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Security Information and Policy

1- Please do not bring more than necessary items to our hospital.

2- Do not leave valuables in your vehicle. Make sure your doors and windows are closed and locked.

3- If any of your belongings are lost or stolen or an unattended item is seen, if you inform the responsible nurse of the relevant department, the Hospital Security Guards will immediately come to the area.

4- Please do not ask for help from strangers, and do not accept their offers of assistance.

5- Please do not bring your valuable items (jewelry, large amounts of money, etc.) with you when coming for hospital admission.

6- If you have valuable items, please take them with you or hand them over to your companion or family member even if you briefly leave your room.

7- Please keep your belongings in the wardrobes/cabinets in your room.

8- If you see a suspicious situation or person, please inform the relevant department's head nurse or responsible nurse.

9- Do not trust directions from individuals who are not clinical staff. In such situations, please report to Hospital Security Guards.
