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Fakulteti i Mjekësisë i Universitetit Egje 1991

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Univerziteti Egje, Fakulteti i Mjekësisë Kirurgjia Kardiovaskulare 1992

Interesat në fushat mjekësore

Kirurgjia Kardiovaskulare

Kirurgjia e Aortës, Diseksionet e Aortës dhe Aneurizmat

Mbrojtja e miokardit në kirurgjinë e zemrës

Rivaskularizimi koronar në isheminë akute të miokardit

Scientific Publications

Telli A ,Büket S : Primary malignant mesothelioma of the heart. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Medicine 25:1583 -1588 ,1986 
Büket S ,Telli A : Emergency surgical heart diseases other than trauma. Turkey clinics 7 :365 -368 ,1987 
Telli A ,Büket S :Experimental Early hemodynamic and histipathological changes in the lungs in aspiration pneumonia. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Medicine 26:651 -660 ,1987 
Bilkay Ö ,Telli A ,Durmaz İ ,Hoşcoşkun C ,Büket S : Lung cancers. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Medicine 26:1063 -1067 ,1987 
Tekdoğan M ,Alayunt A ,Büket S ,Bosnian T : The use of colloidal gelatin polymers in extracorporeal circulation. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Medicine 26:1467 -1472 ,1987 
Bilkay Ö ,Hoşcoşkun C ,Büket S ,Kumral K ,Bilgin S ,Tunçbay T , ,Soydan S : Thymomas with myasthenic syndrome. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Medicine 26:1799 -1804 ,1987 
Tekdoğan M ,Durmaz İ ,Büket S ,Alayunt A : Distal revascularization in occlusive vascular diseases of the lower extremity. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Medicine 27:237 -242 ,1988 
Durmaz İ, Tekdoğan M, Telli A, Hoşcoşkun C, Alayunt A, Büket S: Extraanatomical bypasses. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Medicine 27:265 -274 ,1988 
Durmaz İ,Hoşcoşkun C,Namadi İ,Büket S,Özbaran M: A case of congenital diaphragmatic hernia presenting with acute respiratory failure. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Medicine 27:315 -321 ,1988 
Alayunt A, Büket S, Alıcıgüzel H, Tekdoğan M, Telli A: The importance of autotransfusion in surgery. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Medicine 27:1353 -1361 ,1988 
Wired A, Hamulu A, Büket S: Carotid body tumors. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Medicine 27:1679 -1682 ,1988 
Tekdoğan M ,Telli A ,Durmaz İ ,Hoşcoşkun C ,Alayunt A ,Büket S : Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms. İl Cuore 6:313 -315 ,1989 
Çalık M, Telli A, Büket S: Structural changes in veins caused by the fluids used for distention and distention in the preparation of autogenous venous grafts. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Medicine 28: 1217 -1223 ,1989 
Tekdoğan M, Bilkay Ö, Büket S, Namadi İ: A case of massive hemorrhage due to malignant tumor invasion in the vertebral artery. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Medicine 28:1311 -1313,1989 
Tekdoğan M , Telli A ,Büket S ,Alayunt A : Surgical approach in ventricular septum rupture. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Medicine 28:1355 -1359 ,1989 
Yüksel M ,Bilkay Ö ,Büket S ,Alayunt A ,Hamulu A : Intraaortic balloon application in open heart surgery. İzmir State Hospital Medical Journal 28:256 -261,1990 
Yüksel M, Alayunt A, Büket S, Okur F, Dişçigil B, Bayındır O: Advantages of retrograde blood cardioplegia in myocardial protection. İzmir State Hospital Medical Journal 28:267 -271 ,1990 
Yüksel M , Büket S , Özbaran M , Alayunt A , Dişçigil B , Okur F , Süzer K , Yetginer A , Kayaaltı B , Durmaz İ: Continuous and pulsatile currents in open heart surgery consumption and its effects on the peripheral vascular bed. Ege Medical Journal 29:285 -289 ,1990 
Yüksel M , Büket S , Alayunt A , Dişçigil B , Özbaran M , Okur F , Ersöz B ,Mutaf I , Bayındır O : The place of blood cardioplegia in myocardial protection. Aegean Medical Journal 29:290 294 -, 1990 
Zeybek R, Yuksel M, Buket S: Pregnancy and heart diseases. Clinical Development 3:743 -746 ,1990 
Yetginer A, Kayaaltı B, Çertuğ A, Büket S, Ayanoğlu O, Okur F: Effects of Droperidol, Chlorpromazine and Sodium Nitroprusside on vascular resistance during cardiopulmonary bypass. Turkish Anesthesiology and Reanimation Society Journal 19:44 -49 ,1991 
Durmaz İ, Büket S ,Alayunt A ,Özbaran M ,Dişçigil B ,Okur F ,Atay Y : Shone Syndrome: Case report. Archives of Turkish Society of Cardiology 19:76 -77 ,1991 
Yuksel M, Gelal F, Süzer K, Büket S, Alayunt A, Dişçigil B, Okur F, Durmaz İ: The effect of cardiopulmonary bypass on erythrocyte fragility and blood components. Journal of İzmir Gogüs Hospital 5 :20 -23 ,1991 
Yüksel M ,Alayunt A ,Özbaran M ,Büket S ,Okur F ,Dişçigil B ,Atay Y ,Bayindır O ,Durmaz İ : CK MB and blood lipid in the evaluation of damage during open heart -surgery The place of peroxide levels: Turkiye Klinikleri Cardiology 4:6164 ,1991 
Yüksel M, Büket S ,Alayunt A ,Dişçigil B ,Özbaran M ,Okur F ,Mutaf I ,Ersöz B ,Bayindır O: The place of myocardial zinc levels in the evaluation of alternative myocardial protection methods. Turkiye Klinikleri Cardiology 4:132 -136 ,1991 
Özbaran M ,Alayunt A ,Büket S ,Durmaz İ ,Yüksel M ,Dişçigil B ,Posacıoğlu H ,Çetindağ B : Clinical application of aortic homografts. Turkey Clinics Cardiology 4: 278 -281 ,1991 
Durmaz İ, Büket S, Özbaran M, Alayunt A, Süzer K, Hamulu A, Okur F, Atay Y, Tokbaş A, Karaali H: Aortic homograft valve replacement. Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology 19:394 -397 ,1991 
Alayunt A , Büket S , Özbaran M , Okur F , Dişçigil B , Atay Y , Süzer K ,Durmaz İ: The effect of warm induction on myocardial preservation on ventricular performance in the postoperative period. Archive of the Turkish Society of Cardiology 20:83 -87 ,1992 
Kayaaltı B, Büket S: Brain circulation and its protection in open heart surgery. Turkish Anesthesiology and Reanimation Society Journal 20:68 -72 ,1992 
Alayunt A, Büket S, Özbaran M, Kırman M, Can L, Güccay B, Telli A, Durmaz İ: Cardiac myxomas. Turkish -Journal of Hematology Oncology 2:126128 ,1992 
Özbaran M ,Alayunt A ,Büket S ,Kırman M ,Bilkay Ö ,Durmaz İ : Carotid body tumors. Turkish -Journal of Hematology Oncology 3:190 192 ,1992 
Büket S ,Alayunt A ,Özbaran M ,Hamulu A ,Dişçigil B ,Okur F ,Posacıoğlu H ,Yüksel M ,Durmaz İ: The effect of albumin coating of the extracorporeal circulation surfaces on complement activation. Turkiye Klinikleri Cardiology 5:273 -277 ,1992 
Büket S, Alayunt A, Özbaran M, Hamulu A, Kayaaltı B, Kırman M, Durmaz İ: Surgical approach in abdominal aortic aneurysms. Ege Medical Journal 32(1 -2):213215, 1993 
Büket S, Hamulu A, Alayunt A, Özbaran M, Aras İ, Atay Y, Posacıoğlu H, Çalkavur T, Badak İ, Durmaz İ: Coronary artery surgery in the elderly. Ege Medical Journal 32(1 -2): 209211, 1993 
Hamulu A, Büket S, Alayunt A, Özbaran M, Aras İ, Atay Y, Çetindağ B, Yüksel M, Bilkay Ö, Durmaz İ: Coronary artery surgery in patients with impaired ventricular functions . Ege Medical Journal 32(1 -2): 205207, 1993 
Büket S ,Hamulu A ,Alayunt A ,Özbaran M ,Atay Y ,Posacıoğlu H ,Badak İ ,Yüksel M ,Telli A ,Bilkay Ö ,Durmaz İ: Blood in aprotinin open heart surgery effects on coagulation. Ege Medical Journal 32(1 -2): 201204, 1993 
Telli A, Büket S : A new method used in LIMA dissection. Ege Medical Journal 32(3-4): 613-616, 1993Büket S, Alayunt A, Özbaran M, Hamulu A, Dişçigil B, Çetindağ B, Özkılıç H, Balkan Z, Bilkay Ö, Durmaz İ: Effect of pulsatile flow during cardiopulmonary bypass on thyroid hormone metabolism. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 58: 93-96, 1994Büket S, Alayunt A, Özbaran M, Hamulu A, Aşkar F, Yüksel M, Süzer K, Bilkay Ö, Durmaz İ: Emergency surgical treatment in acute aortic dissections. İzmir State Hospital Medical Journal 32 (2) : 111-116, June 1994 Büket S, Özbaran M, Alayunt A, Hamulu A, Kayaaltì B, Yetginer A, Yüksel M, Süzer K, Durmaz İ: Application of deep hypothermic total circulatory arrest in aortic surgery. Journal of Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgery 2(2):91 -94, April-June 1994 
Süzer K, Büket S, Alayunt A, Özbaran M, Hamulu A, Okur F, Durmaz İ: Arteria mammaria interna hypoperfusion. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2(2):89 -90, AprilJune 1994 
Hamulu A, Büket S, Alayunt A, Özbaran M, Bayìndìr O, Mutaf I, Durmaz İ : The effects of allopürunol and deferroxamine on oxygen free radical formation during cardiopulmonary bypass. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2(2): 95 -100, April-June 1994 Özbaran M, Durmaz İ, Yüksel M, Hamulu A, Atay Y, Badak İ, Soydaş C, Büket S, Sarıbülbül O: Aortic Homograft valve replacement: Clinical results. Journal of Thoracic-Cardiovascular Surgery 1994;2:242-247 
Coselli JS ,Büket S ,VanCleve GD : Succesful Reoperation for Ascending Aorta and Arch Aneurysm in a Jehovah's Witness. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 58: 871-873, 1994Büket S, Aşkar F: HIV infection surgeon and anesthesiologist.Turkish Anesthesiology and Reanimation Society Journal 22(2): 60 64, 1994 Aşkar FZ, Dişçigil B., Büket S. -, 
Sevinç A., Yüksel M., Erel L., Kayaaltı B. : Metabolism during metabolic preservation of myocardium in cases of coronary surgery. Türk Anest and Rean Cem Journal 22:185-189,1994Süzer K, Alayunt A, Özbaran M, Akçoral A, Büket S, Özyürek R: Ventricular septal defect due to non -penetrating chest trauma.Medical Journal of Ege University 4(1-2 ): 35-36, 1994 
Büket S, Durmaz İ, Aşkar F, Alayunt A, Hamulu A, Özbaran M, Yüksel M, Süzer K, Aras İ, Yağdı T, Atay Y: Surgical treatment of Marfan Syndrome and its cardiovascular complications. Turkish Cardiology Association Archive 22(4):261 -264, 1994 
Büket S, Durmaz İ, Aşkar F, Alayunt A, Özbaran M, Hamulu A, Yağdı T: Retrograde cerebral perfusion in the surgical treatment of acute aortic dissection. Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology 22(4): 241 -245, 1994 
Alayunt A, Durmaz İ, Büket S, Atay Y, Aşkar F, Aras i, Yağdì T: Coronary artery anomalies. İzmir Atatürk State Hospital Medical Journal 32(3):225-230, 1994Alayunt A, Büket S, Özbaran M, Hamulu A, Okur F, Atay Y, Yüksel M, Durmaz İ: Carotid endarterectomy and myocardial revascularization. Journal of Vascular Surgery 3(3): 103-107, 1994Telli A, Büket S, Atay Y: A case of ascending aortic aneurysm presenting with rupture. Aegean Medical Journal 33(1-2): 143-145, 1994Büket S., Alayunt A., Dişçigil B., Apaydın A., Yüksel M., Durmaz İ. : Continious retrograde cerebral perfusion supplies substrates for brain metabolism during hypothermic circulatory arrest. Perfusion 1995; 10: 237-244Hamulu A, Apaydın A, Özbaran M, Büket S, Alayunt A, Okur F, Dişçigil B, Yüksel M, Durmaz İ: Isolated subclavian artery injuries: Four case reports. Journal of Vascular Surgery 4:34-37,1995Büket S, Tokat Y, Çalkavur T, Alayunt A, Sarıbülbül O, Özbaran M, Güler A, Durmaz İ: Surgical treatment of thoracic/Toracoabdominal aortic aneurysms. Journal of Vascular Surgery 1995(4), 108 -117Coselli JS, Büket S, Djukanovic B : Aortic arch operation: Current treatment and results. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 59:19-27, 1995Hamulu A., Özbaran M., Atay Y., Posacıoğlu H., Aras İ., Büket S., Alayaunt A., Durmaz İ.: Effects on mortality and morbidity in coronary bypass surgery identification and assessment of risk factors. Journal of Thoracic-Cardiovascular Surgery 1995;3: 245-252 Büket S., Apaydın A., Hamulu A., Özbaran M., Aşkar F., Sakarya M., Alayunt A., Yüksel M., Bilkay Ö., Durmaz İ.: Surgical treatment in acute aortic dissections. Journal of Thoracic-Cardiovascular Surgery 1995, 3: 147-152. Coselli JS, Le Marie S, Büket S: Marfan Syndrome: The variability and outcome of operative management.Journal of Vascular Surgery 1995; 21:432-443Coselli JS, LeMarie SA, Büket S., Berzin E. : Subsequent proximal aortic operations in 123 patients with previous abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery. J Vasc Surg 1995;22:59-67 
Hamulu A., Dişçigil B., Özbaran M., Atay Y., Yağdı T., Büket S., Yüksel M., Durmaz İ. : Endoaneurysmorrhaphy for Left Ventricular Aneurysm. Follow-up in 69 patients. Texas Heart Institute Journal 1996;23:207-210. Hamulu A., Özbaran M., Posacıoğlu H., Atay Y., Alayunt A., Büket S., Durmaz İ. : Carotid Endarterectomy and Brain Monitoring. Journal of Vascular Surgery 1996 (1), 4-11Akın M., Yüksel M., Büket S., Altıntuğ A., Zoghi M. : Myocardial bridging phenomenon. Medical Network Cardiology 1996;3(2): 150-151Hamulu A., Dişçigil B., Özbaran M., Çalkavur T., Kara E., Kokuludağ A., Büket S., Bilkay Ö. : Complement consumption during cardiopulmonary bypass: comparison of Duraflo II heparin-coated and uncoated circuits in fully heparinized patients. Perfusion 1996; 11: 333-337 Atay Y., Yagdi T., Turkoglu C., Altintig A., Buket S. : Spontaneous dissection of the left main coronary artery: A case report and review of the literature. J Card Surg 1996; 11:371-375 Özbaran M, Hamulu A., Çalkavur T., Eser F., Yüce G., Büket S. : Atherosclerotic lesions in the internal thoracic artery in coronary patients. Medical Network Cardiology, 1996;3(2): 134-137Posacıoğlu H., Atay Y., Okur F., Çetindağ B., Alat İ., Can L., Alayunt A., Yüksel M., Büket S., Bilkay T : Approach to the aortic valve in proximal dissections. Turkish Society of Cardiology Archive 1997; 25:39-44 Büket S., Alat İ. : Coronary artery surgery in patients with left ventricular dysfunction. Syndrome 1997; 9(1): 45-51Atay Y., Yagdi T., Basarir S., Let's see T., Coskun S., Buket S., Durmaz I., Bilkay O., Alayunt A. : Surgery in ventricular septal defect and aortic regurgitation treatment. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1997 ; 5: 38-43Sakarya M., Aşkar F., Büket S., Apaydın A., Erel L. : Our retrograde cerebral perfusion experiences for cerebral protection in aortic surgery. Journal of Anesthesia 1997;5(1): 33-36 Alayunt A., Atay Y., Çalkavur T., Alat İ., Posacıoğlu H., Gürcün U., Yağdı T., Tetik Ö., Büket S., Bilkay Ö. . : Open technique in the surgical treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms. Journal of Vascular Surgery 1997(1); 7-14Posacıoğlu H., Atay Y., Çetindağ B., Ertürk Ü., Büket S.: Management of aortic mural hematoma. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann 1997;5:109-111 Atay Y., Tetik Ö., Gürcün U., Özkısacık E., Çağrır Ş., Durmaz İ., Bilkay Ö., Büket S. : Rectal temperature in initiating circulatory arrest in cardiovascular operations Comparison of electrocerebral silence (ECS). Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1997; 5: 236-241 
