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Mommy Makeover Surgery

The female body changes a lot during pregnancy. This ensures that the growing child is provided with enough space to develop. As a result, the tissue on the abdomen stretches. The breasts can also change permanently, as they initially increase in volume and usually become smaller after breastfeeding. For some women, this leads to sagging breasts, which they find unsightly and which can cause enormous suffering. The physical changes awaken some women's desire for aesthetic plastic treatments to adapt their bodies to their expectations and to feel completely comfortable again. Aesthetic plastic surgery to correct the after-baby body after pregnancy and birth is also known as a so-called mommy makeover.

For many women, being a mother means the greatest happiness. However, the often clearly visible changes in the body after birth are less beautiful. It is subjected to much strain during pregnancy and does not always recover later. This results in a flabby stomach or excess pounds that cannot disappear with exercise and a healthy diet alone. The so-called Mommy Makeover was developed so mothers can feel beautiful again after their pregnancies and regain their old figure.

During pregnancy, the body changes to provide the best conditions and enough space for the growing baby. This causes, among other things, the skin and tissue to be significantly stretched. The breasts often become more voluminous and firmer due to the milk release. After the birth of the child and weaning, the body changes again. The fullness of the breasts decreases again, and the tissue can sag. Despite a healthy diet, exercise, and targeted postnatal exercises, not all women can regain the figure they had before pregnancy. The changes in the stomach, thighs, breasts, and intimate area can cause dissatisfaction and discomfort. In these cases, a so-called mommy makeover is possible. We would be happy to tell you what this means.

What Does Mommy Makeover Mean?

The mommy makeover combines various surgical procedures on the breast and body, usually carried out in one treatment session. The name comes from English and means "mommy all-round rejuvenation." Which interventions are possible varies from patient to patient.

Possible treatments at a glance:

  • Breast lift
  • Breast enlargement
  • Tummy tuck
  • Liposuction
  • Autologous fat transfer/lipofilling
  • Thigh lift
  • Intimate surgery

The Mommy Makeover combines various surgical procedures to remove loose skin and stubborn fat deposits after pregnancy and subsequent breastfeeding. In contrast to the classic body lift, this treatment aims explicitly to restore or aesthetically improve the female body after physical changes due to childbirth. The most common treatments include liposuction, tummy tuck, breast enlargement, and breast and intimate lift.

Breast Surgery Options after Pregnancy

Pregnancy triggers specific processes and changes in the breasts. A more significant number of milk ducts develop, and the complexity of the structures also increases to form the "feeding system" for the newborn. Furthermore, tissue growth is stimulated. The breasts, therefore, become more extensive.

After weaning, these unique structures gradually regress. Since the breast has previously been stretched, it may lose firmness and shape. This results in unpleasant "sagging breasts." There are various treatment methods available to restore the breasts to an aesthetic shape and position. Sagging breasts can be corrected with a breast lift. The excess skin is surgically removed, and the breasts are tightened accordingly. If patients find their breasts to be too small, breast enlargement may be considered. Breast enlargement with silicone implants is regarded as the gold standard. Alternatively, the volume can be increased using the body's fat cells (lipofilling).

Lifting Surgery: After Pregnancy

The belly probably undergoes the most significant change during pregnancy. Skin and tissue are severely stretched and sometimes overstretched. As a result, so-called stretch marks often appear.

Postnatal courses take place to adapt the stretched tissue back to the slimmer body shape after pregnancy. Additionally, many women seek out specific exercises and training programs to regain the body they had before pregnancy. Unfortunately, this doesn't always work. Sometimes, the excess and sagging tissue remains an unpleasant layer of skin on the stomach.

In this case, a surgical tummy tuck can help. The disturbing tissue is precisely removed, and the area is harmoniously tightened. This makes the stomach flatter, more even, and firmer. The stretch marks are corrected during the operation. The tightening operation is not limited to the abdomen. The thighs and upper arms can also be treated this way to achieve an attractive appearance that makes patients feel comfortable again.

Intimate Surgery After Pregnancy

A mommy makeover can also include intimate surgical treatments. Vaginal tightening or G-spot injections to intensify pleasure are prevalent procedures. Labia correction can also be used to shorten labia that are perceived as being too long.

