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Services médicaux
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Blog sur la santé

Formation et expérience

École de médecine

Faculté de médecine de l'Université Hacettepe (division anglaise), 1995-2001

Formation post-universitaire

Faculté de médecine de l'université de Marmara, département d'urologie, 2002-2007

Expérience professionnelle

Hôpital Medicana Ataşehir (professeur associé, M.D., FEBU), Istanbul, Turquie, 2022-aujourd'hui

Faculté de médecine de l'université de Marmara, département d'urologie (professeur associé, M.D., FEBU, membre du corps professoral), Istanbul, Turquie, 2018-2023

Société turque d'urologie mini-invasive (membre du conseil d'administration), 2018-aujourd'hui

Faculté de médecine de l'université de Marmara, département d'urologie (professeur adjoint, M.D., FEBU, membre de la faculté), Istanbul, Turquie, 2015-2018

Faculté de médecine de l'université de Marmara, département d'urologie (urologue, M.D., FEBU, chargé de cours), Istanbul, Turquie, 2015-2018

Faculté de médecine de l'université de Marmara, département d'urologie (urologue, M.D., FEBU, assistant de recherche), Istanbul, Turquie, 2014-2015

Hôpital d'État Kocaeli Izmit Seka (Urologue, M.D., FEBU), Kocaeli, Turquie, 2009-2014

Académie médicale militaire Gülhane Hôpital de formation Haydarpasa (médecin de réserve, urologue, M.D., FEBU), Istanbul, Turquie, 2009-2010

Hôpital d'éducation et de recherche de Diyarbakır (Urologue, M.D., FEBU), Diyarbakır, Turquie, 2008-2009

Hôpital d'État Kocaeli Izmit (Urologue, M.D., FEBU), Kocaeli, Turquie, 2008-2008

Faculté de médecine de l'université de Marmara, département d'urologie, 2002-2007

Faculté de médecine de l'Université Hacettepe (division anglaise), 1995-2001

Intérêts médicaux

Endourologie, laparoscopie et reconstruction robotique chez l'adulte et l'enfant

Maladie des calculs des voies urinaires (rein, uretère, vessie) (Urolithiase) :

Traitement médical et préventif et suivi

Traitement chirurgical (néphrolithotomie percutanée, chirurgie intrarénale rétrograde, urétéroscopie, chirurgie laparoscopique et robotique, chirurgie ouverte).

Diagnostic et traitement des maladies bénignes de la prostate ; chirurgies appliquées avec des techniques classiques, laparoscopiques, robotiques et laser, méthodes minimalement invasives :

Traitement médical et suivi

Traitement chirurgical (HoLEP, ThuFLEP, prostatectomie au laser, TURP, énucléation bipolaire, TUİP, chirurgie laparoscopique et robotique, chirurgie ouverte)

Urologie pédiatrique et anomalies congénitales du système urinaire :

Suivi médical et chirurgical et traitement des maladies du calcul chez l'enfant

Traitement médical, chirurgie ouverte et endoscopique (injection) du reflux vésico-urétéral

Traitement de l'obstruction de la jonction urétéro-pelvienne (chirurgie laparoscopique, robotique et ouverte)

Troubles mictionnels

Testicule non descendu

Vessie neurogène, urodynamique

Hypospadias (circoncision)


Chirurgies radicales ouvertes, laparoscopiques et robotiques des voies urinaires et du système reproducteur masculin :

Cancer de la prostate

Cancer de la vessie

Cancer du rein

Cancer du testicule

Masses de la glande surrénale

Masses rétropéritonéales

Biopsie de la prostate et biopsie de fusion de la prostate

Urologie reconstructive (chirurgie ouverte, laparoscopique et robotique)

Chirurgie des sténoses urétrales, urétroplastie (ouverte et endoscopique)

Urologie féminine, troubles mictionnels et incontinence urinaire (TOT, TVT, chirurgies anti-incontinence), urodynamique

Procédures spéciales

Enucléation endoscopique anatomique de la prostate (AEEP) : HoLEP, BiEP, ThuFLEP

Chirurgie pédiatrique des calculs et chirurgie laparoscopique pour les enfants

Néphrolithotomie percutanée (PNL) en position couchée/prononcée avec accès par ultrasons (chirurgie complexe des calculs rénaux/urétraux)

Chirurgie intrarénale rétrograde (RIRS)

Urétéroscopie souple/semi-rigide antégrade/rétrograde

Chirurgies urologiques robotisées/laparoscopiques/ouvertes (pyéloplastie, néphrectomie radicale/partielle, chirurgie d'épargne néphronique, surrénalectomie, chirurgie des calculs rénaux/urétraux, urétéro-urétérostomie, cystectomie radicale).

Uréthroplastie et chirurgies reconstructives

Scientific Publications

Articles Published in Journals Included in SCI, SSCI and AHCI Indexes

1.Radiation exposure during different percutaneous renal puncture techniques: A YAU endourology & urolithiasis study ŞENER T. E., TANIDIR Y., Ketenci S., Kutukoglu U., Dorucu D., Cayir H., Pietropaolo A., Emiliani E., Somani B. Investigative and clinical urology, cilt.64, sa.5, ss.474-479, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)

2.Safety and Efficacy of Live Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery in Patients with Kindey Stone: Outcomes from a Boutique Course Series Which Complies with the Live Surgery Event Policies Özman O., ÇİTGEZ S., Başataç C., Akgül H. M., Kalender G., Yazici C. M., TANIDIR Y., Akpinar H., ÖNAL B. Archivos Espanoles de Urologia, cilt.76, sa.6, ss.454-459, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)

3.Influence of pre-stenting on RIRS outcomes. Inferences from patients of the Global Multicentre Flexible Ureteroscopy Outcome Registry (FLEXOR) Chai C., Teoh Y., Tailly T., Emiliani E., Inoue T., TANIDIR Y., Gadzhiev N., Bin Hamri S., Ong W. L., Shrestha A., et al. Minerva urology and nephrology, cilt.75, sa.4, ss.493-500, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)

