratio on Survival in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. Acta Chirurgica Belgica, (2021), 1-18.

Cilli, A., Kocaturk, C., Tertemiz, K. C., Kalafat, C. E., Hanta, I., Odemis, A., ... & Akanil Fener, N. (2021). Morbidity and mortality of surgical lung biopsy in the diagnosis of usual interstitial pneumonia. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 91(3), 298-303.

Kocaturk CI, Kutluk AC, Usluer O, Onat S, C HU, Yanik F, Cesur E, Ulku R, Karamustafaoglu A, Celik B, Demirhan R, Kalafat CE, Ozpolat B. Comparison of awake and intubated video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery in the diagnosis of pleural diseases: A prospective multicenter randomized trial Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2019;27(4):550-556. http://dx.doi.org/doi: 10.5606/tgkdc.dergisi.2019.18214

Omaygenc DO, Citak N, Isgorucu O, Ulukol ZN, Guler GB, AKSOY Y, Kalafat CE, Buz M, Cemaller C, Kocaturk CI. Timelog-Based Approach to Early Post-Thoracotomy Pain in

Lung Cancer Surgery. Turkiye Klinikleri J Anest Reanim. 2019;17(2):39-49. DOI: 10.5336/anesthe.2019-65493

C. B. Sezen, C. I. Kocatürk, S. Bılen, C. E. Kalafat, L. Cansever, S. I. Dınçer & M. Bedırhan, Long-Term Outcomes Of Carınal Sleeve Resectıon In Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, The Thoracıc And Cardıovascular Surgeon, 2019, 0171-6425

C. B. Sezen, A. Gökçe, C. E. Kalafat, C. Aker & A. I. Taştepe, Rısk Factors For Postoperatıve Complıcatıons And Long-Term Survıval In Elderly Lung Cancer Patients: A Limited Instıtutıonal Experıence In Turkey, General Thoracıc And Cardıovascular Surgery, 2019, 1863-6705, 67, 5, 442-449.

C. B. Sezen, S. Bılen, C. E. Kalafat, L. Cansever, Y. Sonmezoglu, U. Kılımcı, M. V. Dogru, Y. Seyrek & C. I. Kocatürk, Unexpected Conversıon To Thoracotomy Durıng Thoracoscopic Lobectomy: A Sıngle-Center Analysıs, General Thoracic And Cardiovascular Surgery, 2019, 1863-6705, 1-7.

C. I. Kocatürk, Ö. Saydam, C. B. Sezen, C. E. Kalafat, L. Cansever, A. Kutluk, H. Akın & M. Metın, Is Right Sleeve Lower Lobectomy Necessary? Is It Safe?, The Thoracic And Cardiovascular Surgeon, 2018, 0171-6425

C. B. Sezen, C. I. Kocatürk, S. Bılen, C. E. Kalafat, C. Aker & K. Karapınar, Long-Term Outcomes Of Completıon Pneumonectomy For Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Acta Chırurgıca Belgıca, 2018, 0001-5458, 119, 5, 303-308

C. I. Kocatürk, C. B. Sezen, C. Aker, S. Bılen, C. E. Kalafat, A. Kutluk, K. Karapınar, S. Erdogan & Ö. Saydam, Surgical Approach To Posterior Mediastinal Lesions And Long-Term Outcomes, Asıan Cardıovascular And Thoracıc Annals, 2017, 0218-4923, 25, 4, 287-291.