Atay Y., Posacıoğlu H., Let's see T., Yağdı T., Sarıbülbül O., Alkanat M., Soydan S., Boğa M., Büket S., Yüksel M. : Gastrointestinal tract developing after cardiac surgery complications. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1997; 5:336-342 Can L. İslamoğlu F., Atay Y., Gürcün U., Kara E., Payzın S., Altıntuğ A., Akın M., Hamulu A., Alayunt A., Bilkay Ö., Büket S. : Aortic dissection and coronary with aneurysm Relationships between atherosclerosis and its effects on prognosis. Turkish Cardiol Association Research 1998;26: 111-117Posacıoğlu H., Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Çalkavur T., Atay Y., Büket S.: Infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm: Behçet's Disease (3 cases). Bulletin of the Rheumatology Research and Education Association, 1998; 1(2):37-40Hamulu A., Atay Y., Yagdi T., Dişçigil B., Bakim T., Büket S., Bilkay Ç. : Effects of flow types in cardiopulmonary bypass on gastric intramucosal pH. Perfusion 1998; 13: 129-135. Atay Y., Can L., Yağdı T., Büket S. : Aortopulmonary artery fistula presenting with congestive heart failure in a patient with aortic dissection. Tex Heart Inst J 1998;25: 72-4Atay Y., Yağdı T., Hamulu A., Alayunt A., Bilkay Ö., Büket S. : Techniques for retrograde cerebral pefusion in the treatment of aortic lesions via left thoracotomy. J Card Surg 1997;12:215-222Posacıoğlu H., Atay B., Çatindağ B., Sarıbülbül O., Büket S., Hamulu A. : Easy harvesting of radial artery with ultrasonically activated scalpel. Ann Thorac surg 1998;65:984-5 Posacıoğlu H., Yağdı T., Çalkavur T., Atay Y., Gürcün U., Let's see T., Özbaran M., Büket S., Bilkay Ö. : Surgical approach in subclavian artery injuries: Our 10-year experience. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1998; 6: 45-52 Büket S., Tokat Y., Alayunt A., Atay Y., Apaydın A., Çalkavur T., Durmaz İ. : Open surgical technique for thoracic and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm and aortic dissections. Asian J. Surgery 1998;21(2):130-135 Özbaran M., Atay Y., Yağdı T., Ayanoğlu Ö., Büket S., Dikmen Y. : Prosthetic mitral valve thrombosis in late pregnancy. Turkiye Klinikleri Gynecology Obstetrics 1998;8:189-193Burak Z., Akın H., Büket s., Sağcan A., Argon M., Atay Y., Durmaz İ.,Duman Y. : The role of 99Tcm-tetrofosmin myocadial perfusion scintigraphy in the assessment of patiets with previous myocardial infarction: A comparative study with 201TI. Nuclear Medicine Communications, 1998;19,127-136Çalkavur T., Atay Y., Yağdı t., Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Can L., Gürcün U., Özbaran M., Bilkay Ö., Büket S.: Clinical results of retrograde cerebral perfusion in treatment of aortic disease. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann 1998;6:288-294 
Atay Y., Yağdı T., Alat İ., Posacıoğlu H., İslamoğlu F., Telli A., Büket S., Hamulu A. : Non-atherosclerotic carotid artery diseases. Journal of Vascular Surgery 1998(3);121-126Posacıoğlu H., Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Çalkavur T., Atay Y., Özbaran M.,Alayunt A., Büket S.,Hamulu A.: Acute aortic occlusion: Diagnosis, treatment and Factors affecting the prognosis. Journal of Vascular Surgery 1998(3);127-13Yağdı T., Atay Y., Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Özbaran M., Alayunt A., Yüksel M., Durmaz İ., Büket S. : Asandan and aortic arch surgical treatment of diseases. Turkish Cardiol Association Research 1999;27:359-366Yavuzgil O, Özerken F., Ertürk Ü., İşlekel p., Atay Y., Büket p. : A rare cause of right atrial mass. Thrombus formation and infection complicating a ventriculoatrial shunt for hydrocephalus. Surg Neurol 52(19:54-61,1999)Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Posacıoğlu H., Atay Y., Yağdı T., Büket S., Yüksel M. : Inflammatory abdominal aortic aneurysms: Etiology, diagnosis, treatment. Journal of Vascular Surgery 1999/1; 11-16Durmaz İ., Atay Y., Posacıoğlu F., İslamoğlu F., Yağdı T., Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Sarıbülbül O., Büket S., Özbaran M. : The cryopreserved arterial homograft usage in peripheral arterial diseases having high infection risk(Case report). T Klin J Med Res 1999, 17:23-28 Büket S., Durmaz İ., Yağdı T., Atay Y., Alat İ., Telli A., Alayunt A., Çalkavur T., Yüksel M., Hamulu A. .: Coronary artery surgery in patients with chronic renal failure due to dialysis. Medical Network cardiology 1999;6/2, 117-121 İslamoğlu F., Atay Y.,Can L., Kara Erkan., Özbaran M., Yüksel M., Büket S.: Diagnosis and treatment of concomitant aortic and coronary disease. Texas Heart Institute journal 1999;26:182-188Posacıoğlu H., Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Çalkavur T., Yağdı T., Parıldar M., Atay Y., Özbaran M., Hamulu A., Memiş A., Büket S.: Advantages of combined infrainguinal revascularization with iliac transluminal angioplasty-stent placement in diffuse atherosclerosis: Short-term results. Turkish Journal of Radiology 1999;34(3):389-39Büket S. : Atherosclerotic or occlusive diseases of the supraaortic arteries, which are the cause of cerebral ischemia. Turkish Journal of Radiology 1999;34(3):468-471Büket S. :Radiological imaging of supraaortic arterial occlusive disease: Surgical preference. Turkish Journal of Radiology 1999;34(3):492-493Durmaz İ., Büket S., Atay Y., Yağdı t., Özbaran M., Boğa M., Alat İ., Güzelant A., Çağrır Ş. : Cariac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass in patients with choronic renal failure. The Journal of Thoracic And Cardiovascular Surgery 1999;118:306-15 
Biochemical markers in the detection of perioperative myocardial damage: The role of troponin. Yağdı T., Özmen D., Atay Y., Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Let's see T., İslamoğlu F., Boğa M., Büket S., Badak i., Bayındır O., Yüksel M. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1999; 7: 175-182 
Posacıoğlu H., Atay Y., Yağdı T., Çalkavur T., Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Büket S., Hamulu A., Yüksel M., Bilkay Ö. : Simple and cost –effective gas jet for non-pump coronary bypass surgery. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann 1999;7: 250-251Büket S., Yağdı T., Atay Y., Posacıoğlu H., Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Boğa M, Tokat Y., Özbaran M., Aşkar F.: Surgical treatment in distal aortic pathologies . Journal of Vascular Surgery 1999;2: 63-72Büket S., Atay Y., İslamoğlu f., Yağdı T., Posacıoğlu H., Alat i., Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Yüksel M., Durmaz İ. : Proximal clamping levels in abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery. Tex Heart Inst J 1999; 26:264-8Yüksel M., Atay Y., Yağdı t., Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Posacıoğlu H., Alat i., Büket S.: Retrograde subtotal replacement in multisegmental aortic aneurysms (Cooley Operation): Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 1999 , 7(4): 261-264 Posacıoğlu H., Yağdı t., Çıkrıkçıoğlu m., Atay y., Çalkavur T., Boğa M., Tetik Ö., Özbaran M., Yüksel M., Büket S.: Open heart Ascending aortic dissections in patients undergoing surgery. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 1999, 7(4): 265-269Dişçigil B., Badak İ., Let's see T., Boğa m., İslamoğlu F., Gürcün U., Özkısacık E., Büket p., Telli A. : Evaluation of the effect of aspartate and glutamate blood cardioplegia on left ventricular functions with myocardial nitricoxide levels. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 1999, 7(4): 291-295Boğa M., Yağdı T., Dişçigil B., Büket S.: Myocardial revascularization in the coexistence of hemophilia B and coronary artery disease (case report). Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1999; 7:5, 414-6Yağdı T., Posacıoğlu H., Atay Y., Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Boğa M., Çağrııcı U., Yüksel M., Hamulu A., Bilkay Ö., Büket S.: Traumatic aortic rupture: Diagnosis and treatment methods. National Journal of Trauma, 2000;6(2):142-149Bakalım T., Dişçigil B., Badak İ.,Boğa M., Gürcün U., İslamoğlu F.,Yağdı T., Büket S., Durmaz İ., Bilkay HE. : The effects of blood cardioplegia with deferoxamine on myocardial nitric oxide and cardiac performance. Adnan Menderes University Medical Faculty Journal 2000; 1(1): 21-26Dişçigil B., Boğa M., İslamoğlu f., Gürcün U., Yağdı T., badak i., Çalkavur T., Büket s., Hamulu A. : Hemodynamic performances of modified hemofiltration in coronary artery surgery effects on it. Medical Network cardiology 2000; 7(3): 247-251 
Boğa M., İslamoğlu F., Badak i., Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Baklı T., Yağdı T., Büket S., Hamulu A.: The effects of modified hemofiltration on imflammatory mediators and cardiac performance in coronary artery bypass grafting. Perfusion 2000; 15: 143-150 
Dişçigil B., Gürcün U., Badak İ., Boğa M., Özkısacık E., Alayunt A., Büket S., Durmaz İ., Bilkay Ö. : The use of tepid blood cardioplegia in myocardial protection and its effect on left ventricular functions. Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1999;7:6, 426-429Özkısacık E., İslamoğlu F., Yağdı T., Boğa M., Çalkavur T., Atay Y. ., Özbaran M., Büket S. : The effectiveness of prophylactic desmopressin in coronary artery surgery.Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Research 2001; 19:1, 1-9 112-Alat İ., Yüksel M., Büket S., Nalbantgil S., Aşkar F., Bayındır Ü., Taşbakan S., Kokuludağ A., Veral A. : The side-effects of cardiopulmonary bypass on the lungs: Changes in bronchoalveolar lavage fluids. Perfuasion 2001; 16: 121-128 113-Çümen B., Dişçigil B., Badak İ., Gürcün U., Boğa M., Özkısacık E., Özbaran M., Büket S., Bilkay Ö. : The role of adding diltizem to blood cardioplegia in myocardial protection. Journal of ADU Faculty of Medicine 2000: 1(2);23-28Büket S., Yağdı T., Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Alayunt A. : Single-stage transpericardial repair of acute dissection associated with recoarctation. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg2001;121: 987-989 Yukjsel M., Islamoglu F., Atay Y., Yagdi T., Buket S., Bilkay O. : Evaluation of our coronary bypass reoperations results and risk factors. Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2000;8.3,668-673Kumral E., Yüksel M., Büket S., Yağdı T., Atay Y., Güzelant A. . neurologic complications after deep hypothermic circulatory arrest. Yex Heart Inst J 2001, 28: 83-8 Hamulu A., Atay Y., Posacıoğlu H., Büket S., Tetik Ö.: Internal carotid artery folding and its surgical treatment. Journal of Vascular Surgery 2001/1; 9-13İslamoğlu F., Çalkavur T., Reyhanoğlu H., Ayık F., Yüksel M., hamulu A., Büket S., Durmaz İ.: The effectiveness of surgical revascularization in left ventricular dysfunction. Turkish Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Journal 2001;9: 9-14Aapydin AZ, Büket S. : Regional lidocaine infusion reduces postischemic spinal cord injury in rabbits. Tex Heart Inst J 2201; 28:172-6Büket S., Yaggi T. : Distal aortic dissections. Journal of Thoracic Cardiac Deamar Anesthesia and Intensive Care Association. 7(additional issue): 7-15, 2001-10-31Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Yasa M., Kerry Z., Posacıoğlu H., Boğa M., Yağdı T., Topçuoğlu N., Büket S., Hamulu A. : The effects of the Hormonic Scalpel on the vasoreactivity and endothelial integrity of the radial artery: A comparision of two different techniques. T Horac Cardiovasc Surg2001; 122:624-626 
Ozkisacik E., Islamoglu F., Posacioglu H., Yagdi T., Basarir S., Omay SB, Ozbaran M., Buket S.: Desmopressin usage in elective cardiac surgery. J Cardiovasc Surg 2001; 42:Ener S., Yağdı T., Posacıoğlu H., Büket S.: Combined thoracoabdominal aneurysm repair and off-pump coronary artey surgery. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2001;49:313-315 Hamulu A., Yagdi T., Atay Y., Büket S., Çalkavur T., İyem H.: Coronary artery bypass and carotis endarterectomy. Japanase Heart Journal 2001;42(5):539-552Apaydın A., Posacıoğlu H., Çalkavur T., İslamoğlu F., Uç H., Büket S.: Cerebral perfusion through separete grafts. Tex Heart Inst J 2001;28: 288-91Sağcan A., Çelik Ş.K., Şen M., Payzın S., Büket S., Kültürsay H..: On the diastolic and systolic parameters of coronary bypass heart in type II diabetics effect. Turkish Thoracic and Cardiovascular Cer Derg 2001;9:128-132Yağdi Z., Büket S., Tokat Y., Posacıoğlu H., Aşkar F.: Circulatory arrest to protect transplant kidney in an aptient with chronin type II dissection. (Arret circulatoire pour proteger un rein transplante chez un malade ayant une dissection chronique de type III). Annals of Vascular Surgery 2001; 15(5): 575-577Alayunt a., Yagdı T., Alat İ., Posacıoğlu H., Büket S.: Left ventricular diverticulum associated with Cantrell's Syndrome and Tetralogy of Fallot in an adult. Scand Cardiovasc j 35; 55-57, 2001Atay Y., İyem H., Yağdı T., Ayık F., Büket S., Alayunt A.: Congenital isolated left ventricular diverticulum. Turkey Clinics Cardiovascular Surgery 2002, 3:49-52Posacıoğlu H., İslamoğlu F., Apaydın AZ, Çalkavur T., Yağdı T., Oran İ., Memiş A., Büket S.: Contrast-enhanced CT results in abdominal aortic aneurysms Comparison with surgical findings. Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology (2002) 8:126-13Apaydın AZ, Posacıoğlu H., Yağdı T., İslamoğlu F., Çalkavur T., Büket S.: Arch-first technigue used with commercial T-graft. Texas Heart Institute Journal 2002;29:26-9Apaydın AZ, Posacıoğlu H., İslamoğlu F., Çalkavur T., Yağdı T., Büket S., Durmaz İ.: Analysis of perioperative risk factors in mortality and morbidity after modifies Benatll operation . Japanese Heart Journal March 2002;43:2,151-157Apaydın Az, Posacıoğlu H., Nalbantgil S., İslamoğlu F., Özbaran M., Büket S., Durmaz İ.: Surgical treatment in adult aortic coarctations: Mid-term results and systolic blood pressure its effect.Anadolu Kardiyol Journal 2002;3:189-192 