4.Improving Outcomes of Same-sitting Bilateral Flexible Ureteroscopy for Renal Stones in Real-world Practice—Lessons Learnt from Global Multicenter Experience of 1250 Patients. Castellani D., Traxer O., Ragoori D., Galosi A. B., De Stefano V., Gadzhiev N., TANIDIR Y., Inoue T., Emiliani E., Hamri S. B., et al. European Urology Open Science, cilt.52, ss.51-59, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)

5.Clinical Presentation, Microbiological Characteristics, and Their Implications for Perioperative Outcomes in Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis: Perspectives from a Real-World Multicenter Practice.Gauhar V., Robles-Torres J. I., Wroclawski M. L., Trujillo-Santamaría H., Teoh J. Y. C., Tanidir Y., Mahajan A., Gadzhiev N., Ragoori D., Kumar S., et al. Pathogens (Basel, Switzerland), cilt.12, sa.5, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)

6.The efficacy of retrograde intra-renal surgery (RIRS) for lower pole stones: results from 2946 patients. Giulioni C., Castellani D., Somani B. K., Chew B. H., Tailly T., Keat W. O. L., Teoh J. Y., Emiliani E., Chai C. A., Galosi A. B., et al. World Journal of Urology, cilt.41, sa.5, ss.1407-1413, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)

7.Comparison Between Holmium:YAG Laser with MOSES Technology vs Thulium Fiber Laser Lithotripsy in Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery for Kidney Stones in Adults: A Propensity Score-matched Analysis From the FLEXible Ureteroscopy Outcomes Registry. Castellani D., Fong K. Y., Lim E. J., Chew B. H., Tailly T., Emiliani E., Yuen-Chun Teoh J., Chai C. A., Tiong H. C., Lay Keat W. O., et al. The Journal of urology, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)

8.Normal Glanular and Meatal Measurements in Boys and Men ŞEKERCİ Ç. A., ÖZKAN O. C., Sahak M. Y., GENÇ Y. E., TANIDIR Y., TARCAN T., YÜCEL S. Urology, cilt.174, ss.159-164, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)

9.Consistency of uroflowmetry analysis in children among observers ŞEKERCİ Ç. A., TANIDIR Y., TARCAN T., YÜCEL S. Neurourology and Urodynamics, cilt.42, sa.3, ss.662-668, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)

10.Role of Preoperative Ureteral Stent on Outcomes of Retrograde Intra-Renal Surgery (RIRS) in Children. Results From a Comparative, Large, Multicenter Series. Castellani D., Somani B. K., Ferretti S., Gatti C., Sekerci C. A., Madarriaga Y. Q., Fong K. Y., Campobasso D., Ragoori D., Shrestha A., et al. Urology, cilt.173, ss.153-158, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)

11.Comparison of Low-Power vs High-Power Holmium lasers in pediatric RIRS outcomes. García-Rojo E., Traxer O., Vallejo Arzayús D. M., Castellani D., Ferretti S., Gatti C., Bujons Tur A., Quiroz Madarriaga Y., Teoh J. Y. C., Ragoori D. R., et al. Journal of endourology, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)

12.Predictive factors of full response to desmopressin treatment in children with primary monosymptomatic enuresis nocturna Ozgur G., Sekerci C. A., TANIDIR Y., Tarcan T., YÜCEL S. EUROPEAN UROLOGY, cilt.83, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)

13.Indications, preferences, global practice patterns and outcomes in retrograde intrarenal surgery (RIRS) for renal stones in adults: results from a multicenter database of 6669 patients of the global FLEXible ureteroscopy Outcomes Registry (FLEXOR).Gauhar V., Chew B. H., Traxer O., Tailly T., Emiliani E., Inoue T., Tiong H. C., Chai C. A., Lakmichi M. A., Tanidir Y., et al. World journal of urology, cilt.41, ss.567-574, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)

14.The utility and safety of ureteral access sheath during retrograde intrarenal surgery in children. TANIDIR Y., Sekerci C. A., Castellani D., Ferretti S., Gatti C., Campobasso D., Bujons A., Quiroz Y., Teoh J. Y., Pietropaolo A., et al. EUROPEAN UROLOGY, cilt.83, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)

15.Lessons learnt from a multicenter series of 400 cases on the utility of pre-stenting for pediatric retrograde intra renal surgery (RIRS). Sinha M. M., Castellani D., Ferretti S., Gatti C., Teoh J. Y. C., TANIDIR Y., Sekerci C. A., Bhatia T. P., Tur A. B., Madarriaga Y., et al. EUROPEAN UROLOGY, cilt.83, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)

16.Suction in Percutaneous Nephrolithotripsy: Evolution, Development, and Outcomes from Experimental and Clinical studies. Results from a Systematic Review De Stefano V., Castellani D., Somani B. K., Giulioni C., Cormio A., Galosi A. B., Sarica K., Glover X., da Silva R. D., TANIDIR Y., et al. European Urology Focus, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)

17.Experimental and clinical applications and outcomes of using different forms of suction in retrograde intrarenal surgery. Results from a systematic review Aplicaciones clínicas, experimentales y resultados del uso de diferentes dispositivos de aspiración en la cirugía intrarrenal retrógrada. Revisión sistemática Giulioni C., Castellani D., Traxer O., Gadzhiev N., Pirola G., TANIDIR Y., Da Silva R., Glover X., Giusti G., Proietti S., et al. Actas Urologicas Espanolas, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)

18.Does age impact outcomes of retrograde intrarenal surgery in the elderly? Results from 366 patients from the FLEXible ureteroscopy outcomes registry (FLEXOR) Giulioni C., Brocca C., Gauhar V., Somani B. K., Chew B. H., Traxer O., Emiliani E., Innoue T., Sarica K., Gadzhiev N., et al. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)

19.Perioperative outcomes and risk factors for major complications associated with nephrectomy for Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis: a multicenter study Robles-Torres J. I., García-Chairez L. R., Castellani D., Enrriquez-Ávila J. V., Monzón-Falconi J. F., EsquedaMendoza A., Flores-Tapia J. P., Wroclawski M. L., Duarte-Santos H. O., Ragoori D., et al. World Journal of Urology, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)

