Asst. Prof. Remzi KARŞI, Dr. Medicana Bursa Hospital

Born in Samsun in 1965, Mr. Karşı completed his primary, secondary, and high school education in the same city. In 1989, he graduated as a Medical Doctor from Ondokuzmayıs University and subsequently completed his Ph.D. in Public Health, having the title Specialist in Public Health Sciences at the same university. He continued his postgraduate studies with a Master's in Strategic Hospital Management from the City of London College and Management Organization at Çukurova University Institute of Social Sciences.

Throughout his professional journey, he held various roles, including Chief Physician at Samsun Tuberculosis Control Dispensary, Tuberculosis Coordination of the Province, Workplace Physician at Aygaz and Alsim-Alarko, Corporate Physician at Türkiye İş Bankası, Deputy General Manager at Medicana International Samsun Hospital, Medical Director at Medicana Health Group, and General Manager at Medicana Ankara and Samsun Hospitals. Currently, he serves as the General Manager of Medicana Bursa Hospital.

In addition to his professional career, he continues his academic endeavors as an assistant professor in the Department of Public Health at Konya Karatay University Faculty of Health Sciences. He actively participates in editorial boards of various journals and holds positions in national and international associations.

Mr. Karşı has received an Honorary Certificate from Ondokuzmayıs University, an Appreciation Certificate from Samsun Governorate, and international achievement medals and certificates of appreciation from the associations he is a member of.

As a certified Trainer Trainer, he provides freelance personal and managerial training.

As of 2019, he continues his role as the General Manager of Medicana Bursa Hospital.

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