Posacıoğlu H., İslamoğlu F., Apaydın AZ, Parıldar M., Yağdı T., Çalkavur T., Büket S.: Predictive value of conventional computed tomography in determining proximal extent of abdominal aortic aneurysms and the possibility of infrarenal clamping. Texas Heart Institute Journal 2002; 29:172-175İslamoğlu F., Özbaran M., Yüksel M., Büket S., Telli A., Durmaz İ.: Evaluation of surgical techniques and risk factors in left ventricular aneurysms. Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2002; 10:15-22Apaydın A., Posacıoğlu H., İslamoğlu F., Büket S., Ergin A.: Centrifugal pump circuit with reservoir added and pulmonary vein cannulation. Turkish Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Board 2002; 10:50-52 İslamoğlu F., Reyhanoğlu H., Apaydın AZ, Telli A., Büket S., Alayunt A.: Evaluation of the effectiveness of aortic coarctation operations. Türkiye Clinics Cardiovascular Surgery 2002; 3:121-127Tetik Ö., İslamoğlu F., Göncü T., Çsekirdekçi A., Büket S.: Reduction of spinal cord injury with pentobarbital and hypothermia in a rabbit model. Eur j Vasc Endovasc Surg 24, 540-544(2002)Yağdı T., Engin Ç., Mahmudov R., Atay Y., Posacıoğlu H., Özbaran m., Yüksel M., Durmaz İ., Büket S.: 70 Abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery in older patients. Journal of Vascular Surgery 2002/2; 51-56Apaydın A., Büket S., Posacıoğlu H., İslamoğlu F., Çalkavur T., Yağdı T., Özbaran M., Yüksel M.: Perioperative risk factors for mortality in patients with acute type A aortic dissection. Ann Thorac Surg 2002,74:2034-2039Posacıoğlu H., Nalbantgil S., Özbakkaloğlu M., Halil H., Büket S.: Cardiac hydatic cyst located in the interventricular septum. Ann Thorac Surg 2002,74:2199 Apaydın AZ, İslamoğlu F., İyem H., Posacıoğlu H., Yağdı T., Büket S.: Experience with cerebral perfusion in total aortic arch replacement. Med Sci Monit, 2002;8(12): 801-804Apaydın AZ, İslamoğlu F., Posacıoğlu H., Çalkavur T., Yağdı T., Atay Y., Büket S.: Surgical treatment of acute arch dissection.The Japanese Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2003; 51.2: 48-52Gürcün U., Özkısacık E.., boğa M., badak İ., Dişçigil B., Büket S.: Ascending aortic aneurysm accompanying congenital bicuspid aortic valve: two case reports. Anatolian Journal of Cardiology 2003;3(1): 70-71Çelik Ş.K., Sağcan A., Büket S., Yüksel M., Kültürsay H.: Effects of coronary artery bypass surgery on diastolic and systolic parameters of left ventricle in Type II diabetic patients. Journal of Diabetes and its complications 17(2003) 73-77 
Çelik Ş.K., Şen M., Büket S., Yüksel M.: An easy and safe way of left ventriculotomy closure in patients with left ventricle thrombi during the subacute phase of anterior myocardial infarction. The Heart Surgery Forum 6(2) 2003-05-12 
Yağdı T., Nalbantgil S., Ayık F., Apayadin A., İslamoğlu F., Posacıoğlu H., Çalkavur T., Atay Y., Büket S.: Amioradone reduces the incidence of atrial fibrillation after coronary artery bypass grafting. ., İslamoğlu F., Büket S.: Malperfusion in type I acute dissections. Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2003;11.9-13Darçın OT,Yağdı T., Atay Y., Engin Ç., Levent E., Büket S., Alayunt EA: Discrete subaortic stenosis, Surgical outcomes and follow-up results. Texas Heart Institute Journal, 2003;30:286-92Çelik Ş.K., Sağcan A., Çevik A., Şen M., Büket S., Yüksel M.: Early electrical stability of the heart in diabetic patients undergoing coronary bypass. Turkish Thoracic and Cardiovascular Cerg. 2003;11:169-173Büket S.: Endovascular treatment of acute aortic dissections. Editorial comment. Anatolian Journal of Cardiology. Vol 3 no 4, 358-359, December 2003 Büket S., Engin Ç.: Surgical treatment of infective endocarditis. Turkiye Klinikleri Cardiology, Infective Diseases of the Heart Special Issue, December 2004 vol 17 issue 6 pages 427-432Yağdı T., Atay Y., Engin Ç., Özbek SS, Büket S.: aorta-left renal vein fistula in a woman. Tex Heart Inst J 2004;31:435-8Büket S., Engin Ç.: cerebral and spinal cord preservation. Turkey Clinics Cardiovascular Surgery, Extracorporeal Circulation Special Issue-II, December 2004, vol 5 issue 3Büket S., Yağdı T. , Engin Ç., Ayık F.: Preservation of the spinal cord during thoracoabdominal aortic surgery. Clinics of Turkey, Surgical Sciences, Cardiovascular Surgery, Aortic Surgery Special Issue, volume 1 issue 2 2005, pages 29-38İyem H., Tavlı m., Büket S.: Carotid innominate artery graft interposition in a symptomatic patient with carotid artery aneurysm. Journal of Vascular Surgery, volume 15 issue September 3, 2006, pages 41-44İyem H., Tavlı M., Akçiçek F., Büket S.: Importance of early dialysis for acute renal failure after an open –heart surgery. Hemodialysis International 2009;13:55-61İyem H., Şekuri C., Tavlı M., Büket S.: Left ventricular hypertrophy and remodeling after aortic valve replacement. Asian Cardiovasc&Thoracic Annals, 2007 ;15:459-62İyem H., Cirban Y., Memiş A., Büket S.. Hybrid and stepwise therapy in the treatment of a case with diffuse aortic aneurysm. Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 2009 17/4: 285-288 
Dişçigil B, Ülker S, Büket S, Yüksel M, Koşay S : Effect of aprotinin on endothelium-derived relaxation. Submitted to the Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology(22-3-1995). Hetzer R, Gehle P, Ennker J: Cardiovascular Aspects of Marfan Syndrome. 1995 by Dr. Steinkopff Verlag Gmbh & Co. KG,Darmstadt. Chapter; Marfan syndrome: The variability of operative management. JS Coselli, S. Büket, pages 91-100 Enrico Ascer, Larry H. Hollier, D. Eugene Strandness, JR., Jonathan B. Towne : Haimovici's Vascular Surgery, Fourth Edition. 1996 by Blackwell Science, Inc. Cambridge, MA 02142, USA. ChapterThoracic Aortic Aneurysms. Joseph S. Coselli, Suat Büket, E. Stanley Crawford, pp. 759-785Prof.Dr. Istemi Nalbantgil: Case Reports in Practical Cardiology II, 1997, Servier Pharmaceuticals and Research, Istanbul. Associate Professor. Suat Büket, Case-4 Mitral stenosis case presented with right arm pain (pages 17-20), Case-23 Patient with sudden onset chest pain and back pain and loss of consciousness for a short time (pages 89-93) Prof.Dr. Güven Çağatay, Prof.Dr.İnan Soydan: Clinical Cardiology, 1997, Saray Medikal Publishing, Assoc. Suat Büket Department XXV Aortic Diseases and Surgery (pages 398-415) Suat Büket, Tahir Yağdı: Aortic Surgery, 2003, Yüce Reklam/publication/distribution A.Ş.Prof.Dr.Mustafa Paç, Assoc.Dr.Atıf Akçevin, Dr. .Serap Aykut Aka, Prof.Dr.Suat Büket, Prof.Dr.Tayyar Sarıoğlu: Cardiovascular Surgery, 2004, MN Medikal&Nobel Medicine Bookstore, İstanbul.Prof.Dr Güven Çağatay, Prof.Dr.İnan Soydan: Clinical Cardiology,2004, Ege University Faculty of Medicine publication no 157, Prof. Dr. Suat Büket, Associate Prof. Dr. Tahir Yağdı Department 22 Aortic Diseases and surgery (pages 295-315) Prof. Dr. Emre Kumral, Prof. Dr. Birsen İnce: Atherosclerosis and Cerebrovascular Diseases,2004,Argos Communication Services advertising and trade Inc.,Prof.Dr.Suat Büket, chapter 9 Atherosclerosis of the Aorta and Subclavian Artedr (pages 122-135)Prof.Dr.Enver Duran: Cardiovascular Surgery, 2004, Capa Medical Bookstore and Spring Services, Prof. Dr. Suat Büket, Specialist Dr. Çağatay Engin chapter 108, Surgical Treatment in Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysms (page 1633-1644) Prof.Dr.Emre Kumral: High vascular risk, 2007, Güneş medicine Bookstores, Prof.Dr.Suat Büket,Dr.Çağatay Engin Chapter 16, ''Early and late-term vascular risk in the aorta''(pages 291-304)Prof.Dr.Ertuğrul Ercan, Family Medicine Bedside Book. Selen Publishing and Promotion Services, 2012. Cardiovascular Surgery in Family Medicine. Follow-up of patients who have undergone CABG, Dr. National Coşkun, Prof.Dr.Suat Büket, page 906-911, Peripheral arterial diseases and their surgical treatment, Dr. Yılmaz Cirban, Prof.Dr.Suat Büket, page 912-923, Varicose veins, Dr. Arzum Kale, Prof.Dr.Suat Büket, pages 924-931 
Prof.Dr.Mustafa Paç, Assoc.Dr.Atıf Akçevin, Dr.Serap Aykut Aka, Prof.Dr.Suat Büket, Prof.Dr.Tayyar Sarıoğlu: Cardiovascular Surgery, 2nd Edition, 2012 , MN Medikal&Nobel Medicine Bookstore,Ankaral.Yüksel M,Alayunt A,Okur F,Özbaran M,Dişçigil B,Büket S,Bilkay Ö,Mutaf I,Bayındır O: Superiority of blood cardioplegia over crystalloid cardioplegia in myocardial preservation (Experimental study) Turkish Society of Cardiology National Cardiology Congress 26 -May 30, 1990 İzmir 
Yüksel M, Büket S, Dişçigil B, Özbaran M, Okur F, Alayunt A, Durmaz İ, Mutaf I, Bayındır O: Advantages of retrograde blood cardioplegia in myocardial protection (Experimental study) Turkish Society of Cardiology 7. National Cardiology Congress 26 -May 30, 1990 İzmir 
Özbaran M, Alayunt A, Hamulu A, Dişçigil B, Büket S, Okur F, Namadi İ, Bilkay Ö, Süzer K: Blood cardioplegia application, methods and results in myocardial protection. Turkish Society of Cardiology 7th National Cardiology Congress 26 -May 30, 1990 İzmir 
Durmaz İ, Bilkay Ö, Yüksel M, Süzer K, Büket S, Alayunt A, Hamulu A, Özbaran M, Dişçigil B, Hoşcoşkun C, Okur F: 8 in 1989 monthly open heart surgeries and their results. Turkish Society of Cardiology 7th National Cardiology College 26 -30 1990 İzmir 
Alayunt A,Dişçigil B,Büket S,Hamulu A, Macit A,Okur F,Yüksel M,Bilkay Ö: Methods and results of intra-aortic balloon application in open heart surgery. Turkish Society of Cardiology 7th National Cardiology Congress 26 -May 30, 1990 İzmir 
Gelal F, Alayunt A, Büket S, Hamulu A, Dişçigil B, Özbaran M, Namadi İ, Süzer K, Durmaz İ: On the erythrocyte fragility and blood elements of cardiopulmonary bypass its effects. Turkish Society of Cardiology 7th National Cardiology Congress 26 -May 30, 1990 İzmir 
Bilkay Ö,Yüklsel M,Hamulu A,Özbaran M,Alayunt a,Çerçi N,Büket S,Okur F,Dişçigil B,Yetginer A:Eight months in 1989. mitral valve surgeries and results. Turkish Society of Cardiology 7th National Cardiology Congress 26 -May 30, 1990 İzmir 
Yüksel M, Durmaz İ, Bilkay Ö, Süzer K,Alayunt A, Büket S,Okur F,Hamulu A,Alıcıgüzel F,Kırman M,Dişçigil B,Yetginer A: 1989 Coronary bypass surgeries performed in eight months in 2018 and their results. Turkish Society of Cardiology 7th National Cardiology Congress 26 -May 30, 1990 İzmir 
Yüksel M, Alayunt A, Özbaran M, Büket S, Durmaz İ: Creatine kinase myocardial band and blood lipid peroxyde levels in asesement of myocardial damage during open heart surgery. Mediterranean Association of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery ,4'th Annual Meeting September 23 -27 1990 AntalyaTurkey 
Durmaz İ,Yüksel M,Büket S,Alayunt A,Özbaran M,Atay Y,Okur F,Bilkay Ö: Left ventricular aneurysmectomy and importance of Jatane Modification . Mediterranean Association of Cardiolgy and cardiac Surgery ,4'th Annual Meeting September 23 -27 1990 AntalyaTurkey 
Hamulu A,Durmaz İ,Yüksel M,Süzer K,Büket S,Macit A: A comparision of the effects of allopurinol and deferoxamine on the oxygen free -radical generation during cardiopulmonary bypass. Mediterranean Association of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery ,4'th Annual Meeting September 2327 1990 AntalyaTurkey 
Yüksel M,Büket S,Özbaran M,Alayunt A,Dişçigil B,Okur F,Süzer K,Yetginer A,Kayaaltı B,Durmaz İ: Pulsatile and nonpulsatile blood flows in open heart surgery and their effects on whole body oxygen consumption and peripheral vascular bed. Mediterranean Association of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery ,4'th Annual Meeting September 23 -27 1990 AntalyaTurkey 
Büket S., Alayunt A., Hoscoşkun C., Dişçigil B., Yüksel M., Durmaz İ.: Distal by- pass application. V. National Vascular Surgery Congress, 26-27 October 1990, AntalyaAlayunt A., Hamulu A., Büket S., Özbaran M., Dişçigil B., Süzer K., Yüksel M. : Vascular complications due to cardiac catheterization. V. National Vascular Surgery Congress, 26-27 October 1990, AntalyaBüket S,Hamulu A,Namadi İ,Topgaç Z,Çalkavur T,Çümen B,Kayaaltı B,Suzer K: Emergency surgical treatment in acute aortic dissections. Turkish Society of Cardiology 1991 Cardiology Meeting 10 -13 September 1991 Trabzon 
Özyürek R, Büket S, Süzer K, Parlar A, Arcasoy M: Analysis of congenital heart disease cases operated in the pediatric age group at Ege University Faculty of Medicine. Turkish Society of Cardiology 1991 Cardiology Meeting 10 -13 September 1991 Trabzon 
Özbaran M, Büket S, Dişçigil B, Atay Y, Posacıoğlu H, Apaydın A, Durmaz İ: Aortic homograft valve replacement. Turkish Society of Cardiology 1991 Cardiology Meeting 10 -September 13, 1991 Trabzon 
Özyürek R, Büket S, Süzer K, Parlar A, Arcasoy M: The interaction of genetic and environmental factors in the etiology of congenital heart diseases. Turkish Society of Cardiology 1991 Cardiology Meeting 10-13 September 1991 TrabzonÖzyürek R, Büket S, Süzer K, Parlar A, Arcasoy M: A rare cardiac pathology: Coronary artery fistula. Turkish Society of Cardiology 1991 Cardiology Meeting 10 -September 13, 1991 Trabzon 
Özyürek R, Büket S, Süzer K, Arcasoy M, Parlar A: A case of successfully corrected congenital cardiopathy. Complete -AV channel and tetralogy of Fallot. Turkish Society of Cardiology, 1991 Cardiology Meeting, 1013 September 1991, Trabzon 
Okur F, Yuksel M, Dişçigil B, Büket S, Alayunt A, Özbaran M, Hamulu A, Çetindağ B, Posacìoğlu H, Süzer K, Durmaz A: The place of blood cardioplegia in myocardial preservation. Mediterranean Association of Cardiologia and Cardiac Surgery 5'th Annual Meeting September 23 -27 1991 Alexandria Egypt 
Durmaz İ,Alayunt A,Büket S,Özbaran M,Okur F,Hamulu A,Atay Y,Süzer K: Aortic valve replacement with aortic homografts.Mediterranean Association of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery 5'th Annual Meeting 23 -27 1991 AlexandriaEgypt 
Durmaz İ,Özbaran M,Kırman M,Apaydın A,Hamulu A,Büket S,Alayunt A: Simple aneurysmectomy and endoventricular circular patch plasty (ECCP) in surgical treatment of left ventricular aneurysms.The International Society of Cardio -thoracic Surgeons Second World Congress May 1014 1992 Ankara Turkey 
Bilkay Ö,Büket S,Çetindag B,Durmaz İ,Telli A,Süzer K,Yüksel M: Heart valve replacement with Carbomedics heart valve.The International Society of Cardio -Thoracic Surgeons Second World Congress May 1014 1992 AnkaraTurkey 
Büket S,Alayunt a,Di¦çigil B,Özbaran M,Okur F,Yüksel M,Süzer K,Durmaz İ: Effects of extracorporeal surface covering on complement activation during cardiopulmonary bypass. The International Society of Cardio -Thoracic Surgeons Second World Congress may 1014 1992 AnkaraTurkey 
Bilkay Ö, Büket S, Çetindağ B, Georgian U: Cardiopulmonary bypass and thyroid functions. The International Societyt of Cardio -Thoracic Surgeons Second World Congress May 1014 1992 AnkaraTurkey 
Bilkay Ö, Büket S, Çetindağ B, Durmaz İ, Telli A, Badak İ: Surgical treatment of lung cancer. The International Society of Cardio -Thoracic Surgeons Second World Congress may 1014 1992 AnkaraTurkey 
Alayunt A,Durmaz İ,Yüksel M,Özbaran M,Büket S,Namadi İ,Okur F: -Importance of warm induction application in myocardial protection. Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2nd National Congress of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, October 57, 1992 Antalya 
Bilkay Ö,Alayunt A,Büket S,Hamulu A,Bayindır Ü,Telli A: Mediastinoscopy in the diagnosis of mediastinal tumors. Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2nd National Congress of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 5 -7 October 1992 Antalya. 