C. B. Sezen, A. S. Anıl, A. Celık, C. E. Kalafat & A. I. Taştepe, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation Effect On Postoperative Complıcatıons, Asıan Cardıovascular And Thoracıc Annals, 2017, 0218-4923, 25, 4, 276-280

Songül Büyükkale, Necati Çıtak, Özgür İşgörücü, Cem Emrah Kalafat, Yunus Aksoy, Çağrı Cemaller, Çiğdem Obuz, Barış Açıkmeşe, Ayşe Ulukol, Nur Dilek Bakan, Adalet Demir, Adnan Sayar Early period lung transplantation results of Yedikule Organ Transplantation Center: our three-year experience DOI : 10.5606/tgkdc.dergisi.2017.12582

Papers Presented at International Scientific Meetings and Published in Proceedings

S. Büyükkale, N. Bakan, Ö. Isgörücü, N. Çitak, D. Cenger, A. Demir, B. Açikmese, CE Kalafat, L. Kiliç, A. Sayar Late-breaking abstract: First 24 lung transplantations: Single center results from Turkey

European Respiratory Journal 2014 44: P2450

Authored National/International Books or Chapters in Books

Kalafat C.E., Kocatürk C. İ. Penetrating Thoracic Trauma Thoracic Emergencies Approach 2021 Akademisyen Publishing House Editors: C.B.Sezen, A. Gökçe

Articles Published in National Refereed Journals

Aker, C., Sezen, C. B., Ceritoglu, A., Dogru, M. V., Aksoy, Y., Kalafat, C. E., ... & Metin, M. Prognostic value of Glasgow Prognostic Score in patients with non-small cell lung cancers undergoing pN2 pneumonectomy. Current Thoracic Surgery, 4(1).

Aker C, Emrah Kalafat C, Buğra Sezen C, Sonmezoglu Y, Cansever L, Metin M, Ibrahim Kocaturk C. Prognostic factors and long-term survival outcomes of thymic tumors. Curr Thorac Surg. 2019; 4(2): 081-088. http://dx.doi.org/10.26663/cts.2019.00015

C. B. Sezen, C. Aker, A. Gökçe, C. E. Kalafat, S. A. Akboga, M. Sayan, A. Çelık & A. I. Taştepe, Is Intercostal Nerve Protectıon Necessary And Safe Technıque For Postthoracotomy Pain?, Current Thoracic Surgery, 2019, 2548-0316, 4, 1, 26-33.

Bugra Sezen C, Bilen S, Emrah Kalafat C, Aker C, Ibrahim Kocaturk C. Thoracic splenosis: a very rare cause of chest pain. Curr Thorac Surg. 2018; 3(3): 145-147. http://dx.doi.org/10.26663/cts.2019.00028

Cemal Aker, Cem Emrah Kalafat, Salih Bilen, Celalettin İbrahim Kocatürk. Presentation and surgical treatment of congenital pulmonary airway malformation in an adult. Eurasian Journal of Pulmonology - Volume 20, Issue 3, September-December 2018

Karapınar K, Erdoğan S, Sezen CB, Kutluk AC, Aker C, Kalafat CE, Bilen S, Kocatürk Cİ. Causes of Hemorrhage After Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Resections and Treatment Approach. Osmangazi Tıp Derg 40: 33-38

Papers Presented at National Scientific Meetings and Published in Proceedings

Oral Presentations

The Effect of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation on Postoperative Complications Celal Buğra Sezen , Süleyman Anıl Akboğa , Ali Çelik , Cem Emrah Kalafat , Abdullah İrfan Taştepe (UASK 2019)

Long Term Survıval And Prognostic Factors Of Completıon Pneumonectomy For Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Celal Buğra Sezen, Celalettin İbrahim Kocatürk, Salih Bilen, Cem Emrah Kalafat, Cemal Aker, Kemal Akpınar (TTD 21st Annual Congress 2018)

Is Right Sleeve Lower Lobectomy Necessary? Is It Safe? Celalettin İbrahim Kocatürk, Özkan Saydam, Celal Buğra Sezen, Cem Emrah Kalafat, Ali Cevat Kutluk, Levent Cansever, Hasan Akın, Muzaffer Metin (TTD 21st Annual Congress 2018)

