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What are Implants, and Under Which Circumstances Should They be Done?

When a tooth is lost, one way of replacing it is through implant treatment. An implant is a screw made from titanium which is surgically rooted into the jaw bone of the toothless area, replacing the tooth root. Once it biologically fuses with the bone, it is capped with a porcelain tooth. Regarding appearance and chewing sensations, it is the most natural prosthesis option. Because of the advantages it provides the patient, implants have become the most popular form of treatment in recent years. Ranging from single tooth absence to multiple teeth absences, implants can be used as a fixed prosthesis without touching neighboring teeth, as well as in the form of a fixed or implant-supported moveable prosthesis for patients who use a removable prosthesis.

What are the Advantages of Implant Treatment?

Implant treatment is user-friendly, comfortable, reliable, aesthetic, and an acceptable treatment method for the patient. Porcelain prostheses on top of implants provide a natural and aesthetic look while replacing teeth. As missing teeth are filled in, the fact that the other healthy teeth remain untouched is an advantage. When compared to all other prostheses, they have a much longer lifespan. There have been cases where a patient has undergone implant treatment, and an implant has remained successfully mounted for 41 years. Furthermore, as the patient's self-confidence increases, the adverse psychological effects of absent teeth are also eliminated.

Is Implant Treatment Long-lasting?

The history of dental implants dates back to the early 1800s. Today, 35-40-year-old near-perfect implants with clinic track records still exist. Suppose appropriately chosen implants are correctly mounted in a suitable situation, and the patient has shown the necessary care for oral hygiene. In that case, the implants will stay mounted in the mouth for a long time without causing any problems.

Can Implants be Used on all Patients?

Implants may be used on all patients with a good general state of health. As long as the patient's public health is good, there is no upper age limit to prevent implant treatment. Implant treatment may be unsuitable only in patients whose bone development has yet to be completed. Implant screws have a specific thickness and width. Therefore, the jaw bone where the implant will be mounted must have a height and width suitable for the implants. The quality of the bone is also a determining factor; very tough or soft bones may negatively affect the success of the implant. Aside from these, gums and neighboring anatomical structures are essential in implant treatments.

In Which Cases Can Implants be Used?

Whether with a single tooth or multiple missing teeth, an implant can be performed so long as sufficient bone is on which to mount the implant. The critical issue at this point is the width and height of the bone, as well as its distance to neighboring teeth and anatomical structures. For this purpose, radiography or computed tomography can accurately identify the condition of the bone.

Is an Implant Procedure Painful?

As with all dental procedures, the patient will feel no pain if the proper anesthetic method has been applied before the implant treatment. In cases where patients may have a fear of local anesthetics or those who have extreme gag reflexes, implant treatment may also be performed under general anesthesia. Following the procedure, slight aches may be felt like tooth extraction. This mild discomfort generally felt on the evening of the implant treatment, can be treated with standard painkillers.

How Long Does the Total Treatment Take?

Implant treatment is performed in two stages. The mounting of the implant stage, which varies depending on the number of implants to be mounted, takes approximately ten minutes for each implant. This may vary depending on the tooth and bone structure of the patient. The second stage, the prosthesis stage, takes place approximately 2-3 months after the implants have been mounted. This time frame is also the total duration of the treatment. Temporary prostheses utilized during this period will not pose any problems in terms of aesthetics and functionality.

How Long After the Implants Have Been Mounted Can the Prosthesis be Fitted?

The time needed for the implants to fuse with the bone (osseointegration) is approximately 2-3 months. During this time, the pressure placed on the implants should be minimal. A temporary prosthesis may be used for recovery, provided excessive pressure is not placed on the implants. Permanent prosthesis may be introduced once the implants have completely fused with the jaw bone.

Does Each Missing Tooth Require an Individual Implant?

No, generally not. In cases where more than two teeth are absent, planning may be done to accommodate bridge prosthesis in the toothless area by leaving gaps between implants.

What Happens if the Implant Doesn’t Fuse with the Bone?

The chances of this happening are slim to none if the implants are correctly mounted. The odds of failure are approximately 1-2%. These failures generally occur within the first three months following implant mounting. In such cases, the implant is extracted by a procedure as simple as removing a tooth and provided that the bone has not been damaged too severely, a slightly thicker implant can be mounted. If the bone has deteriorated, a new implant may be mounted once the bone has healed, or as an alternative, classic prosthesis options may also be considered.

Where and How are Implant Treatments Performed?

Implant treatments are carried out through multidisciplinary work. This consists of the maxillofacial surgeon who will mount the implants to the jaw bone, the prosthesis specialist who will make the prosthesis, which will be placed on top of the implants, and the periodontist who will monitor the adaptability and health of the gums once the treatment has been completed. Such a procedure in a complex medical center is essential for the patient's health. A thorough examination of the patient's general health situation, inspection of the area receiving the implant, and specific findings may be required throughout this treatment. Aside from this, panoramic film or dental cone beam computed tomography may be used to analyze the condition of the bone.

What are the Advantages of Implant Treatment?

Patients with no teeth on the lower jaw and who use a removable prosthesis often complain of aching and chewing difficulty caused by constant prosthesis movement. This complaint only gets worse with time as the bone tissue supporting the prosthesis is worn down. In these circumstances, implant treatment ends complaints and ceases wearing down of the bone. In patients who have lost portions of their teeth on the lower or upper jaw, a hooked and moveable prosthesis can cover the absent teeth or, if applicable, with a bridge prosthesis.

Ultimately, the difficulty of using removable prostheses and the need to cut healthy teeth when mounting bridge prostheses are unfavorable circumstances for patients. In such situations, the negative drawbacks are eliminated as the implant treatment will be done with a fixed prosthesis. In patients who have lost only one tooth, the classic treatment method is cutting at least two neighboring teeth to restore one tooth. In such situations, a single implant will prevent the need to cut adjacent teeth. As such, a more aesthetic and functional prosthesis will have been applied.

Will the Implant be Unsuccessful?

The odds of failure in implants are approximately 1-2%. It is essential to learn the patient's general state of health before implant treatment. With certain diseases (such as diabetes), it is best to refrain from implant treatment. Moreover, with patients who smoke or those who do not take the necessary care in oral hygiene, the chances of success for implants are lower. Even so, the area where the implant will be applied should be carefully assessed. Several circumstances need to be considered, such as the amount of bone, its quality, and its adjacency to anatomic structures. If careful work is done in the implant treatment and the patient has taken the necessary care, the implants will stay mounted in the mouth for a long time without causing any problems.

Do implants Cause Cancer?

Unfortunately, there is a common misconception amongst the general public. However, no scientific research to date has suggested any evidence that implants may lead to cancer.

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Created at

14.07.2024 11:36

Updated at

14.07.2024 11:36


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