Aşkar FZ ,Kayaaltı B ,Yüksel M ,Evinç A ,Büket S ,Yetginer A : Myocardialer stoffwechsel wahrend praischamischer verabreichung einer metabolischen myokardprotection bei -coronarchi¦rurgi¦rurgi¦rurgischeng . 
surgery : Current treatment and results. The Society of Thoracic Surgeons ,30'th Annual Meeting January 31 -February 2 1994 New Orleans LouisianaUSA 
Coselli JS ,Büket S ,Berzin E ,Crawford ES : Subsequent aortic operations after previous abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery. The Southern Association for Vascular Surgery ,18'th Annual Meeting January 26 -29 1994 ScottsdaleArizonaUSA 
Okur F , Hamulu A , Çetindağ B , Büket S , Telli A,Durmaz İ: Carbomedics bileaflet valve prostheses. Mediterranean Association of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, 6 th Annual Meeting, September 26 -30, 1993. CorfuGreece 
Özbaran M, Aras İ, Alayunt A, Büket S, Hamulu A, Atay Y, Çetindağ B, Durmaz İ: Surgery of distal occlusive vascular diseases and results. Vascular Surgery Association, VII. Peripheral Vascular Surgery Congress, 15 -18 May 1994, Ataköyİstanbul 
Büket S, Alayunt A, Hamulu A, Özbaran M, Atay Y, Yağdı T, Gürcün U, Dişçigil B, Durmaz İ: Descending Thoracic Aorta Femoral -Bypass. Vascular Surgery Association, VII Peripheral Vascular Surgery Congress, 1518 May 1994, Ataköyİstanbul 
Alayunt A, Büket S, Özbaran M, Hamulu A, Okur F, Atay Y, Yüksel M, Durmaz İ : Carotid Endarterectomy and Myocardial Revascularization. Vascular Surgery Association, VII Peripheral Vascular Surgery Congress, -May 15-18, 1994, Ataköyİstanbul 
Hamulu A, Büket S, Alayunt A, Özbaran M, Atay Y, Posacıoğlu H, Taurus M, Bilkay Ö, Telli A, Durmaz İ : 7 Years Abdominal Aorta Aneurysm Surgery and Its Results. Vascular Surgery Association, VII Peripheral Vascular Surgery Congress, 15 -18 May 1994, Ataköyİstanbul 
Dişçigil B, Büket S, Alayunt A, Ülker S, Koşay S, Durmaz İ: Vasodilator release from the endothelium in the presence of Aprotinin. Thoracic-Cardiovascular Surgery Association III. National Congress, 26-30 September 1994, Kuşadası-AYDIN.Büket S, Alayunt A, Okur F, Dişçigil B, Atay Y, Yağdı T, Aşkar F, Durmaz İ: Surgical treatment in bicuspid calcific aortic stenosis + ascending aorta and aortic arch aneurysm (Operation Wheat), video demonstration. Thoracic-Cardiovascular Surgery Association III. National Congress, 26-30 September 1994, Kuşadası-AYDIN.Hamulu A, Büket S, Özbaran M, Dişçigil B, Telli A, Bilkay Ö, Durmaz İ: Determination and evaluation of risk factors affecting mortality and morbidity in coronary bypass surgery. Thoracic-Cardiovascular Surgery Association III. National Congress, 26-30 September 1994, Kuşadası-AYDIN 
Hamulu A, Özbaran M, Büket S, Alayunt A, Atay Y, Posacıoğlu Y, Durmaz İ, Bilkay Ö, Yüksel M: Evaluation of the results of Jaten surgery for left ventricular aneurysm. Turkish Society of Cardiology, X. National Cardiology Congress, 1-4 October 1994, İZMİR. Büket S, Alayunt A, Özbaran M, Hamulu A, Yağdı T, Boğa M, Posacıoğlu H, Yüksel M, Telli A, Bilkay Ö, Durmaz İ : Retrograde cerebral perfusion in the surgical treatment of acute aortic dissection . Turkish Society of Cardiology, X. National Cardiology Congress, 1-4 October 1994, İZMİR: Özbaran M, Hamulu A, Alayunt A, Büket S, Atay Y, Badak İ, Yüksel M, Durmaz İ: Aortic homograft valve replacement. Turkish Cardiology Drainage, X. National Cardiology Congress, 1-4 October 1994, İZMİR.Hamulu A, Özbaran M, Büket S, Alayunt A, Aras İ, Atay Y, Posacıoğlu H, Durmaz İ: Factors affecting mortality in left main coronary surgery. Turkish Society of Cardiology, X. National Cardiology Congress, 1-4 October 1994, İZMİR.Durmaz İ., Büket S., Alayunt A., Tokat Y., Aşkar F., Hamulu A., Atay Y.: Continuous retrograde cerebral perfusion as an adjunt to hypothermic circulatory arrest. 6 th International Symposium on Cardiac Surgery, May 29th- June 1st 1995, Rome-ITALY. Büket S., Alayunt A., Aşkar F., Özbaran M., Yüksel M., Durmaz İ.: Open surgical technique in the treatment of thoracal-thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms. 6th International Symposium on Cardiac Surgery, May 29th- June 1st 1995, Rome-ITALY.Apaydın A., Atay Y., Alayunt A., Büket S., Yüksel M., Telli A., Durmaz İ. : Continious retrograde cerebral perfusion supplies substrates for brain metabolism during yhypothermic circulatory arrest. 44'th Annual Meeting of The Scandinavian Association for Thoracic Surgery, August 23-25, Örebro- SWEDEN.Can L., Halil H., Kültürsay H., Payzın S., Akın M., Alayunt A., Büket S., Altıntig A., Smart A., Türkoğlu C. : The effect of coronary artery bypass surgery on late potentials and myocardial perfusion. XI. National Cardiology Congress, 23-26 September 1995, İSTANBUL.Atay Y., Hamulu A., Özbaran M., Yağdı T., Kumanlıoğlu K., Büket S., Durmaz İ. : Results of left ventricular aneurysm repair with ECPP(endoventricular circular patch plasty) technique. XI. National Cardiology Congress, 23-26 September 1995, İSTANBUL.Büket S., Apaydın A., Atay Y., Yağdı T., Alayunt A., Yüksel M., Telli A., Durmaz İ. : Continuous retrograde cerebral perfusion (CRCP) administration and brain metabolism during hypothermic total circulatory arrest (HCA). XI. National Cardiology Congress, 23-26 September 1995, İSTANBUL.Aşkar FZ, Sakarya M., Büket S., Erel L., Arbak G. : Our experience with continuous cerebral perfusion for brain protection during aortic surgery. 5th International congress of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, 12-16 September 1995, ISTANBUL. 
Aşkar FZ, Sakarya M., Büket S., Erel L., Arbak G.: Der Einflub der retrograden perfusion auf die cerebralprotection in der chirurgie der aorta ascendens und des aortenbogens. Zentraleuropaischer Anasthesiekonggreb, 4-8 september 1995, WIEN-AUSTRIA.Büket S., Atay Y., Alayunt A., Apaydın A., Yüksel M., Telli A., Durmaz İ. : Clinical use of retrograde cerebral perfusion during hypothermic circulatory arrest in aortic surgery. Turkish-Germanic VII. Joint Symposium Cardiovascular Surgery and cardiology. September 28 th- October 1 st, 1995, Duisburg, Germany.Atay Y., Büket S., Tokat Y., Çalkavur T., Yağdı T., Bilkay Ö., Durmaz İ. : Open surgical technique in the treatment of thoracal/thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms. Turkish-Germanic VII. Joint Symposium Cardiovascular Surgery and cardiology. September 28 th- October 1 st, 1995, Duisburg, Germany.Atay Y., Posacıoğlu H., Hamulu A., Özbaran M., Yağdı T., Sarıbülbül O., Büket S., Telli A., Durmaz İ. : Use of homograft vein for arterial revascularization in an experimental model. VIII. National Vascular Surgery Congress, 20-23/April/1996, İZMİR.Büket S., Özbaran M., Hamulu A., Atay Y., Çalkavur T., Alayunt A., Bilkay Ö., Durmaz ,İ. : Open technique and proximal control in abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA). VIII. National Vascular Surgery Congress, 20-24/April/1996, İZMİRHamulu A., Özbaran M., Atay Y., Kumsal E., Posacıoğlu H., Şen M., Büket S., Bilkay Ö. : carotid endarterectomy and continuous EEG monitoring. VIII. National Vascular Surgery Congress, 20-24/APRIL/1996, İZMİRCan L., Kültürsay H., Türkoğlu C., Payzın S., Altıntuğ A., Smart A., Akın M., Büket S., Kumanlıoğlu K. : The effect of myocardial revascularization on left ventricular late potentials. XVIII 'th Congress of The European Society of Cardiology, August 25-26, 1996, BIRMINGHAM, UNITED KINGDOMAtay Y., Büket S., Can L., Akın M., Yağdı T., Durmaz İ., Hamulu A., Telli a., Özbaran M., Alayunt A. : The relationship between aortic pathology and coronary artery disease. XII National Cardiology Congress, 16-20/OCTOBER/1996, Belek/ANTALYA Atay Y., Yağdı T., Posacıoğlu H., Tetik Ö., Özkısacık E., Alat İ., Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Alayunt A., Durmaz İ. ., Yuksel M., Telli S., Buket S., Bilkay O. : Comparison of rectal temperature and electrocerebral silence (ECS) in initiating circulatory arrest in cardiovascular operations. IV. National Congress of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 29 October-1 November/ 1996, Marmaris/MUĞLA 
Büket S., Atay Y., İslanoğlu F., Yağdı T., Çalkavur T., Apaydın A., Hamulu A., Özkısacık E. , Alayunt A., Yuksel M., Bilkay O. : Surgical treatment of ascending and aortic arch dissections. IV. National Congress of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 29 October-1 November/ 1996, Marmaris/MUĞLABüket S., Atay Y., Posdacıoğlu H., Çetindağ B., Yağdı T., Boğa M., Alayunt A., Durmaz İ., Yuksel M., Telli A., Bilkay O. : Retrograde cerebral perfusion sa an adjuntc to deep hypothermic circulatory arrrest in patients with aortic disease. . Turkish- German VIII. Joint Symposium on Cardiovascular Surgery and Cardiology. October 31- November 2/1996, Marmaris/MUĞLAYüksel A., Durmaz İ., Yağdı T., Posacıoğlu H., Çatindağ B., Çağrır Ş., Büket p., Alayunt A., Yüksel M., Telli A., Billkay O. : Open heart surgery in patients with chronic renal failure. . Turkish- German VIII. Joint Symposium on Cardiovascular Surgery and Cardiology. October 31- November 2/1996, Marmaris/MUĞLAHamulu A., Atay Y., Yağdı T., Aşkar F., Alat İ., Özbaran M., Özkısacık E., Büket S., Bilkay Ö. : Effects of nonpulsatile flows in cardiopulmonary bypass on gastric intramucosal pH. Mediterranean Assosciation of Cardiology and cardiac Surgery, 9th Annual Meeting. 20-23 October, Tel Aviv Israel.Atay Y., Büket s., Yağdı T., İslamoğlu F., Posacıoğlu H., Özbaran M., Telli A., Yüksel M., Durmaz İ., Bilkay Ö. : Retrograde cerebral perfusion and brain protection in ascending and arcus aortic surgery. Mediterranean Assosciation of Cardiology and cardiac Surgery, 9th Annual Meeting. 20-23 October, Tel Aviv Israel.Posacıoğlu H., Atay Y., Yağdı T., Çalkavur T., Büket S., Hamulu A., Bilkay Ö. : Simple and cost - effective method to produce gas jet for non pump coronary artery bypass surgery. World Congress on Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery, May 30-31 1997, Paris France.Erhan E., Aşkar F., Büket S., Özbaran M., Günel Y., Erhan Y.: Effects of ventilation during cardiopulmaonary bypass on pulmonary shunt , compliance and structure. European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiologists 12th Annual Meeting, 25-28 June, 1997, Thessaloniki Greece.Atay Y., Posacıoğlu H., Yağdı T., Gürcün U., Baki T., Telli Ö.i Bilkay Ö., Alayunt A. , Hamulu A., Büket S., Durmaz İ.: The effects of malperfusion on mortality and morbidity in patients with acute aortic dissection. International Congress of Thorax Surgery, July 1-8 1997, Athens Greece.Çalkavur T., Yağdı T., Atay Y., Posacıoğlu H., Boğa M., Yüksel M., Özbaran M., Bilay Ö., Büket S. , Durmaz I. : Neurogical outcome of retrograde cerebral perfusion as an adjunct to ddep hypothermic citculatory arrest in the treatment of aortic disease. International Congress of Thorax Surgery, July 1-8 1997, Athens Greece. 
Yagdi T., Atay:, kara E., Let's see T., Boğa M., Badak I., İslamoğlu F., Büket S., Bilkay Ö. : Our clinical experience in popliteal artery injuries. II. National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, 30 September- 4 October 1997, İstanbul. Büket S., Çalkavur T., Posacıoğlu H., Atay Y., İslamoğlu F., Kara e., Telli A., Durmaz İ., Yüksel M. .: Initial experience with the radial artery as a coronary artery bypass conduit. IX th Annual Turkish-German Joint Symposium on Cardiovascular Surgery and Cardiology, October 10-12 1997, Dresden, Germany.Atay Y., Yağdı T., Badak i., Gürcün u., Sarıbülbül O., Büket S., Yüksel M ., Durmaz İ. : Malperfusion in acute aortic dissection. IX th Annual Turkish-German Joint Symposium on Cardiovascular Surgery and Cardiology, October 10-12 1997, Dresden, Germany.Hamulu A., Posacıoğlu H., Atay Y., Let's talk T., Boğa M., Şen M., Büket S ., Bilkay Ö. : Easy harvesting of the radial artery. IX th Annual Turkish-German Joint Symposium on Cardiovascular Surgery and Cardiology, October 10-12 1997, Dresden, Germany.Posacıoğlu H., Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Çalkavur T., Atay Y., Büket S. : Infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm: Behçet disease. VI. National Behçet's Disease Congress, 27-28 November 1997, İstanbul.Posacıoğlu H., Atay Y., Çalkavur T., Özbaran M., Alayunt A., Yukasel M., Bilkay Ö. Büket S. : Comparison the effects of act,ive and passive retrograde cerebral perfusion on mortality and outcome. Aortic Surgery Symposium VI. April 30- May 1, 1998, New York, NY, USAÇıkrıkçıoğlu M., Atay Y., Yağdı T., Let's see T., Nalbantgil S., Hamulu A., Özbaran M., Büket S., Telli A. : Thrombolytic therapy in patients with mechanical heart valve thrombosis: Case report. 15th International Congress on Thrombosis. October 16-21, 1998, Antalya, Turkey.Yağdı T., Atay y., Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., İslamoğlu F., Sarıbülbül O., Posacıoğlu H., Çalkavur T., Durmaz i., Büket S. : Deep hypothermic total Factors affecting mortality and morbidity in aortic patients undergoing circulatory arrest and retrograde cerebral perfusion. 5th National Congress of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 20-24 October 1998, Belek, Antalya.Atay Y., Alat i., Şen M., İslamoğlu F., Telli A., Bilkay Ö., Büket S., Hamulu A. : Non-atherosclerotic carotid artery diseases. 5th National Congress of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 20-24 October 1998, Belek, Antalya. Büket S., Atay Y., Özbaran M., Durmaz İ. : Surgical strategy in aortic valve disease: 3 case video demonstration. 5th National Congress of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 20-24 October 1998, Belek, Antalya. 
