In healthcare applications, the main goal is to improve and maintain individuals' quality of life. Therefore, it is extremely important to perform preventive medicine practices accurately and regularly before diagnosis and treatment services. Health check-up screenings, which are applied to determine individuals' health status, take preventive measures according to identified risk factors, and provide early diagnosis and treatment services for diseases, play a critical role in maintaining health.
Check up is a healthcare service that includes all diagnostic and testing practices carried out to assess individuals' overall health status, identify risk factors for diseases, and control and manage existing health problems. Depending on various parameters such as the age, existing illnesses, and risk factors of the person who applies for a check-up, the person's health status is evaluated using specific screening tests. If necessary, the patient may be referred to other tests, advised to make lifestyle changes, or start treatment.
Firstly, a detailed medical history is obtained from the person undergoing the check-up, including their general health status, any previously diagnosed illnesses, past or current treatments, and their family's health history. Then, a comprehensive physical examination is conducted, and any findings are recorded.
During the physical examination, vital signs such as blood pressure, pulse, and respiratory rate are measured. Specific system examinations may also be performed, such as a cardiac evaluation for heart check-ups or a neurological examination for brain check-ups. For women, a breast examination may be included in the check-up, and for men, a prostate examination may be included in later life check-ups.
As a part of routine check-ups to determine a person's overall health status, the following tests are usually conducted;
• Complete blood count (CBC)
• Urinalysis,
• Blood lipid (cholesterol and triglyceride) levels,
• Chest X-ray,
• Electrocardiogram (ECG),
• Thyroid function tests.
Along with the routine tests mentioned before, a check-up may also include tests for antibodies to hepatitis, HIV, or infectious agents in vaccination programs, bone density scans for osteoporosis, and screening tests such as mammograms and Pap smears for women over 40 years old.
A check-up involves a detailed examination and tests for the following health problems:
• High blood pressure
• Diabetes
• Brain vascular diseases
• Heart diseases
• Eye diseases
• Immune system diseases
• Obesity and high cholesterol
• Liver and kidney diseases
• Lung diseases
• Infectious diseases such as hepatitis, HIV, and measles
• Osteoporosis
• Different types of cancer such as colon, lung, breast, prostate, and cervical cancer
• Thyroid gland diseases
• Psychiatric disorders such as depression.
During a check-up, a detailed physical examination and evaluation are performed, and necessary blood and imaging tests are planned accordingly. After the blood tests are sent to the laboratory and the imaging tests are taken, the results are awaited. Upon the final evaluation made by the physician with the test results, the person is informed about their health status. This process is usually completed on the same day, within a few hours depending on the intensity of the tests. However, depending on the planned tests, some check-up procedures may take longer to complete.
The blood tests that are part of a scheduled check-up are usually processed and made available within a few hours. The turnaround time for imaging and pathology tests can vary depending on the specific test, ranging from a few hours to several days. Tests such as mammography, Pap smear, or computed tomography (CT) scans may take longer to process and report.
Depending on factors such as a person's health status, underlying medical conditions, age, and gender, it is recommended to undergo check-up screenings at regular intervals. Especially for individuals under 50 years of age, having a check-up screening every three years can be beneficial for preventing the development of chronic diseases, early diagnosis, and effective treatment. For adults aged 50 and over, the frequency of certain diseases such as cardiovascular disease, some types of cancer, and osteoporosis increases, making it important to undergo screenings for these diseases every year.
The cost of check-up packages can vary depending on the scope of blood tests, imaging, and pathology tests that are included and tailored to each individual. Full check-up packages that include cancer screenings, additional tests for chronic diseases, and advanced imaging techniques may be more expensive than routine check-ups. Additionally, the prices of tests can vary between different labs depending on the testing methods they use. Therefore, it is recommended to inquire about the specific costs of check-up packages from healthcare providers or testing labs.
The most important step in fighting cancer is to prevent the disease from developing, detect cancer at an early stage, and start effective treatment as early as possible. For this purpose, screening tests for the diagnosis of cancer have been planned for certain risk groups. It is crucial to repeat these tests at specific intervals.
Certain blood tests and imaging techniques applied as part of a check-up provide important data in the fight against cancer and enable early diagnosis of the disease. If health problems known to be effective in the development of cancer are detected in a person after a check-up, lifestyle changes can be recommended accordingly. Therefore, it can be said that check-up screenings play a critical role in fighting cancer.