20.Psychological Health of Surgeons in a Time of COVID-19: A Global Survey. Tan Y. Q., Wang Z., Yap Q. V., Chan Y. H., Ho R. C., Hamid A. R. A. H., Landaluce-Olavarria A., Pellino G., Gauhar V., Chand M., et al. Annals of surgery, cilt.277, sa.1, ss.50-56, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)

21.Prognosis of Extended-Spectrum-Beta-Lactamase-Producing Agents in Emphysematous Pyelonephritis-Results from a Large, Multicenter Series Ivan Robles-Torres J., Castellani D., Trujillo-Santamaria H., Teoh J. Y., TANIDIR Y., Gadu Campos-Salcedo J., Ivan Bravo-Castro E., Langer Wroclawski M., Kumar S., Eduardo Sanchez-Nunez J., et al. PATHOGENS, cilt.11, sa.12, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)

22.RETROGRADE INTRARENAL SURGERY IN CHILDREN: EVOLUTION, CURRENT STATUS AND FUTURE TRENDS. Quiroz Madarriaga Y., Somani B. K., Tanidir Y., Tekgül S., Silay M. S., Castellani D., Lim E. J., Fong K. Y., GarcíaRojo E., Corrales M., et al. Journal of endourology, cilt.36, ss.1511-1521, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)

23.Majör yanıklı hastalarda erektil disfonksiyon: Takibin önemi Erectile dysfunction in patients with major burn injury: The significance of follow-up Akdeniz F., ŞEKERCİ Ç. A., TANIDIR Y., Yılmaz Y., ÇAM H. K. Ulusal travma ve acil cerrahi dergisi = Turkish journal of trauma & emergency surgery : TJTES, cilt.28, sa.11, ss.1597-1603, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)

24.A Global Survey of Ergonomics Practice Patterns and Rates of Musculoskeletal Pain Among Urologists Performing Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery Gabrielson A. T., TANIDIR Y., Castellani D., Ragoori D., Jean L. E., Corrales M., Winoker J., Schwen Z., Matlaga B., Seitz C., et al. JOURNAL OF ENDOUROLOGY, cilt.36, sa.9, ss.1168-1176, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)

25.Re: Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in Horseshoe Kidneys: Results of a Multicentric Study Vicentini F. C., Mazzucchi E., Gokce M., Sofer M., Tanidir Y., Sener T. E., Melo P. A. d. S., Eisner B., Batter T. H., Chi T., et al. JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, cilt.208, sa.1, ss.208, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)

26.The results of three times repeated filling cystometry and pressure flow studies in children with nonneurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction Ergun R., ŞEKERCİ Ç. A., TANIDIR Y., Ozturk N. I., TARCAN T., YÜCEL S. NEUROUROLOGY AND URODYNAMICS, cilt.41, sa.5, ss.1157-1164, 2022 (SCI-Expanded) PROPENSITY SCORE-MATCHED ANALYSIS COMPARING RETROGRADE INTRARENAL SURGERY

27.WITH PERCUTANEOUS NEPHROLITHOTOMY IN ANOMALOUS KIDNEYS Lim E. J., Yuen-Chun Teoh J., Fong K. Y., Emiliani E., Gadzhiev N., Gorelov D., Tanıdır Y., Sepulveda F., Al-Terki A., Khadgi S., et al. JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, cilt.207, sa.Supplement 5, ss.236, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)


29.Outcomes and lessons learnt from practice of retrograde intrarenal surgery (RIRS) in a paediatric setting of various age groups: a global study across 8 centres Lim E. J., Traxer O., Quiroz Madarriaga Y., Castellani D., Fong K. Y., Chan V. W., Bujons Tur A., Pietropaolo A., Ragoori D., Shrestha A., et al. WORLD JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, cilt.40, sa.5, ss.1223-1229, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)

30.WORLDWIDE SURVEY ON THE CURRENT PRACTICE OF ASYMPTOMATIC URINARY STONE MANAGEMENT: A SURVEY FROM EAU, YOUNG ACADEMIC UROLOGISTS (YAU), ENDOUROLOGY AND UROLITHIASIS WORKING PARTY Sener T. E., Tailly T., Pietropaolo A., Keller E. X., Tanidir Y., Rivas J. G., Hameed Z., De Coninck V., Tefik T., Sarica K., et al. JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, cilt.207, sa.Supplement 5, ss.949, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)

31.Outcomes from practice of Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery (RIRS) in a paediatric setting of various age groups: A global study across 8 centres Lim E., Traxer O., Madarriaga Y., Castellani D., Fong K., Chan V., Tur A., Pietropaolo A., Ragoori D., Shrestha A., et al. WORLD JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, cilt.81, ss.1223-1229, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)

32.Propensity score-matched analysis comparing retrograde intrarenal surgery with percutaneous nephrolithotomy in anomalous kidneys. Lim E. J., Teoh J. Y., Fong K. Y., Emiliani E., Gadzhiev N., Gorelov D., Tanidir Y., Sepulveda F., Al-Terki A., Khadgi S., et al. Minerva urology and nephrology, cilt.81, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)

33.Worldwide survey on the current practice of asymptomatic urinary stone management: A survey from

34.EAU, Young Academic Urologists (YAU), Endourology and Urolithiasis Working Party. ŞENER T. E., Tailly T., Pietropaolo A., Keller E. X., TANIDIR Y., Rivas J. G., Hameed Z., De Coninck V., Tefik T., Sarica K., et al.