Posacıoğlu H., Çalkavur t., Bakalaım T., Yağdı T., Özkısacık E., Telli a., Büket S., Hamulu A. : One-stage operation in combined carotid and coronary artery disease. 5th National Congress of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 20-24 October 1998, Belek, Antalya.Atay Y., Posacıoğlu H., Badak i., Kara e., Cikrıkçıoğlu M., Alayunt A., Büket S., Özbaran M., Durmaz İ. : Use of cryopreserved homograft arterial tissue in vascular surgery. 5th National Congress of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 20-24 October 1998, Belek, Antalya.Atay Y., Çalkavur T., Yağdı t., Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Özbaran M., Bilkay Ö., Durmaz i., Büket S. : Proximal clamp level in the surgical treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms comparison. 5th National Congress of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 20-24 October 1998, Belek, Antalya.Yağdı T., Özmen D., Atay Y., Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Let's see T., İslamoğlu F., Boğa M., Büket p., Turgan N., Yüksel M. : Biochemical markers in the detection of perioperative myocardial damage. Clinical Biochemistry Society Atherosclerosis Symposium, 19-20 March 1999 Büyük Efes Hotel İZMİRPosacıoğlu H., Yağdı T., Çalkavaur T., Özbaran M., Yüksel m., Büket S. : Treatment of thoracic aortic aneurysms secondary to blunt trauma. 3. National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress. 31 August-4 September 1999, Antalya.Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Yüksel A., Boğa M., Özkısacık E., Alat İ., Sarıbülbül O., Alayunt EA, Hamulu A., Büket S. : Treatment in acute aortic dissections. 3. National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress. 31 August-4 September 1999, Antalya.Yağdı T., Nalbantgil S., Posacıoğlu H., İslamoğlu F., Alat İ., Çalkavur T., Yüksel M., Telli A., Hamulu A., Büket S., Alayunt A.: Congenital diverticulum of the left ventricle associated with Cantrell's Syndrome and tetralogy of Fallot. European Society of Cardiology, Grown-up Congenital Heart(GUCH) Disease : Yesterday's Triumps, Today's Problems, Tomorrow's Plans. September 30- October 2, 1999, The European Heart Hause, Sophia Antipolis, FranceNalbantgil S., Atay Y., Yağdı T., İslamoğlu F., Alat İ., Özkısacık E., Özyürek R., Özbaran M., Büket S. ., Bilkay ö., Alayunt A. : Aneurysm of the right ventricular outflow tract after repair for Tetralogy of Fallot: reconstriction with pulmonary homograft. European Society of Cardiology, Grown-up Congenital Heart(GUCH) Disease : Yesterday's Triumps, Today's Problems, Tomorrow's Plans. September 30- October 2, 1999, The European Heart Hause, Sophia Antipolis, FranceSarıbülbül O., Alat İ., Yağdı T., Nalbantgil S., Kılıçcıoğlu S., Büket S., Alayunt A.: Coronary artery surgery as a risk factor a new marker: BNP(brain natiretic peptide). 15th National Cardiology Congress. 9-12 October 1999, Izmir. 
Yagdi T., Atay Y., Ozbaran M., İslamoglu F., Let's see T., Basarir S., Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Büket S., Yüksel M., Telli A., Durmaz İ.: Aortic homograft valve replacement: Clinical experience. 2'nd World Congress on Tissue Banking& 8'th International Conference of EATB ''Allografts Againist Disability'' October 7-10, 1999 Warsaw, Poland.Özbaran M., Atay Y., Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Çalkavur T., Alat İ ., İslamoğlu F., Büket S., Yüksel M., Bilkay Ö., Durmaz İ.: Preperation and sterilization/disinfection protocol of homograft tissues. 2'nd World Congress on Tissue Banking& 8'th International Conference of EATB ''Allografts Againist Disability'' October 7-10, 1999 Warsaw, Poland.Büket S., Yağdı T., Duman Y., Tokat Y., Alayunt A ., Aşkar F. : Staged operations with circulatory arrest to protect transplant kidney in a patient with chronic type III dissection. IV'th Congress of Balkan Cities Association of Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation and Asrtificial Organs, November 14-16, 1999 İzmir, Türkiye.Atay Y., Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Yağdı T., İslamoğlu F., Let's talk T., Engin Ç ., Günal A.İ., Atabay G., Bilkay Ö., Hamulu A., Durmaz İ., Büket S. : Cardiopulmonary bypass procedures in patients with dialysis-dependent chronic renal failure. IV'th Congress of Balkan Cities Association of Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation and Asrtificial Organs, November 14-16, 1999 İzmir, Türkiye.Yağdı T., nalbantgil S., Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Atay Y., İslamoğlu F., Çalkavur T. ., Posacıoğlu H., Büket S. : Impact of hypertension on early mortality and neurologic morbidity after aortic surgery. Turkish-Italian Joint Meeting on Hypertension& Atherosclerosis. 30March-2 April 2000, Antalya/TurkeyAyat Y., Yağdı T., Çalkavur T., Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Posacıoğlu H., İyem H., Reyhanoğlu H., Telli A., Durmaz İ., Büket S., Hamulu A. .: Combined carotid endarterectomy and coronary artery bypass surgery. National Vascular Surgery Association, X. National Vascular Surgery Congress, April 20-23, 2000 Belek/ANTALYA.Çalkavur T., Yağdı T., Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Posacıoğlu H., Atay Y., Özkısacık E., Özbaran M., Bilkay Ö., Büket S. : The relationship between abdominal aortic aneurysm and coronary artery disease. National Vascular Surgery Association, X. National Vascular Surgery Congress, 20-23 April 2000 Belek/ANTALYA.Yağdı T., Atay Y., Posacıoğlu H., Çalkavur T., Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., İslamoğlu F., Alayunt A., Bilkay Ö., Yüksel M., Hamulu A., Büket S. : Treatment of descending and thoracoabdominal aortic lesions. National Vascular Surgery Association, X. National Vascular Surgery Congress, 20-23 April 2000 Belek/ANTALYA. 
Posacıoğlu H., Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Çalkavur T., Yağdı T., Atay Y., Parıldar M., Özbaran M., Hamulu A., Memiş A., Büket S. : Multidisciplinary approach: Combined with iliac PTA- Stent placement infrainguinal revascularization. National Vascular Surgery Association, X. National Vascular Surgery Congress, 20-23 April 2000 Belek/ANTALYA. 
Cikrikcioglu M., Yasa M., Kerry Z., Posacioglu H., Atay y., Yagdi t., Boga m., Buket s., Hamulu A.: The effects of harmonic scalpel on the vasoreactivity of the radial artery: A comparision of two different techniques. 49 th International Congress of the European Cociety for Cardiovascular Surgery, June 24-27, 2000 Dresden, GermanyTetik Ö., Atay Y., Çalkavur T., Yağdı T., İslamoğlu F., Kastelli M., Yılık L., Gökdoğan T. ., Akda b., Özsiyer I., Özbek C., Canpolat L., Büket S.: Intraartic solution trial to prevent ischemic spinal cord injury. 49 th International Congress of the European Cociety for Cardiovascular Surgery, June 24-27, 2000 Dresden, GermanyYağdı T., Atay Y., Bakim T., Reyhanoğlu H., Aşkar F., Alat İ., Cirban Y., Alayunt A. ., Bilkay Ö., Büket S.: Options in the surgical treatment of distal aortic lesions. VI. Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Congress 21-25 October 2000 Belek-AntalyaDişçigil B., Gürcün U., Badak İ., Boğa M., Özkısacık E., Hamulu A., Büket S., Durmaz İ.: In patients who underwent Mitral Carperntier ring annuloplasty reoperation. VI. Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Congress 21-25 October 2000 Belek-Antalya.Dişçigil B., Gürcün U., Badak İ., Boğa M., Özkısacık E., Hamulu A., Büket S., Durmaz İ.: Accompanying congenital bicuspid aorta ascending aortic aneurysm (2 case reports). VI. Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Congress 21-25, October 2000 Belek-Antalya.Atay Y., Çalkavur T., Yağdı T., Çıkrıkçıoğlu M., Engin Ç., İyem H., Darçın T., Yüksel M., Alayunt A. , Büket S.: Surgical approach in chronic dissections: Video presentation. VI. Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Congress 21-25, October 2000 Belek-Antalya.Çalkavur T., Posacıoğlu H., Özkısacık E., İslamoğlu F., Tetik Ö., Cerrahoğlu M., Telli A., Hamulu A., Büket S. : Surgical approach in acute dissections: Video demonstration. VI. Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Congress 21-25 October 2000 Belek-Antalya.Posacıoğlu H., Yağdı T., Çalkavur T., Atay Y., hamulu A., Oran İ., Memiş A., Parıldar A., Alayunt A., Büket S. : Comparison of contrast-enhanced computed tomography results with surgical findings in abdominal aortic aneurysms. 17th Turkish Radiology Congress, 27-31 October 2000, Lütfi Kırdar International Congress and Exhibition Center, Istanbul. 
Büket S., Yagdı T., Posacıoğlu H., Çalkavur T., Atay Y., Mahmudov R., Hamulu A.: Results of thoracic aortic operations in patients aged 70 years or older. 2'nd International Meeting of The Onasis Cardiac Surgery Center, December 7-9 , 2000 Athens, Greece. 
Hamulu A., Yagdı T., Atay Y., Çalkavur T., Posacıoğlu H., İyem H., Büket s.: Combined coronary bypass and carotid endarterectomy: Indications and outcome. 2'nd International Meeting of The Onasis Cardiac Surgery Center, December 7-9 , 2000 Athens, Greece.İslamoğlu F., Reyhanoğlu H., Apaydın A., Çalkavur T., Özbaran M., Büket S., Telli A., Alayunt A.: Evaluation of the effectiveness of aortic coarctation operations. III. National Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Congress, 3-6 May 2001, Cappadocia, Nevşehir.Z. Altun, M. Kayıkçıoğlu, H. Kültürsay, L. Can, S. Payzın, Büket S., M. Özbaran : The effect of early statin use after coronary bypass on myocardial ischemia and clinical events in the short term. National Cardiology Congress, 13-16 October 2001, İZMİRA.Z. Apaydın, H. Posacıoğlu, F. İslamoğlu, T. Çalkavur, T. Yağdı, Y. Atay, S. Büket : Surgical treatment in acute arcus dissections. XVII. National Cardiology Congress, 13-16 October 2001, İZMİRApaydın A., Posacıoğlu H., Çalkavur T., Yağdı T., İslamoğlu F., Büket S.: Antegrade cerebral perfusion in aortic surgery.1. Dicle National Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Days, 19-23 October 2001, DIYARBAKIRPosacıoğlu H., İslamoğlu F., Oran İ., Yağdı T., Apaydın A., Çalkavur T., Parıldar M. Memiş A., Büket S. : Distal Comparison of conventional CT findings with surgical findings in aortic arch pathologies. 22nd Turkish Radiology Congress, 26-31 October 2001, Kemer-ANTALYAAltun Z., Kayıkçıoğlu M., Can L., Büket S., Özbaran M., Payzın S., Kültürsay H.: The effect of statin therapy on early and 6 month clinical outcomes after coronary artery by-pass grafting in patients with average lipid levels. 4th International Congress on Cororanry artery disease- from Prevention to Internevtion. Prague, Czech Republic, October 21-24, 2001Apaydın AZ, Posacıoğlu H., İslamoğlu F., Çalkavur T., Yağdı T., Atay Y., Büket S., Durmaz İ.: Our distal perfusion applications in aortic surgery. XI National Vascular Surgery Congress, 19-23 April 2002 ANTALYAYağdı T., Engin Ç., Posacıoğlu H., Atay Y., İslamoğlu F., Apaydın A., Çalkavur T., Özbaran M., Yüksel M., Büket S. : Abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery in cases over 70 years of age. XI National Vascular Surgery Congress, 19-23 April 2002 ANTALYAPosacıoğlu H., Apaydın A., İslamoğlu F., Yağdı T., Çalkavur T., Atay Y., Engin Ç., Özbaran M., Durmaz İ., Büket S. : Harmful effects of cell saver use in ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms. XI National Vascular Surgery Congress, 19-23 April 2002 ANTALYA 
Yagdi T., Atay Y. Engin C., Cirban Y., Büket S.: Aorta-retroaortic left renal vein fistula and abdominal aortic aneurysm. XI National Vascular Surgery Congress, 19-23 April 2002 ANTALYAParıldar M., Oran İ., Posacıoğlu H., Memiş A., Büket S.: Primary stenting in the treatment of coronary subclavian steal syndrome: two case reports. XI National Vascular Surgery Congress, 19-23 April 2002 ANTALYAApaydın A., Posacıoğlu H., İslamoğlu F., Çalkavur T., Yağdı T., Atay Y., Büket S., Durmaz İ.: Analysis of periopretaive risk factors for mortality and morbidity after modified Benatll operation. Aortic Surgery Symposium VIII, 2-3 May 2002, New York United StatesApaydın A., Posacıoğlu H., Çalkavur T., Yağdı T., İslamoğlu F., Atay Y., Özbaran M., Yüksel M., Büket S. : Perioperative risk factors for mortality in patients with acute type A aortic dissection. . Aortic Surgery Symposium VIII, 2-3 May 2002, New York United StatesPosacıoğlu H., Apaydın A., İslamoğlu F., Yağdı T., Çalkavur T., Atay Y., Büket S.: Analysis of perioperative variables in patients undergoing distal arch and proximal descending aortic aneurysm repair through left chest. . Aortic Surgery Symposium VIII, 2-3 May 2002, New York United StatesEngin Ç., Uç H., Yağdı T., Posacıoğlu H., Atay Y., Apaydın A., Çalkavur T., Özbaran M., Yüksel M. , Büket S., Bilkay Ö.: The clinical importance of jugular bulb venous oxygen saturation measurements as an entry criterion for deep hypothermic circulatory arrest. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VII. National Congress, 23-27 October 2002 ANTALYAPosacıoğlu H., Apaydın A., Çalkavur T., Yağdı T, İslamoğlu F., Uç H., Büket S., Durmaz İ.: Perigret-right in uncontrollable bleeding in acute type A dissection surgery atrial shunt creation and consequences. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VII. National Congress, 23-27 October 2002 ANTALYAAtay Y., Engin Ç., Yağdı T., Uç H., Pektok E., Posacıoğlu H., Kesici M., Özbaran M., Yüksel M., Büket S., Durmaz İ. .: Use of homograft in the aortic position. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VII. National Congress, 23-27 October 2002 ANTALYAYağdı T. Mahmudov R., Engin Ç., Atay Y., Posacıoğlu H., Çalkavur T., Özbaran M., Alayunt A., Durmaz İ., Büket S.: Thoracic in elderly patients aortic surgery. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VII. National Congress, 23-27 October 2002 ANTALYAApaydın A., Posacıoğlu H., Çalkavur T., İslamoğlu F., İyem H., Engin Ç., Özbaran M., Yüksel M., Büket S.: Antegrade cerebral perfusion from arcus graft: 4 different applications. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VII. National Congress, 23-27 October 2002 ANTALYA 
Çelik Ş., Şen M., Çevik a., Sağcan A., Yüksel M., Büket S.: Simple and safe closure of left ventriculotomy after thrombectomy. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VII. National Congress, 23-27 October 2002 ANTALYAÇelik Ş., Sağcan A., Çevik A., Şen M., Yüksel M., Büket S.: Evaluation of regional movement and nutrition of the left ventricular apex with tissue doppler after two different aneurysmectomy techniques and revascularization . Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VII. National Congress, 23-27 October 2002 ANTALYAYağdı T., Nalbantgil s., Ayık F., Tamtürk N., Cirban Y., Reyhanoğlu H., Apaydın A., Çalkavur T., Atay Y., Büket S.: Amioradone coronary effective in preventing atrial fibrillation after bypass? Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VII. National Congress, 23-27 October 2002 ANTALYAUç H., Engin Ç., Yağdı T., Atay Y., Posacıoğlu H., Çalkavur T., Nalbatgil S., Erensoy S., Altuğlu I., Büket S.: in atherosclerotic cases Investigation of chlamydia pneumoniae by serology and polymerase chain reaction. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VII. National Congress, 23-27 October 2002 ANTALYAYağdı T., Pektok E., Uç H., İslamoğlu F., Reyhanoğlu H., İyem H., Özbaran M., Büket S., Durmaz İ., Yüksel M.: Left ventricle Comparison of surgical treatment techniques in aneurysms. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VII. National Congress, 23-27 October 2002 ANTALYAİslamoğlu F., Reyhanoğlu H., Berber Ö., Posacıoğlu H., Apaydın A., Yüksel M., Özbaran M., Büket S., Telli A., Durmaz İ.: Seventy-five years old Coronary artery bypass surgery and risk factors in older patients. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VII. National Congress, 23-27 October 2002 ANTALYAApaydın A., Posacıoğlu H., İslamoğlu F., Çalkavur T., Yağdı T., Cirban Y., Atay Y., Bilkay Ö., Büket S.: Surgery in acute type A aortic dissection treatment: Ege University experience. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VII. National Congress, 23-27 October 2002 ANTALYAYağdı T., Çalkavur T., Uç H., Durmaz İ., Büket S.: Subclavian artery-LAD saphenous vein bypass with minimally invasive approach in a redo case. Video presentation. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VII. National Congress, 23-27 October 2002 ANTALYA Büket S., Yağdı T., Engin Ç., Mahmudov R., Çetin Y., Aşkar F.: One-stage thoracic aortic replacement with the arch-first technique: Video presentation. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VII. National Congress, 23-27 October 2002 ANTALYAÇelik Ş., Şen M., Çevik A., Sağcan A., Yüksel M., Büket S.: Mitral valve repair in patients with rheumatic mitral valve. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VII. National Congress, 23-27 October 2002 ANTALYA 
