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Njësitë Mjekësore
Metodat e Trajtimit
Blog Shëndetësor

Edukimi dhe Përvoja


Shkollimi mjekësor

Fakulteti i Mjekësisë i Universitetit Marmara, 1994

Trajnim pasuniversitar

Spitali i Trajnimit dhe Hulumtimit Dr. Lütfi Kırdar, 1999

Përvoja profesionale:

Reparti i mjekësisë interne në spitalin Medipol Koşuyolu (Specialist), 1999-2001

Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Departamenti i Mjekësisë Interne në Spitalin e Trajnimit dhe Hulumtimit (Kryerezident), 2001-2015

Reparti i Mjekësisë Interne të Spitalit Memorial Ataşehir (Specialist), 2015-2021

Interesat mjekësore:

Sëmundjet e sistemit kardiovaskular

Sëmundjet endokrine dhe metabolike

Sëmundjet gastrointestinale

Çrregullime të të ushqyerit

Alergjia dhe Imunologjia


Diagnoza dhe trajtimi i sëmundjeve kronike

Scientific Publications

Determination of gastric emptying time in diabetes mellitus by ultrasonography, 19th National Endocrinology-Diabetology and Endocrine Surgery Congress Abstract Book, Istanbul 1996.

Classification of gastric cancers diagnosed in our center, The Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology, 14th National Gastroenterology Congress, Istanbul 1998.

Are the indications for percutaneous liver biopsy compatible with histopathologic findings, The Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology, 14th National Gastroenterology Congress, Istanbul 1998.

The relationship between diabetes mellitus and cholelithiasis, The Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology, 14th National Gastroenterology Congress, Istanbul 1998.

The frequency of hypomagnesemia in diabetic patients and its relation with complications, 21st National Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolism Diseases, Istanbul 1998.

The effect of angiotensin II receptor antagonist losartan potassium on blood lipid levels in patients with diabetes mellitus, 21st National Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, Istanbul 1998.

Effects of angiotensin II receptor antagonist losartan potassium on microalbuminuria, HbA1c and blood pressure in patients with diabetes mellitus, 21st National Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, Istanbul 1998.

Lp(a) levels in android obesity and NIDDM, 21st National Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, Istanbul 1998.

Prevalence of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C in patients with DM, 3rd National Hepatology Congress, Istanbul 1999

Microcarcinoid seen as gastric polyps, 3rd National Hepatology Congress, Istanbul 1999

Quantitative changes in blood leukocytes caused by Helicobacter pylori infection, 16th National Gastroenterology Congress, Antalya 1999

Risk factors, comorbidity, clinic and outcome in initial and recurrent upper gastrointestinal bleeding after endoscopy; 16th National Gastroenterology Congress, Antalya 1999

Gastrointestinal problems and frequency of helicobacter pylori in Kartal training and research hospital employees, 16th National Gastroenterology Congress, Antalya 1999

Demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of 215 patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding who underwent endoscopy, 16th National Gastroenterology Congress, Antalya 1999

Evaluation of endoscopy and pathology results in 215 patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding, 16th National Gastroenterology Congress, Antalya 1999

Diabetes mellitus and depression, Type and Type 2 comparison; 22nd Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Congress, Antalya 1999

A male case with Takayasu arteritis; 4th National Congress of Internal Medicine, Antalya 2002

A case of hyperparathyroidism due to parathyroid adenoma developing as a result of lithium treatment ; 4th National Congress of Internal Medicine, Antalya 2002

A case of multiorgan failure due to cholesterol embolism ; 4th National Congress of Internal Medicine, Antalya 2002

A case of type 2 autoimmune hepatitis diagnosed during a fulminant hepatitis attack ; 4th National Congress of Internal Medicine, Antalya 2002

Appendiseal neuroma as a cause of lower gastrointestinal bleeding ; 19th National Gastroenterology Week, Antalya 2002

Thyroid diseases and eradication of Helicobacter pylori ; 19th National Gastroenterology Week, Antalya 2002

Eosinophilic gastroenteritis with atypical localization ; 19th National Gastroenterology Week, Antalya 2002

Our clinical experiences in Amanita phalloides poisoning in 2002 ; 5th Congress of Internal Medicine, Antalya 2003

A case of antiphospholipid syndrome presenting with ascites ; 5th Congress of Internal Medicine, Antalya 2003

Identification of risk factors in patients with acute coronary syndrome; 5th Congress of Internal Medicine, Antalya 2003

Two uncommon causes of malabsorption ; 20th National Gastroenterology Week, Kusadasi 2003

Bullous leg ulcers caused by portal hypertension ; 20th National Gastroenterology Week, Kusadasi 2003

Colocutaneous fistula caused by eosinophilic gastroenteritis; 20th National Gastroenterology Week, Kusadasi 2003

Encapsulated peritonitis and familial mediterranean fever ; 20th National Gastroenterology Week, Kusadasi 2003

A case of renovascular hypertension presenting with uncontrolled hypertension and renal dysfunction, VI. National Congress of Family Medicine, Bursa 2004

A case of surrenal carcinoma presenting with Cushing's syndrome, Kartal Training and Research Hospital Journal, 1995.

Determination of gastric emptying time in diabetes mellitus by ultrasonography, Okmeydanı Training Hospital Bulletin, 1996

Betastimulant oral antidiabetic drugs and indications for use in type 2 diabetes; KEAH Medical Journal, VIII(1-4), 660-664; 1997

Numerical changes in blood leukocytes caused by Helicobacter pylori infection; KEAH Medical Journal, VIII(1-4), 653-655; 1997

Seroprevelance of hepatitis B and hepatitis C in DM patients; Turkish Journal of Family Medicine; 6 (3) 105-109, 2002

Microalbuminuria in acute myocardial infarction and the effect of thrombolytic therapy on microalbuminuria levels; Folia Hypertension, Diabetes, and Atherosclerosis; June 2003 Issue 2 31-34

1- Can microcarcinoid be the cause of portal thrombosis; XI International congress of liver diseases; October 22-24, 1999, Basel

2- Relationship between tonsilectomy and gastric helicobacter pylori colonization; 7th UEGW, 1999, Rome

3- Relationship between tonsilectomy and gastric Hp colonization, European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology

4- Hyperprolactinemia caused by azothioprine; Journal Of Clinical Gastroenterology; vol:36, No:1 Jan 2003 pp 79


Shoqëria Turke e Mjekësisë Interne

Oda e Mjekësisë në Stamboll


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