35.EUROPEAN UROLOGY, cilt.81, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)

36.Influence of webinar based learning on practice of percutaneous nephrolithotomy: Outcomes of a global survey. Lim E. J., Tanidir Y., Ganesan S., Maheshwari P. N., Tanwar H. V., Ragoori D. R., Ganpule A., Singh S. K., Mishra D. K., Chandra Mohan V., et al. Journal of endourology, cilt.36, ss.279-286, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)

37.Outcomes from practice of Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery (RIRS) in a paediatric setting of various age groups: A global study across 8 centres. Lim E. J., Traxer O., Madarriaga Y. Q., Castellani D., Fong K., Chan V. W., Tur A. B., Pietropaolo A., Ragoori D., Shrestha A., et al. EUROPEAN UROLOGY, cilt.81, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)

38.Incidence, predictive factors and oncological outcomes of incidental prostate cancer after endoscopic enucleation of the prostate: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Cheng B. K., Castellani D., Chan I. S., Baker A., Gauhar V., Wroclawski M. L., Santamaria H. T., TANIDIR Y., Enikeev D., Chan V. W., et al. WORLD JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, cilt.40, sa.1, ss.87-101, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)

39.Real-world Global Outcomes of Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery in Anomalous Kidneys: A High Volume International Multicenter Study. García Rojo E., Teoh J. Y., Castellani D., Brime Menéndez R., Tanidir Y., Benedetto Galosi A., Bhatia T. P., Soebhali B., Sridharan V., Corrales M., et al. Urology, cilt.159, ss.41-47, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)

40.Will "Hybrid" Meetings Replace Face-To-Face Meetings Post COVID-19 Era? Perceptions and Views From The Urological Community Hameed B. M. Z., Tanidir Y., Naik N., Teoh J. Y., Shah M., Wroclawski M. L., Castellani D., Ibrahim S., da Silva R. D., Rai B., et al. UROLOGY, cilt.156, ss.52-57, 2021 (SCI-Expanded)

41.Abnormal DMSA renal scan findings and associated factors in older children with vesicoureteral reflux Ergun R., ŞEKERCİ Ç. A., TANIDIR Y., Telli O., KÜTÜKOĞLU M. U., TARCAN T., YÜCEL S. INTERNATIONAL UROLOGY AND NEPHROLOGY, cilt.53, ss.1963-1968, 2021 (SCI-Expanded)

42.How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect audience’s attitudes in webinars? TANIDIR Y., Gokalp F., AKDOĞAN N., BATUR A. F., ŞEKERCİ Ç. A., Egriboyun S., DEĞER M., Sahin B., AKARKEN İ., Aydin C., et al. International Journal of Clinical Practice, cilt.75, sa.7, 2021 (SCI-Expanded)

43.Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in Horseshoe Kidneys: Results of a Multicentric Study. Vicentini F. C., Mazzucchi E., GÖKCE M. İ., Sofer M., TANIDIR Y., Sener T. E., de Souza Melo P. A., Eisner B., Batter T. H., Chi T., et al. JOURNAL OF ENDOUROLOGY, cilt.35, ss.979-984, 2021 (SCI-Expanded)

44.Ureteroscopy (URS) video consensus: A simple and effective way to improve awareness of patients undergoing URS. Esperto F., Prata F., Civitella A., Tuzzolo P., Romei L., Crimi V. G., Tedesco F., Bach T., Tanidir Y., Scarpa R. M., et al. EUROPEAN UROLOGY, cilt.79, 2021 (SCI-Expanded)

45.Nation-wide analysis of the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on daily urology practice in Turkey. Bozkurt O., Sen V., Irer B., Sagnak L., Onal B., Tanidir Y., Karabay E., Kaya C., Ceyhan E., Baser A., et al. International journal of clinical practice, cilt.75, 2021 (SCI-Expanded)

46.The Significance of Asymptomatic Kidney Stones as a Predictive Factor for Sepsis in Critically Ill Older Adults Taskin G., ŞEKERCİ Ç. A., TANIDIR Y., ÇAM H. K. PUERTO RICO HEALTH SCIENCES JOURNAL, cilt.40, sa.1, ss.33-37, 2021 (SCI-Expanded)

47.Effects of mirabegron on JJ stent-related symptoms: A multicentric study. ÇİNAR Ö., Tanidir Y., Ozer S., ÇİZMECİ S., Erbatu O., ÖZDEMİR T., Girgin R., Ongun S., ÜÇER O., KIZILAY F., et al. International journal of clinical practice, cilt.75, sa.2, 2021 (SCI-Expanded)

48.Detrusor Pressures Change with Repeat Filling Cystometry in Myelodysplastic Children with Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction. Ergun R., Sekerci Ç. A., Tanidir Y., Atmis B., Gemici A., Yucel S. The Journal of urology, cilt.205, sa.2, ss.577-585, 2021 (SCI-Expanded)

49.Incidence and risk factors for urinary tract infections in the first year after renal transplantation VELİOĞLU A., Guneri G., ARIKAN İ. H., AŞICIOĞLU E., TİGEN E., TANIDIR Y., TİNAY İ., Yegen C., TUĞLULAR Z. S. PLOS ONE, cilt.16, sa.5, 2021 (SCI-Expanded)

50.Does Vaginal Wall Surgical Trauma During Hybrid Transvaginal NOTES Nephrectomy Have Traumatic Effects On Sexual Functions? A Prospective Study. ŞENER T. E., ŞAHİN B., MICHELE F., PANELLA M. M., TANIDIR Y., LUCAN C. V., NETSCH C., LUNELLI L. Journal of Investigative Surgery, cilt.34, sa.8, ss.914-921, 2021 (SCI-Expanded)

51.Fast, Easy, and Safe Establishment of Pneumoperitoneum in Laparoscopic Surgery: The Fingertip Technique. Sahan A., Ozkaptan O., Cubuk A., Simsek B., TANIDIR Y., Akca O. JSLS-JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF LAPAROENDOSCOPIC SURGEONS, cilt.25, sa.1, 2021 (SCI-Expanded)

52.Melatonin prevents deterioration of erectile function in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats via sirtuin-1 expression. Sahan A., Akbal C., Tavukcu H., Cevik O., Cetinel S., Sekerci Ç. A., Sener T. E., Sener G., Tanidir Y. Andrologia, cilt.52, sa.9, 2020 (SCI-Expanded)