Çelik Ş., Sağcan A., Şen M., Çevik A., Büket S., Yüksel M.: The effect of coronary artery bypass surgery on QT dispersion in diabetic coronary artery patients. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VII. National Congress, 23-27 October 2002 ANTALYAÇelik Ş., Sağcan A., Şen M., Çevik A., Yüksel M., Büket S.: Does preoperative QT dispersion determine the cardiac rhythm after aortic cross clamp? Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VII. National Congress, 23-27 October 2002 ANTALYAAlat i., Sarıbülbül O., Bayındır Ü., Büket S., Taşbakan S., Nalnatgil S., Aşkar F., Kokuludağ A., Veral A., Yüksel M.: Cardiopulmonary bypass evaluation of their adverse effects on the lungs by bronchoalveolar lavage. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VII. National Congress, 23-27 October 2002 ANTALYAİslamoğlu F., Posacıoğlu H., Apaydın A., Yağdı T., Çalkavur T., Atay Y., Engin Ç., Telli A., Durmaz İ., Büket S.: Distal arcus and perioperative variables affecting mortality and morbidity in proximal descending aortic aneurysm surgery. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VII. National Congress, 23-27 October 2002 ANTALYAÇalkavur T., Yağdı T., engin C., Apaydın A., Posacıoğlu H., Atay Y., Büket S., Durmaz İ.: Anterior mini thoracotomy with subclavian artery-LAD saphenous vein bypass Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VII. National Congress, 23-27 October 2002 ANTALYAAlat İ., Bayındır Ü., Taşbakan S., Kokuludağ A., Veral A., Büket S., Yüksel M.: Turkish people's bronchoalveolar lavage fluid normals. Thoracic Society 6th Annual Congress 23-26 April 2003 belek/ANTALYAAlat İ., Bayındır Ü., Özkısacık E., Taşbakan S., Sarıbülbül O., Büket S., Yağdı T., Yüksel M.: Bronchoalveolar lavage in open heart surgery pH changes of the fluid. Thoracic Society 6th Annual Congress 23-26 April 2003 belek/ANTALYAEngin Ç., Atay Y., Yağdı T., Mahmudov R., Uç H., Alayunt A., Özbaran M., Telli A., Bilkay Ö., Büket Q.: Coronary malperfusion in acute type A aortic dissection. 4'th International Congress of Cardiologists of Turkish-Speaking Countries. 11-14 October 2003, Antalya-TURKEYMahmudov R., Atay Y., Yağdı T., Pektok E., Engin C., Büket S., Özbaran M., Durmaz İ.: The largest experience of homograft usage and tissue banking in Turkey: Aegean University. 4'th International Congress of Cardiologists of Turkish-Speaking Countries. 11-14 October 2003, Antalya-TURKEYİyem H., Yağdı T., İslamoğlu F., Atay Y., Mahmudov R., Engin Ç., Yüksel M, Büket S., Durmaz İ., Hamulu A.: Effect of pleurotomy on postoperative outcome in coronary artery bypass surgery. 4'th International Congress of Cardiologists of Turkish-Speaking Countries. 11-14 October 2003, Antalya-TURKEY 
Yagdi T., Mahmudov R., Engin C., Çalkavur T., Apaydın A., Posacıoğlu H., Büket S., Durmaz İ.: Clinical results with left subclavian/axillary artery to left anterior descending coronary artery bypass. 4'th International Congress of Cardiologists of Turkish-Speaking Countries. 11-14 October 2003, Antalya-TURKEYAtay Y., Yağdı T., Çalkavur T., Apaydın A., Posacıoğlu H., Engin Ç., İyem H., Özbaran M., Yüksel M., Büket S.: Impact of organ malperfusion on mortality and morbidity in acute proximal aortic dissections. 52'nd International Congress ''The European Society for Cardiovasculra Surgery'' November 7-10, 2003 Lütfi Kırdar Convention&Exhibition Center, İstanbul,TÜRKİYEİyem H., Yağdı T., İslamoğlu F., Atay Y., Özbaran M., Yüksel M. ., Büket S., Durmaz İ., Hamulu A.: Evaluation of effects of opening the pleura on postoperative outcome in coronary artery bypass surgery. 52'nd International Congress ''The European Society for Cardiovasculra Surgery'' November 7-10, 2003 Lütfi Kırdar Convention&Exhibition Centre, İstanbul,TÜRKİYEÇelik SK, Sağcan A., Şen M., Çevik A., Yüksel M., Büket S. : Evaluation of left ventricular apical motions by tissue doppler imaging after two different aneurysmectomy techniques with coronary revascularization. 52'nd International Congress ''The European Society for Cardiovasculra Surgery'' november 7-10, 2003 Lütfi Kırdar Convention&Exhibition Centre, İstanbul,TURKEYIslamoğlu H., Posacıoğlu H., Apaydın A., Çalkavur T., Yağdı T., Engin A ., Telli A., Büket S.: Predictors of mortality and morbidity in distal arch and proximal descending aortic aneurysm surgery. 52'nd International Congress ''The European Society for Cardiovasculra Surgery'' november 7-10, 2003 Lütfi Kırdar Convention&Exhibition Centre, İstanbul,TÜRKİYEApaydın A., İslamoğlu F., Posacıoğlu H., Çalkavur T., Atay Y., Özbaran M. ., Büket S., Durmaz İ.: Experience with cerebral perfusion in total aortic arch replacement. 52'nd International Congress ''The European Society for Cardiovasculra Surgery'' november 7-10, 2003 Lütfi Kırdar Convention&Exhibition Center, İstanbul,TÜRKİYEİslamoğlu F., Engin Ç., Yağdı T., Çalkavur T., Pektok E., Telli A. ., Büket S., Durmaz İ.: Intestinal ischemia foolowing abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery: Incident and role of surgical techniques. The 12'th Annual Meeting of the Asian Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, 18-22 April 2004 , İstanbul,TURKEY 
Yağdı T., Engin Ç., İslamoğlu F., Atay Y., Apaydın AZ, Posacıoğlu H., Özbaran M., Durmaz İ., Büket S.: Results in thoracic aortic operations performed under hypothermic circulatory arrest: Ege University experience. The 12'th Annual Meeting of the Asian Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, 18-22 April 2004 , İstanbul,TURKEY 
Engin Ç., İslamoğlu F., Ayık F., Uç H., Mahmudov R., Yüksel M., Bilkay Ö. , Büket S., Hamulu A.: Multisystem involvement of atherosclerotic disease. The 12'th Annual Meeting of the Asian Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, 18-22 April 2004 , İstanbul,TURKEYAIntravascular rupture of the vena cava inferior (fistulization) in abdominal aortic aneurysms: 6 cases. Engin Ç., Uç H., Coşkun İ., Yağdı T., Çalkavur T., Atay Y., Apaydın a., Büket S., Durmaz İ.: Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VIII. National Congress. 1-5 September 2004/Cappadocia. Prevention of infection in patients undergoing thoracoabdominal aortic surgery. Uç H., Hacıoğlu G., Yağdı T., tataylak H., Aydemir S., Yeşim Metin D., Engin Ç., Atay Y., Alayunt Ea, Ayık F., Büket S. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VIII. National Congress. 1-5 September 2004/Cappadocia. Type III TAAA repair: Video presentation. Posacıoğlu H., Engin Ç., Büket S.: Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VIII. National Congress. 1-5 September 2004 / Kapadokya. Factors affecting the outcome in prosthetic valve dysfunctions. İslamoğlu F., Yüksel M., Özbaran M., Büket S., Telli a., Uç H., Pektok E., Engin Ç., Durmaz İ.: Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VIII. National Congress. 1-5 September 2004/Cappadocia. Surgical treatment in chronic type III dissection: Büket S., İyem H., Cirban y., Coşkun U., Alayunt EA, Önal A..: Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VIII. National Congress. September 1-5, 2004 / Cappadocia. Risk factor analysis in patients with type A dissection who had previously undergone open heart surgery: Posacıoğlu H., Engin Ç., Apayadin A.,İslamoğlu F., Arpaçay A.,Yağdı T., Çalkavur T., Büket S.. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VIII. National Congress. 1-5 September 2004/Cappadocia. Nursing care in complications after abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery: Hacıoğlu G., tataylak H., karaca İ., Atay Y., Alayunt A., Ayık F., Engin Ç., Coşkun İ., Durmaz İ., Büket S. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VIII. National Congress. 1-5 September 2004/Cappadocia.Complex thoracic aortic surgery. Apaydın A., Posacıoğlu H., İslamoğlu F., Çetin Y., Çalkavur T., Yağdı T., Atay Y., Tamtürk N., Değirmenciler K., Büket S. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VIII. National Congress. 1-5 September 2004/Cappadocia. Nursing care in complications after thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm surgery. Hacıoğlu G., tataylak H., karaca İ., Kuorkmaz S., Ayık F., Coşkun İ., Apaydın A., Posacıoğlu H., Yağdı T., Engin Ç., Alayunt A., Atay Y., Durmaz İ. .,Büket S. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VIII. National Congress. 1-5 September 2004/Cappadocia. 
pH changes of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in open heart surgery. Alat İ., Bayındır Ü., Özkısacık E., Taşbakan S., Sarıbülbül O., Büket S., Yağdı T., Yüksel M. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VIII. National Congress. 1-5 September 2004 / Kapadokya. Büket S.: Surgery of the Transverse Aortic Arch. The 4'th Meeting of Al Bessel Heart Society, 4-7 December 2004, Al Bassel Heart Institute, Damascus- SYRIAİyem H., Cirban Y., Büket S.: Hybrid treatment in treatment of patients with extensive aortic aneurysms. Aortic Surgery Symposium X april 27-28, 2006 New York USAİyem H., Cirban Y., Tavlı M., Şekuri C., Olgun E., Büket S.: In the early period after aortic valve replacement in patients with isolated aortic stenosis and aortic insufficiency, regression and geometric remodeling in ventricular hypertrophy: our 2-year follow-up results. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery 9th National Congress, 1-5 November 2006 AntalyaAyık F., Engin Ç., Yağdı t., Posacıoğlu h., Ayat y., Apaydın a., Çalkavur T., İslamoğlu F., Pektok E. , Kurtaran P., Özbaran m., Yüksel M., Büket s., Durmaz i.: Ege University experience in the surgical treatment of acute proximal aortic dissection. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery 9th National Congress, 1-5 November 2006 AntalyaOğuz E., Ayık F., Engin Ç., Pektok E., Yağdı t., Posacıoğlu H., Çalkavur T., İslamoğlu F., Ayat Y. , Apaydın a., Yüksel m., Özbaran M., Büket S., Durmaz İ.: Surgical treatment in abdominal aortic aneurysms: 287 cases. 9th National Congress of Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, 1-5 November 2006 Antalyaİyem H., Ciraban Y., Tavlı m., Boz A., Coşkun U., Büket p.: In a symptomatic patient with almost complete occlusion of the carotid artery of the cam, carotid innominate artery Gorotex graft bypass. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery 9th National Congress, 1-5 November 2006 Antalyaİyem H., Coşkun U., Yüksel A., Işlak S., Büket S.: Ruptured aneurysm of the left paracolic branch of the superior mesenteric artery, which is rare. National Society of Vascular Surgery XIII. National Vascular Surgery Congress, 22-26 May 2007 Belek/ANTALYAİyem H., Cirban Y., Tavlı M., Yüksel A., Büket S.: Subfascial ligation of perfarator veins in patients with active venous ulcer and its early results. National Society of Vascular Surgery XIII. National Vascular Surgery Congress, 22-26 May 2007 Belek/ANTALYAİyem H., Tavlı M., Büket S.: Importance of early haemodialysis for acute renal failure after opern cardiac surgery.III Congress of Innovations in Cardiology & Cardiovascular Surgery. 28 November-2 December 2007, ANTALYA. 
İyem H., Tavlı M., Yüksel a., Büket S.: Early results of combined and staged coronary bypass and carotid endarterctomy in elderly: factors effecting the mortality and morbidity. III Congress of Innovations in Cardiology & Cardiovascular Surgery. 28 November-2 December 2007, ANTALYA.Kale A., Coşkun U., Büket S., Memiş A.: Pseudoaneurysm due to ruptured tuberculosis: its treatment with endovascular stent-graft replacement. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery 10th National Congress, Çeşme/İZMİRTavlı M., Cirban Y., Büket S.: Early results of advanced age and combined coronary bypass and carotid endarterctomy patients in our clinic. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery 10th National Congress, Çeşme/İZMİRSağcan A., Şekuri C., Danaoğlu Z., Göldeli Ö., Tümüklü M., Büket S., Çamlı D., Yüksel A., Toros A.: Focal pulmonary eudema:Imitating pneumoniae and depending mitral failure as a result of flail mitral valve. IV. Congress of Innovations in Cardiology & Cardiovascular Surgery. 28 November-2 December 2008 ANTALYASağcan A., Şekuri C., Duygu O., Cirban Y., Coşkun U., Göldeli Ö., karabörk C., Evlice AO, Danaoğlu Z., Çamlı D., Alper Y., Büket S.: Left subclavian and brachiocephalic vein branch after CABG (case report). IV National Phlebology Congress, 9-11 January 2009 İZMİRSağcan A., Şekuri C., Tavlı M., Danaoğlu Z., Göldeli Ö., Duygu S . O., Tümüklü M., Büket S.: Incidental big left atrial mixoma in a hypertensive heart failure case. V. Congress of Innovations in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery. 24-28 September 2009 ANTALYA Büket S., Cirban Y., Coşkun U., Kale A., Tavlı Yılmaz M., Başçeşme E. : Our results in thoracic aortic aneurysms from the pattern we applied simple clamping technique. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, 11th National Congress, 27-31 October 2010, ANTALYA Büket S., Cirban Y., Coşkun U., Kale A., Tavlı Yılmaz M., Başçeşme E.: Progressive and combined carotid artery surgery patient series results: Factors affecting mortality and morbidity. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, 11th National Congress, 27-31 October 2010, ANTALYASağcan A., Büket S., Şekuri C., Cirban Y., Tümüklü M., Ayhan G., Danaoğlu Z., Durmaz p.: Severe mitral valve regurtation caused by left ventricular aneurysm and its surgical correction. 7. Congress of Innovations in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery. 24-27 March 2011, ANTALYA.Suat Büket, National Coşkun, TYılmaz Cirban, Arzum kale, Ercan Başçeşme, Mine Tavlı Yılmaz : Our results in thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms in which we applied simple clamping technique. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, 12. National Congress, 8-11 November 2012, Antalya 

Scientific Activities 
Aortic Diseases Panel, Associate Professor Mustafa Akın, Associate Dr Suat Büket 9-6-1995 Cardiovascular Surgery Conference Hall, Bornova/İZMİR.Perioperative abortion Cardiac output and treatment Seminar, 24-11-1995 Cardiovascular Surgery Conference Hall, Bornova/İZMİR. Arrhythmias and Treatment Panel, 24-11-1995 Cardiovascular Surgery Conference Hall, Bornova/İZMİR.Workshop on mitral valve reconstruction (live) teleconference) December 7-10, 1995, Ege Medical Faculty, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Bornova/İZMİRS Coronary artery surgery Seminar in left ventricular dysfunction, 26-1-1996, Dr.Suat Büket - Dr.İlker Alat, Cardiovascular Surgery Conference Hall,Bornova/İZMİR .Dissecting aortic aneurysms and their surgical treatment Conference 15-3-1996,DrSuat Büket,Dr Mustafa Çıkrıkçıoğlu, Edirne Faculty of Medicine Türkan Sabancı Conference Hall Surgical approach in thoracoabdominal and abdominal aortic aneurysms. 5-4-1996, Dr. Suat Büket, Ege Faculty of Medicine, General Surgery Department Classroom, Bornova/İZMİR.VIII: National Vascular Surgery Congress, Congress Secretary Dr. Suat Büket, 20-23/4/1996, Büyük Efes Hotel , Cerebral protection methods in İZMİRA orthopedic surgery. 13-5-1996, DrSuat Büket, Cardiovascular Surgery Conference Hall, Bornova/İZMİR. Basic principles in diagnosis and treatment of aortic dissections. 17-5-1996,DrSuat Büket, Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiology Council Hall, BURSA Gastrointestinal system complications of cardiopulmonary bypass Seminar. 22-11-1996, DrSuat Büket- DrMehmet Boğa, Cardiovascular Surgery Conference Hall, Bornova/İZMİR.'' Aortic diseases'' television speech ''Health Above All'' Program. SKY TV, 28/11/1996. Dr.Erkan Sevinç, Dr.Azem Smart,Dr.Suat Büket, Salih Zeki Irkdaş.''Surgery in the treatment of coronary heart diseases', speech 21 December 1996, 16.10-16.40 Hypertension Winter School, Postgraduate Training Course, 20-21 December 1996, Ege Health Hotel, Bornova, İZMİR ''Reperfusion therapy in acute myocardial infarction'' seminar 26 March 1997, 08.30, Dr Güven Çağatay, DrHakan Kültürsay, DrSuat Büket, Ege University Faculty of Medicine Cardiology Department lecture hall, Bornova, İZMİR ''Myocardial stunning'' seminar, 28-3-1997, Dr.Suat Büket-Dr. Sevket Basarir, Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery Conference Hall. 
