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Education & Experience
Medical School
Karadeniz Technical University Medicaal Faculty, 1996-2002
Post-Graduate Training
SB Ankara Education & Research Hospital, Second Orthopedics & Traumatology Clinic, 2003-2009
Professional Experience
Şanlıurfa Hilvan County Gölcük Infirmary (GP), 2002-2003
Yozgat Boğazlıyan State Hospital, Orthopedics & Traumatology Specialist, 2009-2010
GATA Haydarpaşa Military Hospital (Military Obligation), 2010-2011
Acıbadem Healthcare Group, Sports Medicine Fellowship (Prof. Dr. Mustafa Karahan), 2011-2013
Medicalpark Göztepe Hospital, Reconstructive Surgery (Prof. Dr. Önder Ofluoğlu), 2013-2021
Rumeli University Sports Faculty (Asst. Prof.), 2021-cont.
Medicana Ataşehir Hospital, 2021-cont.)
Medical Interests
Lower Extremity Surgery
Sports Injuries, Arthroscopic Surgery
Knee, Hip, Ankle Surgery
Hip, Knee Prosthesis Surgery
Joint Cartilage Surgery
Pelvis, Hip Trauma Surgery
Toe Hallux-Valgus Surgery
Special Experience
Hip Arthroplasty
Knee Meniscus, Ligament Reconstruction
Arthroscopic Ankle Ligament Repair