53.Safety of Upper Pole Puncture in Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy with the Guidance of Ultrasonography versus Fluoroscopy: A Comparative Study Sahan A., Cubuk A., Ozkaptan O., Canakci C., Eryildirim B., Toprak T., TANIDIR Y., Ertab K. UROLOGIA INTERNATIONALIS, cilt.104, ss.769-774, 2020 (SCI-Expanded)

54.Ga-68-Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen PET-Positive Paget Bone Disease With Metastatic Prostatic Carcinoma ENGÜR C. Ö., TUROĞLU H. T., ÖZGÜVEN S., TANIDIR Y., ERDİL T. Y. CLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE, cilt.45, sa.9, 2020 (SCI-Expanded)

55.A global knowledge, attitudes and practices survey on anatomical endoscopic enucleation of prostate for benign prostatic hyperplasia among urologists Gudaru K., Gonzalez Padilla D. A., Castellani D., Tortolero Blanco L., TANIDIR Y., Ka Lun L., Wroclawski M. L., Maheshwari P. N., Figueiredo F. C. A. D., Yuen-Chun Teoh J. ANDROLOGIA, cilt.52, sa.8, 2020 (SCI-Expanded)

56.A Global Survey on the Impact of COVID-19 on Urological Services Teoh J. Y., Ong W. L. K., Gonzalez-Padilla D., Castellani D., Dubin J. M., Esperto F., Campi R., Gudaru K., Talwar R., Okhunov Z., et al. EUROPEAN UROLOGY, cilt.78, sa.2, ss.265-275, 2020 (SCI-Expanded)

57.Value of Urinary Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Levels on the Assessment of Botulinum Toxin Type A Treatment for Neurogenic Detrusor Overactivity in Children with Myelodysplasia. Sekerci Ç. A., TANIDIR Y., Toprak T., Basok B. I., Isman F., ŞİMŞEK F., Akbal C., TARCAN T. JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, cilt.201, sa.1, ss.174-180, 2019 (SCI-Expanded)

58.Harnessing New Media Tools in Patient Information. Bach T., Behrendt M., TANIDIR Y., Cornford P., Sun Y., Van Poppel H. EUROPEAN UROLOGY, cilt.74, sa.6, ss.685-687, 2018 (SCI-Expanded)

59.Effects of flexible ureteroscopy on renal blood flow: a prospective evaluation. Sener T. E., TANIDIR Y., Bin Hamri S., Sever I. H., ÖZDEMİR B., Al-Humam A., Traxer O. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, cilt.52, sa.3, ss.213-218, 2018 (SCI-Expanded)

60.Clinical and Urodynamic Results of Repeated Intradetrusor Onabotulinum Toxin A Injections in Refractory Neurogenic Detrusor Overactivity: Up to 5 Injections in a Cohort of Children With Myelodysplasia. Sekerci Ç. A., TANIDIR Y., Garayev A., Akbal C., TARCAN T., ŞİMŞEK F. UROLOGY, cilt.111, ss.168-175, 2018 (SCI-Expanded)

61.The effect of intradetrusor botulinum neurotoxin type A on urinary NGF, TGF BETA-1, TIMP-2 levels in children with neurogenic detrusor overactivity due to myelodysplasia. Top T., Sekerci Ç. A., Isbilen-Basok B., TANIDIR Y., TİNAY İ., İŞMAN F. K., Akbal C., ŞİMŞEK F., TARCAN T. NEUROUROLOGY AND URODYNAMICS, cilt.36, sa.7, ss.1896-1902, 2017 (SCI-Expanded)

62.The effect of doxazosin and sildenafil citrate combination on bladder tissue contractility, alpha adrenergic receptor, and iNOS subtype expression in a male rat model of partially bladder outlet obstruction. Gumrah A., TANIDIR Y., TİNAY İ., ÖZYÜREK M., TARCAN T. NEUROUROLOGY AND URODYNAMICS, cilt.36, sa.6, ss.1479-1487, 2017 (SCI-Expanded)

63.Turkish version of the Ureteral Stent Symptoms Questionnaire: linguistic and psychometric validation. TANIDIR Y., Mangir N., Sahan A., Sulukaya M. WORLD JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, cilt.35, sa.7, ss.1149-1154, 2017 (SCI-Expanded)

64.Differentiation of ureteral stones and phleboliths using Hounsfield units on computerized tomography: a new method without observer bias. TANIDIR Y., Sahan A., Asutay M. K., Sener T. E., Talibzade F., Garayev A., TİNAY İ., Sekerci Ç. A., ŞİMŞEK F. UROLITHIASIS, cilt.45, sa.3, ss.323-328, 2017 (SCI-Expanded)

65.Effects of platelet-rich plasma against experimental ischemia/reperfusion injury in rat testis. Sekerci Ç. A., Tanidir Y., Sener T. E., Sener G., Cevik O., Yarat A., Alev-Tuzuner B., Cetinel Ş., Kervancioglu E., Sahan A., et al. Journal of pediatric urology, cilt.13, sa.3, 2017 (SCI-Expanded)

66.Thulium laser vaporesection of the prostate: Can we operate without interrupting oral antiplatelet/anticoagulant therapy? Sener T. E., Buttice S., Macchione L., Netsch C., TANIDIR Y., Dragos L., Pappalardo R., Magno C. INVESTIGATIVE AND CLINICAL UROLOGY, cilt.58, sa.3, ss.192-199, 2017 (SCI-Expanded)

67.Is 40 cm H2O detrusor leak point pressure cut-off reliable for upper urinary tract protection in children with myelodysplasia? TARCAN T., Sekerci Ç. A., Akbal C., TİNAY İ., TANIDIR Y., Sahan A., Sahin B., Top T., ŞİMŞEK F. Neurourology and urodynamics, cilt.36, sa.3, ss.759-763, 2017 (SCI-Expanded)

68.Hybrid Transvaginal NOTES Nephrectomy: Postoperative Sexual Outcomes. A Three-center Matched Study Buttice S., Sener T. E., Lucan V. C., Lunelli L., Lagana A. S., Vitale S. G., Netsch C., Tanidir Y., Pappalardo R., Magno C. UROLOGY, cilt.99, ss.131-135, 2017 (SCI-Expanded)

