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What's Good for Mosquito Bites (Itching) & How Does It Go Away?

Mosquito Bite Allergy

Mosquito bite allergy, which is more effective, especially in people with an allergic nature and low immunity, occurs when the insect inserts a needle under the skin to suck the blood at the area where it stands. Although there are different types of mosquitoes, the feature common to all species is that only female mosquitoes bite. Thirty different types of proteins found in the mosquito's saliva and in its sting activate the body's allergic reaction system. As a result of this reaction, swellings of 2-10 mm in size occur in the bite area, which can get red with occasional blisters. The swelling and redness caused by the bites sometimes disappear within 36 hours. This period may be prolonged in people with weak immune systems, and an allergic reaction may lead to more severe health problems.

Why Does a Mosquito Bite Itch?

When female mosquitoes begin to pierce the skin, they begin to secrete protein-laden saliva to numb the area where they will suck blood and prevent blood from clotting. These secretions, which are tried to be destroyed by the body's immune system, cause itching and swelling after a specific time. Along with the blood-sucking process, the mosquito begins to suck this saliva back as well. It is observed that the itching decreases as the amount of blood sucked by the fly increases. Excessive swelling and itching of mosquito bites are healed more quickly thanks to special gels that can be applied to them. Alcohol-containing substances such as perfume and cologne mustn't contact the itching area so mosquito bites do not turn into spots. However, this type of liquid creates a refreshing effect for a short time with its cooling effect in the area where it is applied.

Mosquito Bite Infection Symptoms

Although mosquito bites are considered insignificant and ordinary situations encountered in every summer season, they can cause severe infections and even lead to fatal consequences. Those who travel frequently, people who work outside, and individuals with low immunity may be more exposed to diseases caused by mosquito bites. The average incubation period after the mosquito bite occurs is 2-6 days. Symptoms such as diarrhea, joint pain, vomiting, headaches, and body rashes may be encountered at the end of this period.

People with severe chronic conditions such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and kidney disease have been shown to experience more severe signs of infection. Among these symptoms, which can be grouped as signs of a neurological disease, symptoms such as high fever, headache, neck stiffness, lack of concentration, coma, tremors, and paralysis can be listed. In cases where one or more of these symptoms occur, it is necessary to consult a specialist without wasting time.

How Do Mosquito Bites Go Away?

Although applying cologne to the area where the bite causes swelling and redness is a commonly known method, it is better not to use such substances in places where mosquitoes and insects bite. Washing the bitten area with water and white soap and then applying oxygenated water, salt water, or lemon effectively relieves itching more quickly and prevents swelling. However, in severe cases, the medications prescribed by the doctor should be used. Gel and cream preparations, among the most commonly known mosquito bite treatments you can easily apply at home, can also be used.

How Long Does a Mosquito Bite Take to Go Away?

Allergic symptoms such as redness and swelling caused by mosquito bites and deformations such as bleeding and bruising disappear within 12-36 hours. Scratching the bumps at the site of mosquito bites can cause scratches on the skin and bleeding. Infection of an open wound by catching a germ can prolong healing. Therefore, no matter how intense the itching sensation is, compressing the bitten area with natural products such as ice, lemon, and saltwater without scratching, keeping the red and swollen area clean, and waiting for it to heal will lead to faster results. Applying substances such as vinegar and toothpaste to the mosquito bite area, which is widely known among the public, must be corrected. Skin health needs to stay away from such practices.

What Is Good For Mosquito Bites?

  • What is good for the itching of mosquito bites? You can use simple substances available at home to eliminate this problem and the uncomfortable effect of mosquito bites.
  • If you don't throw away the tea bags after you've drank tea and store them in the refrigerator, you can use them as a cooling and soothing itch relief method for mosquito bites.
  • You can tear off a piece of the leaves of the aloe vera plants you grow at home and apply the natural gel inside to the area where the allergic reaction occurs.
  • You can apply crushed garlic, which you can dilute with natural oils such as coconut, on the red and itchy area. Garlic's antiviral effect disinfects the area where the fly bites and helps it heal faster.
  • Basil can eliminate the itching and allergic effects of mosquito bites. Rubbing the swollen area with a few basil leaves will be refreshing and relaxing.
  • You can also turn oatmeal, known for its soothing effect against insect bites, into mush with a little water and apply it as a mask on the bitten area. After waiting a while, you can wash it off and use a suitable moisturizer.

Fly Bites in Babies

Children and newborn babies do not have sufficiently developed immune systems. That's why mosquito bites can cause significant health problems. Blood and skin allergy tests contribute significantly to diagnosing babies with systemic allergic reactions. However, it cannot be said that these tests detect the allergy. For babies and children who have an intense reaction to mosquito bites, conducting a detailed immune system study would be a good practice. Protecting babies from mosquitoes and other insects is very important until their immune system develops. Mosquito nets can be used to cover the top and sides of the bed to protect sleep. Also, protective sprays can be used for babies older than two months. Dressing babies with long-sleeved and mosquito-proof clothing is also beneficial for their protection. If there are ponds or green areas around you, move away from these places or, if possible, eliminate them.

Created at

12.07.2024 07:38

Updated at

12.07.2024 07:38


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