Further Treatment Pptions for a Harmonious and Fresh Look

Aesthetic plastic surgery includes not only surgical but also minimally invasive treatments. For example, wrinkle treatment with hyaluronic acid can help women feel younger and more active again or radiate this feeling. In principle, minimally invasive wrinkle treatment is not necessarily a classic mommy makeover focusing more on body contouring. Still, minor treatments such as hyaluronic injections or Botox® treatments can also contribute to greater well-being and self-confidence.

When Does a Mommy Makeover Make Sense?

The connective tissue in some body parts is subjected to enormous stretching during pregnancy. It is common for this to result in overstretching that cannot go away independently. Torn skin can result in stretch marks or a separation of the abdominal muscles. Many mothers also complain about a reduction in breast volume after breastfeeding ends. Such changes are also known as the "after-baby body." In these cases, it makes sense to opt for an intervention. One advantage of the makeover is the overall planning of all desired cosmetic surgeries. In this way, the patient and the treating doctor can discuss which operations are possible and in which order they should be carried out as an individual treatment plan.

What Should You Consider When Doing A Mommy Makeover?

Combining all interventions done and out in one session multiple sessions is even discouraged because it would put too much strain on the body, which also carries an increased risk of complications. However, sensible combinations of interventions are possible and discussed and planned individually, depending on the findings. Measures carried out in the same body area can easily be carried out together; this applies to breast enlargement with subsequent firming or liposuction with tummy tuck. In the case of breast enlargement, breastfeeding must be at least six months ago to ensure that milk production has stopped entirely.

Mommy Makeover – the Makeover for Mothers

Mommy Makeover comes from English and can roughly be translated as all-round mommy treatment. This refers to a concept of various therapies to bring the after-baby body - i.e., the body silhouette after one or more pregnancies - closer to the patient's ideas and wishes. These often involve surgical interventions, but the individual plan can also include minimally invasive procedures.

What Treatments are Included in the Mommy Makeover?

This varies greatly and depends primarily on what bothers women and their desired results. The focus is often on the stomach and breasts. Sagging and sagging tissue may remain on the abdomen after pregnancy. Since the skin was previously stretched significantly, these unwanted flaps of tissue cannot usually be reduced with diet or exercise. Instead, a tummy tuck can help create a toned and well-contoured silhouette. The breasts also usually appear sagging or less voluminous. In this case, a breast lift or breast enlargement can help. A combination of both methods is also possible.

Other possible interventions during the mommy makeover include:

  • Thigh lift
  • Liposuction
  • Upper arm lift
  • Intimate surgical treatments (e.g., vaginal tightening, hyaluronic treatments)
  • Facelift
  • Buttock lift

Mommy Makeover and Family Planning – This is What You Need to Consider

If you are interested in a mommy makeover, keep your personal family planning in mind. This means that aesthetic plastic treatments such as a tummy tuck or breast surgery are only recommended if you no longer want to have any further pregnancies. A new pregnancy causes the body to change again, which can affect the results of the treatments.

Allowing enough time between the child's birth and the mommy's makeover is also essential. The body changes somewhat after birth. In addition, it is crucial for the health and safety of mother and child that the procedure or procedures do not occur too early. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out the mommy makeover by a year after the child's birth.

Breast Surgery After Pregnancy

After pregnancy and breastfeeding, many women experience a loss of breast volume. This can cause them to sag and hang down. During a breast lift, the excess tissue is removed, and the breast is - e.g., B. through an "inner bra" – tightened again. At the same time, the breast lift can be carried out in combination with breast enlargement. There are two classic procedures: either the breast can be enlarged and "filled" with the help of implants or with your fat.

Tummy Tuck for the After-baby Body

If pregnancy has caused excess skin flaps in women because the skin does not heal sufficiently, these can be removed with a tummy tuck. Under general anesthesia, an incision is made between the two pelvic floors and from the belly button to the pubic border - the so-called T-incision. The procedure usually takes around 3 hours.

Mommy Makeover with Liposuction

If the fat deposits do not go away after pregnancy despite exercise and diet, liposuction can help to regain the "old" body contour. In the most commonly used liposuction method, a particular tumescent solution is introduced into the areas to be treated, which stretches the connective tissue so that the fat cells "swell." The excess fat can be gently sucked out using a small cannula.