69.The Effects of Melatonin on Ethylene Glycol-induced Nephrolithiasis: Role on Osteopontin mRNA Gene Expression. Sener T. E., Sener G., Cevik O., Eker P., Cetinel S., Traxer O., Tanidir Y., Akbal C. UROLOGY, cilt.99, 2017 (SCI-Expanded)

70.Bladder-sparing approaches in muscle invasive bladder tumors and the place of radical transurethral resection with partial cystectomy. GARAYEV A., TANIDIR Y. Urologic Clinics Of North America, vol.4, sa.4, pp.99-103, 2016 (SCI-Expanded)

71.Successful Treatment of Massive Pulmonary Embolism With Catheter-Directed Thrombolysis in a Patient

72.With Lymphocele: A Rare Cause of Thromboembolism. Cincin A., Bozbay M., Oguz M., Sahin A., TANIDIR Y., MUTLU B.0 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THERAPEUTICS, cilt.23, sa.5, 2016 (SCI-Expanded)

73.Nefron koruyucu cerrahide güncel durum. TANIDIR Y. Urologic Clinics Of North America, cilt.3, sa.2, ss.56-60, 2015 (SCI-Expanded)

74.Effects of testosterone treatment on recovery of rat spermatogenesis after irradiation. Demir A., TANIDIR Y., Karadag M. A., ATASOY B. M., BOZKURT S., Cecen K., Turkeri L. JOURNAL OF THE PAKISTAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, cilt.65, sa.3, ss.300-305, 2015 (SCI-Expanded)

75.Safety and Efficacy of Retropubic or Transobturator Midurethral Slings in a Randomized Cohort of Turkish Women. TARCAN T., Mangir N., Sahan A., TANIDIR Y., Sulukaya M., Ilker Y. UROLOGIA INTERNATIONALIS, cilt.93, sa.4, ss.449-453, 2014 (SCI-Expanded)

Articles Published in Other Journals

1.A Survey Study on Evaluation and Management of Nocturnal Enuresis in Pediatricians and Family Physicians. Şekerci Ç. A., Kütükoğlu M. U., Dörücü D., Ergün R., Tanıdır Y., Çam H. K., Tarcan T., Yücel S. JOURNAL OF UROLOGICAL SURGERY, cilt.10, sa.3, ss.259-265, 2023 (ESCI)

2.Experimental and clinical applications and outcomes of using different forms of suction in retrograde intrarenal surgery. Results from a systematic review. Giulioni C., Castellani D., Traxer O., Gadzhiev N., Pirola G. M., Tanidir Y., da Silva R. D., Glover X., Giusti G., Proietti S., et al. Actas urologicas espanolas, 2023 (Hakemli Dergi)

3.Comparison and outcomes of dusting versus stone fragmentation and extraction in retrograde intrarenal surgery: results of a systematic review and meta-analysis. Gauhar V., Teoh J. Y., Mulawkar P. M., Tak G. R., Wroclawski M. L., Robles-Torres J. I., Chan V. W., Rojo E. G., Silva R. D. d., TANIDIR Y., et al. CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, cilt.75, ss.317-327, 2022 (ESCI)

4.Defining minimal invasive surgical therapy for benign prostatic obstruction surgery: Perspectives from a global knowledge, attitudes, and practices survey.Kwun-Chung Cheng B., Kar-Kei Yuen S., Castellani D., Wroclawski M. L., Zhao H., Chiruvella M., Chua W., Tiong H., TANIDIR Y., Rosette J. d. l., et al. Asian Journal of Urology, 2022 (Scopus)

5.The past, the present and the future of #UroSoMe: a narrative review. Castellani D., da Silva R. D., Pelayo-Nieto M., Linden-Castro E., Ong W. L. K., Adwin Z., TANIDIR Y., Rubilotta E., Gubbiotti M., Pirola G. M., et al. AME Medical Journal, cilt.6, 2021 (Scopus)

6.Urodynamic Findings in Children with Cerebral Palsy Before Dorsal Rhizotomy Surgery. TANIDIR Y., Ozgen M. B., ÖZEK Ö. M. M., TARCAN T.JOURNAL OF UROLOGICAL SURGERY, cilt.8, sa.1, ss.33-39, 2021 (ESCI)

7.Outcomes of fluoroscopy-free retrograde intrarenal surgery and predictive factors of stone-free Kocakgol H., Aydin H. R., Guctas A. O., ŞEKERCİ Ç. A., Kocakgol D. O., Aksoy H. Z., TANIDIR Y. ARCHIVIO ITALIANO DI UROLOGIA E ANDROLOGIA, cilt.93, sa.4, ss.425-430, 2021 (ESCI)

8.Protective effect of cordycepin on experimental renal ischemia/reperfusion injury in rats. Aydin H. R., ŞEKERCİ Ç. A., YİĞİT E., Kucuk H., Kocakgol H., Kartal S., TANIDIR Y., DEĞER O. ARCHIVIO ITALIANO DI UROLOGIA E ANDROLOGIA, cilt.92, sa.4, ss.340-344, 2020 (ESCI)

9.The impact of tumor invasion to muscularis mucosae- vascular plexus on patient outcome in pT1 bladder urothelial carcinoma. Sahan A., Gerin F., Garayev A., BOZKURTLAR E., Cubuk A., Ozkaptan O., Ertaş K., TANIDIR Y., ÇAM H. K., TİNAY İ. ARCHIVIO ITALIANO DI UROLOGIA E ANDROLOGIA, cilt.92, sa.3, ss.239-243, 2020 (ESCI)

10.Protective effect of chlorogenic acid on renal ischemia/reperfusion injury in rats. Toprak T., Sekerci Ç. A., Aydın H., Ramazanoglu M., Arslan F., Basok B., Kucuk H., Kocakgol H., Aksoy H., Asci S., et al. Archivio italiano di urologia, andrologia : organo ufficiale [di] Societa italiana di ecografia urologica e nefrologica, cilt.92, sa.2, 2020 (ESCI)