Resection, Survival and Prognostic Factors in Intraoperative N2 Disease in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Sertan Erdoğan , Celalettin İbrahim Kocatürk , Levent Cansever , Ali Cevat Kutluk , Celal Buğra Sezen , Cem Emrah Kalafat , Cemal Aker , Mehmet Ali Bedirhan (9th National Thoracic Surgery Congress 2017)

The Relationship of Albumin Level with Postoperative Length of Stay and Complications in Patients Who Underwent Resection with Vats and Thoracotomy for Chdac Celalettin İbrahim Kocatürk, Celal Buğra Sezen, Yaşar Sönmezoğlu, Levent Cansever, Cem Emrah Kalafat, Özkan Saydam, Seyit İbrahim Dinçer, Mehmet Ali Bedirhan (9th National Thoracic Surgery Congress 2017)

Approach to Barclay Operation Carina Invasions: 3 Case Reports Salih Bilen, Cem Emrah Kalafat, Cemal Aker, Özkan Saydam, Celalettin Kocatürk (TUSAD 39th NATIONAL CONGRESS 2017)

Morbidity, Survival and Prognostic Factors in Central T4 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancers Celalettin İbrahim Kocatürk , Özkan Saydam , Hasan Akın , Levent Cansever , Celal Buğra Sezen , Cem Emrah Kalafat, Seyyit İbrahim Dinçer (7th National Lung Cancer Congress 2016)

Should pneumonectomy be preferred to bronchoplastic sleeve resection in the presence of metastasis to hilar and/or intraparenchymal lymph nodes? Necati Çıtak, Songül Büyükkale, Özgür İşgörücü, Cem Emrah Kalafat, Yunus Aksoy, Çağrı Cemaller, Çiğdem Obuz, Muzaffer Metin, Adnan Sayar (TÜSAD 37th NATIONAL CONGRESS 2015)

Surgical treatment of fungus ball on the transplanted side in a patient undergoing single lung transplantation for emphysema: Cavernostomy and removal of miçetoma Necati Çıtak, Cem Emrah Kalafat, Songül Büyükkale, Özgür İşgörücü, Barış Açıkmeşe, Nur Dilek Bakan, Adnan Sayar (TÜSAD 37th NATIONAL CONGRESS 2015)

Poster Presentations

Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation in an Adult Patient Cemal Aker, Celal Buğra Sezen, Cem Emrah Kalafat, Celalettin Kocatürk (TTD 21st Annual Congress 2018)

A Case Of Rare Bronchogenic Cyst Wıth Atypical Occurrence Cem Emrah Kalafat, Celal Buğra Sezen, Salih Bilen, Cemal Aker, Halide Nur Urer, Celalettin Ibrahim Kocaturk (TTD 21st Annual Congress 2018)

Lung Resection in a Patient with Partial Venous Return Anomaly; Case Report Cem Emrah Kalafat, Cemal Aker, Özkan Saydam, Celalettin İbrahim Kocatürk (9th National Thoracic Surgery Congress 2017)

A Case of Bilaterally Operated Synchronous Tumor Sertan Erdoğan , Cem Emrah Kalafat , Özkan Saydam , Celalettin İbrahim Kocatürk (7th National Lung Cancer Congress 2016)

Post-Operative 3rd Month Bronchovascular Fistula Development After Sleeve Resection: Case Report Cem Emrah Kalafat ,Cemal Aker , Kemal Karapınar , Özkan Saydam , Celalettin İbrahim Kocatürk (7th National Lung Cancer Congress 2016)

A Rare Case; Mesenchymal Giant Lung Tumor Cemal Aker, Salih Bilen , Cem Emrah Kalafat, Sertan Erdoğan , Özkan Saydam , Celalettin İbrahim Kocatürk (7th National Lung Cancer Congress 2016)

Is TENS Effective in Postoperative Pain and Early Complications After Thoracotomy? Celal Buğra Sezen , Selma Meral Akçal , Süleyman Anıl Akboğa , Anar Süleymanov , Anıl Gökçe , Aynur Baş , Cem Emrah Kalafat , Ali Çelik , Abdullah İrfan Taştepe (TÜSAD 38th NATIONAL CONGRESS 2016)