Video show: ''The evolution of cardiac surgery. ''Dr I. Alat, Dr. S. Buket. 4-10-1997 Cardiovascular Surgery Conference Hall, Bornova/İZMİR''Ventricle volume reduction surgery'' Conference, 31-October-1997, 08.30, Dr.Suat Büket, Ege University Faculty of Medicine Cardiology Department lecture hall, Bornova ,İZMİR''Total Cardiac Arrest'' Seminar, 16-January-1998, at 13.00, Dr. Suat Büket, Dr.Tanzer Çalkavur,E.Ü.TF Neurosurgery Department lecture hall, Bornova, İZMİR.'' In coronary artery surgery The place and importance of arterial grafts'' seminar 13-2-1998, DrSuat Büket-DrHalil Uç, Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery Conference Hall. , Importance and Prevention'', 1998 Training Seminar ''Sanofi'', 7-March-1998, Richmond Hotel, Pamukkale, DENİZLİ. ''Card surgery in patients with chronic renal failure'' Panel, Dr.Fehmi Akçiçek, Dr.Fatma Aşkar , Dr.Suat Büket, 20-3-1998, Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery Conference Hall "Aorto-cardiac fistulas and surgical repair in two cases with chronic aortic dissection" case report, Dr.Suat Büket, Dr. Tanzer Çalkavur, 16-4-1998, Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiology lecture hall, Bornova, İZMİR. Use of Radial Artery in Coronary Bypass Surgery, ''Preparation of the radial artery with harmonic scalpel'' Associate Professor Suat Büket, Assoc. Alp Alayunt, Associate Professor Ahmet Hamulu, 9-5-1998, Florence Nightingale Hospital, Conference Hall, Istanbul.''Ischemic Heart Disease and Amlodipine'',Scientific Meeting, Assoc.DSr.Suat Büket, 3-4/October /1998, Otel Erythrai Çeşme- İZMİR.'' Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm surgery- Aortic Diseases Panel'' Assoc. Dr. Suat Büket, 22/October/1998 at 11:30-13:00,5. National Congress of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 20-24 October 1998, Belek, Antalya. ''Angioplasty and stent applications, results and future place in carotid bifurcation diseases '' seminar 13-11-1998, Dr.Suat Büket- Dr.Çağatay Engin, Ege University Faculty of Medicine Cardiovascular Surgery Department Conference Hall.'' Infarct exclusion method in postinfarction VSD repair'' seminar 8-1-1999, DrSuat Büket-DrEce Tokat, Ege University Faculty of Medicine Cardiovascular Surgery Department Conference Hall.'' In thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm surgery medulla spinalis protection methods'' seminar, 13-2-1999 DrSuat Büket-Dr Hasan Reyhanoğlu, Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery Conference Hall. 
"The place of stents in invasive cardiology" panel, 18-2-1999, Dr. Mustafa Akın, Dr. Hakan Kültürsay, Dr. Suat Büket, Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiology lecture hall, Bornova, IZMIR from "Stroke", "brain crisis" ”what a modern medical approach, Turkish Society of Radiology 75. Year Symposium II, 12-6-1999, Hilton Hotel-Ankara “Atherosclerotic or other occlusive diseases of the supraaortic arteries, which are the cause of cerebral ischemia”. “Radiological imaging of supraaotic arterial occlusive disease: Surgical preference” talk.''Treatment in acute ischemic syndrome'' panel, 4-11-1999, Dr Remzi leader, DrAzem Smart,Dr Suat Büket, Ege University Faculty of Medicine Cardiology Department lecture hall , Bornova, İZMİR''Repair with endovascular stent graft in aortic dissections and aneurysms'' Seminar 9-6-2000, Associate Professor Suat Büket- Dr.Erman, Ege University Faculty of Medicine Cardiovascular Surgery Department Conference Hall.' "New developments in homograft and aortic surgery" Symposium, 15-17/June/2000, Cumhuriyet University SİVAS. "Technological developments in the diagnosis and treatment of coronary heart diseases in the millennium" panel, "Ultrasonic energy and harmonic scalpel in cardiac surgery" speech, September 22, 2000 13.00-15.00, TIPTEK 2000 Congress of technological innovations and clinical applications in medicine 22-24 September 2000 Kulturpark Congress Halls IZMIR.'' Surgical treatment in thoracic and thoracoabdominal aortic lesions' Conference, 25 October 2000 09.00-10.00, VI. Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Congress 21-25 October 2000 Belek-Antalya ''Type B Dissections'' Conference 1, Chest Cardiovascular Anesthesia and Intensive Care Symposium 1-April-2001 Büyük Efes Hotel-İZMİRXVII. Chairperson of the controversial poster session of "Traditional practices in cardiac surgery, re-evaluations" at the National Cardiology Congress, 16-10-2001, 13-16 October 2001, İZMİR38- 1st Dicle National Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Days, "Aorta Surgery'' Panel Moderator, 19-23 October 2001, DIYARBAKIR22. Speeches at the Turkish Radiology Congress, "Turkish Society of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology Parallel Symposium; '' Aortic aneurysms: Diagnosis and treatment'', ''Surgical treatment of thoracoabdominal (suprarenal) aortic aneurysms'', 26-31 October 2001, Kemer-ANTALYA Seminar ''Myocardial protection '', 16-November-2001,Prof.Dr. .Suat Büket, Ege University Faculty of Medicine , Department of Cardiovascular Surgery Conference Hall. 
Seminar ''New developments in aortic diseases'',3-1-2002, Prof.Dtr.Suat Büket, Assist.Prof.Dr.Tanzer Çalkavur,Asst.Prof.Dr.Tahir Yağdı,Department of Cardiology Conference HallXI National Vascular Surgery Congress, 19-23 April 2002 in ANTALYA, session chair of the "Cleveland Clinic Symposium", 20-April-2002 at 15.15,18.00XI National Vascular Surgery Congress, 19-23 April 2002 in ANTALYA, "National Vascular Surgery Association Special Award '' and ''Gore-Tex Young Investigator Award'' jury member. Turkish Society of Nephrology, İzmir Branch VIII. Regional Meeting, 7-June-2002 Ege Palas Hotel, IZMIR. Prof.Dr.Suat Büket, talk on ''Cardiovascular surgery in hemodialysis patients''. XVIII National Cardiology Congress, 5-8 October 2002 in ANTALYA, ''Aortic dissection'' mini course, ''Surgical treatment'' talk, 5 October 2002-10-09Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VII. National Congress, 23-27 October 2002 ANTALYA, ''Treatment in aortic and peripheral vessel pathologies: Endovascular stent? Surgery?'' panel, ''Endovascular and surgical approach in thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurysms and dissections'' talk, 26 October 2002 at 16.30-17.30 Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery VII. National Congress, 23-27 October 2002 ANTALYA, chair of DrM.Arısan Ergin's conference ''Physiology of spinal cord protection: A unifying concept'', 27 October 2002 at 10.00-11.00 ''Hemostasis and hemostatic disorders in cardiovascular surgery'' seminar , DrFatih Ayık, DrSuat Büket, Cardiovascular Surgery USA conference hall 1-11-2002Heart Failure Working Group Annual Meeting 1-3 May 2003 BURSA, ''Target Treatment: Surgery'' ''Space-reducing surgeries'' speech 3 May 2003 at 09.00-09.2052'nd International Congress ''The European Society for Cardiovasculra Surgery'' November 7-10, 2003 Lütfi Kırdar Convention&Exhibition Center, Istanbul, TURKEY, session chair, ''Cardiovascular Symposium, Thoracic Aorta Aneurysms'' 10 November 2003 09.00-10.30, Abnadolu Audotorium, Part I, Type A Disection and The Marfan Syndrome, Aortic Arch Replacement, chairpersons, Biglioli P.( Italy), Kieffer E.( France), Büket S.( Turkey). The 12'th Annual Meeting of the Asian Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, 18-22 April 2004 , İstanbul,TURKEY. ''Symposium V : Aortic Surgery, Surgery for transverse aortic arch'' 21 April 2004 at 10.30-12.00 Anadolu AuditoriumThe 12'th Annual Meeting of the Asian Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, 18-22 April 2004 , İstanbul,TURKEY . ''Symposium VII : Endovascular grafting of thoracic & abdominal aorta. Endovascular stent grafting: Are they the future of aortic surgery. April 22, 2004 at 10.30-12.00 Anadolu Auditorium. 
Seminar on ''Recent developments in pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis'', moderator Prof.Dr.Ahmet Memiş, speakers Prof.Dr.Suat Büket, Prof.Dr.Eyüp Sabri Uçan, Assoc.Dr.Ali Baloğlu, Prof.Dr.Kemal Aktuğlu, Assist.Prof.Dr.Kubilay Demirağ,Assoc.Prof.Mustafa Parildar. 11 October 2004, İzmir Hilton Hotel Barbaros Paşa Hall at 19.00-21.00 Session Presidency, 6 December 2004 ''Invasive Cardiology'', The 4'th Meeting of Al Bessel Heart Society, 4-7 December 2004, Al Bassel Heart Institute, Damascus - SYRIA''Thoraco-abdominal aortic surgery'' Gaziantep University Cardiovascular Surgery Days 19-21 May 2006, Gaziantep University Faculty of Medicine Auditorium''Past, present and future of aortic surgery''Azarbaycan on the present and future of the treatment of cardiovascular diseases' 1 meeting of 'Cardiovascular Surgery Association'', 25-27 May 2006, Baku/AZARBAICAN''Surgery for aortic arch aneurysm'' 3 rd International Meeting on Cardiac Surgery ''The Euro-Asian Bridge'' 21-22 July 2006, Radisson SAS hotel, Istanbul, TURKEY''Coronary vascular disease and surgeries'' public seminar, Kent Hospital 9 September 2006 Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery 9th National Congress, 1-5 November 2006 in Antalya ''Cerebral and medulla spinalis in aortic surgery "''''' session (4-November-2006 at 09.00-10.30), chairpersonTurkish Cardiology Society, XXII. National Cardiology Congress, 24-28 November 2006 Antalya, "Common approach in the diagnosis and treatment of aortic dissection and aneurysm", "Surgical treatment of the aorta" speech at the joint meeting "New approaches in the treatment of peri-operative heart failure", 28 April 2007 Antalya, chairman of the session and speech on ''The use of levosimendan in the intra-operative period''.National Vascular Surgery Association XIII. National Vascular Surgery Congress, 22-26 May 2007 Belek/ANTALYA session chair, ''Decision making for the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms'' (conference), Dr.Jack L. Cronenwett, 24 May 2007 (14.00-14.45) IV. Mayo-Turkey Meeting, 1-2 June 2007, chair of session at ITU-Süleyman Demirel Cultural Center Maslak/İSTANBUL, VII. Session, ''Endograft stenting in thoracic aortic pathologies Firuzan Numan, Hybrid approach in thoracic aortic aneurysms Tayfun Aybek, Cardiac surgery in the very elderly:Triumps and challenges Charles Mullany'' Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, Vascular surgery 1st symposium, Peripheral 
Vascular and Aorta Joint Meeting of Working Groups, Aortic Surgery Study and Education Group Executive Committee Chairman, 6-9 September 2007- Çanakkale. 