11.An Overview of the Advantages of Digital Flexible Ureteroscopes. A Review by Young Academic Urologists Endourology and Urolithiasis Working Party of the European Association of Urology Sener T. E., Pietropaolo A., Talso M., Somani B., TANIDIR Y. JOURNAL OF UROLOGICAL SURGERY, cilt.7, sa.2, ss.76-82, 2020 (ESCI)

12.Is Bacterial Colonization in Ureteral Double-J Stents Significant and Is It Predictable? Sahan A., Cubuk A., Ertaş K., Garayev A., Talibzade F., Sekerci Ç. A., Toprak T., TANIDIR Y. JOURNAL OF UROLOGICAL SURGERY, cilt.7, sa.2, ss.120-124, 2020 (ESCI)

13.Clinical Risk Factors for Extended Spectrum B-lactamase-producing Bacteriuria in Children with Myelodysplasia Performing Clean Intermittent Catheterization Toprak T., Sahan A., Sulukaya M., Garayev A., Sekerci Ç. A., TANIDIR Y., Akbal C., TARCAN T. JOURNAL OF UROLOGICAL SURGERY, cilt.7, sa.2, ss.139-143, 2020 (ESCI)

14.Isiris™: A New Single Use Digital Cystoscope For Double-J Stent Removal ŞENER T. E., TALSO M., EMILIANI E., DRAGOS L., BUTTICE S., TANIDIR Y. JOURNAL OF UROLOGICAL SURGERY, cilt.6, sa.4, ss.343-346, 2019 (ESCI)

15.Efficacy and Predictive Factors of the Outcome of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy: A Review of One-thousand-nine-hundred-ninety- seven Patients. KOÇAKGÖL H., YILMAZ A. H., YAPANOĞLU T., ÖZKAYA F., ŞEKERCİ Ç. A., BEDİR F., KOCATÜRK H., TANIDIR Y. JOURNAL OF UROLOGICAL SURGERY, cilt.6, sa.3, ss.207-212, 2019 (ESCI)

16.Simultaneous and synchronous bilateral endoscopic treatment of urolithiasis: a multicentric study Angerrı Feu O., Kanashıro A. K., Mıllan Rodrıguez F., Sanchez Martın F., Cho S. Y., Schreter E., Sofer M., Bın Hamrı S., Alasker A., Tanıdır Y., et al. CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, cilt.72, sa.2, ss.178-182, 2019 (ESCI)

17.Assessment of Voiding Dysfunction and Nocturnal Enuresis Rates in Primary School Children in an Anatolian City with a Validated Dysfunctional Voiding Scoring System Questionnaire. Tavukcu H. H., TANIDIR Y., Tavukcu E., Akbal C., ŞİMŞEK F., TARCAN T. JOURNAL OF UROLOGICAL SURGERY, cilt.5, sa.4, ss.182-188, 2018 (ESCI)

18.Are There Any Differences in the Neural and Extracellular Matrix Proteins Density Between Children and Adults with Intrinsic Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction? Sahin B., KAYA C., Talibzade F., TANIDIR Y., ERCAN F., Demirci E. K., Sekerci Ç. A., Akbal C., ŞİMŞEK F. JOURNAL OF UROLOGICAL SURGERY, cilt.4, sa.4, ss.177-182, 2017 (ESCI)

19.Experience with Treatment of Retroperitoneal Fibrosis: Collaboration of Urology and Nephrology Departments for 26 years in Marmara University (Experience with Treatment of Retroperitoneal Fibrosis: Collaboration of Urology and Nephrology Departments for 26 years in Marmara University). ŞEKERCİ Ç. A., TANIDIR Y., ÖZGEN M. B., KOÇ M., AKBAL C., şimşek f. Turkish Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, vol.26, sa.3, pp.305-310, 2017 (Refereed Journal)

20.The Significance of the Contralateral Testis Size Measurement with Ultrasonography in Predicting

21.Monorchism in Boys with Nonpalpable Testicles. Sekerci Ç. A., TANIDIR Y., Sener T. E., Asadov R., Sahan A., TARCAN T., ŞİMŞEK F., Akbal C. JOURNAL OF UROLOGICAL SURGERY, cilt.4, sa.2, ss.61-65, 2017 (ESCI)

22.Utility of Voiding Dysfunction Symptom Score in Diagnosis and Treatment of Enuresis Nocturna. TANIDIR Y., Sekerci Ç. A., Top T., Talibzade F., Sahan A., Sener T. E., TARCAN T., ŞİMŞEK F., Akbal C. JOURNAL OF UROLOGICAL SURGERY, cilt.4, sa.1, ss.8-12, 2017 (ESCI)

23.An unusual bladder mass: Dermoid cyst and review of the literatüre. Gül A., Sahan A., Fırat C., TANIDIR Y.

24.Eastern Journal of Medicine, cilt.22, sa.4, ss.227-229, 2017 (Scopus)

25.Ureteroscopy in pregnant women with complicated colic pain: Is there any risk of premature labor?. Buttice S., Lagana A. S., Vitale S. G., Netsch C., TANIDIR Y., Cantiello F., Dragos L., Talso M., Emiliani E., Pappalardo R., et al. ARCHIVIO ITALIANO DI UROLOGIA E ANDROLOGIA, cilt.89, sa.4, ss.287-292, 2017 (ESCI)

26.A complication of subclavian port catheter: Superior vena cava syndrome. ATALAY Y. O., KÖKSAL E., UZUNKAYA F., İDİL SOYLU A., KALAYCIOĞLU B., TANIDIR Y. Journal of Contemporary Medicine, cilt.6, sa.4, ss.352, 2016 (Hakemli Dergi)

27.Staging and Risk Groups in Testicular Tumors. ASUTAY M. K., TANIDIR Y. Turkiye Klinikleri Urology - Special Topics, vol.9, sa.4, ss.21-27, 2016 (Refereed Journal)