Muscle Building and Toning without Surgery

Mothers can opt for various fat reduction methods without surgery if the excess skin and pockets of fat are still moderate. These include fat freezing (cryolipolysis), muscle building through electromagnetic pulses (Emsculpt), or fat-away injections, which support natural fat loss. Radiofrequency lipolysis and ultrasound applications work similarly, stimulating the metabolism in the tissue and tightening the tissue simultaneously. With the help of the ultrasound device, even cellulite can be effectively treated. Laser lipolysis is also used for minimally invasive fat reduction: the laser pulses destroy and liquefy the fat cells. Laser treatment is also suitable for scar reduction, such as noticeable or bulging cesarean section scars.

Intimate Surgery After Pregnancy

The birth of the child can cause the muscles and tissue of the vagina to be significantly stretched, making the pelvic floor "more unstable." As a result, incontinence may occur. A vaginal tightening without surgery or a vaginal narrowing with your fat can not only prevent slight incontinence but also minimize the width of the vagina.

How Does a Mommy Makeover Work?

A mommy makeover consists of several procedures that should be discussed individually in a personal consultation. The extent to which operations can or should not be combined is discussed here. Under no circumstances can all of the operations mentioned be carried out in one operation, as each represents a strain on the body. Instead, a surgical plan should be developed and discussed for each patient.

Before the procedures can be carried out, the specialist explains each operation to the patient in detail and discusses which surgical procedures are suitable for her. It is essential to ensure enough time for recovery after each operation to protect the body and not put too much strain on it. This means the mommy makeover can be completed within several months.

Further information about the individual treatments can be found on our breast lift, breast enlargement, tummy tuck, liposuction, and intimate surgery pages.

When is a Mommy Makeover Considerable?

  • Breastfeeding occurred at least 6, sometimes even 12 months ago
  • The desired weight has already been achieved
  • Family planning should already be completed
  • Individual personal consultation to determine which interventions can be combined

Which Problem Areas Can Remain After Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a beautiful time and a true masterpiece of the female body. Unfortunately, problem areas that women find unsightly and stressful sometimes remain. The consequences after pregnancy and breastfeeding can be a sagging and wrinkled stomach, drooping and empty breasts, thinned labia, an enlarged vagina, a perineal injury, and fat deposits on the hips and thighs that are resistant to exercise and diet.

The Mommy Makeover addresses these problem areas. You can decide individually which procedures should be carried out and combine them. The unique thing about the Mommy Makeover is that the procedures are carried out in one operation, although this also depends on the extent of the planned procedure.

Corrective Surgery After Pregnancy: Experience

For many women, pregnancy has irreversible consequences for their figure. The following areas of the body are usually affected:

  • Breast size, areolas, breast shape
  • Abdominal wall, waist circumference, sagging stomach
  • Intimate area

In this experience report after a mommy makeover, our patient reports her new attitude to life after the tummy tuck.

What Procedures Can Be Performed During a Mommy Makeover?

The classic mommy makeover consists of a tummy tuck and a breast lift. Since pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding can also leave behind other problem areas, liposuction can also be carried out. Only some things can and should be combined. This also applies to procedures in the intimate area.

The best thing to do is to discuss your problem areas with your plastic surgeon and then think about which procedures should be carried out first and which are most important for your well-being. Your plastic-reconstructive and aesthetic surgery surgeon will then recommend the optimal treatment and surgical plan for you.

When is the İdeal Time for a Mommy Makeover?

First, you should take enough time for yourself and your child after the birth. Give yourself and your figure time to regain balance, and then decide whether you want to do something about irreversible figure changes.

Enjoy the first few months with your child, the breastfeeding period, and the adjustment to the beautiful change in life. Pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding demand a lot from your body, and you should give yourself the time to regenerate sufficiently. An operation only makes sense after you have stopped breastfeeding and should be in line with your family planning.

Ideal Tıme for a Mommy Makeover

Pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding are formative experiences that every woman perceives and wants to experience differently. You should give your body enough time to regenerate and return to its "old" shape. Having a child requires a lot of strength from the body. In the first phase, you should also be able to concentrate on your child and their shared health without putting new strain on your body through diets or excessive exercise. The ideal time for a mommy makeover is when:

  • the breastfeeding period was 6 to 12 months ago,
  • the wish or average weight has been regained,
  • family planning is completed,
  • the children are sufficiently independent that they no longer need to be carried constantly,

You continue to be bothered by your problem areas, and these are putting a strain on your quality of life, your body image, and possibly also your relationship.

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Created at

14.07.2024 11:36

Updated at

14.07.2024 11:36


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