"Cardiac and Vascular Traumas" speech at the trauma panel, Turkish Intensive Care Association, 14. National Intensive Care Congress, 23-27 April 2008, ANKARA''Current approaches in the treatment of peri-operative heart failure'' meeting, 24 May 2008, Girne-Cyprus, session chair and speech on ''The use of levosimedan in the intra-operative period'2. Surgery. expert experience in techniques: How do I do it? "Cardioplegia applications" speech in the panel. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery 10th National Congress, Cesme/IZMIRE chair of the endovascular aneurysm repair meeting, 10th National Congress of the Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, Çeşme/IZMIR''Left carotid to subclavian artery bypass before descending thoracic and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair enables safe Invited commentator on ''Aortic clamping in patients with left internal thoracic artery grafts'' talk. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery 10th National Congress, Cesme/IZMIRXIV National Vascular Surgery Congress, session chair of "Carotid stenosis treatment" session, 15-19 May 2009, Bodrum/MUGLATurkish Cardiovascular Surgery Association and Cardiovascular Surgery Competency Board Training Congress , Chairman of the session at the "result reports of the working groups, discussion" meeting at the "First Workshop of the Supreme Council of Education". 7 June 2009, ANKARA.Gaziantep University, Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, National Vascular Surgery Association, Current Issues Symposium, 1-4 October 2009 Speech on ''Arcus aorta surgery'' in GAZIANTEP 2 October 2009 at 12.20-12.40National Blood Centers and Transfusion Medicine Course XII, "Transfusion Practice" panel, "Advances in transfusion practice in surgical cases", 3-7 November 2009 ANTALYALatest Developments in Aortic Aneurysm, "Conference On Medical Development In The Balkans And Eurasia" ' DEİK/ Foreign Economic Relations Board&Turkish International Cooperation And Development Agency(TİKA), 13-15 November 2009/İSTANBULOturum Presidency, CV2 2nd Cardiovascular Surgery Session Aorta1, 15 April 2010 15:30-17:00, '' 59'th ESCVS( The European Society for Cardio-Vascular Surgery) International Congress'' in conjunction with ''6'th Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery'', April 15-18, 2010 -İzmir,TURKEY Interdisciplinary Cardiovascular Symposium/ From cardiac valve 
to peripheral vascular disease: Endosurgery vs Conevntional Treatment. ''Tricky cases- Thoracoabdominal Aneurysm'' talk. April 16, 2010, 17:30- 17:45. '' 59'th ESCVS(The European Society for Cardio-Vascular Surgery) International Congress'' in conjunction with ''6'th Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery'', April 15-18, 2010 -İzmir,TURKEY 
Türk School of Cardiovascular Surgery, 14-15 May 2010 Ege University Faculty of Medicine Meeting room, İZMİR. ''Surgical techniques in thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm and protection of medulla spinalis''' Chair, ''Thoracic Aorta'', 28-October-2010, 15.30-17.00, Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, 11th National Congress, 27-31 October 2010 , ANTALYAInvited commentator, "Antegrade selective cerebral perfusion in ascending and aortic arch surgery" S-063, 28-October-2010, 17.30-19.00, Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, 11th National Congress, 27-31 October 2010, ANTALYA "Will there be differences in our approach to valve regurgitation in 2011?" Learning objective: Surgical treatment in severe aortic regurgitation: When early? When is it late? Surgeon's Opinion-Dr.Suat Büket. Cardiology-Cardiovascular Surgery Summit, 1st Training Academy, 11-13 March 2011, Green Park Hotel Pendik-İSTANBUL. Chair of the session. ''Vascular Surgery Course, update on AAA'' 24-3-2011, 13.30-15.00 Hall 5. 7. Congress of Innovations in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery. 24-27 March 2011, ANTALYA. Speaker. ''How Can We Avoid Disasters in Aortic and Mitral Valve Surgery? Tips and recommendations in aortic valve surgery. 25-3-2011 satt 08.30-10.00 hall1. 7. Congress of Innovations in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery. 24-27 March 2011, ANTALYA. Interventional treatment in type B dissections: indication, timing, TEVAR or surgery? Dr. Suat Buket. Joint symposium of Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery and National Vascular Surgery Association, Current approaches in aortic surgery-1. October 28, 2011, XV. National Vascular Surgery Congress, 27-30 October 2011, Kemer/ANTALYAA, surgical treatment in middle diseases. The Present and the Future of Urinary-Vascular Diseases. IV Regional Beynelxalg elmi-praktiki conference. Naxcivan State University 9-10 Dekabr 2011T.C. Ministry of Health-Turkish Society of Clap and Vascular Surgery, Perfusionist Certification Course Program, 6-11 February-2012/ 12-17-February-2012, "Operation Techniques in Cardiac Surgery and Intensive Care" speech, İzmir Katip Çelebi University, Atataürk Education and Training Research Hospital-İZMİRRound Table Discussions, ''Cerebral and spinal cord protection methods during aortic surgery'' ''Endovascular stent vs. surgical approach for complex aortic aneurysms'' Moderators: Cevat Yakut, Erhan Ilgıt, Harun tatar, Tayfun Aybek, Suat Büket, Selim İsbir. 8'th june 2012 15.30- 17.00. Istanbul Meeting Practice and Science in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, 7'th - 10'th June 2012, The Green Park Pendik Hotel Istanbul, TURKEY 
november -2012 10.20, Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, 12th National Congress, 8-11 November 2012, Antalya4N 1K Meeting "expert" in the 2nd CASE 26-27 January 2013 Sheraton Hotel, ANKARA Congenital Heart Summit, Let's meet with the masters : Let's listen to their methods from them. 22-03-2013 13.30-15.00 "Panelist". 9th International Congress of Innovations in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery. 21-24 March 2013 ANTALYAThoracic Aorta and Ascending Aorta, 23-3-2013 17.30-19.00, ''Chairman''. 9th International Congress of Innovations in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery. 21-24 March 2013 ANTALYA''Chairman''. Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery ''Extra Corporal Life Support Days''' 6 April 2013, Ege University Hospital, Cardiovascular Surgery Meeting Hall, İZMİR. '' Cannulation options for antegrade cerebral perfusion '', ''Ascending and aortic arch surgery'' ' The14th Congress of Asian Sovciety for Vascular Surgery& 16th Congress of Turkish Society for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery&8th Asian Venous Forum&7th Congress of Turkish Society for Phebology, October 26-29, 2013, Lütfi Kırdar International Convention and Exhibition Center İstanbul/TURKEY sday, october 29 ,2013.'' Role Of Surgery In The Treatment Of Carotid Arteries'' ''Problems Of Surgical Treatment Of Patients With Chronic Vascular-Brain Insufficiency'', November 12-13,2013 Tashkent,UZBEKISTAN.'' Surgical treatment of carotid artery diseases role'', ''Current view on diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases'', Naxçivan MR Health Ministry Conference Hall, 11 December 2013 ''Thoracoabdominal aneurysms:Open or endovascular repair?'' Name of the session :Aortic Surgery. (5 April 2014/09.00-09.15) ASCVTS'14, 22'nd ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ASIAN SOCIETY FOR CARDIOVASCULAR AND THORACIC SURGERY. Istanbul Convention&Exhibition Center, 3-6 April 2014, Istanbul/TURKEYO Chairman of the Session "Aortic Surgery Session" 7 June 2014 12.00-13.00, 4th Turkish School of Cardiovascular Surgery, 6-8 June 2014 ÇANAKKALECo-Chairs:Suat Buket& Duke E. Cameron. AORTIC EXPERT TECHNIQUE/VIDEO SESSION I. Thursday September 4 2104, 10.45am-12.05 pm. American Association For Thoracic Surgery Cardiovascular Valve Symposium, septemner 4-6, 2014. Istanbul, TURKEY 
Surgical Treatment of Acute Arch Dissection. AORTIC EXPERT TECHNIQUE/VIDEO SESSION I. Thursday September 4 2104 at 11:15am. American Association For Thoracic Surgery Cardiovascular Valve Symposium, septemner 4-6, 2014. Istanbul, TURKEY 


Scientific Meetings 
Microsurgery Basic Course, Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgical Medicine, Bornova/İZMİR, 24/5/1988- 6/6/1988Semimar for Intra-Aortic Ballon Pumping, Datascope bv Hovelaken, The Netherlands, 11-13/571987The First International Live Teleconference On Homograft And Autograft Implantation, Harefield Hospital, Middle Essex, London, EnglandThe First International Live Teleconference '' Least-Invasive Coronary Surgery'', Oxford, England, 20-22/3/1996''Sepsis in intensive care, intensive care in sepsis'' Symposium, Büyük Efes Hotel, İZMİR, 9-3-1996VIII. National Vascular Surgery Congress, Büyük Efes Hotel, İZMİR, 20-23/4/1996''Aortic Surgery Symposium V '', New York, New York, 25-26/4/1996 XII.National Cardiology Congress, Hotel Sirene, Belek , ANTALYA, 16-20 /10/1996IV. National Congress of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Mares Hotel, Marmaris, MUĞLA, 29 October-1 November/1996Turkish-German VIII Joint Symposium on Cardiovascular Surgery and Cardiology, Mares Hotel, Marmaris, MUĞLA, October 31- November 2/1996Hypertension Winter School, Postgraduate Training Course, Ege Health Hotel, Bornova, İZMİR, December 20-21, 1996The Society Of Thoracic Surgeons, The 30th Postgraduate Program, San Diego- California- United States, February 2, 1997The Society Of Thoracic Surgeons, The 33th Annual Meetimg, San Diego- California- USA, 3-5 February 1997Focus on post myocardial infarction and coronary artery disease, symposium, Flims- Switzerland, 13-15 March 1997Second International Symposium On Redo Cardiac Surgery in Adults, 2-3 May 1997, Washington , DC, United States. The American Association for Thoracic Surgery, 77th Annual Meeting. 4-7 May 1997, Washington, DC, United States. 
Thoracoabdominal Aneurysm Surgery Workshop, 25-26 September 1997, Dr.Siyami Ersek Chest Cardiovascular Surgery Center, Haydarpaşa, Istanbul. 
Turkish-German Society On Cardiovasculra Surgery And Cardiology, Ixth Annaul Turkish-German Joint Symposium On Cardiovascular Surgery And Cardiology. 10-12 October 1997, Dresden , Germany.The Society Of Thoracic Surgeons, The 31th Postgraduate Program, New Orleans, Louisiana- United States, 25 January 1998The Society Of Thoracic Surgeons, The 34th Annual Meetimg, New Orleans, Louisiana- United States States, 26-28 January 1998Advances in Hemorrhagic Shock Treatment Symposium, Intensive Care Association, Büyük Efes Hotel İZMİR, 18-April -1998CryoLife Surgical Skills Workshop, ''Introducing the CryoLife Aortic Valve Homograft, The CryoLife O'Brien 300 Stentless Aortic Valve Xenthesisograft '', Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, İZMİR, 24-April-1998Aotic Surgery Symposium VI, April 30- May 1, 1998, New York, NY, USAUse of Radial Artery in Coronary Bypass Surgery, 9-5-1998 , Florence Nightingale Hospital, Conference Hall, Istanbul.Toronto SP Valve, valve repair with Silzon Valve technology and Seguin Ring, ''Wet Lab'', 23-5-1998, Hilton Hotel, İZMİR15 th International Congress on Thrombosis. October 16-21, 1998, Antalya, Turkey.5. National Congress of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 20-24 October 1998, Belek, Antalya. Risk management in CABG: The imflammatory response to bypass. 23-January-1999,Marriot Riverwlak Hotal, San Antonio,Texas-United States.The Society Of Thoracic Surgeons, The 32th Postgraduate Program, San Antonio, Texas- United States, 24 January 1999The Society Of Thoracic Surgeons, The 35th Annual Meetimg, San Antonio,Texas- United States of America, 25-27 January 1999 Modern medical approach from "stroke" to "brain crisis", Turkish Society of Radiology 75th Year Symposium II, 12-6-1999, Hilton Hotel-Ankara. 3. National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress. 31 August-4 September 1999, Antalya.15. National Cardiology Congress. 9-12 October 1999, İzmir.The Society Of Thoracic Surgeons, The 36th Annual Meetimg, Fort Lauderdale Florida- United States of America, 31 January-2 February, 2000 National 
Vascular Surgery Society, X. National Vascular Surgery Congress, 20-23 April 2000 Belek/ANTALYA. 
TIPTEK 2000 Congress of Technological Innovations and Clinical Applications in Medicine, 22-24 September 2000 Kültürpark Congress Halls İZMİR.9th Congress Of The International Society For Holter And Noninvasive Electrocardiology- International Congress On Cardiac Pcaing And Electrophysiology, 23-27 September 2000, Istanbul-TURKEY16. National Cardiology Congress, 11-14 October 2000, Antalya.VI. Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Congress, 21-25 October 2000 Belek-Antalya2'nd International Meeting of The Onasis Cardiac Surgery Center, December 7-9 , 2000 Athens, Greece.25 th World Congress of The International Society For Cardiovascular Surgery, September 9- 13 2001, Cancun, Mexico.XVII. National Cardiology Congress, 13-16 October 2001, İZMİR1. Dicle National Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Days, 19-23 October 2001, DİYARBAKIR22. Turkish Radiology Congress, 26-31 October 2001, Kemer-ANTALYAXI National Vascular Surgery Congress, 19-23 April 2002 ANTALYAAortic Surgery Symposium VIII, 2-3 May 2002, New York United StatesXVIII National Cardiology Congress 5-8 October 2002 ANTALYATurkish Cardiovascular Surgery Association VII. National Congress, 23-27 October 2002 ANTALYAKHeart Failure Working Group Annual Meeting 1-3 May 2003 BURSA52'nd International Congress ''The European Society for Cardiovasculra Surgery'' November 7-10, 2003 Lütfi Kırdar Convention&Exhibition Center, Istanbul,TURKEYThe 12' th Annual Meeting of the Asian Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, 18-22 April 2004 , Istanbul,TURKEYXI. National Applied Interventional Cardiology Meeting, 9-12 June 2004, Grand Cevahir Congress Center/ IstanbulMedtronic ''options and outcomes meeting'' 2-10-2004, Mövenpick Hotel IstanbulThe 4'th Meeting of Al Bessel Heart Society, 4-7 December 2004 , Al Bassel Heart Institute, Damascus- SYRIA''Workshop'' Internal and external laser applications in the treatment of varicose veins. April 22, 2005 Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery Conference Hall/İZMİRIII. MAYO-TURKEY Meeting, 5-7 May 2005, İSTANBULLeft and right ventricular outflow tract reconstructions, Congenital heart surgery symposium, 8 October 2005, İSTANBUL''Pionering techniques in Cardiac Surgery'' The Fourth in the series, 1-2 December 2005, Heart Center Leipzig Auditorium, Leipzig, GERMANY 
''Aortic Surgery Symposium X'' april 27-28,2006 The Shereton New York Hotel and Towers USAGaziantep University Cardiovascular Surgery Days, 19-21 May 2006 Gaziantep Medical Faculty Auditorium, GAZİANTEPTreatment of cardiovascular diseases 1st meeting of ''Azarbaycan Cardiovascular Surgery Association'' about its present and future, 25-27 May 2006, Baku/AZARBAICAN 3 rd International Meeting on Cardiac surgery ''The Euro-Asian Bridge'',21-22 July 2006 Radisson SAS Hotel ,İstanbul, TURKEYTurkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery 9th National Congress, 1-5 November 2006 Antalya Turkish Society of Cardiology, XXVII National Cardiology Congress, 24-28 November 2006 ANTALYAII Congress of Molecular Medicine, 24'th- 26'th March 2007, İSTANBUL' 'New approaches in the treatment of peri-operative heart failure' meeting, 28 April 2007, AntalyaSiyami Ersek Hospital Scientific Days, 11-13 May 2007 Dr.Siyami Ersek Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Center, Istanbul.National Vascular Surgery Society XIII. National Vascular Surgery Congress, 22-26 May 2007 Belek/ANTALYAIV. Mayo-Turkey Meeting, 1-2 June 2007, ITU-Süleyman Demirel Cultural Center Maslak/İSTANBUL, Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, Vascular Surgery 1st Symposium, Peripheral Vascular and Aorta Working Groups Joint Meeting, 6-9 September 2007- ÇANAKKALE. Intensive Care Symposium, Hotel Ege Health, Ege University, September 28, 2007, Bornova-İZMİR ''Polyvascular diseases; are we aware of the risk of atherothrombosis?'' 24 November 2007, Polat Renassaince Hotel, İSTANBUL ''Antiplatelet therapy in acute coronary syndromes in the light of updated guidelines'' ' 22 March 2008 Swiss Hotel, ANKARA''Current approaches in the treatment of peri-operative heart failure'' meeting, 24 May 2008, Girne-Cyprus.Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, 10. National Congress, 17-21 /October/2008, Çeşme /İZMİR.Manegement of perioperative CV failure in cardiothoracic surgery, 7 November 2008, Zurich/SWITZERLAND Turkish Society of Cardiology, 10th Anniversary Meeting of Heart Failure Working Group, 12-15 March 2009, Çeşme/İZMİRXIV National Vascular Surgery Congress, 15-19 May 2009, Bodrum/MUĞLA Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery and Cardiovascular Surgery Proficiency Board Training Congress " First Workshop of the Supreme Board of Education", 6-7 June 2009 ANKARA 
V. Congress of Innovations in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, 24-28 September 2009, ANTALYAGaziantep University, Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, National Vascular Surgery Association, Current Issues Symposium, 1-4 October 2009 GAZİANTEP National Blood Centers and Transfusion Medicine Course XII, 3-7 November 2009 ANTALYA''Conference On Medical Development In The Balkans And Eurasia'' DEİK/ Foreign Economic Relations Board&Turkish International Cooperation And Development Agency(TİKA), 13-15 November 2009/İSTANBUL'' 59'th ESCVS(The European Society for Cardio-Vascular Surgery) International Congress'' in conjunction with ''6'th Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery'', April 15-18, 2010 -İzmir,TURKEYTurkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, 11th National Congress, October 27-31, 2010, ANTALYAcardiology-Cardiovascular Surgery Summit, 1st Training Academy, 11 - March 13, 2011, Green Park Hotel Pendik-İSTANBUL7. Congress of Innovations in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery. 24-27 March 2011, ANTALYA. Mitral Valve Repair and Updates in Imaging, 7 September 2011, İzmir Katip Çelebi University, Atatürk Training and Research Hospital. Today and Future of Urethral-Vascular Diseases. IV Regional Brainxalg elmi-praktiki conference. Naxçıvan Dövlet University 9-10 Dekabr 20113'rd Annual Meeting of The Balkan Venous Forum, 20-22 Januray 2012,Istanbul-TURKEYKoşuyolu Lid Repair Workshop, 30-31 March 2012 İSTANBUL ''Interventional Applications in Cardiovascular Surgery Symposium'', Turkish Cardiovascular Surgery Association- Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University, 4-6 May 2012 RİZEIstanbul Meeting Practice and Science in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, 7'th-10'th June 2012, The Green Park Pendik Hotel Istanbul, TURKEYTurkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery , 12. National Congress, 8-11 November 2012, Antalya4N 1K Meeting 26-27 January 2013 Sheraton Hotel ANKARA9. International Congress of Innovations in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery. 21-24 March 2013 ANTALYATurkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery ''Extra Corporal Life Support Days'' 6 April 2013, Ege University Hospital, Cardiovascular Surgery Meeting Hall, İZMİR.14th Congress of Asian Sovciety for Vascular Surgery& 16th Congress of Turkish Society for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery&8th Asian Venous Forum&7th Congress of Turkish Society for Phebology, October 26- 29, 2013, Lütfi Kırdar International Convention and Exhibition Center İstanbul/TURKEY 
Koşuyolu Lid Repair Workshop, 1-2 November 2013, İSTANBUL''Problems Of Surgical Treatment Of Patients With Chronic Vascular-Brain Insufficiency'', November 12-13,2013 Tashkent, UZBEKISTAN.''Current perspective on diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases'', Naxçivan MR Ministry of Health Conference Hall, 11 December 20133rd Cardiovascular Surgery Cardiology Summit, '' 'one. Techno-Academy'', 21-23 March 2014/Hilton Otel-İZMİRASCVTS'14, 22'nd ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ASIAN SOCIETY FOR CARDIOVASCULAR AND THORACIC SURGERY. Istanbul Convention&Exhibition Center, 3-6 April 2014, Istanbul/TURKEY4.Turkish School of Cardiovascular Surgery, 6-8 June 2014 CANAKKALE

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