28.Super-Selective Embolization of Vesical Arteries with Micro-Catheter Technique in the Treatment of Intractable Hemorrhage due to Bladder Cancer. Sahin B., Sulukaya M., TİNAY İ., TANIDIR Y., BALTACIOĞLU F., Turkeri L. UROONKOLOJI BULTENI-BULLETIN OF UROONCOLOGY, cilt.15, sa.1, ss.1-3, 2016 (ESCI)

29.The role of occult spinal malformation and upper urinary tract deterioration in children with intractable voiding dysfunction. TANIDIR Y., Sener T. E., Sekerci Ç. A., Sahan A., BAYRİ Y., Tanrikulu B., TİNAY İ., ALPAY H., TARCAN T., ŞİMŞEK F., et al. MARMARA MEDICAL JOURNAL, cilt.29, sa.3, ss.157-163, 2016 (ESCI)

30.Juxtaglomerular Cell Tumor (Reninoma): A Case Report and Mini-Review. Sener T. E., Sekerci Ç. A., TANIDIR Y., Sahin B., Cinel L., FİLİNTE D., Onem I., Akbal C. CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL HEALTH SCIENCES, cilt.6, sa.4, ss.187-190, 2016 (ESCI)

31.Can Surgical Technique Affect the Success of Endoscopic Treatment in Children with Vesicoureteral Reflux and Overactive Bladder Syndrome? Sahan A., Akbal C., Garayev A., Sekerci Ç. A., Sulukaya M., TANIDIR Y., TİNAY İ., TARCAN T., ŞİMŞEK F. JOURNAL OF UROLOGICAL SURGERY, cilt.2, sa.3, ss.135-140, 2015 (ESCI)

32.Radical Prostatectomy is a Valuable Treatment Alternative in Patients with High-Risk Prostate Cancer. Mangir N., Top T., TİNAY İ., TANIDIR Y., Turkeri L. JOURNAL OF UROLOGICAL SURGERY, cilt.2, sa.3, ss.124-128, 2015 (ESCI)

33.Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment of Highest-Risk Subgroup. TANIDIR Y., TİNAY İ. UROONKOLOJI BULTENI-BULLETIN OF UROONCOLOGY, cilt.14, sa.1, ss.50-54, 2015 (ESCI)

34.Nephron Sparing Surgery for Localized Renal Tumors - Quality of Life at a Glance. TANIDIR Y., Talibzade F., Sulukaya M. UROONKOLOJI BULTENI-BULLETIN OF UROONCOLOGY, cilt.13, sa.4, ss.201-205, 2014 (ESCI)

35.Metabolic Syndrome and Benign Prostate Hyperplasia: An Update. TİNAY İ., Akgul H. M., TANIDIR Y. UROONKOLOJI BULTENI-BULLETIN OF UROONCOLOGY, cilt.13, sa.4, ss.206-209, 2014 (ESCI)

36.Follow-up protocols after treatment of small renal masses. TANIDIR Y., MANGIR N. Türkiye Klinikleri Uroloji Özel Dergisi, vol.6, sa.3, ss.54-58, 2013 (Refereed Journal)

Book & Book Chapters



3.Prophylaxis and Metaphylaxis in Stone Disease in Children TANIDIR Y., ŞEKERCİ Ç. A. Childhood Childhood Urinary System Stone Disease, Nazım Mutlu, Editor, Turkey Clinics Urology, pp.63-68, 2020



6.Patient Information Form Bladder Cancer TANIDIR Y., ÜRE İ., KIZILAY F., ÜÇER O. European Urology, 2017

7.Principles of follow-up according to stages after treatment in prostate cancer ÇAM H. K., TANIDIR Y. Urooncology Book, ABDURRAHİM HALUK ÖZEN, NİYAZİ LEVENT TÜRKERİ, AHMET ÇAĞ ÇAL, MEHMET YAŞAR BEDÜK, FEHMİ NARTER, Editor, Urooncology Association - Pelin Ofset Tipo Matbaacılık, Ankara, pp.1021- 1030, 2017

8.Principles of follow-up in prostate cancer ÇAM H. K., TANIDIR Y. UROONCHOLOGY BOOK, Haluk Özen, Levent Türkeri, Yaşar Bedük, Çağ Çal, Editor, Pelin Ofset Tipo Matbaacılık, Ankara, pp.1021-1030, 2017

9.Patient Information Form Erectile Dysfunction TANIDIR Y., ÜRE İ., DOĞAN Ç. European Urology Association, 2016

Section 10.12: Urooncology, 12.C. Testicular Cancer: 12.C.8 How Marker Monitoring Should Be After Orchiectomy; 12.C.9 Indications for Testicular Sparing Surgery; 12.C.12 Follow-up Diagnosis Y. Urology Desktop Reference Book, Serdar Tekgül, Levent Türkeri, Adil Esen, Bülent Alıcı, Editor, İris Publishing, Ankara, pp.744-758, 2016

Chapter 11: Definition of Symptoms and General Approach Principles, 1.A. Hematuria; 1.B. Pain Diagnosis Y. Urology Desktop Reference Book, Serdar Tekgül, Levent Türkeri, Adil Esen, Bülent Alıcı, Editor, İris Publishing, Ankara, pp.1-7, 2016

Chapter 12: Definition of Symptoms and General Approach Principles: 1.1 Hematuria; 1.2 Pain Diagnosis Y. Urology Desktop Reference Book, Serdar Tekgül, Editor, Iris Publishing, Ankara, pp.3-6, 2013

Section 13.12: Urooncology, 12.3. Testicular Cancer: 12.3.8. How Marker Monitoring Should Be After Orchiectomy; 12.3.11. Follow-up. TANIDIR Y. Urology Desktop Reference Book, Serdar Tekgül, Editor, Iris Publishing, Ankara, pp.469-478, 2013


Association européenne d'urologie (EAU)

Association américaine d'urologie (AUA) (Interrompu)

Société d'endourologie (interrompue)

Société d'urologie mini-invasive

Société turque d'urooncologie

Association d'urologie pédiatrique

7ème Association pour la Continence

8ème Société de chirurgie urologique

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