A Rare Case of Intrathoracic Splenosis Cem Emrah Kalafat, Celal Buğra Sezen, Cemal Aker, Celalettin İbrahim Kocatürk (TÜSAD 38th NATIONAL CONGRESS 2016)

Air Embolism Developing After Peropearatory Pneumoperitoneum; Case Report Cem Emrah Kalafat, Ali Cevat Kutluk, Sertan Erdoğan, Celalettin İbrahim Kocatürk (TÜSAD 38th NATIONAL CONGRESS 2016)

A Rare Complication of Central Venous Port Catheter; Pinch Off Syndrome Ali Cevat Kutluk, Cem Emrah Kalafat, Kemal Karapınar, Sertan Erdoğan, Celal Buğra Sezen, Cemal Aker, Burcu Arık Baş, Özkan Saydam, Erhan Özer, Celalettin İbrahim Kocatürk (TORAKS 2016)

A Common Complication in Lung Transplantation; Bronchiolitis Obliterans Syndrome Barış Açıkmeşe , Necati Çıtak , Özgür İşgörücü , Songül Büyükkale , Nur Dilek Bakan , Yunus Aksoy , Çiğdem Oguz , Cem Emrah Kalafat , Adnan Sayar (TÜSAD 38th NATIONAL CONGRESS 2016)

A Case of Lung Cancer and Bronchiolitis Obliterans Syndrome After Lung Transplantation Barış Açıkmeşe, Necati Çıtak, Özgür İşgörücü , Songül Büyükkale , Cem Emrah Kalafat , Mesut Aksoy , Çiğdem Obuz , Nur Dilek Bakan , Adnan Sayar (TÜSAD 38th NATIONAL CONGRESS 2016)

Hilar Bronchogenic Cyst Excision by Thoracotomy: Case Report Necati Çıtak, Özgür İşgörücü, Cem Emrah Kalafat, Çağrı Cemaller, Yunus Aksoy, Çiğdem Obuz, Nurdan Kalkan, Songül Büyükkale, Nur Ürer, Adnan Sayar (8th Turkish Thoracic Surgery Congress 2015)

Lung Metastases of Renal Cell Carcinomas Songül Büyükkale, Necati Çıtak, Özgür İşgörücü, Cem Emrah Kalafat, Yunus Aksoy, Çağrı Cemaller, Çiğdem Obuz, Naciye Arda, Nur Ürer, Adnan Sayar (8th Turkish Thoracic Surgery Congress 2015)

Asymptomatic schwannoma arising from peripheral intercostal nerve: case report

Yunus Aksoy, Cem Emrah Kalafat, Çiğdem Obuz, Necati Çıtak, Özgür İşgörücü, Songül Büyükkale, Derya Özden Omaygenç, Adnan Sayar (TÜSAD 37th NATIONAL CONGRESS 2015)

Poland syndrome and spontaneous pneumothorax: a case report

Necati Çıtak, Yunus Aksoy, Songül Büyükkale, Özgür İşgörücü, Cem Emrah Kalafat, Derya Özden Omaygenç, Çiğdem Obuz, Adnan Sayar (TÜSAD 37th NATIONAL CONGRESS 2015)

A rare complication due to Calcineurin Inhibitors in Lung Transplantation: Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome Barış Açıkmeşe, Necati Çıtak, Songül Büyükkale, Ozgur Isgorucu, Cem Emrah Kalafat, Yunus Seyrek, Cigdem Obuk, Çağrı Cemaller, Nur Dilek Bakan, Adnan Sayar (TÜSAD 37th NATIONAL CONGRESS 2015)


Association turque de chirurgie thoracique (TGCD)

Société turque de thoracologie (TTD)

Société turque de recherche respiratoire (TUSAD)

Société européenne de pneumologie (ERS)

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